Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

Freedom of speech. If muslims want to kill her then they have problems.

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.

That's an odd comment given that Geller was at the forefront of the movement to try to deprive Muslims of the right to build the so-called ground zero mosque.
Freedom of speech. If muslims want to kill her then they have problems.

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.

That's an odd comment given that Geller was at the forefront of the movement to try to deprive Muslims of the right to build the so-called ground zero mosque.

Why is it wrong to want to have it built further away from ground zero in respect for the ones who was murdered.?
They still would have had a mosque.
Freedom of speech. If muslims want to kill her then they have problems.

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.

That's an odd comment given that Geller was at the forefront of the movement to try to deprive Muslims of the right to build the so-called ground zero mosque.

Why is it wrong to want to have it built further away from ground zero in respect for the ones who was murdered.?
They still would have had a mosque.

Because it's bigotry to claim that a mosque is disrespectful in the first place.
It's sadly ironic that the OP is likely one of the types of people that Islamo-fascists would behead for being an infidel - and yet he wishes to destroy our freedom of speech and to enable their agenda.
Freedom of speech. If muslims want to kill her then they have problems.

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.

That's an odd comment given that Geller was at the forefront of the movement to try to deprive Muslims of the right to build the so-called ground zero mosque.

Why is it wrong to want to have it built further away from ground zero in respect for the ones who was murdered.?
They still would have had a mosque.
What does respect for the WTC dead have to do with where a mosque is built?
It's sadly ironic that the OP is likely one of the types of people that Islamo-fascists would behead for being an infidel - and yet he wishes to destroy our freedom of speech and to enable their agenda.
There it is....it's all black and white....you either are with us and hate the moooslims or you love them.
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."

Hey asshat, read it, learn it, live it.

Double standard on offending Christians and Muslims
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.
With rights come responsibilities, something your side ignores.

Rights? OK. we need to stop here and clarify the word "rights". For conservatives, we mean the freedoms spelled out in the Constitution that limits the governments actions. For you liberals, it means the free shit you get from the government. I'm pretty sure you aren't using the conservative use of "rights" which makes your comment confusing. With an EBT card comes responsibility? If you don't understand a word, you probably shouldn't be using it.
Freedom of speech. If muslims want to kill her then they have problems.

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.

That's an odd comment given that Geller was at the forefront of the movement to try to deprive Muslims of the right to build the so-called ground zero mosque.

Why is it wrong to want to have it built further away from ground zero in respect for the ones who was murdered.?
They still would have had a mosque.

Because it's bigotry to claim that a mosque is disrespectful in the first place.

I did not say that the mosque was disrespectful nor did anyone else.
I said as well as many others, that building it so close to where 3,000 Americans were killed by Muslims is disrespectful.
Translation: Little-Bitch is too much of a lemming to indepoendently research himself

Why do you use an anti-woman slur, just as the OP did? Why do defame women, those made in the image of the Mother Freyja (Pria)? At least use a word like- "c-u-nt" since it refers to prostitutes (women who voluntarily disgrace themselves by reducing their purpose to an object --- their vagina).

I noticed you used indepoendently instead of independently. Just as Foederal was used before federal and foetus was used before fetus.

You have revealed yourself as a many century old demon, as no modern man uses such a spelling. And "oe" in the stead of "e" in the word "independently" which contains no vowel "o" is no typo.

Also, why is c-u-n-t censored by USMB? Why does bitch remain uncensored? Bitch connotes the degradation of form (from human to dog) making it far more offensive. It is an attack on the form of the Mother herself.
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What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You are Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

Exodus 34
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You a Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

So you're saying there are more than one God?

lol, I thought Christianity was monotheistic.
Freedom of speech. If muslims want to kill her then they have problems.

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.

That's an odd comment given that Geller was at the forefront of the movement to try to deprive Muslims of the right to build the so-called ground zero mosque.

Why is it wrong to want to have it built further away from ground zero in respect for the ones who was murdered.?
They still would have had a mosque.

Because it's bigotry to claim that a mosque is disrespectful in the first place.

I did not say that the mosque was disrespectful nor did anyone else.
I said as well as many others, that building it so close to where 3,000 Americans were killed by Muslims is disrespectful.

So you didn't say

Why is it wrong to want to have it built further away from ground zero in respect for the ones who was murdered.?

Geller for Secretary of Islamization Prevention... a new Cabinet -level post?
Freedom of speech. If muslims want to kill her then they have problems.

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.

That's an odd comment given that Geller was at the forefront of the movement to try to deprive Muslims of the right to build the so-called ground zero mosque.

Why is it wrong to want to have it built further away from ground zero in respect for the ones who was murdered.?
They still would have had a mosque.

Because it's bigotry to claim that a mosque is disrespectful in the first place.
Everything is bigotry with you, isn't it? This is bigotry, that is bigotry. You sound like an effing loon.
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."


How cool is it to see the Ideological Left OPENLY SUPPORT AN ISLAMIC TERRORIST ATTACK ON US SOIL?


Remember back on 9-11-01 when they were all pretending to be SO SAD... SHOCKED I SAY! "How could this happen here?".

I said then (I was working the Yahoo Chat Rooms of "Washington Watch" back then), that it was only a matter of time before those same Leftists would be overtly and DIRECTLY chanting in support of Islamic Terrorism against Americans... and even tho' they've been doing so for over a decade now... THIS THREAD is a PERFECT EXAMPLE OF JUST THAT!

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You a Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

So you're saying there are more than one God?

lol, I thought Christianity was monotheistic.

More Straw Reasoning, Deceit Fraud and Ignorance, from The Board's Resident Clown!

LOL! Classic Gilligan. Just makin' it up ... wholesale.
What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You a Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

So you're saying there are more than one God?

lol, I thought Christianity was monotheistic.

The Lord Krishna (Kristos/Christ) attempted to usurp Jealous's grasp over Jealous's Chosen People (the Jews). The Lord Krishna succeeded. Jealous was dumb enough to mayrt then en
What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

"Their god" is also your god. Their god is a jealous god whose name is Jealous. He envies all that which does not belong to him, and thus seeks to dominate those who are free and put them in his service so that they belong to him.

You a Progressive, who also worships Jealous. Your entire philosophy and world view deals being Jealous of those who have. You take from those who have and give to those who do not have --- by force, so that the have-nots will worship the party of Jealous (vote for Democrats), placing the have-nots into the servitude of Jealous.

So you're saying there are more than one God?

lol, I thought Christianity was monotheistic.

Modern Christians recognize only the Loving Lord Krishna (The Lord Kristos/Christ). They do not recognize the Jealous Demon Yahweh (your god).

Unfortunately, turning the other cheek to tyrants only promotes and encourages more tyranny. We cannot apply Krishna's moral code to savages and devotees of the god Jealous.

We must look to the examples, morals and values of our ancestral gods, Odin and Morrigan, in order remove the those who have revolted against the Constitution and Restore the Rule of Law and the Republic.

The Mother Freyja (Pria), goddess of life and fertility, will bring swift justice upon those the promoted the murder of babies in their mother's womb.
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Freedom of speech. If muslims want to kill her then they have problems.

What if their god doesn't believe in freedom of speech
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

What she exposed is ISIS in our Country.
It's sad to see that so many are against Freedom of Speech.

That's an odd comment given that Geller was at the forefront of the movement to try to deprive Muslims of the right to build the so-called ground zero mosque.

Why is it wrong to want to have it built further away from ground zero in respect for the ones who was murdered.?
They still would have had a mosque.

Because it's bigotry to claim that a mosque is disrespectful in the first place.
Everything is bigotry with you, isn't it? This is bigotry, that is bigotry. You sound like an effing loon.

They need to be perpetually offended to live.

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