Europe's Lesson Teaches Us: Don't Go Green


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I invested in solar/wind just to be independent from grid in case grid goes down...
Europe's Lesson Teaches Us: Don't Go Green

Stephen Moore

Posted: Mar 14, 2017 12:01 AM

If you listen to the media narrative on climate change and "clean energy," you'd think that the rest of the world has moved smartly and seamlessly toward 21st century green energy while the U.S. is the high-polluting laggard that just won't get with the program to save the planet.

Think again. The green energy revolution around the world has turned into a big green meltdown, with many nations sprinting away from "renewable" energy with the speed of Usain Bolt.

Here are a few of the latest news flashes from Europe and Asia. In Germany, the world leader in green energy, electricity prices have now reached a level triple those paid in the United States. Imagine the anger here if middle-class Americans saw a tripling of their utility bills each month.


Thankfully, Donald Trump has made it known that adopting more of the policy quackery of Europe -- at a time when the U.S. has more recoverable shale oil and gas and more clean coal than any other nation on the planet -- is no way to make America great again. Europe is running away from the fantasy of green energy, and this is one rare instance when America may want to follow their lead.

Europe's Lesson Teaches Us: Don't Go Green
The one thing about green energy is that it is easier to sell for now, which transfers funds out of the hands of idiot.
You don't need to look to Europe, look to Ontario.

$315B in debt with a population of 14 million fools. Debt doubled in 10 years, massive multiple billion dollar boondoggles supporting theft of money to failing "green businesses". Its theft, and crime, plain and simple. The cowardly OPP and RCMP don't do a thing because they are well paid for their ability to look away.

It doesn't end there, no way in hell. We have a massive tax on our gas at the pump, which means we pay more for gas than Americans and about 25% more than we should.

We also are bestowed the "opportunity" to pay very high hydro costs, crippling home owners and businesses. Costs have gone up substaintially, where literally people are in debt up to their ears to heat their homes, over 20% of home owners in Ontario are behind in their hydro bill. The reason? The genius liberal provincial government who pass on to consumers a "global adjustment charge" A charge that was quietly levied against citizens, like most things this government does in secrecy (like paying GM $550M to keep jobs in Ontario rather than go back to America, or, $1 milliom to the largest sport owner in Canada for hosting the NBA all-star game a few years back)

No wonder our allies don't trust Canada. I beseech people on this forum to investigate Ontarios economy and abuses, it is a definite that this is where America is headed if they listen to these crooked left-wing economists.
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You don't need to look to Europe, look to Ontario.

$315B in debt with a population of 14 million fools. Debt doubled in 10 years, massive multiple billion dollar boondoggles supporting theft of money to failing "green businesses". Its theft, and crime, plain and simple. The cowardly OPP and RCMP don't do a thing because they are well paid for their ability to look away.

It doesn't end there, no way in hell. We have a massive tax on our gas at the pump, which means we pay more for gas than Americans and about 25% more than we should.

We also are bestowed the "opportunity" to pay very high hydro costs, crippling home owners and businesses. Costs have gone up substaintially, where literally people are in debt up to their ears to heat their homes, over 20% of home owners in Ontario are behind in their hydro bill. The reason? The genius liberal provincial government who pass on to consumers a "global adjustment charge" A charge that was quietly levied against citizens, like most things this government does in secrecy (like paying GM $550M to keep jobs in Ontario rather than go back to America, or, $1 to the largest sport owner in Canada for hosting the NBA all-star game a few years back)

No wonder our allies don't trust Canada. I beseech people on this forum to investigate Ontarios economy and abuses, it is a definite that this is where America is headed if they listen to these crooked left-wing economists.

How does that stack up against US debt incurred including all the endless war and military occupation of foreign lands and resutlant terrorism to stay married/enslaved to fossil fuels again?
You don't need to look to Europe, look to Ontario.

$315B in debt with a population of 14 million fools. Debt doubled in 10 years, massive multiple billion dollar boondoggles supporting theft of money to failing "green businesses". Its theft, and crime, plain and simple. The cowardly OPP and RCMP don't do a thing because they are well paid for their ability to look away.

It doesn't end there, no way in hell. We have a massive tax on our gas at the pump, which means we pay more for gas than Americans and about 25% more than we should.

We also are bestowed the "opportunity" to pay very high hydro costs, crippling home owners and businesses. Costs have gone up substaintially, where literally people are in debt up to their ears to heat their homes, over 20% of home owners in Ontario are behind in their hydro bill. The reason? The genius liberal provincial government who pass on to consumers a "global adjustment charge" A charge that was quietly levied against citizens, like most things this government does in secrecy (like paying GM $550M to keep jobs in Ontario rather than go back to America, or, $1 to the largest sport owner in Canada for hosting the NBA all-star game a few years back)

No wonder our allies don't trust Canada. I beseech people on this forum to investigate Ontarios economy and abuses, it is a definite that this is where America is headed if they listen to these crooked left-wing economists.

How does that stack up against US debt incurred including all the endless war and military occupation of foreign lands and resutlant terrorism to stay married/enslaved to fossil fuels again?
Let me put on my liberal hat on and say; you misspelled a word so the whole post is moot...

Hat now off, rolmfao...:rolleyes-41:
You don't need to look to Europe, look to Ontario.

$315B in debt with a population of 14 million fools. Debt doubled in 10 years, massive multiple billion dollar boondoggles supporting theft of money to failing "green businesses". Its theft, and crime, plain and simple. The cowardly OPP and RCMP don't do a thing because they are well paid for their ability to look away.

It doesn't end there, no way in hell. We have a massive tax on our gas at the pump, which means we pay more for gas than Americans and about 25% more than we should.

We also are bestowed the "opportunity" to pay very high hydro costs, crippling home owners and businesses. Costs have gone up substaintially, where literally people are in debt up to their ears to heat their homes, over 20% of home owners in Ontario are behind in their hydro bill. The reason? The genius liberal provincial government who pass on to consumers a "global adjustment charge" A charge that was quietly levied against citizens, like most things this government does in secrecy (like paying GM $550M to keep jobs in Ontario rather than go back to America, or, $1 to the largest sport owner in Canada for hosting the NBA all-star game a few years back)

No wonder our allies don't trust Canada. I beseech people on this forum to investigate Ontarios economy and abuses, it is a definite that this is where America is headed if they listen to these crooked left-wing economists.

How does that stack up against US debt incurred including all the endless war and military occupation of foreign lands and resutlant terrorism to stay married/enslaved to fossil fuels again?
Let me put on my liberal hat on and say; you misspelled a word so the whole post is moot...

Hat now off, rolmfao...:rolleyes-41:

Too close to home, got it.
You don't need to look to Europe, look to Ontario.

$315B in debt with a population of 14 million fools. Debt doubled in 10 years, massive multiple billion dollar boondoggles supporting theft of money to failing "green businesses". Its theft, and crime, plain and simple. The cowardly OPP and RCMP don't do a thing because they are well paid for their ability to look away.

It doesn't end there, no way in hell. We have a massive tax on our gas at the pump, which means we pay more for gas than Americans and about 25% more than we should.

We also are bestowed the "opportunity" to pay very high hydro costs, crippling home owners and businesses. Costs have gone up substaintially, where literally people are in debt up to their ears to heat their homes, over 20% of home owners in Ontario are behind in their hydro bill. The reason? The genius liberal provincial government who pass on to consumers a "global adjustment charge" A charge that was quietly levied against citizens, like most things this government does in secrecy (like paying GM $550M to keep jobs in Ontario rather than go back to America, or, $1 to the largest sport owner in Canada for hosting the NBA all-star game a few years back)

No wonder our allies don't trust Canada. I beseech people on this forum to investigate Ontarios economy and abuses, it is a definite that this is where America is headed if they listen to these crooked left-wing economists.

How does that stack up against US debt incurred including all the endless war and military occupation of foreign lands and resutlant terrorism to stay married/enslaved to fossil fuels again?

You are comparing Ontario and Canada with America? Who has more economic and global influence? Who is the more free and liberty driven nation? What nation do you head to if you believe in Rule of Law and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Look, I understand America is going through their challenges, let me say without exaggeration, the problems in Canada absolutely dwarf Americans problems, and unlike America we have no will or way to shift course. If you look to the Canadian Communist model as one America should emulate, with no Rule of Law and a backstabbing system of it's own citizens AND allies, then the West is done for. Replaced by a Chinese model, which is closer to the Canadian model than you would imagine.
Solar panels are, and should be, a personal choice.

Free from government expenditure and corporate welfare. Trust me, I cannot stress this enough, look at the Ontario model. An insolvent province even though they have no military obligations or larger expenses that the feds do.

Ontario is the most indebted sub borrowing district in the ENTIRE WORLD! Yes, worse than anywhere in Greece. All of this, and we lack innovation, creativity and opportunity. Which is why so many leave for's disgusting.
I invested in solar/wind just to be independent from grid in case grid goes down...
Europe's Lesson Teaches Us: Don't Go Green

Stephen Moore

Posted: Mar 14, 2017 12:01 AM

If you listen to the media narrative on climate change and "clean energy," you'd think that the rest of the world has moved smartly and seamlessly toward 21st century green energy while the U.S. is the high-polluting laggard that just won't get with the program to save the planet.

Think again. The green energy revolution around the world has turned into a big green meltdown, with many nations sprinting away from "renewable" energy with the speed of Usain Bolt.

Here are a few of the latest news flashes from Europe and Asia. In Germany, the world leader in green energy, electricity prices have now reached a level triple those paid in the United States. Imagine the anger here if middle-class Americans saw a tripling of their utility bills each month.


Thankfully, Donald Trump has made it known that adopting more of the policy quackery of Europe -- at a time when the U.S. has more recoverable shale oil and gas and more clean coal than any other nation on the planet -- is no way to make America great again. Europe is running away from the fantasy of green energy, and this is one rare instance when America may want to follow their lead.

Europe's Lesson Teaches Us: Don't Go Green
And, much closer, what does the lesson's of Texas teach us?

Texas and California have a bizarre problem: too much renewable energy

Solar and wind power are coming online at rates unforeseen only a few years ago. That’s a good thing if your goal is to decarbonize the energy sector. But if you’re a utility or independent power producer and you make your money selling electricity, it can be not such a good thing.

In places with abundant wind and solar resources, like Texas and California, the price of electricity is dipping more and more frequently into negative territory. In other words, utilities that operate big fossil-fuel or nuclear plants, which are very costly to switch off and ramp up again, are running into problems when wind and solar farms are generating at their peaks. With too much energy supply to the grid, spot prices for power turn negative and utilities are forced to pay grid operators to take power off their hands.

That’s happened on about a dozen days over the past year in sunny Southern California, according to data from Bloomberg, and it’s liable to happen more often in the future. “In Texas, power at one major hub traded below zero for almost 50 hours in November and again in March,” according to the state’s grid operator. In Germany, negative energy prices have become commonplace, dramatically slashing utility revenues despite renewable energy subsidies that bolster electricity prices much more than in the United States.

The first solution to below-zero prices is to build more transmission to ship the power to places where demand is high. Germany now makesclose to 2 billion euros a year off energy exports to neighboring countries, according to Berlin’s Fraunhofer Institute. But building out new long-distance, high-voltage transmission lines is expensive: Texas has spent $7 billion on transmission lines to ship power from the windy flatlands of west Texas to Dallas and Houston.

The ideal setup is for places with abundant renewable energy (many of them in remote areas) to store and ship power to energy-hungry cities on the coasts, forcing fossil-fuel plants to curtail production and, eventually, shut down. But such large-scale storage doesn’t exist yet. So in the meantime, “with more renewable power on the way in Texas, generators have been asking policy makers for incentives to keep conventional plants running,” according to the Dallas Morning News.
Solar panels are, and should be, a personal choice.
Why yes, and the utilities are choosing them by the gigawatt.

Quick Facts
  • There are over 4,000 major solar projects currently in the database, representing over 72 GW of capacity.
  • The list shows that there is over 16 GWac of major solar projects currently operating.
  • There remains an enormous amount of capacity in the pipeline, with over 53.3 GW of PV and CSP projects either under construction or under development.
Project Location Map

Major Solar Projects List

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