Europe Now Hates Joe Biden Months After Calling Him “A Return To Adulthood” For America


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Self evident.
A series of disagreements, most notably over Afghanistan, have some European leaders revising their expectations about President Joe Biden, and thinking more about a future untethered to the US.

From a white-knuckle grip with Donald Trump to an arm on the shoulder with President Biden, Emmanuel Macron’s greetings tell the story of how EU leaders saw the change of US administrations.

At a Nato summit in May 2017, the French president dug his fingertips into President Trump’s hand, staring him in the face. “It wasn’t innocent”, Mr Macron later said. “In my bilateral dialogues, I won’t let anything pass.”

Roll forward four years to the recent G7 summit in Cornwall, Joe Biden’s first as US president, and again Mr Macron grasped the moment. As the cameras snapped, he walked across the beach with his arm around Mr Biden. The body language shift was clear: the two sides arm-in-arm once again.
Self evident.
A series of disagreements, most notably over Afghanistan, have some European leaders revising their expectations about President Joe Biden, and thinking more about a future untethered to the US.

From a white-knuckle grip with Donald Trump to an arm on the shoulder with President Biden, Emmanuel Macron’s greetings tell the story of how EU leaders saw the change of US administrations.

At a Nato summit in May 2017, the French president dug his fingertips into President Trump’s hand, staring him in the face. “It wasn’t innocent”, Mr Macron later said. “In my bilateral dialogues, I won’t let anything pass.”

Roll forward four years to the recent G7 summit in Cornwall, Joe Biden’s first as US president, and again Mr Macron grasped the moment. As the cameras snapped, he walked across the beach with his arm around Mr Biden. The body language shift was clear: the two sides arm-in-arm once again.
They will get over it. It was the tragic the Marines. George w Bush is at the bottom of this lol and Trump! Stupidest war ever except for Iraq. I think the Taliban is quite a bit better this time. Not exactly Republicans lol
Macron loved the free money that America sent them for the Paris Accord. A horrible, obviously failed Accord that sent money to Russia and China while not lowering temperature AND having no enforceable mechanism to China to lower their numbers by 2030.

By the way I HIGHLY doubt China will lower temperature as they built dozens of new coal plants. There is a reason China pushes for "climate agreement", as they always benefit while not changing a damned thing.

Good for them. They love the global socialists supporting their causes. It's becoming more and more their world and they are doing what is best for their plight. Macron is not an ally of America, nor most of the global socialist figureheads in Europe, regardless of their opinion of Biden or others. They turned their backs to some degree some time ago, but too few were willing to be honest about it. Now some of them just have a convenient excuse.

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