EU to Israel: Don't use EU funds in settlements

The EU is right.

Let the ultra Zionists cry their hearts out. No one will care.

Your Sig is absolutely disgusting

I just noticed that.

But eh, many are ignorant about Judaism, no biggie.

well, whether you like it or not, jews pretty much march in lockstep on those issues. it is at least honest and as much as it offends you, and toastman, and etc. i see more bigotry directed at muslims and almost anyone non-jewish by the jews on this board.

LOL...toastman complaining about that's rich. too funny.
Your Sig is absolutely disgusting

I just noticed that.

But eh, many are ignorant about Judaism, no biggie.

well, whether you like it or not, jews pretty much march in lockstep on those issues. it is at least honest and as much as it offends you, and toastman, and etc. i see more bigotry directed at muslims and almost anyone non-jewish by the jews on this board.

LOL...toastman complaining about that's rich. too funny.

i saw that too. They need to get out of their echo chamber more often.
The only one being hurt from this are The Palestinians.

In cast workplaces will be "copied" into the green-lines, thuosands of Palestinians will lost their jobs.

As for us? No worries, we can overcome any boycott, like we always did.

The pioneers will not suffer as much as the haters would like

so let me get this straight...netanyahu and all these other knesset katz and hebrew hotshots are bitchin' and moanin', not because it will hurt israeli citisens, but because they have an overwhelming concern about the well being of the palestinians in the occupied territories.

ok...i think i got it.

am israel lie...or sumfin like that...right?.
I don't know what they are whining about.

I know Bennett is not happy because many of his voters are from the area and any boycott sounds bad to them.

Netanyahu find always reasons to whine, so who gives a rats ass.

All I care about are the residents, and honestly, since WHEN did the fund the Judeah and Samaria to start with? I don't get it.

It's just doesn't sound good, that is all what the fuss is really about.

But as I say, who cares.

The people of Judeah and Samaria are strong. They have enough buyers in Israel
Your Sig is absolutely disgusting

I just noticed that.

But eh, many are ignorant about Judaism, no biggie.

well, whether you like it or not, jews pretty much march in lockstep on those issues. it is at least honest and as much as it offends you, and toastman, and etc. i see more bigotry directed at muslims and almost anyone non-jewish by the jews on this board.

LOL...toastman complaining about that's rich. too funny.

As I said before, clueless people say many times clueless things about Judaism.

All I needed to know about Judaism, I learned from my mother.

And not some clueless morons are going to change that.

So, yeah, no biggie.
Your Sig is absolutely disgusting

I just noticed that.

But eh, many are ignorant about Judaism, no biggie.

well, whether you like it or not, jews pretty much march in lockstep on those issues. it is at least honest and as much as it offends you, and toastman, and etc. i see more bigotry directed at muslims and almost anyone non-jewish by the jews on this board.

LOL...toastman complaining about that's rich. too funny.
You can LOL all you want to Seal, but the truth of the matter is that this is only a forum whereas in the real world many of your friends are murdering other innocents in the name of their religion. Perhaps you have no problem with the Sunni and Shiites going at each other all the time where so many of them are killed. I don't think you even have a problem when your fellow Catholics are killed by them. Strange how when Seal was on another talk marathon, he never was interested in anything happening in other Middle East countries. He always seemed obsessed with the Jews and Israel, when he wasn't busy trying to fool the readers with one of his other characters.
The EU's Broken Mideast Compass
Friday, July 19, 2013 | Noah Beck

The European Union recently sent out a directive barring its 28 members from cooperating with Israeli entities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott includes “all funding, cooperation, and the granting of scholarships, research grants and prizes” to Israeli entities in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

If this is how the EU chooses to spend its limited diplomatic and political resources "to help" the Middle East, then its moral compass is badly broken. The EU still hasn't even mustered the clarity or courage to join the USA, Canada, and six Gulf states (led by Bahrain) in designating Hezbollah a terrorist organization, even though Hezbollah has committed terrorist acts on EU soil that killed an EU citizen, and has supported Basher Assad's butchery in Syria. The EU has also failed to take any decisive action to address the urgent crises in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran (which marches ever closer to nukes and imports ore -- for armor and missile production -- from Germany and France). And where is the EU's boycott of Mideast governments that persecute women, execute homosexuals, and condone the slaughter of Christians?

If the EU wants to wield its economic clout to impose peace on disputing parties, why not boycott China for its brutal occupation of Tibet? Clearly that occupation doesn't matter because the EU is China's largest trading partner. And why isn't the EU boycotting Northern Cyprus, which is under foreign military occupation by Turkey (against the wishes of the EU)?

The hypocrisy is even more flagrant because some EU states are themselves occupying disputed territories on various continents. One of the most notorious examples is the Falkland Islands. What exactly is the UK's burning security interest in occupying a Latin American island nearly 8,000 miles away? Maybe the EU should boycott the UK as well.

In the end, an EU boycott of Israel is just a cheap way to score political points with the oil-producing Arab states and the growing Muslim population on European soil. Indeed, the EU's anti-Israel directive resembles Stephen Hawking's ill-fated attempt to inject himself into the Israeli-Palestinian controversy. Just as he absurdly chose to boycott the country largely responsible for the technology that enables him to communicate, the EU shamelessly targets the only country in the Middle East that actually shares the EU's democratic values, respect for human rights, pluralism, and the rule of law (not to mention shared interests like curbing Iranian nukes, developing natural gas resources in the Mediterranean Sea, and seeing moderates prevail in the volatile Middle East).

Putting aside the EU's abundant hypocrisy, trying to strong-arm Israel into unilateral concessions has already proven to be an abysmal failure when it comes to promoting peace. Just ask President Obama, who in 2009 pressured Israel into a 10-month settlement freeze in the West Bank without requiring any reciprocal gestures from the Palestinians. They quickly realized that they need not negotiate with Israel because Obama was doing that for them. One can hardly blame Palestinians for trying to maximize their negotiating posture, even if it lacks good faith. Thus, peace talks have remain stalled for Obama's entire presidency, even though Secretary of State John Kerry will soon make his sixth peace-pushing trip (in as many months) to the region.

It's also worth noting that the real obstacle to peace -- Palestinian rejectionism and terrorism -- existed before any of Israel's settlement-building. Palestinian terrorism and rejectionism from Gaza also continued despite the removal of Israeli settlements (from Gaza in 2005). So Israeli settlements did not create Palestinian extremism and their removal doesn't necessarily end it.

History has also demonstrated that Israeli settlement building has not prevented Israel from making painful territorial compromises for peace: Menachem Begin evacuated the Sinai, Ehud Barak ended Israel's presence in Southern Lebanon, Ariel Sharon left Gaza, and Benjamin Netanyahu handed over West Bank territories under the Wye Accords.

Moreover, the EU seems to have forgotten that Jews have a historical and legal right to be in the West Bank. The "Mandate for Palestine" confirmed by the League of Nations recognized the "historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine" and "the grounds for reconstituting their National Home in that country." Under Article 6, the Mandate encouraged "close settlement by Jews, on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes." The EU's boycott falsely implies that Jews have no right to live in the West Bank, and is thus disturbingly reminiscent of the "Judenrein" policies of Nazi Germany, which banned Jews from certain spheres of life only because they were Jews.

Lastly, the EU (and US) position on Israeli West Bank construction lacks balance because Palestinian construction is never limited. As Eli Hertz notes: "The Oslo Accords do not forbid Israeli or Arab settlement activity. Charging that further Jewish settlement activity preempts final negotiations by establishing realities, requires reciprocity. If Jews were forcibly expelled from the West Bank in 1948 during a war of aggression aimed at them [but then recaptured the West Bank in the defensive war of 1967], then these Territories must be considered disputed Territories, at the least...According to David Bar-Ilan, a former policy planning official, the tempo of Arab construction is “more than 10 times the number of buildings under construction [in the Territory] than those approved [by the Israeli government] for the [Jewish] settlers.”

If the EU wants to ignore international law and history, the many more pressing Mideast issues, and its own hypocrisy, all for the sake of promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace, then it should at least recognize that unilateral pressure on Israel has only reinforced Palestinian inflexibility. Indeed, it is only the Palestinians who have refused to negotiate peace without preconditions. The EU has pressured the wrong party because its Mideast compass is badly broken.

The EU's Broken Mideast Compass - Israel Today | Israel News
I just noticed that.

But eh, many are ignorant about Judaism, no biggie.

well, whether you like it or not, jews pretty much march in lockstep on those issues. it is at least honest and as much as it offends you, and toastman, and etc. i see more bigotry directed at muslims and almost anyone non-jewish by the jews on this board.

LOL...toastman complaining about that's rich. too funny.
You can LOL all you want to Seal, but the truth of the matter is that this is only a forum whereas in the real world many of your friends are murdering other innocents in the name of their religion. Perhaps you have no problem with the Sunni and Shiites going at each other all the time where so many of them are killed. I don't think you even have a problem when your fellow Catholics are killed by them. Strange how when Seal was on another talk marathon, he never was interested in anything happening in other Middle East countries. He always seemed obsessed with the Jews and Israel, when he wasn't busy trying to fool the readers with one of his other characters.

or someone who recently said that a black man should be shackled to a flagpole and beaten because he believe in equal rights and celebrating divesity amd good olod american values, i would stop bringing up these friends you imagine i have that are murderers.

at least my friends don't wander into sikh temples and shoot it up or beat up cabbies like the people you regard as heroes...your friends.

strange how the only real concern you have about israel is so that you can be consumed in some religious rapture. your money would be better spent on hoors and viagra if ya want rapture.

hell, even the EU is doing BDS officially, netanyahu and the boys are whining, and idiots are shouting from the rooftops that it isn't working.
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The EU's Broken Mideast Compass
Friday, July 19, 2013 | Noah Beck

The European Union recently sent out a directive barring its 28 members from cooperating with Israeli entities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott includes “all funding, cooperation, and the granting of scholarships, research grants and prizes” to Israeli entities in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

If this is how the EU chooses to spend its limited diplomatic and political resources "to help" the Middle East, then its moral compass is badly broken. The EU still hasn't even mustered the clarity or courage to join the USA, Canada, and six Gulf states (led by Bahrain) in designating Hezbollah a terrorist organization, even though Hezbollah has committed terrorist acts on EU soil that killed an EU citizen, and has supported Basher Assad's butchery in Syria. The EU has also failed to take any decisive action to address the urgent crises in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran (which marches ever closer to nukes and imports ore -- for armor and missile production -- from Germany and France). And where is the EU's boycott of Mideast governments that persecute women, execute homosexuals, and condone the slaughter of Christians?

If the EU wants to wield its economic clout to impose peace on disputing parties, why not boycott China for its brutal occupation of Tibet? Clearly that occupation doesn't matter because the EU is China's largest trading partner. And why isn't the EU boycotting Northern Cyprus, which is under foreign military occupation by Turkey (against the wishes of the EU)?

The hypocrisy is even more flagrant because some EU states are themselves occupying disputed territories on various continents. One of the most notorious examples is the Falkland Islands. What exactly is the UK's burning security interest in occupying a Latin American island nearly 8,000 miles away? Maybe the EU should boycott the UK as well.

In the end, an EU boycott of Israel is just a cheap way to score political points with the oil-producing Arab states and the growing Muslim population on European soil. Indeed, the EU's anti-Israel directive resembles Stephen Hawking's ill-fated attempt to inject himself into the Israeli-Palestinian controversy. Just as he absurdly chose to boycott the country largely responsible for the technology that enables him to communicate, the EU shamelessly targets the only country in the Middle East that actually shares the EU's democratic values, respect for human rights, pluralism, and the rule of law (not to mention shared interests like curbing Iranian nukes, developing natural gas resources in the Mediterranean Sea, and seeing moderates prevail in the volatile Middle East).

Putting aside the EU's abundant hypocrisy, trying to strong-arm Israel into unilateral concessions has already proven to be an abysmal failure when it comes to promoting peace. Just ask President Obama, who in 2009 pressured Israel into a 10-month settlement freeze in the West Bank without requiring any reciprocal gestures from the Palestinians. They quickly realized that they need not negotiate with Israel because Obama was doing that for them. One can hardly blame Palestinians for trying to maximize their negotiating posture, even if it lacks good faith. Thus, peace talks have remain stalled for Obama's entire presidency, even though Secretary of State John Kerry will soon make his sixth peace-pushing trip (in as many months) to the region.

It's also worth noting that the real obstacle to peace -- Palestinian rejectionism and terrorism -- existed before any of Israel's settlement-building. Palestinian terrorism and rejectionism from Gaza also continued despite the removal of Israeli settlements (from Gaza in 2005). So Israeli settlements did not create Palestinian extremism and their removal doesn't necessarily end it.

History has also demonstrated that Israeli settlement building has not prevented Israel from making painful territorial compromises for peace: Menachem Begin evacuated the Sinai, Ehud Barak ended Israel's presence in Southern Lebanon, Ariel Sharon left Gaza, and Benjamin Netanyahu handed over West Bank territories under the Wye Accords.

Moreover, the EU seems to have forgotten that Jews have a historical and legal right to be in the West Bank. The "Mandate for Palestine" confirmed by the League of Nations recognized the "historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine" and "the grounds for reconstituting their National Home in that country." Under Article 6, the Mandate encouraged "close settlement by Jews, on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes." The EU's boycott falsely implies that Jews have no right to live in the West Bank, and is thus disturbingly reminiscent of the "Judenrein" policies of Nazi Germany, which banned Jews from certain spheres of life only because they were Jews.

Lastly, the EU (and US) position on Israeli West Bank construction lacks balance because Palestinian construction is never limited. As Eli Hertz notes: "The Oslo Accords do not forbid Israeli or Arab settlement activity. Charging that further Jewish settlement activity preempts final negotiations by establishing realities, requires reciprocity. If Jews were forcibly expelled from the West Bank in 1948 during a war of aggression aimed at them [but then recaptured the West Bank in the defensive war of 1967], then these Territories must be considered disputed Territories, at the least...According to David Bar-Ilan, a former policy planning official, the tempo of Arab construction is “more than 10 times the number of buildings under construction [in the Territory] than those approved [by the Israeli government] for the [Jewish] settlers.”

If the EU wants to ignore international law and history, the many more pressing Mideast issues, and its own hypocrisy, all for the sake of promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace, then it should at least recognize that unilateral pressure on Israel has only reinforced Palestinian inflexibility. Indeed, it is only the Palestinians who have refused to negotiate peace without preconditions. The EU has pressured the wrong party because its Mideast compass is badly broken.

The EU's Broken Mideast Compass - Israel Today | Israel News

ya really should get used to being criticised and condemned on a public stage when you commit acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing on a public stage.

christ, ya know if the whole world is agtainst you, and particularly those countries who unquestionably gave israel their support at one time, you may really want to consider the fact that maybe, just maybe, israel is in the wrong instead of everybody else.

you guys don't control the EU.
Yeah... let's listen to the Euros... after all... they know how to treat Jews, right?
Yeah... let's listen to the Euros... after all... they know how to treat Jews, right?

They know how to not kow tow to Zionist threats. The USA could learn from them, as we see them as friends and not the enemies they are.
Yeah... let's listen to the Euros... after all... they know how to treat Jews, right?

They know how to not kow tow to Zionist threats. The USA could learn from them, as we see them as friends and not the enemies they are.
Zionists (those advocating a resurrected State of Israel on top of old Palestine) are enemies of the United States?

How so?
Yeah... let's listen to the Euros... after all... they know how to treat Jews, right?

They know how to not kow tow to Zionist threats. The USA could learn from them, as we see them as friends and not the enemies they are.
Zionists (those advocating a resurrected State of Israel on top of old Palestine) are enemies of the United States?

How so?

see my sig. Read the facts.
They know how to not kow tow to Zionist threats. The USA could learn from them, as we see them as friends and not the enemies they are.
Zionists (those advocating a resurrected State of Israel on top of old Palestine) are enemies of the United States?

How so?

see my sig. Read the facts.

What the fuck do Ira Einhorn and Son of Sam have to do with Zionism ? My goodness, you are one hateful person
They know how to not kow tow to Zionist threats. The USA could learn from them, as we see them as friends and not the enemies they are.
Zionists (those advocating a resurrected State of Israel on top of old Palestine) are enemies of the United States?

How so?

see my sig. Read the facts.
Isn't it great that the two-bit anti-Semite shows us that he reads the hate sites and then puts the stuff he gets on them in his sig? One wonders which hate sites he reads for his information, but he does sound like the typical skinhead you see posting on Anyone would need a brain transplant if they don't believe that Gardener is just using the Palestinians in his hatred against the Jews. I can just imagine that when he gets together with his other skinhead pals what derogatory names they call the Arabs, the Blacks, the Asians, etc.
who was the israeli &/or zionist who said that they "control" the U.S.?


found it: Sharon said it:

On October 3, 2001, I.A.P. News reported that according to Israel Radio (in Hebrew) Kol Yisrael an acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres. Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and "turn the US against us. "Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don''t worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."
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