Europe: Making Totalitarianism Great Again

Back in the real world,

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultation

"The freedom to receive and impart information and the pluralism of the media are enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an era where the flow of information and misinformation has become almost overwhelming. That is why we need to give our citizens the tools to identify fake news, improve trust online, and manage the information they receive.”


Back in the real world,

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultation

"The freedom to receive and impart information and the pluralism of the media are enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an era where the flow of information and misinformation has become almost overwhelming. That is why we need to give our citizens the tools to identify fake news, improve trust online, and manage the information they receive.”

How many Brits have been arrested for saying mean things about Muslims online?

And while we are at it, any more Muslim rape rings targeting white girl children? Anyone keeping a running tally of how many girls have been raped with government knowledge and tacit approval?
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....

As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?

BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....

As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?

BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.

Stalin is dead. They CAN'T give him his own show, no matter how many letters you write!
Back in the real world,

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultation

"The freedom to receive and impart information and the pluralism of the media are enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an era where the flow of information and misinformation has become almost overwhelming. That is why we need to give our citizens the tools to identify fake news, improve trust online, and manage the information they receive.”

How many Brits have been arrested for saying mean things about Muslims online?

And while we are at it, any more Muslim rape rings targeting white girl children? Anyone keeping a running tally of how many girls have been raped with government knowledge and tacit approval?
You make me chuckle. You are such a racist and a hypocrite to boot. You dont give a toss about rape victims unless the rapist is muslim. I bet you were a big supporter of Roy Moore and other right wing sex offenders.
Back in the real world,

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultation

"The freedom to receive and impart information and the pluralism of the media are enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an era where the flow of information and misinformation has become almost overwhelming. That is why we need to give our citizens the tools to identify fake news, improve trust online, and manage the information they receive.”

How many Brits have been arrested for saying mean things about Muslims online?

And while we are at it, any more Muslim rape rings targeting white girl children? Anyone keeping a running tally of how many girls have been raped with government knowledge and tacit approval?
You make me chuckle. You are such a racist and a hypocrite to boot. You dont give a toss about rape victims unless the rapist is muslim. I bet you were a big supporter of Roy Moore and other right wing sex offenders.

1. We know you are a race baiting asshole. YOu don't have to show us again.

2. You are a moron if you believe that I only care about rape victims if the rapist is a muslim.

3. I support the equal and fair enforcement of all rape laws. YOu are the one who supports the polices that led to government tacit approval of muslims raping over a thousand of your countries young girls.

4. How many Brits have been arrested for saying mean things about Muslims online?

5.And while we are at it, any more Muslim rape rings targeting white girl children?

6. Anyone keeping a running tally of how many girls have been raped with government knowledge and tacit approval?
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....

As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?

BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.

What is Right Wing in that definition? In that definition then Right Wing is anything to the Right in Britain of Jeremy Corbyn, so that would mean that the Liberal Democrats are Right Wing as they to the Right of Corbyn who is Far Left.
Basically Europeans are too stupid to think for themselves, so the EU thought police will help out, awesome.
Just take a look at pussboy. Bought it hook, line and sinker.

The opposite should be happening that is people should be FORCED to think for themselves, there is nothing greater than an Independent Thought Process and without the ability to THINK for YOURSELF then WTF is the point of even being on this planet? Nobody should want to be a Sheep and told what to think and what NOT to think, only weak minded peoples WANT to be one of the Sheeple.
First Europe tool their guns, then they took their press....and people say that will never happen here....

As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?

BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.

What is Right Wing in that definition? In that definition then Right Wing is anything to the Right in Britain of Jeremy Corbyn, so that would mean that the Liberal Democrats are Right Wing as they to the Right of Corbyn who is Far Left.
Corbyn is not really left wing. he is further to the left than Blair but then pretty much everyone is.
Stop Trident,re-nationalise a few key industries and invest in our public services. Ooooohh Scary !!
You are such a racist

Which race, Tammy?

I vote it is Klingon, the emblem of:

Basically Europeans are too stupid to think for themselves, so the EU thought police will help out, awesome.
Just take a look at pussboy. Bought it hook, line and sinker.

The opposite should be happening that is people should be FORCED to think for themselves, there is nothing greater than an Independent Thought Process and without the ability to THINK for YOURSELF then WTF is the point of even being on this planet? Nobody should want to be a Sheep and told what to think and what NOT to think, only weak minded peoples WANT to be one of the Sheeple.
We shouldn’t be surprised that Tammy wants such controls over what people can read on the net. After all, he thinks right wing speakers should be banned from speaking on campus. He’s just another left wing fascist.
As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?

BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.

What is Right Wing in that definition? In that definition then Right Wing is anything to the Right in Britain of Jeremy Corbyn, so that would mean that the Liberal Democrats are Right Wing as they to the Right of Corbyn who is Far Left.
Corbyn is not really left wing. he is further to the left than Blair but then pretty much everyone is.
Stop Trident,re-nationalise a few key industries and invest in our public services. Ooooohh Scary !!

Well Tony Blair The War Criminal was a Neo-Conservative, so that would put even me to the left of Tony Blair. Not actually sure why Britain needs that Trident, who is going to attack Britain and also whoever is the British Prime Minister would not have control of using Trident because they need the permission of whoever would be the American President which is pathetic, a nation should NEVER have to have the PERMISSION of another nations leader to do something that is NOT what being a Sovereign nation is. All Industry should be privatised, Government control industry always a disaster, you have had decades of investment in your public services and still a mess so throwing more money at them won't do anything eg. you have the worst rail network on this Continent and also the most expensive to travel on for the British peoples, why for eg. is the French rail network efficient and cheap for the peoples and yours is the opposite?
We shouldn’t be surprised that Tammy wants such controls over what people can read on the net. After all, he thinks right wing speakers should be banned from speaking on campus. He’s just another left wing fascist.

Right wing speakers on campus? His report finger has a callous the size of tennis ball right here. I do so enjoy watching him puss out and use it.
As for the press, it already has.
All major media outlets are owned by large corporations. All of them. And they absolutely dictate what is, and what is not on the air.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?

BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.

What is Right Wing in that definition? In that definition then Right Wing is anything to the Right in Britain of Jeremy Corbyn, so that would mean that the Liberal Democrats are Right Wing as they to the Right of Corbyn who is Far Left.
Corbyn is not really left wing. he is further to the left than Blair but then pretty much everyone is.
Stop Trident,re-nationalise a few key industries and invest in our public services. Ooooohh Scary !!

Not really left wing?

Oh right, he's a Marxist.
Our press is a disgrace. Mostly owned by trash like Murdoch.
Can I just ask what you think will actually happen ?

BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.

What is Right Wing in that definition? In that definition then Right Wing is anything to the Right in Britain of Jeremy Corbyn, so that would mean that the Liberal Democrats are Right Wing as they to the Right of Corbyn who is Far Left.
Corbyn is not really left wing. he is further to the left than Blair but then pretty much everyone is.
Stop Trident,re-nationalise a few key industries and invest in our public services. Ooooohh Scary !!

Well Tony Blair The War Criminal was a Neo-Conservative, so that would put even me to the left of Tony Blair. Not actually sure why Britain needs that Trident, who is going to attack Britain and also whoever is the British Prime Minister would not have control of using Trident because they need the permission of whoever would be the American President which is pathetic, a nation should NEVER have to have the PERMISSION of another nations leader to do something that is NOT what being a Sovereign nation is. All Industry should be privatised, Government control industry always a disaster, you have had decades of investment in your public services and still a mess so throwing more money at them won't do anything eg. you have the worst rail network on this Continent and also the most expensive to travel on for the British peoples, why for eg. is the French rail network efficient and cheap for the peoples and yours is the opposite?
Our railways are shit. But they are publicly owned. They are owned by the French,Dutch and German governments through subsidiaries.They siphon off the subsidies from our railways and invest in their own.The cost of a ticket goes up every year but the service remains crap.
Our government has an ideological issue with public ownership, unless its from overseas.
BBC not owned by Murdoch, but something we can agree on that Murdoch is trash but the BBC now also trash, the BBC World Service now nothing but Propaganda with hostile presenters who are hostile to anything that is not only Conservative but also Centrist.
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.

What is Right Wing in that definition? In that definition then Right Wing is anything to the Right in Britain of Jeremy Corbyn, so that would mean that the Liberal Democrats are Right Wing as they to the Right of Corbyn who is Far Left.
Corbyn is not really left wing. he is further to the left than Blair but then pretty much everyone is.
Stop Trident,re-nationalise a few key industries and invest in our public services. Ooooohh Scary !!

Well Tony Blair The War Criminal was a Neo-Conservative, so that would put even me to the left of Tony Blair. Not actually sure why Britain needs that Trident, who is going to attack Britain and also whoever is the British Prime Minister would not have control of using Trident because they need the permission of whoever would be the American President which is pathetic, a nation should NEVER have to have the PERMISSION of another nations leader to do something that is NOT what being a Sovereign nation is. All Industry should be privatised, Government control industry always a disaster, you have had decades of investment in your public services and still a mess so throwing more money at them won't do anything eg. you have the worst rail network on this Continent and also the most expensive to travel on for the British peoples, why for eg. is the French rail network efficient and cheap for the peoples and yours is the opposite?
Our railways are shit. But they are publicly owned. They are owned by the French,Dutch and German governments through subsidiaries.They siphon off the subsidies from our railways and invest in their own.The cost of a ticket goes up every year but the service remains crap.
Our government has an ideological issue with public ownership, unless its from overseas.

The Germans own Arriva bus company. One of the worst!
The BBC is far too right wing at the moment.

What is Right Wing in that definition? In that definition then Right Wing is anything to the Right in Britain of Jeremy Corbyn, so that would mean that the Liberal Democrats are Right Wing as they to the Right of Corbyn who is Far Left.
Corbyn is not really left wing. he is further to the left than Blair but then pretty much everyone is.
Stop Trident,re-nationalise a few key industries and invest in our public services. Ooooohh Scary !!

Well Tony Blair The War Criminal was a Neo-Conservative, so that would put even me to the left of Tony Blair. Not actually sure why Britain needs that Trident, who is going to attack Britain and also whoever is the British Prime Minister would not have control of using Trident because they need the permission of whoever would be the American President which is pathetic, a nation should NEVER have to have the PERMISSION of another nations leader to do something that is NOT what being a Sovereign nation is. All Industry should be privatised, Government control industry always a disaster, you have had decades of investment in your public services and still a mess so throwing more money at them won't do anything eg. you have the worst rail network on this Continent and also the most expensive to travel on for the British peoples, why for eg. is the French rail network efficient and cheap for the peoples and yours is the opposite?
Our railways are shit. But they are publicly owned. They are owned by the French,Dutch and German governments through subsidiaries.They siphon off the subsidies from our railways and invest in their own.The cost of a ticket goes up every year but the service remains crap.
Our government has an ideological issue with public ownership, unless its from overseas.

The Germans own Arriva bus company. One of the worst!
I use Arriva trains a lot. They are extortionate and give a poor service.

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