ethics training canceled ...

Why are you surprised? Big Ears was without ethics. Just more of the same. Too bad you are blind to the truth.

"big ears" ain't President no more Gomer ... and you're giving Trump a free pass to be just like Obama.

Payback is a bitch, deal with it. You people have no cred to point a finger at Trump after 8 years of Obama, pretty damn funny watching you get yours. :laugh:

That's why it is foolish to blame america's problems on politicians, it is the public.

Liberace' is a born fool soooo ...
Trump cancels ethics meeting, and faster than a magnet in metal shavings, his Trumpbots attach their lips to his ass and start sucking.


The only time leftists demand evidence is when it involves a Democrat. Amazing how that works, isn't it?
What is this, Hate A Democrat Day?

This is what passes for political discourse on this site almost all the time.
Trump cancels ethics meeting, and faster than a magnet in metal shavings, his Trumpbots attach their lips to his ass and start sucking.


The only time leftists demand evidence is when it involves a Democrat. Amazing how that works, isn't it?
What is this, Hate A Democrat Day?

This is what passes for political discourse on this site almost all the time.
"America sucks. its the way it has been. you pard" ----- fenton political discourse. Over and over.
The problem of a 'free press' is that it isn't free until its 'consumers' are.
"According documents obtained by Politico"? What does that mean? Why doesn't Politico identify the documents or make quotes from them? Is it yet another desperate effort to feed fake news to the low information left in order to give the fools something to talk about after the Country is laughing about democrat congresswomen dressing like KKK members? The administration is barely a month old and doesn't even have it's appointments confirmed while democrats are dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable as long as possible.

Well ya know who started all that "some people say" shyte.
I demand the media fact check the media, but I suppose they would just lie about that too. And dupes would be duped again.
You should have seen the fact check the washignton post did on trumps speech to congress. They said one thing was a lie and justified it by implying congress was the executive branch. I shit you not, man. Its like they cant help themselves...
Wapo like NY Slimes, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and others are merely extensions of the D Party, yet many Americans don't know this. They think these media outlets provide truthful unbiased reporting. dumb do you have to be to believe that?

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