Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

And he is wrong..........there is a bigger issue here...and when we deal with the muslims who will commit mass murder over cartoons, then we can deal with how to be polite to other people of a religious faith.....

it's a good thing deep thinkers like you aren't deciding how "we deal with" things...
Look, dimwits, if a couple of black extremists attacked a Klan rally, how retarded would you have to be to defend the Klan?

The point being made is not about free speech. It is about fuckheads vs. fuckheads, and you are defending one of the fuckheads.

That's what you are doing with Pam Geller. In your anti-Muslim zeal, you have jumped into bed with a real c*unt.

Pointing out your hypocrisy doesn't mean that we support one side or the other.
You reaffirming it makes it abundantly clear who thinks that you cannot grasp the concept.

EVERYONE has condemned the shitbirds who were killed.

What you are failing to acknowledge is that there is another hate group in the picture.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today.

She hates people who murder people for drawing cartoons....I'll side with her on that any day......sad that you don't.......how does your burka fit........?
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

Yes....and now we should force women to wear burkas because by not doing that we are inciting violence...and being offensive to muslims....you haters......
And he is wrong..........there is a bigger issue here...and when we deal with the muslims who will commit mass murder over cartoons, then we can deal with how to be polite to other people of a religious faith.....

it's a good thing deep thinkers like you aren't deciding how "we deal with" things...

How would you deal with someone who would commit mass murder over a cartoon? Be specific
BTW has anyone discovered how he got a gun.........usually that's a big angle press likes to cover.......makes ya go. Hhhhhhhmmmmmm

You forgot....it was a muslim terrorist so they don't care about the gun this time.......
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

Yes....and now we should force women to wear burkas because by not doing that we are inciting violence...and being offensive to muslims....you haters......
And he is wrong..........there is a bigger issue here...and when we deal with the muslims who will commit mass murder over cartoons, then we can deal with how to be polite to other people of a religious faith.....

it's a good thing deep thinkers like you aren't deciding how "we deal with" things...

How would you deal with someone who would commit mass murder over a cartoon? Be specific

If you can catch them lock them up....if caught in the act...shoot them before they hurt others....specific enough
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

Yes....and now we should force women to wear burkas because by not doing that we are inciting violence...and being offensive to muslims....you haters......
And he is wrong..........there is a bigger issue here...and when we deal with the muslims who will commit mass murder over cartoons, then we can deal with how to be polite to other people of a religious faith.....

it's a good thing deep thinkers like you aren't deciding how "we deal with" things...

How would you deal with someone who would commit mass murder over a cartoon? Be specific

If you can catch them lock them up....if caught in the act...shoot them before they hurt others....specific enough

I think the officer in Texas handled it very nicely :)
Geller did good , hope she does more FREE SPEECH shows , like to see the Rev. Terry Jones do one also . o'reily , greta , sheep smith on FOX are not conservative although they try to play the parts . Megyn Kelly and others are in complete support of Geller !!

O'reilly is conservative on a few issues but nuts on others...Shep Smith is the biggest liberal on Fox...and used to host their news hour.....
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

Yes....and now we should force women to wear burkas because by not doing that we are inciting violence...and being offensive to muslims....you haters......
And he is wrong..........there is a bigger issue here...and when we deal with the muslims who will commit mass murder over cartoons, then we can deal with how to be polite to other people of a religious faith.....

it's a good thing deep thinkers like you aren't deciding how "we deal with" things...

How would you deal with someone who would commit mass murder over a cartoon? Be specific

Another ditz who thinks hitting "funny" is a logical answer to a legitimate question, a question they brought on themselves
The Klan and the Nazis are not allowed to openly advocate for the wholesale slaughter of blacks and Jews, but everyone knows that is their agenda. And even though they have not lynched anyone in recent memory, we all know they would if given half a chance. It is only because of federal intervention that they do not.

Pam Geller is not allowed to openly advocate for the wholesale slaughter of Muslims, but everyone knows that is her agenda. And even though she only does "ordinary things" (BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!) like hold hate fests under the cover of a cartoon contest, we all know what she and her followers would do if given half a chance.

And that is why hate groups require police protection. Because their potential victims are rightfully fearful of the influence of such groups, and some of the target group of that hate may lose their cool.

Hate begets hate. You reap what you sow.

Pam Geller is not an opponent of radical Muslims. She is an opponent of all Islam and only a fool would delude themselves otherwise.

9/11 gave evil characters like Geller the perfect excuse they have been waiting for to let their hair down and let all their hatred hang out. She and others thrive off the collective pain we all felt that day and use that to metastasize the mob into a tumorous blot on our society. She holds these events to keep the pain alive and festering so pain becomes fear and fear become hate.

Geller is of that vile membership which constantly manipulates the mob to stay afraid. Their tools are trigger words and doom music and jingoism. When Gellers ring the bell, the well-conditioned dogs drool.

We need to recognize these people for what they are and shove them aside. We need to send them back into whatever hellhole they crawled out of.
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it's not my fault you're an idiot, sassy...

Answer the god damn question, fool. How would you deal with someone that would commit murder over a cartoon? Stop your damn deflecting and if you can't answer shut your damn piehole
Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.
Liberals always blame the people who do harmless, ordinary things, while carefully avoiding blaming the people who were actually causing the problems. Here one of them does exactly that. Where is any mention of the "judgment" exercised by the people who brought out guns, pointed them at others who had done nothing wrong, and pulled the triggers? Instead Van Susteren complains only about people who drew pictures on paper, and who encouraged others in that completely harmless activity.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
Again the mysterious accusation of people using only pencils and paper, "putting police at risk". It's complete nonsense, as is obvious to any normal people (i.e. anyone other than liberals).

People who point guns at others and pull the triggers, are the ones "putting police at risk", not people drawing pictures on paper.

If the people with the guns want to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, they are simply wrong. And if they want to commit crimes on that basis, they are extremely wrong and mentally sick, and we must stop them by any and all means at hand.

Flushing out the sick murderers and luring them to a place where armed and trained police are ready to handle them (as these police did), is one way to do that, and a pretty effective one. Kudoes to the police who volunteered for that duty. They are heroes, and saved the lives, not only of people drawing pictures on paper that day, but the lives of the next people those sick murderers would have killed next month or next year. Two down, xxx to go.

And the liberals who agree with the gunmen and try to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, are just as wrong AND just as mentally sick. They aren't actually killing people (yet), but they are making it a lot easier for the gunmen to do it.

the left has wires in their brain crossed.....that is the only explanation for the way they think.....
Have you noticed how the liberals who try to blame people drawing pictures on paper for other people's murders, immediately change the subject to other, unrelated activities? They know they haven't got a leg to stand on regarding the people drawing pictures on paper and doing nothing else.

So they try to pretend that Nazi meetings, where liberals with armbands were encouraging people to kill Jews and attack their neighbors, "differs not at all". Or that Ku Klux Klan meetings, where Democrats hiding under sheets were planning the killing and lynching of black people just for being black (as well as Jews and others), "differs not at all" from a gathering where all the people want to do is draw pictures on paper, and be left alone.

And then they announce that, since there is no difference between people drawing pictures on paper, and Nazis and Klansmen, the people drawing pictures on paper must be treated like Nazis and Klansmen.

I can't help but notice that the fanatics who tried to shoot up the people drawing pictures, probably went through the same thought process in deciding who to shoot. They just took it a little further than the liberals in this thread, who haven't actually killed anybody yet.

As I said, these people are mentally sick.
it's not my fault you're an idiot, sassy...

Answer the god damn question, fool. How would you deal with someone that would commit murder over a cartoon? Stop your damn deflecting and if you can't answer shut your damn piehole

You painted yourself in a corner didn't you? Worthless god damn liberal, another one that isn't worth the powder to blow you to hell
i'm not painted in a corner at all, but of course you're too dumb to get that...
Good ole Communists/Progressives and Neocons. Always there to help defend Free Speech and the Constitution. Sadly, this brave woman is on her own. One of the very few heroes of Free Speech left in this dying nation.
"There's actually a liberal (maybe more than one) in this thread who agrees with the murderers"

^ Little-Acorn

who?? can you point to the post which backs up your claim?

still waiting for the little acorn to back up his claim...

"There's actually a liberal (maybe more than one) in this thread who agrees with the murderers"


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