EU claims it won Olympics


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004

Talk about grasping at straws. But it does support Newguy's theory that the EU is desperately trying to become the World power that they arent.

Political Editor
EURO chief Romano Prodi last night hailed Britain’s haul of Olympic gold as a triumph — for the European Union.

And he warned our athletes will have to fly the EU flag as well as the Union Jack at Beijing in 2008.

That would mean 800m and 1500m champion Kelly Holmes and boxing sensation Amir Khan would be battling for Brussels as much as Britain.

Medal table
(As Brussels sees it)

Europe: 82 golds

USA: 35

China: 32

Russia: 27

Australia: 17

Great Britain: 0*

*See contribution to EU

Mr Prodi turned the Athens games into a political football, boasting that our bag of 30 medals helped the EU trounce America and China.

He said: “The Games were a huge success thanks to their unique spirit and smooth organisation but also because EU athletes did so well.

“In 2008 I hope to see the teams in Beijing carry the flag of the European Union alongside their own national flag as a symbol of our unity.

“The European Union’s sportsmen and women performed outstandingly at Athens, winning 82 gold medals and more than 280 medals in total.”

Mr Prodi a failed Italian politician, is about to step down after a dismal term as EU president.

He has infuriated critics by spelling out his vision for an EU superstate, dubbed the “Holy Romano Empire”.

Mr Prodi’s grandiose plan for a Euro Olympic squad was backed by other Eurocrats.

Commission spokesman Reijo Kemppinen claimed: “The EU swept the floor at the Olympic Games.”

German Ingo Friedrich, vice-president of the Euro Parliament, insisted medals must be listed under the EU to “foster a European identity”.

But ex-sports minister Kate Hoey blasted the Prodi plan.

“Athletes feel very strong emotions when they represent their own country at the Olympics.

“We saw Amir Khan and other medal-winners kissing or crying into the Union Jack and Kelly Holmes was proud to be picked to parade the flag in the closing ceremony.

“Can anyone imagine them feeling that way about the EU banner?”

You know, I just asked somebody today, "once the EU completes their formation, will they compete in the Olympics as ONE nation or will they continue as they do now? If they continue like they do now, does that mean that in the US each state should start their own Olympic teams?"
This is so stupid. If the EU competed as one team they wouldnt have won a quarter of those medals. Because they wouldnt have had as many people in the olympics.

If they want to make the argument then maybe we should start sending teams from every state.
"The EU swept the floor at the Olympic Games."

I don't think I've ever heard that said with such PRIDE before.
Avatar4321 said:
This is so stupid. If the EU competed as one team they wouldnt have won a quarter of those medals. Because they wouldnt have had as many people in the olympics.

If they want to make the argument then maybe we should start sending teams from every state.

i totally agree. it must be an envy thing. the US is ONE country, yet we won 35 medals, the most of any country, though China gave us a run for our money-pretty good one too!...Europe is not ONE country, because they still have separate currencies, though the EURO is becoming more the norm. They all have different systems of governments. The US has one main central government, but the states can self-govern to an extent.

or, maybe it's just penis envy.

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