EU to step in where tories fail

In the case of multi-nationals that responsibility falls to the federal government.
Ah sorry, I meant nation states. The principle is the same though.

After all if there was more co-operation amongst countries then the corporations would not be able to play them off against each other.
Well QATAR owns London with SA. How do you propose the undoing?
The Russians own as much these days. I am not sure why that should concern me personally other than they evade their taxes.

Why do I need to undo it ?
EU proposals will force multinationals to disclose tax arrangements

This is heartening news.

Are individual states too small to fight the super corporations ?

Or in Britains case too corrupt.

Under neo Marxist labour is when the rot set in and the big companies could buy of the politicians, so that is where the corruption is. Start by looking at the deal struck between the kiddy fiddlers PIE and the Labour government in return for protection, I wonder what deal they struck with Becket to have her sign of on their proposals to reduce the age of consent. It was Labour that gave away our rights to the EU because it was all comrades together, and they wanted a union of socialist European nations run from Moscow
In the case of multi-nationals that responsibility falls to the federal government.
Ah sorry, I meant nation states. The principle is the same though.

After all if there was more co-operation amongst countries then the corporations would not be able to play them off against each other.

True they would leave that to the nation states to do, and the corporations would just sit back and rake in the money. They did under Labour when they were allowed to buy up our utility companies for peanuts and then asset strip them. Leaving the working man paying the most in Europe for utilities and not having any say in our infrastructure. Why did France get 3 new nuclear power stations and Britian had theirs shut down ?
Well QATAR owns London with SA. How do you propose the undoing?
The Russians own as much these days. I am not sure why that should concern me personally other than they evade their taxes.

Why do I need to undo it ?

Stop supporting the looney left and give the right a chance to draq this country back on its feet. Get rid of Corbyn and his champagne socialists who are hell bent on destroying the UK and put the control of the unions back in the workers hands.
EU proposals will force multinationals to disclose tax arrangements

This is heartening news.

Are individual states too small to fight the super corporations ?

Or in Britains case too corrupt.

Under neo Marxist labour is when the rot set in and the big companies could buy of the politicians, so that is where the corruption is. Start by looking at the deal struck between the kiddy fiddlers PIE and the Labour government in return for protection, I wonder what deal they struck with Becket to have her sign of on their proposals to reduce the age of consent. It was Labour that gave away our rights to the EU because it was all comrades together, and they wanted a union of socialist European nations run from Moscow

Ted Heath took us into the EU with cross party support and a referendum.

Big companies have owned the tory party for over a century and still do so. Labours recent record on that score isnt great but they have a long way to go to match the tories.

PIE was an organisation based in Chester where the local tory mp was a member along with a large number of his colleagues.There were left wing members as well. Its ridiculous to suggest that party affiliation affects your level of sexual deviancy. (you do know that dont you ?)

Your comments about Moscow are hysterical . Its like you have been living in a pod since 1962. The EU is an organisation of many nations with different political systems and governments that change on the whim of their electorates.

I am sorry but I cant take you seriously when you are either so unbalanced or stupid. Stupid really annoys me because there is no need for it.
In the case of multi-nationals that responsibility falls to the federal government.
Ah sorry, I meant nation states. The principle is the same though.

After all if there was more co-operation amongst countries then the corporations would not be able to play them off against each other.

True they would leave that to the nation states to do, and the corporations would just sit back and rake in the money. They did under Labour when they were allowed to buy up our utility companies for peanuts and then asset strip them. Leaving the working man paying the most in Europe for utilities and not having any say in our infrastructure. Why did France get 3 new nuclear power stations and Britian had theirs shut down ?

Once again you show yourself to be a loon. It was a Thatcher government that privatised all of our utilities and led to the shit we put up with today. Surely you knew that ?
Once again you show yourself to be a loon. It was a Thatcher government that privatised all of our utilities and led to the shit we put up with today. Surely you knew that ?
Sure, Britain was going in the right direction with Arthur Scargill and the loony left until Maggie spoiled everything. Hell, it could have been a worker's paradise!
Once again you show yourself to be a loon. It was a Thatcher government that privatised all of our utilities and led to the shit we put up with today. Surely you knew that ?
Sure, Britain was going in the right direction with Arthur Scargill and the loony left until Maggie spoiled everything. Hell, it could have been a worker's paradise!
It pretty much was for the working man and woman. Thatcher created a shysters paradise for her backers and the country has been in a decline ever since.
It pretty much was for the working man and woman. Thatcher created a shysters paradise for her backers and the country has been in a decline ever since.
You come off as one of these aging hipsters who got their asses handed to them as Maggie went on to transform the British economy to meet the demands of the modern world. She successfully prepared Britain to meet a changing economy by shrinking a bloated public sector which included losing propositions such as long-defunct coal mines.

As a Greek citizen, I am saddened that Greece did not have a Thatcher. Look to Greece to see where you would be today without her.
It pretty much was for the working man and woman. Thatcher created a shysters paradise for her backers and the country has been in a decline ever since.
You come off as one of these aging hipsters who got their asses handed to them as Maggie went on to transform the British economy to meet the demands of the modern world. She successfully prepared Britain to meet a changing economy by shrinking a bloated public sector which included losing propositions such as long-defunct coal mines.

As a Greek citizen, I am saddened that Greece did not have a Thatcher. Look to Greece to see where you would be today without her.
Some might argue that closing coal mines for political reasons was a retrograde step that was not in the countries best interests.Why produce your own coal when you can buy it from Russia ?
It pretty much was for the working man and woman. Thatcher created a shysters paradise for her backers and the country has been in a decline ever since.
You come off as one of these aging hipsters who got their asses handed to them as Maggie went on to transform the British economy to meet the demands of the modern world. She successfully prepared Britain to meet a changing economy by shrinking a bloated public sector which included losing propositions such as long-defunct coal mines.

As a Greek citizen, I am saddened that Greece did not have a Thatcher. Look to Greece to see where you would be today without her.
Some might argue that closing coal mines for political reasons was a retrograde step that was not in the countries best interests.Why produce your own coal when you can buy it from Russia ?
Indeed,why? You can also pay British workers to work in sweatshops, but why would you when no one would pay for the products when you can get better for a small fraction of the cost.
It pretty much was for the working man and woman. Thatcher created a shysters paradise for her backers and the country has been in a decline ever since.
You come off as one of these aging hipsters who got their asses handed to them as Maggie went on to transform the British economy to meet the demands of the modern world. She successfully prepared Britain to meet a changing economy by shrinking a bloated public sector which included losing propositions such as long-defunct coal mines.

As a Greek citizen, I am saddened that Greece did not have a Thatcher. Look to Greece to see where you would be today without her.
Some might argue that closing coal mines for political reasons was a retrograde step that was not in the countries best interests.Why produce your own coal when you can buy it from Russia ?
Indeed,why? You can also pay British workers to work in sweatshops, but why would you when no one would pay for the products when you can get better for a small fraction of the cost.
Its an unjust world aint it ?
EU proposals will force multinationals to disclose tax arrangements

This is heartening news.

Are individual states too small to fight the super corporations ?

Or in Britains case too corrupt.

Under neo Marxist labour is when the rot set in and the big companies could buy of the politicians, so that is where the corruption is. Start by looking at the deal struck between the kiddy fiddlers PIE and the Labour government in return for protection, I wonder what deal they struck with Becket to have her sign of on their proposals to reduce the age of consent. It was Labour that gave away our rights to the EU because it was all comrades together, and they wanted a union of socialist European nations run from Moscow

Ted Heath took us into the EU with cross party support and a referendum.

Big companies have owned the tory party for over a century and still do so. Labours recent record on that score isnt great but they have a long way to go to match the tories.

PIE was an organisation based in Chester where the local tory mp was a member along with a large number of his colleagues.There were left wing members as well. Its ridiculous to suggest that party affiliation affects your level of sexual deviancy. (you do know that dont you ?)

Your comments about Moscow are hysterical . Its like you have been living in a pod since 1962. The EU is an organisation of many nations with different political systems and governments that change on the whim of their electorates.

I am sorry but I cant take you seriously when you are either so unbalanced or stupid. Stupid really annoys me because there is no need for it.

Strange how the CIA/FBI sting in the 19990's caught only labour
EU proposals will force multinationals to disclose tax arrangements

This is heartening news.

Are individual states too small to fight the super corporations ?

Or in Britains case too corrupt.

Under neo Marxist labour is when the rot set in and the big companies could buy of the politicians, so that is where the corruption is. Start by looking at the deal struck between the kiddy fiddlers PIE and the Labour government in return for protection, I wonder what deal they struck with Becket to have her sign of on their proposals to reduce the age of consent. It was Labour that gave away our rights to the EU because it was all comrades together, and they wanted a union of socialist European nations run from Moscow

Ted Heath took us into the EU with cross party support and a referendum.

Big companies have owned the tory party for over a century and still do so. Labours recent record on that score isnt great but they have a long way to go to match the tories.

PIE was an organisation based in Chester where the local tory mp was a member along with a large number of his colleagues.There were left wing members as well. Its ridiculous to suggest that party affiliation affects your level of sexual deviancy. (you do know that dont you ?)

Your comments about Moscow are hysterical . Its like you have been living in a pod since 1962. The EU is an organisation of many nations with different political systems and governments that change on the whim of their electorates.

I am sorry but I cant take you seriously when you are either so unbalanced or stupid. Stupid really annoys me because there is no need for it.

PIE was supported by the Labour party through funding, they even had M.P's willing to sign of on many of their more perverted activities. Then we had the FBI/CIA sting that caught more labour M.P's than any other parties, showing labour where/are corrupt right from the very top down. It was the cabinet members names at the top of the list that allowed the US to force Blair into invading Iraq and costing this country dearly.
I see that I am hitting nerves with my claims of links to communism in Moscow, could it be that I am closer to the mark than you like. The EU is a neo Marxist failed experiment that should be disbanded and the poorer nations told to find ways to exist without the support of the rich nations. The eastern European nations should have started their own EU and invited all you looney lefties to move there so you could show them how to do it correctly. As for stupid anyone that follows the neo Marxist way of life is the one who is stupid as it takes from everyone and wastes what it takes on the ungrateful and arrogant. So you being stupid must annoy you most of all.
In the case of multi-nationals that responsibility falls to the federal government.
Ah sorry, I meant nation states. The principle is the same though.

After all if there was more co-operation amongst countries then the corporations would not be able to play them off against each other.

True they would leave that to the nation states to do, and the corporations would just sit back and rake in the money. They did under Labour when they were allowed to buy up our utility companies for peanuts and then asset strip them. Leaving the working man paying the most in Europe for utilities and not having any say in our infrastructure. Why did France get 3 new nuclear power stations and Britian had theirs shut down ?

Once again you show yourself to be a loon. It was a Thatcher government that privatised all of our utilities and led to the shit we put up with today. Surely you knew that ?

WRONG as it was the Labour government that allowed the EU companies to buy them up and manipulate the system. The MMC was told to sign of on any deal that came from the companies giving labour M.P's perks. That is why our utility companies are now in the hands of Centrica who have closed down our generating plants so they can sell us French electricity at inflated prices. All down to Labour and its "green" policies, like its getting rid of all nuclear facilities in the UK and closing down fossil fuel generating stations. No doubt you find turbines the way to go because you don't have to put up with them, and don't know they only work 10% of the time. So when next you are making a cup of tea and the power goes of because the wind is blowing too strong think how lucky you are, you could be paying half as much for the clean nuclear energy subsidised by the British.
You need to get help.I dont know if you are a crazy who believes this nonsense or a right wing troll/obsessive.

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