"Europe Loses Trust in Obama"

BS, hater dupes- only you tools talk about Obama as the Messiah or the angel of peace lol- and he still has 60-70 per cent approval, while Bush and Reagan never were over 50 and hit the 20's in the end. Forbes editorials are Pubcrappe...ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

60-70 percent approval? In what dimension you moron? It's more like a 39% approval.

Get those balls off of your chin and wake the fuck up...
In Europe, dingbat lol

No, dingbat.
Europe was kind of stupid to trust him in the first place.

They should have gotten the clue, when during his election, he promised to negotiate and have a nice long chat with the leaders in Iran.

Yup. Pretty soon he's going to be having a nice long chat with creditors, financial institutions and foreign investors when he realizes that there is no more free ride and no more borrowing money. It'll be a real hoot.
BS, hater dupes- only you tools talk about Obama as the Messiah or the angel of peace lol- and he still has 60-70 per cent approval, while Bush and Reagan never were over 50 and hit the 20's in the end. Forbes editorials are Pubcrappe...ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

60-70 percent approval? In what dimension you moron? It's more like a 39% approval.

Get those balls off of your chin and wake the fuck up...
In Europe, dingbat lol

March 2013: U.S. Leadership Earning Lower Marks Worldwide

Europe rang in at 36%. Do you really think Obama's approval is higher now? After all the NSA stuff and Syria and Iran? LOL

Link, please!
BS, hater dupes- only you tools talk about Obama as the Messiah or the angel of peace lol- and he still has 60-70 per cent approval, while Bush and Reagan never were over 50 and hit the 20's in the end. Forbes editorials are Pubcrappe...ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

60-70 percent approval? In what dimension you moron? It's more like a 39% approval.

Get those balls off of your chin and wake the fuck up...
In Europe, dingbat lol

Okay, fair enough... Got a link to your numbers, or did you just pull them out of your ass like everything else you post?

Furthermore, allow me to point out that President Obama is not the President of Europe so his popularity or lack thereof over there means absolutely jack shit.
60-70 percent approval? In what dimension you moron? It's more like a 39% approval.

Get those balls off of your chin and wake the fuck up...
In Europe, dingbat lol

March 2013: U.S. Leadership Earning Lower Marks Worldwide

Europe rang in at 36%. Do you really think Obama's approval is higher now? After all the NSA stuff and Syria and Iran? LOL

Link, please!

Woops... Sorry Franco, you lose... Again... Thanks for playing...
Did dip after surveilance scandal- will go up again...the worst he's ever done is better than Reagan/Bush top approval....
Obama World Approval Rating: High Praise Abroad Proves - PolicyMic
www.policymic.com/.../obama-world-a...d-proves-the-president-deserves-a-second-term - Cached - Similar
Nov 2, 2012 ... The vast majority of European countries have sizable margins of approval when it
comes to the way that Obama has worked with other nations ...

1. Europeans Favor Obama Over 'Unknown' Romney, Survey Indicates ...
www.businessweek.com/.../europeans-favor-obama-over-unknown-romney-survey-indicates - Cached - Similar
Sep 12, 2012 ... While Obama's European approval rating slipped to 71 percent from a post-
inauguration 83 percent, he continued to exceed the 20 percent that ...
Did dip after surveilance scandal- will go up again...the worst he's ever done is better than Reagan/Bush top approval....
Obama World Approval Rating: High Praise Abroad Proves - PolicyMic
http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...d-proves-the-president-deserves-a-second-term - Cached - Similar
Nov 2, 2012 ... The vast majority of European countries have sizable margins of approval when it
comes to the way that Obama has worked with other nations ...

1. Europeans Favor Obama Over 'Unknown' Romney, Survey Indicates ...
http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...or-obama-over-unknown-romney-survey-indicates - Cached - Similar
Sep 12, 2012 ... While Obama's European approval rating slipped to 71 percent from a post-
inauguration 83 percent, he continued to exceed the 20 percent that ...

Those links don't work for me.

Note that the Gallup rating of 36% was from before the NSA scandal broke. And you acknowledge that he has likely dipped since then.

So your claim that he is and has always been higher than Reagan/Bush's top approval is difficult to believe.

It's moot of course. A deflection from that fact that now that the world has had a chance to get to know him, he no longer receives the accolades he got when he was an empty screen on which hopers projected their hearts' desires. This thread has nothing to do with how the world views Republicans who actually respected the strength of the country they led. This is all about Obama and what a letdown he was to the people foolish enough to put their hopes in a community agitator.
BS- 71 PER CENT IN 2012 IN EUROPE. google Obama approval in Europe, these links on p. 1...36 PER CENT IS NOT APPROVAL, DUPE...tHIS IS A BS BLIP ABOUT SURVEILLANCE...
BS- 71 PER CENT IN 2012 IN EUROPE. google Obama approval in Europe, these links on p. 1...36 PER CENT IS NOT APPROVAL, DUPE...tHIS IS A BS BLIP ABOUT SURVEILLANCE...

36 percent is Gallup. For 2012. Released March 2013. Before the surveillance scandal erupted.

Gallup.com: U.S. Leadership Earning Lower Marks Worldwide

US leadership at 36 per cent is NOT in EUROPE, AND IT'S not Obama approval, dingbat dupes...includes 13 per cent in Russia, Iran- more brainwashed dupes like yourself, and thus irrelevant in the real world, shytteheads...STUPID PUB PROPAGANDA under fraudulent headline...
US leadership at 36 per cent is NOT in EUROPE, AND IT'S not Obama approval, dingbat dupes...includes 13 per cent in Russia, Iran- more brainwashed dupes like yourself, and thus irrelevant in the real world, shytteheads...STUPID PUB PROPAGANDA under fraudulent headline...

US leadership is not Obama? LOL. Good one.

So I'm supposed to google for some poll which talks about Obama's charisma apart from the job he is doing as President?


You have fun in your cherry-picking unicorn land of denial.

WTF is ''US LEADERSHIP'' anyway. OUR STUPID Pubs are included, I guess, and their disfunctionality...I GIVE US A 36 PER CENT APPROVAL THEN. GET THE fuck OUT OF THE WAY, GD IT...
even I am sick to death of US leadership- we're still in a great Pub world recession, and refuse to lead the world out of it, thanks to the same gd a-holes- your heroes, ugly American hater dupes....
It's what happens when folks bought into the Orgasmic ObamaBot Kool-Aid of 2008...

There wasn't diddly-squat by way of substance to support such blind, dumb optimism...

But it DID make the touch-feely idjits feel better for a while, and that's what counts...

I voted for him myself, twice...

But only because I had zero confidence in either McSame or Mittens...

I repent of my folly and throw myself on the mercy of the court...

Realizing that I'm getting all that I voted for...

And more...

I'm so ashamed...
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This is NOT about Obama OR Europe, hater dupes...ay caramba...It's US leadership approval IN THE WORLD, including Russia, Iran,etc etc...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

World’s anger at Obama policies goes beyond Europe and the NSA

By Hannah Allam and Jonathan S. Landay
McClatchy Washington Bureau October 25, 2013

WASHINGTON — Whether miffed over spying revelations or feeling sold out by U.S. moves in the Middle East, some of the United States’ closest allies are so upset that the Obama administration has gone into damage-control mode to ensure the rifts don’t widen and threaten critical partnerships.The quarrels differ in their causes and degrees of seriousness. As a whole, however, they pose a new foreign policy headache for an administration whose overseas track record is seen in many quarters at home and abroad as reactive and lacking direction.In Europe and the Middle East, rifts that once would’ve been quietly smoothed over have exploded into headlines and public remonstrations.


Read more here: WASHINGTON: World’s anger at Obama policies goes beyond Europe and the NSA | Europe | McClatchy DC
Europe Loses Trust in Obama - WSJ.com

Back in 2011, when the United States killed Osama bin Laden in the middle of the Pakistani night, Barack Obama said that "as a nation, there is nothing we can't do." Mr. Obama told the world that America would be "relentless in defense of our citizens and our friends and allies."

Two and a half years later, the Obama Administration doesn't seem to be relentless in defense of anything beyond its direct domestic political interests—with the exception of its undiscerning spying operations on countries that pass as extended family.

What's novel here is that in Europe, doubts about America's wisdom, strength and resolve are increasingly focused on the person of the president. Beyond the espionage, think of Mr. Obama's hesitations on Iran and turnabouts concerning Syria—or his role in lengthening the U.S. budget shutdown, or in providing America with a new but crippled national health program.

These days, and to varying degrees, the governments of France, Britain and Germany regard Mr. Obama as a problem. ....

But at least he's not Bush, right?

From further down the article, in a comment about Angela Merkel:

And she is irritated by stereotypes like "Obama, the Angel of Peace."

It is so refreshing to hear that. It's not good news, per se, but any break in the surreal stranglehold which Obamamania had on reality is a step in the right direction.

i would be irritated by made-up stereotypes, too. or maybe not. what a load of bollocks.

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