Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

Pam Geller got exactly what she wanted.

Sort of like the woman who wore a slinky dress deserved to get raped?

Sort of like a black guy who runs deserves to be killed by the cops?

Who ever claimed that a black guy that runs deserved to be killed?

Don't start on the hypocrisy thing. There's plenty of it to be found on your side of the line.

Pam Geller went out of her way to offend Muslims. She chose the site for her hate fest very deliberately. It had been used for a peaceful celebration by Muslims and she wanted to soil that spot with her anti-Muslim hate fest.

There is no comparison to a rape victim. Nice try. FAIL.

The hypocrisy is all on your side. You have to make things up about me to claim I'm hypocritical.

It's pretty damn easy to offend Muslims. That's the problem with them. Being offended doesn't give you a right to kill people. Geller has a right to say whatever she likes about Muslims. She even has the right to dip a statue of Mohammad in piss if she wants. If Muslims are offended, that's just tough shit for them. You offend me every time you post.

Go soak your head in piss.
I am going to have so much fun pointing out in the future how angry speech has made some people. In fact, I'm actually pretty good at provoking people...
Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.
Liberals always blame the people who do harmless, ordinary things, while carefully avoiding blaming the people who were actually causing the problems. Here one of them does exactly that. Where is any mention of the "judgment" exercised by the people who brought out guns, pointed them at others who had done nothing wrong, and pulled the triggers? Instead Van Susteren complains only about people who drew pictures on paper, and who encouraged others in that completely harmless activity.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
Again the mysterious accusation of people using only pencils and paper, "putting police at risk". It's complete nonsense, as is obvious to any normal people (i.e. anyone other than liberals).

People who point guns at others and pull the triggers, are the ones "putting police at risk", not people drawing pictures on paper.

If the people with the guns want to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, they are simply wrong. And if they want to commit crimes on that basis, they are extremely wrong and mentally sick, and we must stop them by any and all means at hand.

Flushing out the sick murderers and luring them to a place where armed and trained police are ready to handle them (as these police did), is one way to do that, and a pretty effective one. Kudoes to the police who volunteered for that duty. They are heroes, and saved the lives, not only of people drawing pictures on paper that day, but the lives of the next people those sick murderers would have killed next month or next year. Two down, xxx to go.

And the liberals who agree with the gunmen and try to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, are just as wrong AND just as mentally sick. They aren't actually killing people (yet), but they are making it a lot easier for the gunmen to do it.
"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
Again the mysterious accusation of people using only pencils and paper, "putting police at risk". It's complete nonsense, as is obvious to any normal people (i.e. anyone other than liberals).

When Nazis hold public events, they require quite a lot of police protection.

Whose fault is it the police have to put themselves in harm's way for Nazis...the Jews?

When the KKK holds public events, they require quite a lot of police protection.

Whose fault is it the police have to put themselves in harm's way for the Klan...the blacks?

When Pam Geller puts on a hate fest, she needs a lot of protection.

Whose fault is it the police have to put themselves in harm's way for Pam Geller...the Muslims?
Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.
Liberals always blame the people who do harmless, ordinary things, while carefully avoiding blaming the people who were actually causing the problems. Here one of them does exactly that. Where is any mention of the "judgment" exercised by the people who brought out guns, pointed them at others who had done nothing wrong, and pulled the triggers? Instead Van Susteren complains only about people who drew pictures on paper, and who encouraged others in that completely harmless activity.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
Again the mysterious accusation of people using only pencils and paper, "putting police at risk". It's complete nonsense, as is obvious to any normal people (i.e. anyone other than liberals).

People who point guns at others and pull the triggers, are the ones "putting police at risk", not people drawing pictures on paper.

If the people with the guns want to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, they are simply wrong. And if they want to commit crimes on that basis, they are extremely wrong and mentally sick, and we must stop them by any and all means at hand.

Flushing out the sick murderers and luring them to a place where armed and trained police are ready to handle them (as these police did), is one way to do that, and a pretty effective one. Kudoes to the police who volunteered for that duty. They are heroes, and saved the lives, not only of people drawing pictures on paper that day, but the lives of the next people those sick murderers would have killed next month or next year. Two down, xxx to go.

And the liberals who agree with the gunmen and try to blame the people drawing pictures on paper, are just as wrong AND just as mentally sick. They aren't actually killing people (yet), but they are making it a lot easier for the gunmen to do it.
Yep.....may as well say go forth and slaughter ...
A hate fest which specifically chose a site used by peaceful Muslims for an event to put on a contest intended to offend those same Muslims, which differs from a Klan rally not at all, is not an "ordinary thing".
The only thing that wasn't "ordinary", was that some people think drawing pictures on paper justifies murdering those people. If not for those people's "non-ordinary" mental sickness, there would be no problem at all.

Well, there's one other thing that isn't ordinary. There's actually a liberal (maybe more than one) in this thread who agrees with the murderers, and is blaming the picture drawers. As I said, such people are mentally sick... to put it mildly.
Is there a reason hazlnut uses the words "bitch" and "slut" and other anti-woman slurs at every opportunity? May Freyja forgive your slander on the Form of the Woman and may Thor drop his hammer and cure your unnaturalness (your homosexuality).
Is there a reason hazlnut uses the words "bitch" and "slut" and other anti-woman slurs at every opportunity? May Freyja forgive your slander on the Form of the Woman and may Thor drop his hammer and cure your unnaturalness (your homosexuality).

It's that GOP "war on women"....oh wait
"There's actually a liberal (maybe more than one) in this thread who agrees with the murderers"

^ Little-Acorn

who?? can you point to the post which backs up your claim?
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."

Susteren isn't a conservative....hardly.....who else? and if they don't side with her...not a conservative...more of a rino....
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

Yes....and now we should force women to wear burkas because by not doing that we are inciting violence...and being offensive to muslims....you haters......
Susteren isn't a conservative....hardly.....who else? and if they don't side with her...not a conservative...more of a rino....

Geller may hold the distinction of being the only person to unite the one-man Catholic League, Bill Donahue, with any secular liberal, on any issue. But Monday night, he took to the airwaves on the Fox News show and condemned her cartoon contest unequivocally.

"When you embolden people, when you empower people, the haters, you're going to get violence," Donohue said. "And so why would anybody who's morally responsible want to intentionally incite other people?"

"We live in a sick society that some people think it's good to taunt other people," he added.
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

How have her words and actions been "the opposite" of free speech?
She does not want Muslims to have the religious protections of the First Amendment.

When did she say that? She is the one supporting the Firs Amendment.......
Susteren isn't a conservative....hardly.....who else? and if they don't side with her...not a conservative...more of a rino....

Geller may hold the distinction of being the only person to unite the one-man Catholic League, Bill Donahue, with any secular liberal, on any issue. But Monday night, he took to the airwaves on the Fox News show and condemned her cartoon contest unequivocally.

"When you embolden people, when you empower people, the haters, you're going to get violence," Donohue said. "And so why would anybody who's morally responsible want to intentionally incite other people?"

"We live in a sick society that some people think it's good to taunt other people," he added.

And he is wrong..........there is a bigger issue here...and when we deal with the muslims who will commit mass murder over cartoons, then we can deal with how to be polite to other people of a religious faith.....
Yes....and now we should force women to wear burkas because by not doing that we are inciting violence...and being offensive to muslims....you haters......

notice how you need to make things up?
"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
Again the mysterious accusation of people using only pencils and paper, "putting police at risk". It's complete nonsense, as is obvious to any normal people (i.e. anyone other than liberals).

When Nazis hold public events, they require quite a lot of police protection.

Whose fault is it the police have to put themselves in harm's way for Nazis...the Jews?

When the KKK holds public events, they require quite a lot of police protection.

Whose fault is it the police have to put themselves in harm's way for the Klan...the blacks?

When Pam Geller puts on a hate fest, she needs a lot of protection.

Whose fault is it the police have to put themselves in harm's way for Pam Geller...the Muslims?

Yes, it is the fault of violent and savage peoples that whites have to put themselves in harms way to defend other peaceful white people against violent savage people.

Thanks for admitting that they are violent and savage and antithetical to Anglo-Saxon Liberties.
Among other things, Geller opposed the "Ground Zero mosque".

She's only in favor of the First Amendment when it suits her bigoted cause.

Who wasn't against the mosque....but did she call for the government to stop it? If they paid for it they have a right to build it....now that was rude and in bad taste....
BTW has anyone discovered how he got a gun.........usually that's a big angle press likes to cover.......makes ya go. Hhhhhhhmmmmmm

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