Ethnic Cleansing Lovers Butthurt: Israel Approves 2,500 New Settlements

The question is - is a nation required to maintain a hostile population.

If the answer were to be "no" - wouldn't that then justify the Palestinians driving Jews out of what they consider their state occupied by a hostile population?

And wouldn't it also justify the Israelis justifying driving out the Arab Palestinians? Works both ways.

The problem is human lives are involved in both choices. And in increasing settlement building, Israel is forcing what will eventually be a choice - abandon the settlements or annex the territory.
Yes. Israel is testing whether or not Palestinians can tolerate living next to Jews. So far, not so much. The failure is not with the Jews, but with the Arab Muslim Palestinians.
It is the Jews who cannot tolerate living with the Arabs.

BTW, the Palestinians are not all Arab and they are not all Muslims. Why do you keep using the term Arab Muslims? That is incorrect.

Such silly piffle.

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

You forget that your Islamic terrorist heroes spell out (literally), in explicit detail their intent, in furtherance of their Death Cult ideology.
The question is - is a nation required to maintain a hostile population.

If the answer were to be "no" - wouldn't that then justify the Palestinians driving Jews out of what they consider their state occupied by a hostile population?

And wouldn't it also justify the Israelis justifying driving out the Arab Palestinians? Works both ways.

The problem is human lives are involved in both choices. And in increasing settlement building, Israel is forcing what will eventually be a choice - abandon the settlements or annex the territory.
Yes. Israel is testing whether or not Palestinians can tolerate living next to Jews. So far, not so much. The failure is not with the Jews, but with the Arab Muslim Palestinians.
It is the Jews who cannot tolerate living with the Arabs.

BTW, the Palestinians are not all Arab and they are not all Muslims. Why do you keep using the term Arab Muslims? That is incorrect.

In the very first paragraph of their Charter, the Palestinians make sure to assert that they are part of the larger Arab Nation. Since this is the first thing they write about, it's obviously very important to their identity. So when you say the Palestinians aren't Arab, who are you talking about? The 350 Samaritans out of millions? I know why you are so desperate to claim the Palestinians aren't Arabs. Because the Arabs already have 22 independent states while the Jews only have one in the whole world. As for your Muslim claim, Wikipedia says that Muslims constitute 94% of the Palestinians in the territories, and the Christians only 6%.
The question is - is a nation required to maintain a hostile population.

If the answer were to be "no" - wouldn't that then justify the Palestinians driving Jews out of what they consider their state occupied by a hostile population?

And wouldn't it also justify the Israelis justifying driving out the Arab Palestinians? Works both ways.

The problem is human lives are involved in both choices. And in increasing settlement building, Israel is forcing what will eventually be a choice - abandon the settlements or annex the territory.
Yes. Israel is testing whether or not Palestinians can tolerate living next to Jews. So far, not so much. The failure is not with the Jews, but with the Arab Muslim Palestinians.
It is the Jews who cannot tolerate living with the Arabs.

BTW, the Palestinians are not all Arab and they are not all Muslims. Why do you keep using the term Arab Muslims? That is incorrect.

In the very first paragraph of their Charter, the Palestinians make sure to assert that they are part of the larger Arab Nation. Since this is the first thing they write about, it's obviously very important to their identity. So when you say the Palestinians aren't Arab, who are you talking about? The 350 Samaritans out of millions? I know why you are so desperate to claim the Palestinians aren't Arabs. Because the Arabs already have 22 independent states while the Jews only have one in the whole world. As for your Muslim claim, Wikipedia says that Muslims constitute 94% of the Palestinians in the territories, and the Christians only 6%.

The PA is a member of the Arab League. The people there speak Arabic. Need I say more? Not many people know that Arabic, along with Hebrew, is one of the official languages of Israel, by the way. Now Israel has dozens of TV stations, but I remember when I was a boy spending summers at my grandmother's house in Israel. Israel had only one TV station then, and the time between 6:30 and 8 pm was devoted only to Arabic-language programming.
When israel finds it has to pull out of Palestinian Land I hope the Palestinian families that move in to these nice Apartments write thank-you notes
When israel finds it has to pull out of Palestinian Land I hope the Palestinian families that move in to these nice Apartments write thank-you notes
The Arab-Moslem welfare cheats can rent a room from Mahmoud "laughing all the way to the bank" Abbas who is building a 13 million dollar presidential palace.

I guess Islamic terrorism really does pay.
Well, Jewish Terrorism and illegal jewish immigration into Palestine got them the temporary use of a country, plus welfare payments of $3.8 billion a year
Honestly, I don't have an answer - not yet anyway.

Two positions:

1. People who lived there prior to the establishment of a state, and who did not agree with the establishment of that state and fought it and lost. They have not been able to move from fighting to governance.

2. People who established a state, won their fights, and have been able to move from fighting to governance to develop a peaceful and viable state.

In the middle of these two is a no-man's land and a citizenless people, and unequal rights. The no-man's land is the land that some called "occupied territory" (per international law) and "disputed territory" (per Israel).

The Palestinians regard that territory as their future state in a two-state solution.

The question is - is a nation required to maintain a hostile population.

If the answer were to be "no" - wouldn't that then justify the Palestinians driving Jews out of what they consider their state occupied by a hostile population?

But if the answer were "yes" - then what is the state to do maintain the peace and security of it's citizens? What examples of this have occurred in history?

The problem is human lives are involved in both choices. And in increasing settlement building, Israel is forcing what will eventually be a choice - abandon the settlements or annex the territory.

Perhaps Israel should annex the portion it intends to keep, provide citizenship opportunities to all the residents, and give them a choice of FULL citizenship, not residency - or they can move to what will eventually become Palestine.

Edited to add - I'm throwing ideas out because this is an ethical question I see no solution for.
Wrong yet again. Palestinians reject a two State solution and their Charter calls for the extermination of all Jews.

The answer is simple. They can leave or die.

Both the issues and the answers are not so simple.

Fortunately, Shusha recognizes this and is a delight to debate with - Shusha rocks in civility and content!
For those that understand evil the answer is simple.

The Palestinians aren't evil. They are people - and as complex as any people anywhere. To broadbrush them as don't you think?
That's why you think it's complicated. You don't know what evil is.

Yes. I think I know what evil is. It's the broadbrush demonizing of entire groups of people so it's easier to justify exterminating them later on. That's evil, wouldn't you agree?
The question is - is a nation required to maintain a hostile population.

If the answer were to be "no" - wouldn't that then justify the Palestinians driving Jews out of what they consider their state occupied by a hostile population?

And wouldn't it also justify the Israelis justifying driving out the Arab Palestinians? Works both ways.

The problem is human lives are involved in both choices. And in increasing settlement building, Israel is forcing what will eventually be a choice - abandon the settlements or annex the territory.
Yes. Israel is testing whether or not Palestinians can tolerate living next to Jews. So far, not so much. The failure is not with the Jews, but with the Arab Muslim Palestinians.
It is the Jews who cannot tolerate living with the Arabs.

BTW, the Palestinians are not all Arab and they are not all Muslims. Why do you keep using the term Arab Muslims? That is incorrect.

It's the Palestinians as well....
The question is - is a nation required to maintain a hostile population.

If the answer were to be "no" - wouldn't that then justify the Palestinians driving Jews out of what they consider their state occupied by a hostile population?

And wouldn't it also justify the Israelis justifying driving out the Arab Palestinians? Works both ways.

Exactly - that's why I made that point.

The problem is human lives are involved in both choices. And in increasing settlement building, Israel is forcing what will eventually be a choice - abandon the settlements or annex the territory.
Yes. Israel is testing whether or not Palestinians can tolerate living next to Jews. So far, not so much. The failure is not with the Jews, but with the Arab Muslim Palestinians.

Are the settlement communities mixed?
Wrong yet again. Palestinians reject a two State solution and their Charter calls for the extermination of all Jews.

The answer is simple. They can leave or die.

Both the issues and the answers are not so simple.

Fortunately, Shusha recognizes this and is a delight to debate with - Shusha rocks in civility and content!
For those that understand evil the answer is simple.

The Palestinians aren't evil. They are people - and as complex as any people anywhere. To broadbrush them as don't you think?
That's why you think it's complicated. You don't know what evil is.

Yes. I think I know what evil is. It's the broadbrush demonizing of entire groups of people so it's easier to justify exterminating them later on. That's evil, wouldn't you agree?
Like I said, those that do not understand evil believe the issue to be complicated.
Are the settlement communities mixed?

Some are. Some aren't.

How about in "Palestine"? Are the communities there mixed?

Most Israeli settlements aren't mixed, such as Ma'alei Adumim or Ariel. In fact, they can be called cities. Hebron, with both Jews and Arabs living therein, is very volatile. Only in Israel proper, such as in Haifa, is there successful mixing of Jews and Arabs.
Are the settlement communities mixed?

Some are. Some aren't.

How about in "Palestine"? Are the communities there mixed?

Most Israeli settlements aren't mixed, such as Ma'alei Adumim or Ariel. In fact, they can be called cities. Hebron, with both Jews and Arabs living therein, is very volatile. Only in Israel proper, such as in Haifa, is there successful mixing of Jews and Arabs.

I was under the impression that Ariel has Arab residents, attending the university there.
The question is - is a nation required to maintain a hostile population.

If the answer were to be "no" - wouldn't that then justify the Palestinians driving Jews out of what they consider their state occupied by a hostile population?

And wouldn't it also justify the Israelis justifying driving out the Arab Palestinians? Works both ways.

Exactly - that's why I made that point.

The problem is human lives are involved in both choices. And in increasing settlement building, Israel is forcing what will eventually be a choice - abandon the settlements or annex the territory.
Yes. Israel is testing whether or not Palestinians can tolerate living next to Jews. So far, not so much. The failure is not with the Jews, but with the Arab Muslim Palestinians.

Are the settlement communities mixed?
Do Arab citizens of Israel live in Israeli settlements in the West Bank, or are the settlements open only to Jews?

Gidi Meir Morris
, An Israeli who has spent years fighting to improve Israel's democratic nature and to stifle the theocratic nature whi...
Written 23 Dec 2013

There may be Israeli Arabs in the bigger settlement blocks, such as Ariel, since these are more "expansions" of Israel at this point, rather than settlements, but Israeli Arabs would not be welcome in the ideological settlements and outposts which are deep in the West Bank.

Honestly, the majority of settlers I have come across didn't differentiate between Israeli Arabs and Palestinians on almost any account- to the majority of them, an Arab is an Arab, and it doesn't matter if they are Israeli citizens or not.
You mean from the land currently designated as Occupied Territory? Removed to where? Someone has to be willing to take them since you are advocating forced expulsions.

I don't think it is useful at this level of discussion and at this extent of the conflict to label any territory as "occupied". There is Israel self-governed land. There is Palestinian self-governed land. There is disputed territory bordering these. It would be much more useful to be more specific when designating particular territory.

I'm not so sure because you are talking about native populations residing within those areas.
Criminal Gangs in From Their Desert Hideout

The Paleonasties aren't residents, they're campers.
If you are talking about maintaining a hostile population within it's state - I think that is tricky because the hostile population was already there when the state was formed.

So what is ethical here?

Yep. That's the question I want you to try to answer.

Honestly, I don't have an answer - not yet anyway.

Two positions:

1. People who lived there prior to the establishment of a state, and who did not agree with the establishment of that state and fought it and lost. They have not been able to move from fighting to governance.

2. People who established a state, won their fights, and have been able to move from fighting to governance to develop a peaceful and viable state.

In the middle of these two is a no-man's land and a citizenless people, and unequal rights. The no-man's land is the land that some called "occupied territory" (per international law) and "disputed territory" (per Israel).

The Palestinians regard that territory as their future state in a two-state solution.

The question is - is a nation required to maintain a hostile population.

If the answer were to be "no" - wouldn't that then justify the Palestinians driving Jews out of what they consider their state occupied by a hostile population?

But if the answer were "yes" - then what is the state to do maintain the peace and security of it's citizens? What examples of this have occurred in history?

The problem is human lives are involved in both choices. And in increasing settlement building, Israel is forcing what will eventually be a choice - abandon the settlements or annex the territory.

Perhaps Israel should annex the portion it intends to keep, provide citizenship opportunities to all the residents, and give them a choice of FULL citizenship, not residency - or they can move to what will eventually become Palestine.

Edited to add - I'm throwing ideas out because this is an ethical question I see no solution for.
Revealing the True Motivation of Multiculturalists

Don't expect this analogy from our corrupt and conformist historians, but a Two-State solution is as unrealistic as the one proposed against America in the Royal Proclamation of 1763. In his fascist desire to keep the colonists cooped up and easy to oppress, the King of England, by the rule of law, crammed them into the coastal states and declared that the rest of the country west of the Appalachians, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes, belonged solely to the Indians. At least he wasn't a "racist"!
No president has given them more. When did Obama threaten Israeli Aid?

Obama gave Israel only what Congress forced him to give and even objected to the US guaranteeing Israel would have a qualitative edge over it enemies in the region.

Congress had nothing to do with it - Congress was left out of the deal he signed with Bibi. Obama has been very pro-Israel without being unreasonable.
No, the increase in aid to Israel was demanded by Democrats in Congress as a condition of supporting his Iran deal and Congress, including Democrats was pushing to have Obama increase the amount when Netanyahu surprisingly accepted it.

And Obama is a democrat. And, throughout his administration - he has given Israel a considerable amount of aid, more so then a number of other presidents. He vetoed the Palestinian's attempt to declare a state through the UN. People saying he is anti-semitic/anti-Israel is bullcrap. Sometimes Israel is WRONG, and someone needs to stand up to them when that happens - not unconditionally support every single thing.
More bullshit. Obama has been anti Israel from his first day in office and it was the strong bipartisan support Israel has in Congress that held him in check. Obama stood up for nothing but his own ego.
BO in a Bubble

Notice how he would often look away from his audience and talk as if addressing a mirror being lit up by his own magnificent eloquence?

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