Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

The difference is that the cartoons have no other purpose than to gratuitously offend.

I think you made a better case for ignoring them than getting your feathers ruffled.
If you want to say there is no purpose to them other than being offended ... At least you are willing to admit that you are easily offended.
Otherwise you don't really give a shit who you offend in return ... And we don't owe you any favors.

so she's a bitch. What do you call the people who did the attacks on her and other INNOCENT citizens?

no conservative I know would ever AGREE with people of the LEFTIST ilk. but you go if you need it to make yourselves feel better
Geller is like Palin, good only for two things, three if she'll take it up the ass. Stop making heroes out of scum, you'll be way ahead.
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

How have her words and actions been "the opposite" of free speech?
She does not want Muslims to have the religious protections of the First Amendment.
What is the difference in drawing a cartoon and not respecting someone's religion ... And enforcing same sex marriage disrespecting someone's religion?

I don't see much difference between an anti-Muslim bigot who holds a contest to deliberately offend all Muslims and a bigot who runs a Straights Only bakery.

Hardly any difference at all.

I don't either. They are people exercising their constitutional rights. I know how fascist assholes like you hate that.
What is the difference in drawing a cartoon and not respecting someone's religion ... And enforcing same sex marriage disrespecting someone's religion?

I don't see much difference between an anti-Muslim bigot who holds a contest to deliberately offend all Muslims and a bigot who runs a Straights Only bakery.

Hardly any difference at all.

I agree ... But you left out the bigots that are offended by one and not the other.

What is the difference in drawing a cartoon and not respecting someone's religion ... And enforcing same sex marriage disrespecting someone's religion?
What is the difference in getting upset over someone drawing a picture that offends another ... And supporting the offended who openly kill homosexuals and deny rights to women?

The left acts like they are against the freedom of expression unless of course they are expressing it.


The difference is that the cartoons have no other purpose than to gratuitously offend.

The difference is cartoons have been done to other religions but no one has wanted to kill.
You are trying to protect a small minority of religious nut jobs, that does not reflect the majority of the religion.
Among other things, Geller opposed the "Ground Zero mosque".

She's only in favor of the First Amendment when it suits her bigoted cause.
What is the difference in drawing a cartoon and not respecting someone's religion ... And enforcing same sex marriage disrespecting someone's religion?

I don't see much difference between an anti-Muslim bigot who holds a contest to deliberately offend all Muslims and a bigot who runs a Straights Only bakery.

Hardly any difference at all.

I agree ... But you left out the bigots that are offended by one and not the other.

That is only in your imagination.
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

How have her words and actions been "the opposite" of free speech?
She does not want Muslims to have the religious protections of the First Amendment.

The first amendment doesn't give you the right to kill people who offend you.
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
But when an art museum in NYC displayed an image of Jesus with feces all over it, and the religious right claimed foul (without killing anyone, violent protesting, or threats) the left claimed..."freedom of speech"....and now those same people are saying "Geller is a bitch".


That is only in your imagination.

Not my imagination ... I read your post and it wasn't there.
You have the ability to ignore whatever is convenient to your point ... But don't pretend you made one when you didn't.

Look, dimwits, if a couple of black extremists attacked a Klan rally, how retarded would you have to be to defend the Klan?

The point being made is not about free speech. It is about fuckheads vs. fuckheads, and you are defending one of the fuckheads.

That's what you are doing with Pam Geller. In your anti-Muslim zeal, you have jumped into bed with a real c*unt.
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."
But when an art museum in NYC displayed an image of Jesus with feces all over it, and the religious right claimed foul (without killing anyone, violent protesting, or threats) the left claimed..."freedom of speech"....and now those same people are saying "Geller is a bitch".



This is to be expected when you are dealing with known hypocrites
It does not follow that condemning Pam Geller means one is supporting the assholes who were killed.

Figure it out, tards.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today.
Look, dimwits, if a couple of black extremists attacked a Klan rally, how retarded would you have to be to defend the Klan?

The point being made is not about free speech. It is about fuckheads vs. fuckheads, and you are defending one of the fuckheads.

That's what you are doing with Pam Geller. In your anti-Muslim zeal, you have jumped into bed with a real c*unt.

Pointing out your hypocrisy doesn't mean that we support one side or the other.
You reaffirming it makes it abundantly clear that you cannot grasp the concept.


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