Evangelists support trump out of fear

David French: Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith

Why have many in the Christian faith abandoned their moral ideologies to support a man devoid of faith or conscious?

And trump gladly uses the denials of Christians to shield his hypocrisy and immorality.....as he speaks vain words like "Two" Corinthians.

What choice do they have?

Homos? Baby murderers? Fake Indians?

youre right-

all the RW bible thumpers have left is an old derelict who shits on the ten commandments and wipes his fat ass with scripture
What do they have to fear other than fear itself

Sorry couldn't resist that

if 20 woman had came forth with accusations, would they say something

if they heard the "grab their P" tape, would they say something

If trump has sex with a porn star,would they say something

the LALALA song can be heard
David French: Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith

Why have many in the Christian faith abandoned their moral ideologies to support a man devoid of faith or conscious?

And trump gladly uses the denials of Christians to shield his hypocrisy and immorality.....as he speaks vain words like "Two" Corinthians.
I hate to disagree with you, but I think they support Trump for the same reason the folks here do.

Pure stupidity.

I cannot disagree with you. Here you have a man who sits with thugs and murderers and laughs with a man who attacked our electoral system in an effort to elect who....Him of course. As 2020 approaches, the Putin Trolls will be out in force....

Give trump four more years and I honestly expect to see journalist jailed or worse, political adversaries jailed or worse, and the DOJ will become just another arm of the trump Mafia...WAIT....With Barr calling the shots it already is part of his Mafia!
David French: Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith

Why have many in the Christian faith abandoned their moral ideologies to support a man devoid of faith or conscious?

And trump gladly uses the denials of Christians to shield his hypocrisy and immorality.....as he speaks vain words like "Two" Corinthians.
Yeah I wonder why that is? You can choose one of two things.

Child murder, 70% tax rates, losing your healthcare but providing it for illegals, job killing green deals, open borders.

Or a guy who isn’t a perfect Christian.

It’s a fuckin’ mystery how they make that choice for Trump.
David French: Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith

Why have many in the Christian faith abandoned their moral ideologies to support a man devoid of faith or conscious?

And trump gladly uses the denials of Christians to shield his hypocrisy and immorality.....as he speaks vain words like "Two" Corinthians.
I hate to disagree with you, but I think they support Trump for the same reason the folks here do.

Pure stupidity.

same coin, different side ...
David French: Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith

Why have many in the Christian faith abandoned their moral ideologies to support a man devoid of faith or conscious?

And trump gladly uses the denials of Christians to shield his hypocrisy and immorality.....as he speaks vain words like "Two" Corinthians.

Curious... did Democrats support Hillary out of fear? Or was it ignorance and sheer denial of her mistakes?

Are we really making this argument right now?
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David French: Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith

Why have many in the Christian faith abandoned their moral ideologies to support a man devoid of faith or conscious?

And trump gladly uses the denials of Christians to shield his hypocrisy and immorality.....as he speaks vain words like "Two" Corinthians.
Yeah I wonder why that is? You can choose one of two things.

Child murder, 70% tax rates, losing your healthcare but providing it for illegals, job killing green deals, open borders.

Or a guy who isn’t a perfect Christian.

It’s a fuckin’ mystery how they make that choice for Trump.

Trump does the same thing - he just lies about changing the bullshit he promises.

Human beings in general, who love liberty should support anyone who opposes you sniveling, servile, vacuous collectivist drones out of fear.

Fear of gulags and death camps. Fear of forced famines and collectivization. Fear of slavery and dystopia. Fear of war, poverty, ignorance and everything else wrought by Karl Marx should drive every red blooded American, let alone cognizant adult on earth to support Trump at this point.
plain and simple: the article/etc is bullshit = your OP is bullshit
you people come up with the most outlandish, UNSUPPORTED, etc bullshit
Human beings in general, who love liberty should support anyone who opposes you sniveling, servile, vacuous collectivist drones out of fear.

Fear of gulags and death camps. Fear of forced famines and collectivization. Fear of slavery and dystopia. Fear of war, poverty, ignorance and everything else wrought by Karl Marx should drive every red blooded American, let alone cognizant adult on earth to support Trump at this point.

So was the mention of Gulags and Death Camps just perk the ears of the trump base up? Can you throw in some torture camps and waterboarding?
David French: Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith

Why have many in the Christian faith abandoned their moral ideologies to support a man devoid of faith or conscious?

And trump gladly uses the denials of Christians to shield his hypocrisy and immorality.....as he speaks vain words like "Two" Corinthians.
I hate to disagree with you, but I think they support Trump for the same reason the folks here do.

Pure stupidity.

I cannot disagree with you. Here you have a man who sits with thugs and murderers and laughs with a man who attacked our electoral system in an effort to elect who....Him of course. As 2020 approaches, the Putin Trolls will be out in force....

Give trump four more years and I honestly expect to see journalist jailed or worse, political adversaries jailed or worse, and the DOJ will become just another arm of the trump Mafia...WAIT....With Barr calling the shots it already is part of his Mafia!
If we are going to see journalists jailed or worse csn we start with Jim Acosta, please?

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