Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.
Liberals always blame the people who do harmless, ordinary things, while carefully avoiding blaming the people who were actually causing the problems. Here one of them does exactly that. Where is any mention of the "judgment" exercised by the people who brought out guns, pointed them at others who had done nothing wrong, and pulled the triggers? Instead Van Susteren complains only about people who drew pictures on paper, and who encouraged others in that completely harmless activity.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
Again the mysterious accusation of people using only pencils and paper, "putting police at risk". It's complete nonsense, as is obvious to any normal people (i.e. anyone other than liberals).

People who point guns at others and pull the triggers, are the ones "putting police at risk", not people drawing pictures on paper.

If the people with the guns want to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, they are simply wrong. And if they want to commit crimes on that basis, they are extremely wrong and mentally sick, and we must stop them by any and all means at hand.

Flushing out the sick murderers and luring them to a place where armed and trained police are ready to handle them (as these police did), is one way to do that, and a pretty effective one. Kudoes to the police who volunteered for that duty. They are heroes, and saved the lives, not only of people drawing pictures on paper that day, but the lives of the next people those sick murderers would have killed next month or next year. Two down, xxx to go.

And the liberals who agree with the gunmen and try to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, are just as wrong AND just as mentally sick. They aren't actually killing people (yet), but they are making it a lot easier for the gunmen to do it.
I read that Geller is going to have more events like the one she had in Texas and that's her right as guaranteed by the Constitution.
My fear is that maybe next time instead of a simple assault with guns, it'll be a bigger attack, say like a car bomb, suicide bomber; etc. Which of course would be a spectacular attack, which terrorist seem to prefer. Then what?
When dealing with ISIS, you can't rule out anything.
BTW, Geller is not anti-Muslim.

She's anti-people-who-murder-others-for-drawing-pictures-on-paper.
And anti-people-who-fly-planes-into-buildings-to-kill-thousands-who-have-done-nothing-wrong.

And she's absolutely right.

The liberals who blame the people drawing pictures on paper, and don't blame the people firing guns at them, are the "bitches that even conservatives have had enough of".

When can we expect the OP to change the title of this thread, to point out actual reality?
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
But when an art museum in NYC displayed an image of Jesus with feces all over it, and the religious right claimed foul (without killing anyone, violent protesting, or threats) the left claimed..."freedom of speech"....and now those same people are saying "Geller is a bitch".


Youre arguing the difference between art and pornography.

Both are covered by the first amendment, but pornography isn't art.

Geller is a pornographer.


You call this pornographic?
Most would call it hypocrisy.
The more events that we can have exposing these worthless murderers the better. They are the scourge of humanity.
I read that Geller is going to have more events like the one she had in Texas and that's her right as guaranteed by the Constitution.
My fear is that maybe next time instead of a simple assault with guns, it'll be a bigger attack, say like a car bomb, suicide bomber; etc. Which of course would be a spectacular attack, which terrorist seem to prefer. Then what?
When dealing with ISIS, you can't rule out anything.
What makes you think it isn't another trap to suck in any would-be terrorists to be gunned down?
What makes you think it isn't a "False Flag" operation like Texans are so afraid of?
Communists/Progressives especially, should be ashamed of themselves. They fully support anyone's right to hate and insult Christians. In fact, they revel in that. I mean, we all know the Left has always had a bizarre 'Hate Christians' fetish.

They've now proven once and for all, they are not supporters of Freedom & Liberty. They defend violent nutters who demand the death penalty for homosexuals and anyone who insults their religion. Man, the Left is so lost at this point. Shame on em. Check out the type of brutal mongoloid they defend...

You just have to love how they are wailing over A woman and how she is stirring up people BY proving a point on our freedoms of speech.

then they turn around and use their Freedom of speech by calling HER A BITCH

damn hilarious, if they weren't so disturbed mentally and dangerous to US
it's not my fault you're an i 5:3-11diot, sassy...

Answer the god damn question, fool. How would you deal with someone that would commit murder over a cartoon? Stop your damn deflecting and if you can't answer shut your damn piehole

Valerie is a servant of the violent god Yahweh (the god of the Muslims and Jews), who revealed his name as Jealous in the book Exodus. This god and his agents will never engage in honest debate.

Yahweh is Jealous of everything that is not his. If you are not his servant, then he burns with envy and determination to make you His. If you do not bend the knee to him, he will destroy you, as Jealous cannot envy a destroyed thing (nothing).

But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves: 14For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name isJealous, is a jealous God:

The god that you worship is Christ, is not Yahweh, The Lord Kristos (Christ) is the Lord Krishna who usurped control over Yahweh's Chosen Jealous People (the jews), this is attested in Matthew 5:3-11

3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

7Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

These are not the words of the violent and jealous god Yahweh of the Jews and Muslims. Yahweh countered Lord Christ's (Krishna) words with the statement that immediately follows (masquerading as Christ):

Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

This cannot be the words of Krishna (Christ), since Christians (Kristosians, Krishnaians) do not enforce Mosaic Law and nor did the Lord Christ encourage the enforcement of Mosaic Law.

Yahweh very cleverly altered/added/removed words to the gospels to derail the message of the Lord Krishna.

However, although the Lord Krishna's words and examples are honorable and spiritually fulfilling to live by on a day-to-day basis, Lord Krishna's message and general personality of "turning the other cheek" allows tyranny to grow and run rampant.

If the Germanic and Celtic Peoples wish to survive they must heed the example and words of Odin and Morrigan. This does mean that they have to abandon the Lord Christ, especially in their personal lives, but they cannot apply Krishna's moral code to the violent and jealous savages.
These liberals need to spend some time in a muslim run country
I read that Geller is going to have more events like the one she had in Texas and that's her right as guaranteed by the Constitution.
My fear is that maybe next time instead of a simple assault with guns, it'll be a bigger attack, say like a car bomb, suicide bomber; etc. Which of course would be a spectacular attack, which terrorist seem to prefer. Then what?
When dealing with ISIS, you can't rule out anything.
What makes you think it isn't another trap to suck in any would-be terrorists to be gunned down?
What makes you think it isn't a "False Flag" operation like Texans are so afraid of?

I'm projecting. Plus the ISIS has used car bombs and suicide bombers in the past, it's part of their M.O..
Anyone that can get a leftist moon bat in a tizzy isn't all bad. Progtards just have this need to hate someone

lol, good one, breeder. Blaming the critics of Pam Geller as the haters. Add this to the list of USMB Ironic Moments.

not to mention in a thread about republicans disagreeing Sassy responds about "leftists" as if she cannot see republicans when they dont agree with her
Meh...let her do whatever she wants. She is a teaper...when the killer muslms blow themselves up n the name of Allah...and kills off the teapers at the event...EVERYONE WINS. Dead terrorists all the way around.
Anyone that can get a leftist moon bat in a tizzy isn't all bad. Progtards just have this need to hate someone

lol, good one, breeder. Blaming the critics of Pam Geller as the haters. Add this to the list of USMB Ironic Moments.

not to mention in a thread about republicans disagreeing Sassy responds about "leftists" as if she cannot see republicans when they dont agree with her
you mean a hypocrite teaper thinks self identfication outside of American is PC and horrfic...despite she pushes her drunk Irish BS all of the time to identify her racist teaper ass.
Communists/Progressives especially, should be ashamed of themselves. They fully support anyone's right to hate and insult Christians. In fact, they revel in that. I mean, we all know the Left has always had a bizarre 'Hate Christians' fetish.

They've now proven once and for all, they are not supporters of Freedom & Liberty. They defend violent nutters who demand the death penalty for homosexuals and anyone who insults their religion. Man, the Left is so lost at this point. Shame on em. Check out the type of brutal mongoloid they defend...

Yes, the agents and minions of the Jealous God Yahweh have always hated the honorable followers of the Lord Krishna (Kristos, Christ).
you mean a hypocrite teaper thinks self identfication outside of American is PC and horrfic...despite she pushes her drunk Irish BS all of the time to identify her racist teaper ass.
Can anybody explain what this person is talking about? Besides his usual namecalling and hatred?
EVERYONE has condemned the shitbirds who were killed.

What you are failing to acknowledge is that there is another hate group in the picture.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today.

No ... I just commented on the fact you are unable to consider yourself a member of a hate group when it suits your desires.
You cannot twist what I say into your dialog ... Doesn't work that way with me.

Pam Geller is part of a hate group, and it has been ticking off a certain kind of people on this forum to hear us say that.

We wouldn't even be having these topics if it wasn't pissing people off that she is hated for what she is.

So you can twist things all YOU want, but that is the truth.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today
You're part of a hate group.
you mean a hypocrite teaper thinks self identfication outside of American is PC and horrfic...despite she pushes her drunk Irish BS all of the time to identify her racist teaper ass.
Can anybody explain what this person is talking about? Besides his usual namecalling and hatred?
it is simole. Let the bitch talk...it is her right and agree with that. But I will have no sympathy if she is killed or f one of her events s attacked...she is asking for it. Furthermore...the terrorist would be doing America a favor by eliminating teaper filth from this earth. Wn-Win situation.

Ms. Gellar...carry on! Don't get any TRUE Amercans killed...just you and your teaper followers!

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