EU Coronavirus Cases Twice As Bad As US, And Climbing.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I’m sure it’s Trumps fault.
BTW: mask (aka t shirts over head) compliance in the EU is much higher than in the US.

A pox on the news outlets that constantly focus on NEW CASES. While interesting, they are not terribly relevant. They should be focused on ACTIVE CASES (excludes those who tested positive in the past, but now test negative), Hospital Admissions, Intensive Care Unit utilization, and deaths, as well as demographics of deaths. Those are the real story.

If a thousand people test positive ("cases") and three of them actually get sick, the REAL STORY is the ones who get sick (are admitted to the hospital).

I guarantee that if Biden wins, the Media focus will quickly shift away from "cases" and start reporting the other information, as well as the dramatically improved prognosis for those who actually do get sick.

Ironically, the reporting of the pandemic is sickening.

Trump's truest words from Debate No. 3: "We have to learn to live with it."
I’m sure it’s Trumps fault.
BTW: mask (aka t shirts over head) compliance in the EU is much higher than in the US.
View attachment 406455
The C-19 ViRuS sCaRe is just as frightening as the rAdOn gAs ScAre of 1978, & almost as sCaRy as the cElL PhOnE/bRaIn CaNcEr sCaRe of the early 90's!!! It's almost time to break out the gLoBaL cOoLiNg ScArE of the 60's as the gLoBaL wArMiNg ScArE is about burned out. If prez Trump takes out Jumpin' Joe look for the gLoBaL OvEr pOpUlAtIoN sCaRe to surface again! Remember, if one does not know what to do in a situation just get sCaReD!!!
I’m sure it’s Trumps fault.
BTW: mask (aka t shirts over head) compliance in the EU is much higher than in the US.
View attachment 406455
The C-19 ViRuS sCaRe is just as frightening as the rAdOn gAs ScAre of 1978, & almost as sCaRy as the cElL PhOnE/bRaIn CaNcEr sCaRe of the early 90's!!! It's almost time to break out the gLoBaL cOoLiNg ScArE of the 60's as the gLoBaL wArMiNg ScArE is about burned out. If prez Trump takes out Jumpin' Joe look for the gLoBaL OvEr pOpUlAtIoN sCaRe to surface again! Remember, if one does not know what to do in a situation just get sCaReD!!!

John Flynn put it slightly differently in 1944:

  1. “We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.” John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256
A pox on the news outlets that constantly focus on NEW CASES. While interesting, they are not terribly relevant. They should be focused on ACTIVE CASES (excludes those who tested positive in the past, but now test negative), Hospital Admissions, Intensive Care Unit utilization, and deaths, as well as demographics of deaths. Those are the real story.

If a thousand people test positive ("cases") and three of them actually get sick, the REAL STORY is the ones who get sick (are admitted to the hospital).

I guarantee that if Biden wins, the Media focus will quickly shift away from "cases" and start reporting the other information, as well as the dramatically improved prognosis for those who actually do get sick.

Ironically, the reporting of the pandemic is sickening.

Trump's truest words from Debate No. 3: "We have to learn to live with it."
The problem is there’s no end game for the Left. One case in America is justifying shutting the economy down and destroying millions of lives.
The plummeting death rate is the topic to focus upon.
Meanwhile 60,000 Americans will die from the flu this winter.

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