EU to Israel: Don't use EU funds in settlements

who was the israeli &/or zionist who said that they "control" the U.S.?


found it: Sharon said it:

On October 3, 2001, I.A.P. News reported that according to Israel Radio (in Hebrew) Kol Yisrael an acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres. Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and "turn the US against us. "Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don''t worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."
I guess the hate site that uses didn't mention that a reporter apologized for ever saying this falsehood as it never was said. Maybe is going to say that he actually was in the room to hear Sharon say this.
EU's decision on Israel like 'a bucket of cold water on the head of a drunk' | Rachel Shabi | Comment is free | The Guardian

All the EU has done is put into practice what it has been saying for decades: that the settlements are bad news and agreements between Israel and the EU over funding for education, research and other projects must state specifically that they do not apply to settlements in the Palestinian West Bank and East Jerusalem. But, from the startled Israeli response, it's as though it had assumed that the EU was just bluffing all those years.

sounds reasonable to me. What say you?
What I say doesn't matter.

What Bibi says is the EU,by doing this is going to hurt the peace process.

European Union to Slam Israel with Boycotts | United with Israel
who was the israeli &/or zionist who said that they "control" the U.S.?


found it: Sharon said it:

On October 3, 2001, I.A.P. News reported that according to Israel Radio (in Hebrew) Kol Yisrael an acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres. Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and "turn the US against us. "Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don''t worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."

He actually never said it.

It was first reported by Palestinians that he did.

Fact is no one can catch on that interview, because no such interview or words exists.

But don't let facts interrupt the use of false claims by Anti-Zionists.

Nice touch, there.
Zionists (those advocating a resurrected State of Israel on top of old Palestine) are enemies of the United States?

How so?

see my sig. Read the facts.
Isn't it great that the two-bit anti-Semite shows us that he reads the hate sites and then puts the stuff he gets on them in his sig? One wonders which hate sites he reads for his information, but he does sound like the typical skinhead you see posting on Anyone would need a brain transplant if they don't believe that Gardener is just using the Palestinians in his hatred against the Jews. I can just imagine that when he gets together with his other skinhead pals what derogatory names they call the Arabs, the Blacks, the Asians, etc.

I am against Neo-Nazis and skinheads. I hate all racists and supremacists.

Including Judeo-Supremacists. But for some odd reason its politically correct to believe that the Judeans are "God's chosen people". Anyone who questions this is attacked.
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see my sig. Read the facts.
Isn't it great that the two-bit anti-Semite shows us that he reads the hate sites and then puts the stuff he gets on them in his sig? One wonders which hate sites he reads for his information, but he does sound like the typical skinhead you see posting on Anyone would need a brain transplant if they don't believe that Gardener is just using the Palestinians in his hatred against the Jews. I can just imagine that when he gets together with his other skinhead pals what derogatory names they call the Arabs, the Blacks, the Asians, etc.

I am against Neo-Nazis and skinheads. I hate all racists and supremacists.

Including Judeo-Supremacists. But for some odd reason its politically correct to believe that the Judeans are "God's chosen people". Anyone who questions this is attacked.
I can understand why they are "attacked." Anyone who questions Divine Truth is a fool. Period.
I can understand why they are "attacked." Anyone who questions Divine Truth is a fool. Period.

The Judeans reject Christ as the Son of God.

That means they are fools. Period.
Maybe it wasn't in their bible?

God promised them a Messiah and they rejected and sold him out to the Romans.

They have been paying for it ever since. Anyone who questions Divine Truth is a fool. Period.
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EU's decision on Israel like 'a bucket of cold water on the head of a drunk' | Rachel Shabi | Comment is free | The Guardian

All the EU has done is put into practice what it has been saying for decades: that the settlements are bad news and agreements between Israel and the EU over funding for education, research and other projects must state specifically that they do not apply to settlements in the Palestinian West Bank and East Jerusalem. But, from the startled Israeli response, it's as though it had assumed that the EU was just bluffing all those years.

sounds reasonable to me. What say you?
There is a growing world-wide awakening that realizes that it is Israeli greed that fuels this conflict onward...Israel's bullshit of Palestinian Lands needed for defence while sitting on a hundred fifty nukes is a sham.

That's why this boycott is begining to gain steam. The injustice to the Palestinians is clearly evident!
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I, for one, do not question Divine Truth...

However, I DO, from time to time, question what fallible mortal Men try to pass-off as Divine Truth, when my own good Common Sense and Intuition and Sense-of-Right-and-Wrong tell me to do so...
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The Judeans reject Christ as the Son of God.

That means they are fools. Period.
Maybe it wasn't in their bible?

God promised them a Messiah and they rejected and sold him out to the Romans.

They have been paying for it ever since. Anyone who questions Divine Truth is a fool. Period.

He wasn't the Messiah according to us.

You have no justification of judging our religion just because it doesn't suit your views of Christianity.

And that argument is stupid enough for not rising it in the first place!
There is a growing world-wide awakening that realizes that it is Israeli greed that fuels this conflict onward...Israel's bullshit of Palestini9an Lands needed for defence while sitting on a hundred fifty nukes is a sham.

That's why this boycott is begining to gain steam. The injustice to the Palestinians is clearly evident!

The Zionists complain about the Holocaust and then commit genocide against Muslims.

Who do they think they are? God's Chosen People?

The EU is right to not buy settlemement stuff.
Yeah... let's listen to the Euros... after all... they know how to treat Jews, right?

They know how to not kow tow to Zionist threats. The USA could learn from them, as we see them as friends and not the enemies they are.
Zionists (those advocating a resurrected State of Israel on top of old Palestine) are enemies of the United States?

How so?
"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order
I, for one, do not question Divine Truth...

However, I DO, from time to time, question what fallible mortal Men try to pass-off as Divine Truth, when my own good Common Sense and Intuition and Sense-of-Right-and-Wrong tell me to do so...

Let me understand this.

Muslims are fools for not accepting the Judeans as "God's Chosen People", but the Judeans are not fools for rejecting Christ as the Messiah and Son of God???

OMG, the arrogance is blinding.
see my sig. Read the facts.
Isn't it great that the two-bit anti-Semite shows us that he reads the hate sites and then puts the stuff he gets on them in his sig? One wonders which hate sites he reads for his information, but he does sound like the typical skinhead you see posting on Anyone would need a brain transplant if they don't believe that Gardener is just using the Palestinians in his hatred against the Jews. I can just imagine that when he gets together with his other skinhead pals what derogatory names they call the Arabs, the Blacks, the Asians, etc.

I am against Neo-Nazis and skinheads. I hate all racists and supremacists.

Including Judeo-Supremacists. But for some odd reason its politically correct to believe that the Judeans are "God's chosen people". Anyone who questions this is attacked.
Just whom do you think you are kidding? It is quite obvious that you are using the NeoNazi/White Supremacists/Islamofascist hate sites for your information; and anyone with an ounce of intelligence realizes that.
I, for one, do not question Divine Truth...

However, I DO, from time to time, question what fallible mortal Men try to pass-off as Divine Truth, when my own good Common Sense and Intuition and Sense-of-Right-and-Wrong tell me to do so...

Let me understand this.

Muslims are fools for not accepting the Judeans as "God's Chosen People", but the Judeans are not fools for rejecting Christ as the Messiah and Son of God???

OMG, the arrogance is blinding.
Muslims call Jews "People of the Book." Get your facts straight.
I'm going to ignore all these silly derails from now one.

Lets get bavck to the topic. The settlements are evil and illegal. The Europeans are righteous for boycotting them.
And we have right right to do whatever needed to try and fight this boycott in every legal and morale way we possibly can.

Thrre is no moral way to fight a motral boyucott.

How did the Afrikaners fighttrhe boyvcott on Apartheid? Did they scream "anti-white racism!!!!"?
Of course there is morale way to support the settlers.

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis support the settlements, and there are more than one way to show that support.
Of course there is morale way to support the settlers.

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis support the settlements, and there are more than one way to show that support.

The Zionist settlements are evil, illegal, immoral, unjust, and stolen property.

No one can defend them and be moral.

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