Even After Supposedly Re-taking the WH Democrat In-Fighting Begins...Pelosi Attempting To Fight Off Challenge by New 'Members' of the Squad


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Democrats Already Blaming Each Other For
Failed House Races And Republican Gains

Republicans will retain control in the Senate.
Democrats failed to make any significant gains in the House - they LOST seats.

And rising Leftist Extremists who have been challenging Pelosi for the last 4+ years are using these election results to blame Pelosi and fuel another challenge to her position as Speaker of he House.

POLITICO: ‘Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage'

"House Democrats are asking themselves one question after Tuesday’s election stunner: What the hell happened?

In the House, bleary-eyed Democrats were still sorting out the wreckage when they awoke Wednesday with dozens of their members’ races still uncalled and not a single GOP incumbent ousted — an outcome that virtually no one in the party had predicted in a year in which Democrats were going on the offense deep in Trump country.

Even with tens of thousands of ballots still to be counted, shell-shocked Democratic lawmakers, strategists and aides privately began trying to pin the blame: The unreliable polls. The GOP’s law-and-order message amid a summer of unrest. The “hidden Trump voters.” The impeachment hangover. The lack of a coronavirus stimulus deal.

Some corners of the party were also beginning to question the message and tactics at the top, with several Democrats predicting — and some even demanding — a significant overhaul within the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, including possibly even ousting chairwoman Cheri Bustos, whose Illinois race has yet to be called."

Several additional radical freshman were added, to include a BLM representative...another radical left extremist, like AOC, Tlaib, and other members of the Squad - who have been challenging Pelosi for her Speaker Position. Pelosi has been able to fend off several challenges so far, but he job of continuing to do so just got a lot harder.


Democrats Already Blaming Each Other For
Failed House Races And Republican Gains

Republicans will retain control in the Senate.
Democrats failed to make any significant gains in the House - they LOST seats.

And rising Leftist Extremists who have been challenging Pelosi for the last 4+ years are using these election results to blame Pelosi and fuel another challenge to her position as Speaker of he House.

POLITICO: ‘Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage'

"House Democrats are asking themselves one question after Tuesday’s election stunner: What the hell happened?

In the House, bleary-eyed Democrats were still sorting out the wreckage when they awoke Wednesday with dozens of their members’ races still uncalled and not a single GOP incumbent ousted — an outcome that virtually no one in the party had predicted in a year in which Democrats were going on the offense deep in Trump country.

Even with tens of thousands of ballots still to be counted, shell-shocked Democratic lawmakers, strategists and aides privately began trying to pin the blame: The unreliable polls. The GOP’s law-and-order message amid a summer of unrest. The “hidden Trump voters.” The impeachment hangover. The lack of a coronavirus stimulus deal.

Some corners of the party were also beginning to question the message and tactics at the top, with several Democrats predicting — and some even demanding — a significant overhaul within the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, including possibly even ousting chairwoman Cheri Bustos, whose Illinois race has yet to be called."

Several additional radical freshman were added, to include a BLM representative...another radical left extremist, like AOC, Tlaib, and other members of the Squad - who have been challenging Pelosi for her Speaker Position. Pelosi has been able to fend off several challenges so far, but he job of continuing to do so just got a lot harder.

This is what I predicted 4 years ago would happen when the Republicans went through the same kind of shakeup from the rise of the TEA party, and TRUMP! rode the wave of discontent all the way into the Oval Office. I said then that the democrats would face the same kind of shakeup, only a little later because they marched in lockstep so much more tightly and were accustomed to the party power calling all the shots. Now it's happening. The difference is, though, that they don't have an outsider TRUMP! firebrand around which the party can coalesce.

Democrats Already Blaming Each Other For
Failed House Races And Republican Gains

Republicans will retain control in the Senate.
Democrats failed to make any significant gains in the House - they LOST seats.

And rising Leftist Extremists who have been challenging Pelosi for the last 4+ years are using these election results to blame Pelosi and fuel another challenge to her position as Speaker of he House.

POLITICO: ‘Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage'

"House Democrats are asking themselves one question after Tuesday’s election stunner: What the hell happened?

In the House, bleary-eyed Democrats were still sorting out the wreckage when they awoke Wednesday with dozens of their members’ races still uncalled and not a single GOP incumbent ousted — an outcome that virtually no one in the party had predicted in a year in which Democrats were going on the offense deep in Trump country.

Even with tens of thousands of ballots still to be counted, shell-shocked Democratic lawmakers, strategists and aides privately began trying to pin the blame: The unreliable polls. The GOP’s law-and-order message amid a summer of unrest. The “hidden Trump voters.” The impeachment hangover. The lack of a coronavirus stimulus deal.

Some corners of the party were also beginning to question the message and tactics at the top, with several Democrats predicting — and some even demanding — a significant overhaul within the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, including possibly even ousting chairwoman Cheri Bustos, whose Illinois race has yet to be called."

Several additional radical freshman were added, to include a BLM representative...another radical left extremist, like AOC, Tlaib, and other members of the Squad - who have been challenging Pelosi for her Speaker Position. Pelosi has been able to fend off several challenges so far, but he job of continuing to do so just got a lot harder.

Pelosi doesn't work in the White House.
Oh, it would make everyone's day (especially the Squad's) if President Biden "requests" that kneeling Nancy retire (after a suitable farewell party, of course).

Then she could spend her days back in Frisco and have plenty of time to visit her facial enhancement surgeon.

She will be remembered (if at all) as the Speaker who tore up the State of the Union speech right in the face of the President!
I'm more interested in how they plan on reining in the commie street mobs that they've loosed upon the nation.

They will just continue to blame Trump. Hell Obama was blaming Bush for his entire 8 years.
Blaming Trump is one thing....But these commie goons are feeling their oats after having been allowed to run rampant throughout the summer.
I'm more interested in how they plan on reining in the commie street mobs that they've loosed upon the nation.
That will be easier than you think... they will simply stop paying them. Stop renting vans for them, stop paying for hotel stays and food.
You really think the likes of Soros and the CCP are going to stop now?
I'm more interested in how they plan on reining in the commie street mobs that they've loosed upon the nation.
That will be easier than you think... they will simply stop paying them. Stop renting vans for them, stop paying for hotel stays and food.
You really think the likes of Soros and the CCP are going to stop now?
Oh no... just mentioning how they could stop them if they wanted to.
The most FUBAR thing in the country this election was Minneapolis was burned to the ground...yet... look at the results of their election. Just as blue as it ever was.
I'm more interested in how they plan on reining in the commie street mobs that they've loosed upon the nation.
That will be easier than you think... they will simply stop paying them. Stop renting vans for them, stop paying for hotel stays and food.
You really think the likes of Soros and the CCP are going to stop now?
Oh no... just mentioning how they could stop them if they wanted to.
The most FUBAR thing in the country this election was Minneapolis was burned to the ground...yet... look at the results of their election. Just as blue as it ever was.
Urban dwelling Minnesnowtans have become chronically stupid people.
I'm more interested in how they plan on reining in the commie street mobs that they've loosed upon the nation.

They will just continue to blame Trump. Hell Obama was blaming Bush for his entire 8 years.
Blaming Trump is one thing....But these commie goons are feeling their oats after having been allowed to run rampant throughout the summer.

Let them burn and loot their own cities bunch of dumb ass Dems.
I'm more interested in how they plan on reining in the commie street mobs that they've loosed upon the nation.
The rioters and looters have been encouraged and empowered by Democrats with their anti police platform. No public figure can talk them down now.

Democrats Already Blaming Each Other For
Failed House Races And Republican Gains

Republicans will retain control in the Senate.
Democrats failed to make any significant gains in the House - they LOST seats.

And rising Leftist Extremists who have been challenging Pelosi for the last 4+ years are using these election results to blame Pelosi and fuel another challenge to her position as Speaker of he House.

POLITICO: ‘Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage'

"House Democrats are asking themselves one question after Tuesday’s election stunner: What the hell happened?

In the House, bleary-eyed Democrats were still sorting out the wreckage when they awoke Wednesday with dozens of their members’ races still uncalled and not a single GOP incumbent ousted — an outcome that virtually no one in the party had predicted in a year in which Democrats were going on the offense deep in Trump country.

Even with tens of thousands of ballots still to be counted, shell-shocked Democratic lawmakers, strategists and aides privately began trying to pin the blame: The unreliable polls. The GOP’s law-and-order message amid a summer of unrest. The “hidden Trump voters.” The impeachment hangover. The lack of a coronavirus stimulus deal.

Some corners of the party were also beginning to question the message and tactics at the top, with several Democrats predicting — and some even demanding — a significant overhaul within the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, including possibly even ousting chairwoman Cheri Bustos, whose Illinois race has yet to be called."

Several additional radical freshman were added, to include a BLM representative...another radical left extremist, like AOC, Tlaib, and other members of the Squad - who have been challenging Pelosi for her Speaker Position. Pelosi has been able to fend off several challenges so far, but he job of continuing to do so just got a lot harder.

This is what I predicted 4 years ago would happen when the Republicans went through the same kind of shakeup from the rise of the TEA party, and TRUMP! rode the wave of discontent all the way into the Oval Office. I said then that the democrats would face the same kind of shakeup, only a little later because they marched in lockstep so much more tightly and were accustomed to the party power calling all the shots. Now it's happening. The difference is, though, that they don't have an outsider TRUMP! firebrand around which the party can coalesce.

As long as the GOP remains in control of the Senate, the dems will become more splintered.

I've believed for 15 years the dems were too diverse. You can't possibly be effective for ALL the minority groups.
(To favor one is to step on another.). That's slowly beginning to surface with the Hispanic group. They are
developing the attitude..."you want our vote, you have to earn it." That movement will continue to grow
among Hispanics.

They can blame Pelosi all they want, and they will be correct. However, Pelosi needs to be blamed because she
refused to put those progressives in their place at the start.

If Biden does win...then the shit show will really begin.

Again if the Senate remains in GOP hands...The filibuster remains intact. SCOTUS remains at Nine and there
will be no new States. They need all three of those to commence their agenda. Thus, they lose the guts of their

Biden, for all of his faults, and he has many, is still a human being with 50 years service to his country.
He is not going to want to go out of public service having done nothing for the country, except be branded
as a liar for history. He had plenty of ads in how he "reached across the aisle." He is going to have
to do that, to get anything accomplished. Biden will, for all purposes, make Mitch McConnell the most
powerful man in D.C.

Biden may try to unite the Country, but if he cannot even unite his own party, he will not be successful.

By the third year of his presidency...The GOP will be his best friends in Washington.

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