Europe Orders British Press to NOT Report If Terrorists Are Muslims

The UK could use a massive white riot
jus sayin

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He says nothing offensive, but we're on clown world

Notre Dame Fire: Our Civilization Burns
The significance of the Notre Dame fire is so obvious that even WaPo’s Talia Lavin could grasp it if she let herself. But few have expressed it as well as the Iconoclast:

youre gonna have to go to you tube to watch it yourselves
OP is a lie. Nobody is ordering anybody to do anything. Meanwhile the important points made by the report are washed away in a river of froth.
Do they report if they are Christian?
------------------------------------------- just report the name . Normally just the name is the dead giveaway as to whether a terrorist is Christian or 'muslim' Coyote .

Often, news reports fail to provide a name of the suspect. Wonder why that is?
Because he is a suspect, not a convict. In some countries they can’t. Not a bad idea.

So you want to repress journalism that inconveniences your agenda.
------------------------------- Course you'l note that Coyote just throws out BS with No info that SOME countries can't report name of Suspects but i think that France and England CAN . If so then just naming the suspect solves the problem of identifying in 99 percent of cases of WHO or which religion did the terrorism .
and from 2016 and in 'england' and 'france' SUSPECTS are Named . ----------------------- Who were the Paris attackers? --- and i suspect that its the same way in France . So yeah Coyote , just name the SUSPECT's to clear up if the terrorists are 'muslim' or Christian Coyote .
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Do they report if they are Christian?

I'm sure they would, if christian terrorists were a thing.
They are. But no one identifies them by their religion.

The rare terrorist who turns to be white has every aspect of his life put under a microscope.
Not to mention that there are no Christian terrorist groups out there who kill an masse in order to spread Christianity until nothing else remains.
Do they report if they are Christian?
------------------------------------------- just report the name . Normally just the name is the dead giveaway as to whether a terrorist is Christian or 'muslim' Coyote .

Often, news reports fail to provide a name of the suspect. Wonder why that is?
Because he is a suspect, not a convict. In some countries they can’t. Not a bad idea.

So you want to repress journalism that inconveniences your agenda.
It is the agenda of usmessageboard as well.

There can be no discission of Islam without usmessageboard derailing it by turning it into an assault on Christians or a hate fest against Jews .
Do they report if they are Christian?
------------------------------------------- just report the name . Normally just the name is the dead giveaway as to whether a terrorist is Christian or 'muslim' Coyote .

Often, news reports fail to provide a name of the suspect. Wonder why that is?
Because he is a suspect, not a convict. In some countries they can’t. Not a bad idea.

So you want to repress journalism that inconveniences your agenda.
It is the agenda of usmessageboard as well.

There can be no discission of Islam without usmessageboard derailing it by turning it into an assault on Christians or a hate fest against Jews .

Western christian civilization has spent at least a hundred years caught up in the battles between Jews, muslims and communists. Americans at least should divest themselves completely of this European bullshit.
Do they report if they are Christian?
------------------------------------------- just report the name . Normally just the name is the dead giveaway as to whether a terrorist is Christian or 'muslim' Coyote .

Often, news reports fail to provide a name of the suspect. Wonder why that is?
Because he is a suspect, not a convict. In some countries they can’t. Not a bad idea.

So you want to repress journalism that inconveniences your agenda.
It is the agenda of usmessageboard as well.

There can be no discission of Islam without usmessageboard derailing it by turning it into an assault on Christians or a hate fest against Jews .
----------------------------- Maybe , don't know for sure but some things do seem kinda weird Dogma .
Do they report if they are Christian?

I'm sure they would, if christian terrorists were a thing.
They are. But no one identifies them by their religion.

There is no Christian terrorism in Europe
Sure there is, it is called white supremacy.

White Europeans are THE most passive and demoralized bunch of idiots in the world. They've been taught to hate themselves, their culture and the religion of their ancestors. They've been taught to lick the posterior of every "person of color" and ignore all the horrible crimes they perpetuate. That's how so called "men of asian descent" (aka pakistani muslism) were allowed to get away with raping underage white girls in Britain for a decade.
Do they report if they are Christian?

I'm sure they would, if christian terrorists were a thing.
They are. But no one identifies them by their religion.

There is no Christian terrorism in Europe
Sure there is, it is called white supremacy.

It’s not, actually. Are there people in Europe who sometimes commit terror acts who happened to be Christian? Yes. Did they commit those acts in the name of Christianity? No. This is a very stark and obvious distinction.
We need to start standing up to the globalists in our government, because, there but for the grace of God...

Human nature....
People can be RELIED upon to consistently look the other way unless imminent personal injury to oneself or a close family member is in danger.

The Globalists know this and use it extensively.

What "needs" to be done and what "will" be done are unfortunately, in different universes.
Another ridiculous conspiracy theory, globalists. Globalism is just the result of the age of information great transportation and cheap salaries in emerging markets. What we should be doing is investing in education and training for our workers like smart countries do like Germany so we can fill the good jobs that are produced by all these new markets for our technology. Instead we have to save the rich from paying their fair share. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you... So we have 6 million good well-paying jobs going begging. Great job!
Another ridiculous conspiracy theory, globalists. Globalism is just the result of the age of information great transportation and cheap salaries in emerging markets. What we should be doing is investing in education and training for our workers like smart countries do like Germany so we can fill the good jobs that are produced by all these new markets for our technology. Instead we have to save the rich from paying their fair share. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you... So we have 6 million good well-paying jobs going begging. Great job!

But aren't you in favor of Socialism?

In the famous words of Edmund Burke......
All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

If somehow you actually believe there are no exceptionally powerful, ill-intentioned people (such as G. Soros and MANY others) who have already harmed millions and would eagerly do so again to enrich themselves, then you are exceedingly naive.

Germany destroyed itself under Angela Merkle, who, a Globalist herself.
EU also has been irreparably damaged by Globalists.
Did you hear? Notre Dame recently burned. GB is about to boil over concerning Brexit.

What you Progressives call "progress" is astonishing.
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Another ridiculous conspiracy theory, globalists. Globalism is just the result of the age of information great transportation and cheap salaries in emerging markets. What we should be doing is investing in education and training for our workers like smart countries do like Germany so we can fill the good jobs that are produced by all these new markets for our technology. Instead we have to save the rich from paying their fair share. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you... So we have 6 million good well-paying jobs going begging. Great job!

But aren't you in favor of Socialism?

In the famous words of Edmund Burke......
All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

If somehow you actually believe there are no exceptionally powerful, ill-intentioned people (such as G. Soros and MANY others) who have already harmed millions and would eagerly do so again to enrich themselves, then you are exceedingly naive.

Germany destroyed itself under Angela Merkle, who, a Globalist herself.
EU also has been irreparably damaged by Globalists.
Did you hear? Notre Dame recently burned. GB is about to boil over concerning Brexit.

What you Progressives call "progress" is astonishing.
I am in favor of always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, which is what everyone in the modern world except you brainwashed fools believe is socialism. Germany has 3.1% unemployment and probably the best economy in the world, dumbass. Notre Damewas caused by an electrical short circuit and has nothing to do with politics. Brexit is the stupidest conservative idea ever in Britain, much like electing Trump in the United States. Brainwashed idiocy. Just the kind of chaos and idiotic nationalism you expect after a corrupt GOP World depression.
I am in favor of always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, which is what everyone in the modern world except you brainwashed fools believe is socialism. Germany has 3.1% unemployment and probably the best economy in the world, dumbass. Notre Damewas caused by an electrical short circuit and has nothing to do with politics. Brexit is the stupidest conservative idea ever in Britain, much like electing Trump in the United States. Brainwashed idiocy. Just the kind of chaos and idiotic nationalism you expect after a corrupt GOP World depression.

So in a nutshell, you are a Socialist.
Unfortunately, this has proven repeatedly to be a losing strategy and a failed concept.
If ONLY you could ever open your eyes there's a PERFECT recent example just to our south.

As always, your Socialism has resulted in death, destruction and suffering.
Brexit.....intelligent people wanting to choose their OWN destiny rather than being led like sheeple in a direction clearly NOT in their best interests.

Again, your reasoning is irrational. But then I know it's hard to see the world any differently when you've been so thoroughly indoctrinated.

PS....I won't stoop to your level and throw all the colorful adjective back at you.. I just wish you'd grow up and learn some history and stop being led by a leash.

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