Evangelical devotion to Trump

If you were capable of understanding, pretty plain straightforward English when I use the term “creator“ a.k.a. supreme being you would know I am not saying that American is a strictly atheist country.

America is a country that is neutral on all religion and that’s the way it was intended to be. So quit the lie America was founded as a Christian nation.
what you say is technically true, however the words of the constitution don't agree with your assertion.
If you were capable of understanding, pretty plain straightforward English when I use the term “creator“ a.k.a. supreme being you would know I am not saying that American is a strictly atheist country.

America is a country that is neutral on all religion and that’s the way it was intended to be. So quit the lie America was founded as a Christian nation.
/——-/ Suggestion. Adding a period changes your last line from “So quit the lie America was founded as a Christian nation.”
To: So quit the lie. America was founded as a Christian nation.
When I realized what you meant, I changed my rating from Fake News to Agree.

The Constitution says nothing about a creator
"endowed by their creator" the declaration of independence, the basis for all american history, law, and government.

but you are free to be a non believer, maybe China or north korea would be more to your liking.
"endowed by their creator" the declaration of independence, the basis for all american history, law, and government.

but you are free to be a non believer, maybe China or north korea would be more to your liking.
You said Constitution
Now, move that goalpost

Decalaration of independence has no legal authority
Her diary doesnt say he molested her. It does say she thinks she was molested, but it doesnt list any names. Showering and sexualizing is different.
Imagine your own daughter saying you sexualized her. Its fucking sick man. But here we are.
Dems are fucking perverts. No other way around it.
do you ignore trumps comments about his daughter? of course you do it doesn't fit your narrative
and how about grabbing pussy....seems you are good with that....

Dems are the pervets? what do you have to say about trumps spiritual advisor admitting to molesting a 12 yr old when he was 21? crickets?
Ox a hmmm

" we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had sexual relations with that woman"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"michelle doesn't have a penis"
This is a direct democracy damaging set of lies by Trump to his gathered stormtrooper mob on J6,2021. No other lie like it coming from a Christian leader to the faithful as President of the United States.

NotfooledbyW Dec’23 Vtrfcb inserted Trump J6 quotes: “stop the steal” + “When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules.” + “John Eastman” + “. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states {on this day} to re-certify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” nfbw 231220 Vtrfcb00549

Trump was telling his mob that he had an operation going that will make him president another four years because he is “allowed to go by very different rules.”
do you ignore trumps comments about his daughter?
I have commented on them several times. Its disgsuting. But at least he doesnt go around groping children, smelling them, and sexualizing his own children. But I wont be voting for a freak like trump. You will be voting for someone way worse than trump. Deflection noted, though.
how about grabbing pussy.
Whats wrong with grabbing pussy? Frankly, we all know what he said was true.
Dems are the pervets?
Our president is an incestuous pedo. So, YES, that is quite obvious.
what do you have to say about trumps spiritual advisor admitting to molesting a 12 yr old when he was 21? crickets?
Its pretty disgusting isnt it? Any other deflecting questions you would like to ask?
Thanks - I meant to write: So quit the lie THAT America was founded as a Christian nation.
/----/ Punctuation is our friend.
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?

I've wondered the same thing since before he was elected in 2016. It never occurred to me that Americans would view Trump as a successful businessman, because I worked in construction and development law, and I was aware of his record of failure and bankruptcy since the 1980's. He's not a billioniare, he just plays one on TV.

I would say a large part of it is right wing billionaire owned media, painting him as wealthy and successful. For FOX, his racism is a big bonus, since racism and xenophobia are a big part of their basic platform.

It never occurred to most people that anyone could ever take him seriously, his public reputation being that of an incompetent asshole who couldn't make money in construction, and was now marketing his "brand" selling his name to a variety of snake oil salespeople for "royalties".

The business decisions he made were BAD. Trump Mortgage LLC made a glitzy entrance into the industry in the Spring of 2006, when fears of housing bubble about to burst were rampant in the industry. Trump said it was a "great time to start a mortgage company".

A lot of people believe what they see on TV, so a lot of people believed The Apprentice. The first round of the Apprentice was about finding a management executive for his Trump Tower Chicago project then under construction. I watched it knowing that Trump Tower Chicago was mired in lawsuits, construction delays, problems with the subtrades and was being discussed as "troubled" in the business news. And it was completed and opened in early 2009, just as the economy came crashing down. But the TV show painted this job as a golden opportunity at Trump's latest success.

Look how far reality varied from what was being promoted on the TV show. What he continues to promote today, even though he's been found guilty of the largest business fraud in New York history.
I have commented on them several times. Its disgsuting. But at least he doesnt go around groping children, smelling them, and sexualizing his own children. But I wont be voting for a freak like trump. You will be voting for someone way worse than trump. Deflection noted, though.

Whats wrong with grabbing pussy? Frankly, we all know what he said was true.

Our president is an incestuous pedo. So, YES, that is quite obvious.

Its pretty disgusting isnt it? Any other deflecting questions you would like to ask?

Trump most certainly does go around groping women and sexualizing his own daughter, and has been quoted as saying his daughter turns him on more than his wife. Trump posed with Ivanka in a highly sexualized and creepy photo shoot with Ivanka on his bed in Vanity Fair when she was 12 or 13.

Children and dogs hate Donald Trump. Children scream when he comes near them. Dogs bark at him. That should tell you something about the man. You see pictures of Joe Biden surrounded by his children and grandchildren. Adults don't take their children to visit Grandpa if Grandpa molested them as children. They keep their kids as far away from the old creep as possible.

Every wonder why you never seen pictures of Trump with his Grandchildren. Or any children at all. Or why he goes into teen girls dressing rooms?

Trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein for more than 15 years, partying with him in various cities. A convicted pedophile was his best friend. Trump was involved with a number of young women he met through Epstein.

But Joe is the problem.
"endowed by their creator" the declaration of independence, the basis for all american history, law, and government.

but you are free to be a non believer, maybe China or north korea would be more to your liking.

But there is absolutely NO reference to who the "creator" might have been. The United States was, in essence, first settled by the Pilgrims, and others fleeing religious persecution after the Reformation, and fleeing the endless wars of succession and territory in Europe.

The Founders were also keenly aware of the role of the Catholic Church in the persecution of those seeking religious freedom, and the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. The Spanish Inquisition hadn't really ended yet, so the Founders were also aware of the excesses of zealots.

Stop viewing Founders through a modern lens and remember that they were very much people of their own time, and with their own fears. They feared a nation run as a theocracy as much as they feared a nation under the control of a King - and with good reason.
facts and truth 101

1. our southern border is open thanks to senile joe
2. inflation is destroying middle class families
3. wars are waging in Europe and Israel thanks to Biden's incompetence
4. China is taking over the economic world?
5. Fauci is a criminal and serial liar
6. Trump will win in November because the american people are not as dumb as you libs think they are.

I hope you bookmark your post.

Biden doesn't control Putin or Bibi Netanyahu. Fauci is a long serving epidemiologist who was compromised by a president with a 7th science background.

Biden has mishandled the problem with the border...and that will hurt him at reelection.. but he's also had nothing but knees and elbows from the Republicans. The wall is not the solution.. it's just an expensive vanity. Fining employers who hire illegals would be very unpopular and that will work. Expand E-verify and make it mandatory.
Trump is only president for his "loyalists".. Listen to him. He's very clear that it's never occurred to him that he was president of all Americans.
I like how you used bibi as if he was the aggressor, and not HAMAS.

Oh please. The episode at the Haram Al Sharif preceded the damned Hamas attack. Israel has always had the weapons and financial support to abuse the Palestinians... For 80 years now. You're so indignant... So outraged.. Such horseshit..you can't erase indigenous people in the 20th century because God told you to destroy the Canaanite tribes.

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