Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

BTW, Geller is not anti-Muslim.

She's anti-people-who-murder-others-for-drawing-pictures-on-paper.

And she's absolutely right.

The liberals who blame the people drawing pictures on paper, and don't blame the people firing guns at them, are the "bitches that even conservatives have had enough of".

When can we expect the OP to change the title of this thread, to point out reality?
Communists/Progressives especially, should be ashamed of themselves. They fully support anyone's right to hate and insult Christians. In fact, they revel in that. I mean, we all know the Left has always had a bizarre 'Hate Christians' fetish.

They've now proven once and for all, they are not supporters of Freedom & Liberty. They defend violent nutters who demand the death penalty for homosexuals and anyone who insults their religion. Man, the Left is so lost at this point. Shame on em. Check out the type of brutal mongoloid they defend...

Yes, the agents and minions of the Jealous God Yahweh have always hated the honorable followers of the Lord Krishna (Kristos, Christ).

So bizarre watching the Left defend mongoloids who demand death to homosexuals, women who 'disobey' their husbands, anyone who insults their religion, and so on.

I mean come on, these are the same people who never miss an opportunity to hate and insult Christians. Communists/Progressives have lost all credibility. They can never be trusted. Buncha cowardly hypocrites.
Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.
Liberals always blame the people who do harmless, ordinary things, while carefully avoiding blaming the people who were actually causing the problems. Here one of them does exactly that. Where is any mention of the "judgment" exercised by the people who brought out guns, pointed them at others who had done nothing wrong, and pulled the triggers? Instead Van Susteren complains only about people who drew pictures on paper, and who encouraged others in that completely harmless activity.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
Again the mysterious accusation of people using only pencils and paper, "putting police at risk". It's complete nonsense, as is obvious to any normal people (i.e. anyone other than liberals).

People who point guns at others and pull the triggers, are the ones "putting police at risk", not people drawing pictures on paper.

If the people with the guns want to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, they are simply wrong. And if they want to commit crimes on that basis, they are extremely wrong and mentally sick, and we must stop them by any and all means at hand.

Flushing out the sick murderers and luring them to a place where armed and trained police are ready to handle them (as these police did), is one way to do that, and a pretty effective one. Kudoes to the police who volunteered for that duty. They are heroes, and saved the lives, not only of people drawing pictures on paper that day, but the lives of the next people those sick murderers would have killed next month or next year. Two down, xxx to go.

And the liberals who agree with the gunmen and try to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, are just as wrong AND just as mentally sick. They aren't actually killing people (yet), but they are making it a lot easier for the gunmen to do it.
Quite frankly I don't take at face value anything Leftists claim about Greta until I see it for myself.
BTW, Geller is not anti-Muslim.

She's anti-people-who-murder-others-for-drawing-pictures-on-paper.

And she's absolutely right.

The liberals who blame the people drawing pictures on paper, and don't blame the people firing guns at them, are the "bitches that even conservatives have had enough of".

When can we expect the OP to change the title of this thread, to point out reality?
I've heard her interviewed on 3 radio shows. She has a heart to defend freedom. It's the only thing that motivates her.
Communists/Progressives especially, should be ashamed of themselves. They fully support anyone's right to hate and insult Christians. In fact, they revel in that. I mean, we all know the Left has always had a bizarre 'Hate Christians' fetish.

They've now proven once and for all, they are not supporters of Freedom & Liberty. They defend violent nutters who demand the death penalty for homosexuals and anyone who insults their religion. Man, the Left is so lost at this point. Shame on em. Check out the type of brutal mongoloid they defend...

Yes, the agents and minions of the Jealous God Yahweh have always hated the honorable followers of the Lord Krishna (Kristos, Christ).

So bizarre watching the Left defend mongoloids who demand death to homosexuals, women who 'disobey' their husbands, anyone who insults their religion, and so on.

I mean come on, these are the same people who never miss an opportunity to hate and insult Christians. Communists/Progressives have lost all credibility. They can never be trusted. Buncha cowardly hypocrites.

Muslims are Yahweh's army. Almost all modern Christians actually follow Christ's (Lord Krishna's) words of meekness and turning the other cheek and reject Yahweh's savagery.

So of course the Left hates on modern Krishnaians and love Muslims, since the Left preaches the worship of the god Jealous (Yahweh) who reveals his name as Jealous in Exodus. Jealous is the god the Jews and the Muslims, and his followers are very jealous people, making them very materialist and imperialistic.

Yahweh has even achieved making sacrifice their children (abortion) in his honor. Could there be any higher form of fealty to Yahweh than the sacrifice of one's own child? The Left promotes this child sacrifice as the ultimate sign of devotion to the Jealous God Yahweh.
Have you noticed how the liberals who try to blame people drawing pictures on paper for other people's murders, immediately change the subject to other, unrelated activities? They know they haven't got a leg to stand on regarding the people drawing pictures on paper and doing nothing else.

So they try to pretend that Nazi meetings, where liberals with armbands were encouraging people to kill Jews and attack their neighbors, "differs not at all". Or that Ku Klux Klan meetings, where Democrats hiding under sheets were planning the killing and lynching of black people just for being black (as well as Jews and others), "differs not at all" from a gathering where all the people want to do is draw pictures on paper, and be left alone.

And then they announce that, since there is no difference between people drawing pictures on paper and Nazis/Klansmen, the people drawing pictures on paper must be treated like Nazis and Klansmen.

The fanatics who tried to shoot up the people drawing pictures, probably went through the same thought process in deciding who to shoot. They just took it a little further than the liberals in this thread, who haven't actually killed anybody yet.

As I said, these people are mentally sick.

Liberal Nazis? It's funny that you just did what you meant your post to condemn.

And it's funnier that you had no idea you'd done it.
Communists/Progressives especially, should be ashamed of themselves. They fully support anyone's right to hate and insult Christians. In fact, they revel in that. I mean, we all know the Left has always had a bizarre 'Hate Christians' fetish.

They've now proven once and for all, they are not supporters of Freedom & Liberty. They defend violent nutters who demand the death penalty for homosexuals and anyone who insults their religion. Man, the Left is so lost at this point. Shame on em. Check out the type of brutal mongoloid they defend...

Yes, the agents and minions of the Jealous God Yahweh have always hated the honorable followers of the Lord Krishna (Kristos, Christ).

So bizarre watching the Left defend mongoloids who demand death to homosexuals, women who 'disobey' their husbands, anyone who insults their religion, and so on.

I mean come on, these are the same people who never miss an opportunity to hate and insult Christians. Communists/Progressives have lost all credibility. They can never be trusted. Buncha cowardly hypocrites.

Muslims are Yahweh's army. Almost all modern Christians actually follow Christ's (Lord Krishna's) words of meekness and turning the other cheek and reject Yahweh's savagery.

So of course the Left hates on modern Krishnaians and love Muslims, since the Left preaches the worship of the god Jealous (Yahweh) who reveals his name as Jealous in Exodus. Jealous is the god the Jews and the Muslims, and his followers are very jealous people, making them very materialist and imperialistic.

Pam Geller is a Jew, fuckwit.
Pam Geller is a Jew, fuckwit.

In name only.

Technically I am too...I can't get more Jewish than the last name Solomon!

When a Jew discovers that Judaism is exiled Pharaoh Aton's corrupted hybrid of Zoroastrianism and Atenism, they become free.
Still waiting on a left loon to denounce the killing of Christians by the Muslims.
The radical Muslims have been condemned. Many, many times.

You would see that if you...you know...LOOKED.

She's the American Taliban denouncing the real one.
Liberal Nazis? It's funny that you just did what you meant your post to condemn.

And it's funnier that you had no idea you'd done it.
Project much?

Nazis were people who used Big Government to take over industries, control what people said and wrote, and categorize people by their religious denomination, ancestry, and skin color. And also crack down on anyone who disagreed with them.

All modern-liberal characteristics to the core.
But I will have no sympathy if she is killed or f one of her events s attacked...she is asking for it. Furthermore...the terrorist would be doing America a favor by eliminating teaper filth from this earth. Wn-Win situation.
Ms. Gellar...carry on! Don't get any TRUE Amercans killed...just you and your teaper followers!
Hmm... two posts by little nutz so far, encouraging that Pamela Geller be killed, and/or any conservative who disagrees with little nutz.

As I said, there are liberals on this thread who agree with the hate-filled fanatical murderers.

And people wonder how on Earth some Americans can want to join the ISIS savages in Syria, Iraq etc.

Now you know.
Communists/Progressives especially, should be ashamed of themselves. They fully support anyone's right to hate and insult Christians. In fact, they revel in that. I mean, we all know the Left has always had a bizarre 'Hate Christians' fetish.

They've now proven once and for all, they are not supporters of Freedom & Liberty. They defend violent nutters who demand the death penalty for homosexuals and anyone who insults their religion. Man, the Left is so lost at this point. Shame on em. Check out the type of brutal mongoloid they defend...

Yes, the agents and minions of the Jealous God Yahweh have always hated the honorable followers of the Lord Krishna (Kristos, Christ).

So bizarre watching the Left defend mongoloids who demand death to homosexuals, women who 'disobey' their husbands, anyone who insults their religion, and so on.

I mean come on, these are the same people who never miss an opportunity to hate and insult Christians. Communists/Progressives have lost all credibility. They can never be trusted. Buncha cowardly hypocrites.

Muslims are Yahweh's army. Almost all modern Christians actually follow Christ's (Lord Krishna's) words of meekness and turning the other cheek and reject Yahweh's savagery.

So of course the Left hates on modern Krishnaians and love Muslims, since the Left preaches the worship of the god Jealous (Yahweh) who reveals his name as Jealous in Exodus. Jealous is the god the Jews and the Muslims, and his followers are very jealous people, making them very materialist and imperialistic.

Yahweh has even achieved making sacrifice their children (abortion) in his honor. Could there be any higher form of fealty to Yahweh than the sacrifice of one's own child? The Left promotes this child sacrifice as the ultimate sign of devotion to the Jealous God Yahweh.


Jeremiah would have a coronary if she saw this!
The Left really should rethink supporting violent assholes like the one in the Hannity interview. I know they have an irrational hate for Christians, but that's no excuse to support such awful stuff. They have to put that aside. Free Speech and the Constitution are what we should all be defending.
Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.
Liberals always blame the people who do harmless, ordinary things, while carefully avoiding blaming the people who were actually causing the problems. Here one of them does exactly that. Where is any mention of the "judgment" exercised by the people who brought out guns, pointed them at others who had done nothing wrong, and pulled the triggers? Instead Van Susteren complains only about people who drew pictures on paper, and who encouraged others in that completely harmless activity.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
Again the mysterious accusation of people using only pencils and paper, "putting police at risk". It's complete nonsense, as is obvious to any normal people (i.e. anyone other than liberals).

People who point guns at others and pull the triggers, are the ones "putting police at risk", not people drawing pictures on paper.

If the people with the guns want to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, they are simply wrong. And if they want to commit crimes on that basis, they are extremely wrong and mentally sick, and we must stop them by any and all means at hand.

Flushing out the sick murderers and luring them to a place where armed and trained police are ready to handle them (as these police did), is one way to do that, and a pretty effective one. Kudoes to the police who volunteered for that duty. They are heroes, and saved the lives, not only of people drawing pictures on paper that day, but the lives of the next people those sick murderers would have killed next month or next year. Two down, xxx to go.

And the liberals who agree with the gunmen and try to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, are just as wrong AND just as mentally sick. They aren't actually killing people (yet), but they are making it a lot easier for the gunmen to do it.
Quite frankly I don't take at face value anything Leftists claim about Greta until I see it for myself.

funny too, they wail on fox news until they want to USE them to put others down.
warped and twisted and no honor in a one on here attacking Mrs. Geller.

but if we recall, they blamed Mrs. Palin for what's her name getting shot.

they have a REAL hate for women it seems, they go around calling them: bitches, whores, yu know they would call them, cxxts if they could....and from that party that claims they care MORE FOR the womeeeen folk in the country....

this people are sick in the head
The Left really should rethink supporting violent assholes like the one in the Hannity interview. I know they have an irrational hate for Christians, but that's no excuse to support such awful stuff. They have to put that aside. Free Speech and the Constitution are what we should all be defending.
Thanks for reminding me why I never watch Hannity. I'm glad someone saw the light and bumped him from Cumulus talk radio syndicate, now he needs to get bumped from Fox News. His Jerry Springer trailer trash antics are embarrassing to conservatives.

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