Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are

I will add a single word which makes your statement completely accurate in my opinion:

I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up SOME Muslims are.
Communists/Progressives especially, should be ashamed of themselves. They fully support anyone's right to hate and insult Christians. In fact, they revel in that. I mean, we all know the Left has always had a bizarre 'Hate Christians' fetish.

They've now proven once and for all, they are not supporters of Freedom & Liberty. They defend violent nutters who demand the death penalty for homosexuals and anyone who insults their religion. Man, the Left is so lost at this point. Shame on em. Check out the type of brutal mongoloid they defend...

Yes, the agents and minions of the Jealous God Yahweh have always hated the honorable followers of the Lord Krishna (Kristos, Christ).

So bizarre watching the Left defend mongoloids who demand death to homosexuals, women who 'disobey' their husbands, anyone who insults their religion, and so on.

I mean come on, these are the same people who never miss an opportunity to hate and insult Christians. Communists/Progressives have lost all credibility. They can never be trusted. Buncha cowardly hypocrites.

Muslims are Yahweh's army. Almost all modern Christians actually follow Christ's (Lord Krishna's) words of meekness and turning the other cheek and reject Yahweh's savagery.

So of course the Left hates on modern Krishnaians and love Muslims, since the Left preaches the worship of the god Jealous (Yahweh) who reveals his name as Jealous in Exodus. Jealous is the god the Jews and the Muslims, and his followers are very jealous people, making them very materialist and imperialistic.

Yahweh has even achieved making sacrifice their children (abortion) in his honor. Could there be any higher form of fealty to Yahweh than the sacrifice of one's own child? The Left promotes this child sacrifice as the ultimate sign of devotion to the Jealous God Yahweh.


Jeremiah would have a coronary if she saw this!

I often talked with Jeremiah in PM when my spiritual journey began
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are

I will add a single word which makes your statement completely accurate in my opinion:

I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up SOME Muslims are.

She basically asked for a show of hands from those willing to murder people for drawing pictures.

And she actually got a few volunteers.

And the police then got them.

Keep up the good work, all.
they have a REAL hate for women it seems, they go around calling them: bitches, whores, yu know they would call them, cxxts if they could....and from that party that claims they care MORE FOR the womeeeen folk in the country....
It's womyn. Get it right.
The liberals who blame the people drawing pictures on paper, and don't blame the people firing guns at them, are the "bitches that even conservatives have had enough of".

When can we expect the OP to change the title of this thread, to point out reality?
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This is just another indication of how divided this country really is and how there is no chance of it surviving as one nation.
This is just another indication of how divided this country really is and how there is no chance of it surviving as one nation.

It will survive as one nation if the white nation embraces Odin (or Morrigan for the celtic whites).

Following Lord Khrishna's (Lord Christ's) example of turning the other cheek in the face tyranny will only lead us into a mass grave.
But I will have no sympathy if she is killed or f one of her events s attacked...she is asking for it. Furthermore...the terrorist would be doing America a favor by eliminating teaper filth from this earth. Wn-Win situation.
Ms. Gellar...carry on! Don't get any TRUE Amercans killed...just you and your teaper followers!
Hmm... two posts by little nutz so far, encouraging that Pamela Geller be killed, and/or any conservative who disagrees with little nutz.

As I said, there are liberals on this thread who agree with the hate-filled fanatical murderers.

And people wonder how on Earth some Americans can want to join the ISIS savages in Syria, Iraq etc.

Now you know.
I don't believe I have EVER stuttered. Teapers are destroying Amerca. They have threatened war, race war, sedition and more. The loss of teapers via violence would be a blessing to this great nation. That isn't liberal...that is true conservatsm. Teapers and kller muslims are one in the same...just two different ideologies.

Win=-win dead terrorsts...the teaper type and the muslim type. AMEN!
I don't believe I have EVER stuttered. Teapers are destroying Amerca. They have threatened war, race war, sedition and more. The loss of teapers via violence would be a blessing to this great nation. That isn't liberal...that is true conservatsm. Teapers and kller muslims are one in the same...just two different ideologies.
Win=-win dead terrorsts...the teaper type and the muslim type. AMEN!
Now THREE posts by little nutz calling for conservatives to be killed for what they believe, after the usual lying about what they do.

As I said, there are liberals on this thread who agree with the hate-filled fanatical murderers.

And people wonder how on Earth some Americans can want to join the ISIS savages in Syria, Iraq etc.

Now you know.
I don't believe I have EVER stuttered. Teapers are destroying Amerca. They have threatened war, race war, sedition and more. The loss of teapers via violence would be a blessing to this great nation. That isn't liberal...that is true conservatsm. Teapers and kller muslims are one in the same...just two different ideologies.
Win=-win dead terrorsts...the teaper type and the muslim type. AMEN!
Now THREE posts by little nutz calling for conservatives to be killed for what they believe, after the usual lying about what they do.

As I said, there are liberals on this thread who agree with the hate-filled fanatical murderers.

And people wonder how on Earth some Americans can want to join the ISIS savages in Syria, Iraq etc.

Now you know.
No...not conservatives. Teapers. Teaper terroists and Killer Muslim terrorists are one in the same. I look forward to them killng ewach other off. Now...if a kller muslim happens to kill an American of good and common demeanor...then there would be an issue....byt Gellar's terroist army and muslim terroist armies killing each other...meh....it's like muslims killing muslims in Iraq. WIN - WIN

Let's see f the teaper can count past 3.
This is just another indication of how divided this country really is and how there is no chance of it surviving as one nation.
We'll be better and better, as the American Taliban dies off.

This is just another indication of how divided this country really is and how there is no chance of it surviving as one nation.
We'll be better and better, as the American Taliban dies off.

We always knew the anti-terror laws and stripping of the rights of Americans was never for Muslim terrorists, it was so you ***** could rebrand Patriots as terrorists.
Gellar's terroist army

Do you have any videos or photos or documents of Gellar's terrorist army?
All you have to do is look..she is a teaper...she has the teaper army.

Servant of Yahweh, you have equated Tea Partiers with Muslims terrorists., do you have any photos of their army cutting of the heads of infidels or assembled doing military training in preparation against the infidels?

Do you have one photo of a Tea Party army in general (or video) ?
Gellar's terroist army

Do you have any videos or photos or documents of Gellar's terrorist army?
All you have to do is look..she is a teaper...she has the teaper army.

Servant of Yahweh, you have equated Tea Partiers with Muslims terrorists., do you have any photos of their army cutting of the heads of infidels or assembled doing military training in preparation against the infidels?

Do you have one photo of a Tea Party army in general (or video) ?

Teapers are not servants of Yahweh...they are radical thugs and terrorists hell bent on destroying America via armed insurrection, race war or sabotage.

As for teaper militias...try using Google. You can sign up to join if you want!

I would post some pics or provide links...but low info teapers and people like yourself cannot and will not accept truth, so you should do your own research. I don't feel like idiots telling me that the pics are fake and a mass conspiracy against the teaper terrorists.
Gellar's terroist army

Do you have any videos or photos or documents of Gellar's terrorist army?
All you have to do is look..she is a teaper...she has the teaper army.

Servant of Yahweh, you have equated Tea Partiers with Muslims terrorists., do you have any photos of their army cutting of the heads of infidels or assembled doing military training in preparation against the infidels?

Do you have one photo of a Tea Party army in general (or video) ?

Teapers are not servants of Yahweh...they are radical thugs and terrorists hell bent on destroying America via armed insurrection, race war or sabotage.

As for teaper militias...try using Google. You can sign up to join if you want!

I would post some pics or provide links...but low info teapers and people like yourself cannot and will not accept truth, so you should do your own research. I don't feel like idiots telling me that the pics are fake and a mass conspiracy against the teaper terrorists.

Indeed, you, a servant of Yahweh, would know that Tea Partiers are not servants of Yahweh.

I can show you many photos and news articles of radical blacks rioting and instigating racial violence in the past year, and many photos and videos of Muslims terrorists destroying America via armed attacks.

Can you, Servant of Yahweh, show me any pictures of Tea Partiers rioting and instigating race wars? Can you, Servant of the Jealous God Yahweh, show me pictures or videos of Tea Partiers bombing and committing acts of terrorism against America?

Yes, Tea Partiers are preparing for an armed Restoration of the Rule of Law against the heavily armed Servants of Yahweh that have Revolted against the Constitution of the United States.

We will not disarm us.
You will not spy on us.
You will quarter troops among us.
You will not be the final judge of us, Jury Nullification shall annul your rule.
You shall not silence us.
And you do not intimidate us.

Molon Labe

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