Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You a Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

So you're saying there are more than one God?

lol, I thought Christianity was monotheistic.

The Lord Krishna (Kristos/Christ) attempted to usurp Jealous's grasp over Jealous's Chosen People (the Jews). The Lord Krishna succeeded. Jealous was dumb enough to mayrt then en
What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You a Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

So you're saying there are more than one God?

lol, I thought Christianity was monotheistic.

Modern Christians recognize only the Loving Lord Krishna (The Lord Kristos/Christ). They do not recognize the Jealous Demon Yahweh (your god).

Unfortunately, turning the other cheek to tyrants only promotes and encourages more tyranny. We cannot apply Krishna's moral code to savages and devotees of the god Jealous.

We must look to the examples, morals and values of our ancestral gods, Odin and Morrigan, in order remove the those who have revolted against the Constitution and Restore the Rule of Law and the Republic.

The Mother Freyja (Pria), goddess of life and fertility, will bring swift justice upon those the promoted the murder of babies in their mother's womb.
And yea, there came upon the land the holy man known as Chaplinsky in the land of New Hampshire who had devoted his life to seeing that the world was cleansed of impure thoughts and deeds. And lo, did his many words cause great angst among the revelers. "begone, you Witness of Yahweh" they cried, but to no avail. Whereupon an agent of the government did appear and did lead him away from the throng. This holy man then cursed the agent of the government most vilely. This Chaplinsky was then subjugated and made to pay a penance of time to the government.

He did cry foul, "for surely the Constitution and the 1st and 14th amendments are with me". But, the revelers of New Hampshire would not hear his plea. Crying again and appealing to the highest magistrate of the land, he petitioned an audience with Justice Murphy. "I have a reserved right to call the agent of the government a god-damned racketeer and a god-damned fascist", he pleaded. But alas, Justice Murphy did respond with the most holy of rulings stating that 1st amendment protections did end at the point of incitement which would cause the righteous and reasonable to break the peace and deal a most grievous blow upon the one uttering words which were meant only to inflame. Thus was the Holy Constitution molded for all time and the rule of civility restored to the people of the nation.
What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You a Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

So you're saying there are more than one God?

lol, I thought Christianity was monotheistic.

The Lord Krishna (Kristos/Christ) attempted to usurp Jealous's grasp over Jealous's Chosen People (the Jews). The Lord Krishna succeeded. Jealous was dumb enough to mayrt then en
What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You a Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

So you're saying there are more than one God?

lol, I thought Christianity was monotheistic.

Modern Christians recognize only the Loving Lord Krishna (The Lord Kristos/Christ). They do not recognize the Jealous Demon Yahweh (your god).

Unfortunately, turning the other cheek to tyrants only promotes and encourages more tyranny. We cannot apply Krishna's moral code to savages and devotees of the god Jealous.

We must look to the examples, morals and values of our ancestral gods, Odin and Morrigan, in order remove the those who have revolted against the Constitution and Restore the Rule of Law and the Republic.

The Mother Freyja (Pria), goddess of life and fertility, will bring swift justice upon those the promoted the murder of babies in their mother's womb.
And yea, there came upon the land the holy man known as Chaplinsky in the land of New Hampshire who had devoted his life to seeing that the world was cleansed of impure thoughts and deeds. And lo, did his many words cause great angst among the revelers. "begone, you Witness of Yahweh" they cried, but to no avail. Whereupon an agent of the government did appear and did lead him away from the throng. This holy man then cursed the agent of the government most vilely. This Chaplinsky was then subjugated and made to pay a penance of time to the government.

He did cry foul, "for surely the Constitution and the 1st and 14th amendments are with me". But, the revelers of New Hampshire would not hear his plea. Crying again and appealing to the highest magistrate of the land, he petitioned an audience with Justice Murphy. "I have a reserved right to call the agent of the government a god-damned racketeer and a god-damned fascist", he pleaded. But alas, Justice Murphy did respond with the most holy of rulings stating that 1st amendment protections did end at the point of incitement which would cause the righteous and reasonable to break the peace and deal a most grievous blow upon the one uttering words which were meant only to inflame. Thus was the Holy Constitution molded for all time and the rule of civility restored to the people of the nation.

The fighting words exception has been seriously narrowed since Chaplinsky unless these were utterances personally directed at an individual then they are protected speech.
The Left really should rethink supporting violent assholes like the one in the Hannity interview. I know they have an irrational hate for Christians, but that's no excuse to support such awful stuff. They have to put that aside. Free Speech and the Constitution are what we should all be defending.
Thanks for reminding me why I never watch Hannity. I'm glad someone saw the light and bumped him from Cumulus talk radio syndicate, now he needs to get bumped from Fox News. His Jerry Springer trailer trash antics are embarrassing to conservatives.

Yes they are. He spends most if his time stuck in the weeds of stupidity.
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

You mean because she tried to murder people at the contest? Oh wait, that wasn't her. All she did was draw a couple whackos out of hiding and now we are rid of them.

Are we supposed to censor ourselves for the rest of time just so we don't upset radicals? Or do we take a stand and force them to accept that they cannot control people? If we choose the former, they will eventually move on to the next phase of control. The radical Muslims hate any joking about Allah. They also hate other religions. They also hate women having rights. They hate gays. They hate all infidels and even Muslims who don't follow sharia 100%. Once they silence any criticism, they move on to the next thing on the list, which is being offended by churches, women dressing in ways that aren't overly conservative, women driving, women voting, women not obeying their men, people failing to pray to Allah, etc...

They are merely using the cartoons as a way of showing us what will happen to us if we don't totally go along with their beliefs.

Either we start appeasing them while they take over inch by inch or we let them know how things work in America. If you don't like something, turn the other cheek. If you can't handle our culture or our rights, stay in Muslim countries where you can control the population and have everything run to your liking. Of course, the radicals are only here because this is their next conquest and this bullshit about stopping criticism of their god is merely the starting point of forcing people to adopt their rules.
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."

So I guess you and Greta think a woman who dresses in a sexually provocatively way deserves to be raped, right? She should have used better judgment in your book, and just brought it on herself.

That is exactly the logic you and others applying to Geller, she was doing nothing illegal or that would harm others and you blame her and not the terrorist. You are aware that these types of folks think it's perfectly fine to kill you because your not muslim?

I think she did the nation a service by routing out two obviously ill-prepared psychos and getting them killed before they could gain the training to do real damage.
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

You mean because she tried to murder people at the contest? Oh wait, that wasn't her. All she did was draw a couple whackos out of hiding and now we are rid of them.

Are we supposed to censor ourselves for the rest of time just so we don't upset radicals? Or do we take a stand and force them to accept that they cannot control people? If we choose the former, they will eventually move on to the next phase of control. The radical Muslims hate any joking about Allah. They also hate other religions. They also hate women having rights. They hate gays. They hate all infidels and even Muslims who don't follow sharia 100%. Once they silence any criticism, they move on to the next thing on the list, which is being offended by churches, women dressing in ways that aren't overly conservative, women driving, women voting, women not obeying their men, people failing to pray to Allah, etc...

They are merely using the cartoons as a way of showing us what will happen to us if we don't totally go along with their beliefs.

Either we start appeasing them while they take over inch by inch or we let them know how things work in America. If you don't like something, turn the other cheek. If you can't handle our culture or our rights, stay in Muslim countries where you can control the population and have everything run to your liking. Of course, the radicals are only here because this is their next conquest and this bullshit about stopping criticism of their god is merely the starting point of forcing people to adopt their rules.

Yup... .

The idiot "Imam" in Britain stated on national television that he wants and would, of given the opportunity, try Geller in Sharia Court.

This without regard to Geller having no kinship with Islam, overtly rejecting Islam in terms of faith and bearing absolutely no allegiance to such, fervently denying that such holds any authority of her, whatsoever.

Meaning that the Muslim 'believes' that its faith stands as the ultimate political authority..., above and beyond any other form of government or faith.

Now THAT is what we're dealing with and it is THAT which cannot be negotiated with. As the only means to deal with that, is to either concede to its perceived authority, or kill it.

The Ideological Left supports this evil... which tells us that the Ideological Left is a manifestation of the same evil and that means that the same equation determines how such needs to be dealt with.

Those who 'feel' that the above is 'extreme'... should look upon the circumstance within the US Culture since the Ideological Left has been 'normalized' in the US.

If ANY would-be "Liberal" can show ONE element of the US Culture which has been improved, one standard increased, one single aspect of the US Culture which has been IMPROVED... even through your own twisted reason, then perhaps we can discuss how you might have some basis on which you should be allowed to continue to live in the United States.

Otherwise... screw you and your undying support for a political cult posing as a Religion, which stands for everything you CLAIM to stand against, proving the unholy alliance between you two manifestations of evil.
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."

So do you go along with what amounts to a death sentence passed on Geller by muslin clerics?

Geller’s Wealth from Corruption, Fraud; Dealership She Co-Owned Supplied Cop-Killer Getaway Car

Wow, Jew Geller is really a shady lady.
It's unbelievable all the Liberals here supporting the shooters!!
I'll just go back and find some Liberal quotes in support of those fanatical bastards and be right back.....don't go away...

Yeah, facts to NaziCons are like sunlight to vampires.

lol you mean like the actual truth which Spencer and Geller actually tell about Islam which is the worlds largest and most violent hate group on the planet?

Quran (8:55) - Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve

Quran (48:29) - Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves

Quran (9:30) - And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah... Allah (Himself) fights against them. How perverse are they!

Quran (8:12) - I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them

Quran (9:123) - O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness

Quran (5:33) - The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement
It's unbelievable all the Liberals here supporting the shooters!!
I'll just go back and find some Liberal quotes in support of those fanatical bastards and be right back.....don't go away...

By definition a pro-fascist can't be a liberal and anyone who blames Geller or Spencer in any way for this attack or anyone else aside for radical Muslims is pro-Fascism. These people are supporting the largest most violent hate group on the planet which is a decidedly illiberal stance and is actually antithetical to true liberalism EG support for equal rights regardless of race, creed, gender, or sexuality, support for free speech, support for freedom of religion etc etc.
It's unbelievable all the Liberals here supporting the shooters!!
I'll just go back and find some Liberal quotes in support of those fanatical bastards and be right back.....don't go away...

By definition a pro-fascist can't be a liberal and anyone who blames Geller or Spencer in any way for this attack or anyone else aside for radical Muslims is pro-Fascism. These people are supporting the largest most violent hate group on the planet which is a decidedly illiberal stance and is actually antithetical to true liberalism EG support for equal rights regardless of race, creed, gender, or sexuality, support for free speech, support for freedom of religion etc etc.
Nope...can't find anyone supporting the shooters.
I can find people acknowledging Geller etc's rights but suggesting that holding an event with no purpose other than to antagonise others is a misguided use of those freedoms.
No support for the attackers though.

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