Even Conservatives have had enough of the Geller bitch

The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Look, dimwits, if a couple of black extremists attacked a Klan rally, how retarded would you have to be to defend the Klan?

The point being made is not about free speech. It is about fuckheads vs. fuckheads, and you are defending one of the fuckheads.

That's what you are doing with Pam Geller. In your anti-Muslim zeal, you have jumped into bed with a real c*unt.

Pointing out your hypocrisy doesn't mean that we support one side or the other.
You reaffirming it makes it abundantly clear who thinks that you cannot grasp the concept.

EVERYONE has condemned the shitbirds who were killed.

What you are failing to acknowledge is that there is another hate group in the picture.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today.
Geller did good , hope she does more FREE SPEECH shows , like to see the Rev. Terry Jones do one also . o'reily , greta , sheep smith on FOX are not conservative although they try to play the parts . Megyn Kelly and others are in complete support of Geller !!
I think she is great, I like the way she has exposed how fucked up muslims are
What she exposed is how fucked up she is...

And how hypocritical.

She says she's all about free speech but her actions and words have been the opposite.

She's just another one-person hate group, working to incite violence.

How have her words and actions been "the opposite" of free speech?
She does not want Muslims to have the religious protections of the First Amendment.

Then neither does the left who does such insulting things to Jesus in the name of art and passes a Health Care Law law that prohibits their free exercise.
The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
EVERYONE has condemned the shitbirds who were killed.

What you are failing to acknowledge is that there is another hate group in the picture.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today.

No ... I just commented on the fact you are unable to consider yourself a member of a hate group when it suits your desires.
You cannot twist what I say into your dialog ... Doesn't work that way with me.

The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
Doesn't address the question........and we're only letting the good ones in riiighhhhhttt. Well except for all the Isis traffic generated in the US
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."

You should put some bacon on that.
The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
but you will never be in danger of being murdered.

The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
Doesn't address the question........and we're only letting the good ones in riiighhhhhttt. Well except for all the Isis traffic generated in the US
You seem to believe there are white hats and black hats, which isn't true. The only difference between the average human and a murderer is one of them hasn't killed anyone, yet...
The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
but you will never be in danger of being murdered.

They hate me more than they hate you. At least you have a god, three of them actually, they're just the wrong ones.
EVERYONE has condemned the shitbirds who were killed.

What you are failing to acknowledge is that there is another hate group in the picture.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today.

No ... I just commented on the fact you are unable to consider yourself a member of a hate group when it suits your desires.
You cannot twist what I say into your dialog ... Doesn't work that way with me.

Pam Geller is part of a hate group, and it has been ticking off a certain kind of people on this forum to hear us say that.

We wouldn't even be having these topics if it wasn't pissing people off that she is hated for what she is.

So you can twist things all YOU want, but that is the truth.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today
but you will never be in danger of being murdered.

Homosexuals were fair game for bashing and murder in my lifetime.

It is only because of the very federal "meddling" which some of you whine about so frequently that they no longer are so vulnerable.
The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
Doesn't address the question........and we're only letting the good ones in riiighhhhhttt. Well except for all the Isis traffic generated in the US
You seem to believe there are white hats and black hats, which isn't true. The only difference between the average human and a murderer is one of them hasn't killed anyone, yet...
Simply trying to ascertain how libs tell the good ones from the bad since they criticize her for it ....since we can't by your own admission maybe we shouldn't be letting so many in.
7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller

Only 7 -- that's sad. Hopefully more will realize they need to throw the loud mouth bitch under the bus. The women is a joke who is mocked and ridiculed by her community.

Of all the Fox hosts, Van Susteren came down on Geller the hardest, accusing her of luring police into danger by casting aside "good judgment."

"Yes, of course, there is a First Amendment right and of course it’s very important. But the exercise of that right includes using good judgement," Van Susteren said on Tuesday evening.

Van Susteren said that "everyone" knew the event would become violent, and that Geller went ahead and put police in jeopardy anyway.

"Was it fair to the police, to knowingly put them at risk by this unnecessary provocation?" she asked. "I say no."

Gee, from now on, I guess we will have to check with "the liberal committee" before any one dares to say ANYTHING??????
Kinda like Nazi Germany!!!
???When are you gonna start rounding up the Jews???
It does not follow that condemning Pam Geller means one is supporting the assholes who were killed.

Figure it out, tards.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today.

Yes, it pretty much does. Pam Geller was harming no one. She was exercising her constitutional rights.
The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.

It would not matter if someone was male or female who dressed like that for service.
It's disrespectful.
Some on the left need to stop believing in the myth that the majority of the religious in this country is against gay marriage.
Most Religious Americans Support Marriage Equality Advocate.com
A new poll finds that most religious Americans across denominational lines agree that same-sex couples should have the right to marry, including those who attend religious services regularly, busting the myth that religious people remain opposed to marriage equality.
The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
The kind of person who can't tell the good Muslims from the bad Muslims is exactly the same as a person who can't tell the good Christians from the bad Christians,

or the good Jews from the bad Jews.

Now ponder who that puts Geller in good company with...
Can you tell the good ones from the bad ones........funny how we got a variation of the " he was such a good boy" routine from shooters mom
Some people don't deal well with profound insults to their heartfelt faiths. Keep that in mind.

If you dress like this for a Catholic service, expect to find yourself soon out the door sitting on your ass.

Tolerance only goes so far kiddos.
Doesn't address the question........and we're only letting the good ones in riiighhhhhttt. Well except for all the Isis traffic generated in the US
You seem to believe there are white hats and black hats, which isn't true. The only difference between the average human and a murderer is one of them hasn't killed anyone, yet...
Simply trying to ascertain how libs tell the good ones from the bad since they criticize her for it ....since we can't by your own admission maybe we shouldn't be letting so many in.
Here it's mostly Christians who blow things up and kill people. Maybe you should worry about them first...
Very strange that the radical left is mad at Americans who engage in free speech but not the jihad maniacs who want to kill them.
It does not follow that condemning Pam Geller means one is supporting the assholes who were killed.

Figure it out, tards.

The next time you whine about people who didn't condemn a hateful group, remember what side of that line you were on today.

Yes, it pretty much does. Pam Geller was harming no one. She was exercising her constitutional rights.
You can believe that but that's not what she's doing, not in the slightest there, Bripiss.

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