Europe: Making Totalitarianism Great Again

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Europe is the birthplace of fascism, so it's hardly surprising they'd revert back to it when it suits the ruling class's needs.

The European Union is intensifying its efforts to censor and marginalize voices that disagree with its policies, under the convenient euphemism of combating "fake news".

"The Commission needs to look into the challenges the online platforms create for our democracies as regards the spreading of fake information and initiate a reflection on what would be needed at EU level to protect our citizens," wrote Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, in May 2017. How considerate that Juncker, in totalitarian fashion, wishes to protect EU citizens from news that does not fit the Commission's narratives and agendas
The proposed French law, however, would go even further than the German censorship, in that it would allow French authorities to block entire websites during election seasons, a draconian measure to combat political opponents, which would place France in the same category as countries such as China and Iran that block websites that do not suit the agendas of the regime.

Europe: Making Totalitarianism Great Again
Back in the real world,

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultation

"The freedom to receive and impart information and the pluralism of the media are enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an era where the flow of information and misinformation has become almost overwhelming. That is why we need to give our citizens the tools to identify fake news, improve trust online, and manage the information they receive.”
Back in the real world,

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultation

"The freedom to receive and impart information and the pluralism of the media are enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an era where the flow of information and misinformation has become almost overwhelming. That is why we need to give our citizens the tools to identify fake news, improve trust online, and manage the information they receive.”

Read: Only trust corporate sponsored news media.
Basically Europeans are too stupid to think for themselves, so the EU thought police will help out, awesome.
Its not just Europeans though.Russia mugged off the US to get trump elected.
It can only be a positive if ,for example, facebook added a little note to a post saying "this guy is based in a warehouse outside Moscow".
Basically Europeans are too stupid to think for themselves, so the EU thought police will help out, awesome.

^^^^ This:


Basically Europeans are too stupid to think for themselves, so the EU thought police will help out, awesome.
Its not just Europeans though.Russia mugged off the US to get trump elected.
It can only be a positive if ,for example, facebook added a little note to a post saying "this guy is based in a warehouse outside Moscow".
Way to prove his point ;)
Basically Europeans are too stupid to think for themselves, so the EU thought police will help out, awesome.
Its not just Europeans though.Russia mugged off the US to get trump elected.
It can only be a positive if ,for example, facebook added a little note to a post saying "this guy is based in a warehouse outside Moscow".
Way to prove his point ;)

This below is the first exclusive picture of that guy that TT say is based in a warehouse outside Moscow, here he is :omg:


This is the first exclusive picture of the actual warehouse based outside Moscow that the above is in right now operating ONE BILLION RUSSIAN BOTS :eek-52:

Back in the real world,

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultation

"The freedom to receive and impart information and the pluralism of the media are enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an era where the flow of information and misinformation has become almost overwhelming. That is why we need to give our citizens the tools to identify fake news, improve trust online, and manage the information they receive.”
Censorship all wrapped up pretty for the naive, emasculated losers PC has turned Europeans into. Why not censor news that highlights the cultural suicide the countries engage in, after all the people who make those decisions are not affected by the reality of the situation, the people who live through it daily are.
Back in the real world,

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultation

"The freedom to receive and impart information and the pluralism of the media are enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an era where the flow of information and misinformation has become almost overwhelming. That is why we need to give our citizens the tools to identify fake news, improve trust online, and manage the information they receive.”
Censorship all wrapped up pretty for the naive, emasculated losers PC has turned Europeans into. Why not censor news that highlights the cultural suicide the countries engage in, after all the people who make those decisions are not affected by the reality of the situation, the people who live through it daily are.

Your American Founding Fathers were wise men, if you did not have your First Amendment you would be getting this type of thing although there are peoples in America who work 24/7 to find some way to destroy your First Amendment then so they can bring censorship to the American nation of things that the Politically Correct Totalitarians do not agree should be commented. A dangerous slippery slope, stay alert.
Basically Europeans are too stupid to think for themselves, so the EU thought police will help out, awesome.
Its not just Europeans though.Russia mugged off the US to get trump elected.
It can only be a positive if ,for example, facebook added a little note to a post saying "this guy is based in a warehouse outside Moscow".

Only a moron would think a single American voted for Trump or against Hillary based on a Russian FB post. Certainly no one I have spoke with has suggested they switched their vote.
Basically Europeans are too stupid to think for themselves, so the EU thought police will help out, awesome.
Its not just Europeans though.Russia mugged off the US to get trump elected.
It can only be a positive if ,for example, facebook added a little note to a post saying "this guy is based in a warehouse outside Moscow".
Way to prove his point ;)

He's a walking billboard for European idiots. Make sure to delete this post when you get a chance Coyote.
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....

As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....

As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.

Your MSM should be broken up, it is not good to have all the media in the hands of perhaps five Big Corporations, you should smash the Monopoly.
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....

As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....

As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?

BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.

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