Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim

No, they tried to find information that the emails were purposefully deleted to cover them up.

They failed.
They WERE purposely deleted. It was just their story that the deleted emails were personal and not government business and since the emails were deleted, we don't know what was on them but we do know they were purposely deleted.
The fact remains as well that the President was cooperating and had turned over 15 boxes already.

There was no reason to set an historic precedence by conducting the 1st raid on a President's home, especially a President against whom the FBI had participated in a failed coup attempt against and had illegally spied on.
They WERE purposely deleted. It was just their story that the deleted emails were personal and not government business and since the emails were deleted, we don't know what was on them but we do know they were purposely deleted.
But they can’t prove they knew they were deleting work emails because her lawyer had already had gone through them and submitted them to State Dept.
Hillary had TS/SCI info.

The contents of her server were illegally downloaded onto Huma Abedin's laptop, the one she shared with her pedophile sexting husband.

Hillary destroyed classified systems with HAMMERS, violating US law / rules / regs regarding the handling and destruction of classified..

FBI Director Comey publicly declared to the world that Hillary broke laws, to Include the very definition of espionage...but of course excused her actions by saying she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

Enough excuse-making, lying, and covering up for this criminal c@nt who later initiated the failed Russian Collusion coup attempt - ACCORDING TO HER OWN CAMPAIGN MANAGER UNDER OATH.
Hillary had no marked TS SCIF documents on her computer. The top secret emails passed back and fourth did not come from top secret stuff kept in a SCIF under lock and key....... Her staff got the top secret info, from a second outside the gvt, source and were unaware that the CIA had gotten the same info, from their own sources, and classified it top secret....

This is why nothing on the Clinton server that Comey claimed was top secret, was Marked with TOP SECRET....because it never came from a govt source, it was never removed from its safe place....its why they could NOT charge her.

The papers and documents at Mara Lago sought and removed, were MARKED Top Secret Classified, or Secret, or Marked TS SCIF.

WHY did Trump take all of this top secret classified stuff? What did he need it for? Why didn't he return it all, when asked over a year ago?
Technically, perhaps. But what he claims is way way too dangerous and a gift to our foreign adversaries, and when that happens, he no longer is fulfilling his allegiance and duty to the united states.

He also lost his security clearance when he left office.

And also, he can't claim retroactively that he declassified all the presidential records he illegally took with him.
Yeah, but obviously, he would claim that he declassified everything while he still had authority to do so.
So if Biden did, everything Trump did, or Obama did everything that Trump did, would you be screaming treason? Would you even question the move from a democratic president?

Would you be calling it a raid, or a legal search and seizure?
Raid is not a bad word. There are legal raids. Raid just describes the way it is done, without notice and using jack-booted thugs.

I think I would have the same position regardless of the president. They can declassify information at will.

You're sane, good conversation and debate, but your compadres have spouted so much shit on this, they've lost their cotton picking minds!!! Imo

Thanks, but we all speak for ourselves here.

I have enjoyed discussing things with you, too, as you have remained civil even though we disagree. That's what's supposed to happen everywhere. :)

Hillary had no marked TS SCIF documents on her computer. The top secret emails passed back and fourth did not come from top secret stuff kept in a SCIF under lock and key....... Her staff got the top secret info, from a second outside the gvt, source and were unaware that the CIA had gotten the same info, from their own sources, and classified it top secret....

This is why nothing on the Clinton server that Comey claimed was top secret, was Marked with TOP SECRET....because it never came from a govt source, it was never removed from its safe place....its why they could NOT charge her.

The papers and documents at Mara Lago sought and removed, were MARKED Top Secret Classified, or Secret, or Marked TS SCIF.

WHY did Trump take all of this top secret classified stuff? What did he need it for? Why didn't he return it all, when asked over a year ago?
link? Just asking.
Hillary had no marked TS SCIF documents on her computer. The top secret emails passed back and fourth did not come from top secret stuff kept in a SCIF under lock and key....... Her staff got the top secret info, from a second outside the gvt, source and were unaware that the CIA had gotten the same info, from their own sources, and classified it top secret....

This is why nothing on the Clinton server that Comey claimed was top secret, was Marked with TOP SECRET....because it never came from a govt source, it was never removed from its safe place....its why they could NOT charge her.

The papers and documents at Mara Lago sought and removed, were MARKED Top Secret Classified, or Secret, or Marked TS SCIF.

WHY did Trump take all of this top secret classified stuff? What did he need it for? Why didn't he return it all, when asked over a year ago?
Thank you for that still desperate, highly emotionally partisan bullshit, but I believe I will stick to what FBI Director Comey declared publicly, which is that Hillary committed crimes, to include Espionage.

BTW, I like how you totally skipped how the contents of her server were downloaded onto Huma's laptop and how Hillary violated numerous laws by illegalky destroying classified govt phones, servers, and systems with hammers.

The fact remains as well that the President was cooperating and had turned over 15 boxes already.

There was no reason to set an historic precedence by conducting the 1st raid on a President's home, especially a President against whom the FBI had participated in a failed coup attempt against and had illegally spied on.
He turned over 15 cases 7 months ago, a few more documents in June when he was served a grand jury subpoena, and claimed once again, he gave it all back, and his lawyer signed off to that....

The informant from inside Trump World, told the FBI that this was NOT TRUE, A LIE, and told the FBI where to find the documents missing....

There were 27 additional cases of documents on Monday.

Trump lied, his lawyer lied to the FBI, they were not cooperating, they we're lying and stalling..
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Hillary had no marked TS SCIF documents on her computer. The top secret emails passed back and fourth did not come from top secret stuff kept in a SCIF under lock and key....... Her staff got the top secret info, from a second outside the gvt, source and were unaware that the CIA had gotten the same info, from their own sources, and classified it top secret....

This is why nothing on the Clinton server that Comey claimed was top secret, was Marked with TOP SECRET....because it never came from a govt source, it was never removed from its safe place....its why they could NOT charge her.

The papers and documents at Mara Lago sought and removed, were MARKED Top Secret Classified, or Secret, or Marked TS SCIF.

WHY did Trump take all of this top secret classified stuff? What did he need it for? Why didn't he return it all, when asked over a year ago?
How do you know that? Were you there? Did you see them? Neither did President Trump's lawyer or any of his staff because they weren't allowed to be on the premises during the search. Could any reasonable people believe the FBI who has consistently let Democrat wrong doers off without consequence or a minor slap on the wrist and who we now know falsified FISA warrants, ruined innocent lives, and lied to the world in an effort to take down Trump would not be lying about what they found at Mar-a-lago? If it was on the up and up they would have shown the markings to people present and the media. The way they did it would not lead any reasonable person to believe they are trustworthy or honest about it now.
He turned over 15 cases 7 months ago, a few more documents in June when he was served a grand jury subpoena, and claimed once again, he gave it all back, and his lawyer signed off to that....

The informant from inside Trump World, told the FBI that this we NOT TRUE, A LIE, and told the FBI where to find the documents missing....

There were 27 additional cases of documents on Monday.

Trump lied, his lawyer lied to the FBI, they were not coooerating, they we're lying and atalling.
He also offered them ANY other documents they wanted at that time. They declined.
That is simply not true.
He DID NOT turn over everything asked for in June.
He just lied and said that he did.
He kept back the things he thought would be most valuable to his pimp (Vladimir).
And that LIE is what generated this raid and the soon to be filed charges and (ultimately) arrest.
Those present at that time say that he did. And said ANYTHING else they wanted just ask and it would be provided immediately. You are libeling a person here when you have zero first hand knowledge of what happened in June. TDS is so strong in the woke and hate filled left that it is scary sometimes.
How do you know that? Were you there? Did you see them? Neither did President Trump's lawyer or any of his staff because they weren't allowed to be on the premises during the search. Could any reasonable people believe the FBI who has consistently let Democrat wrong doers off without consequence or a minor slap on the wrist would not be lying about what they found at Mar-a-lago? If it was on the up and up they would have shown the markings to people present and the medi The way they did it would not lead any reasonable person to believe they are trustworthy.
If the FBI that participatrd in the failed coup against Trump and illegally spied on Americans after violating the Patriot act and defrauding the FISA Court cared about not being accused of planting evidence or doing anything else criminal they probably should have allowed Trump's lawyer or someone else neutral to stay and witness their raid / ransacking....

Obviously they did not care.
If the FBI that participatrd in the failed coup against Trump and illegally spied on Americans after violating the Patriot act and defrauding the FISA Court cared about not being accused of planting evidence or doing anything else criminal they probably should have allowed Trump's lawyer or someone else neutral to stay and witness their raid / ransacking....

Obviously they did not care.
If they were on the up and up there would be zero problem with his lawyer and/or any other staffers being present while they did it. They fact they would not allow that says they were up to no good. And nothing they now say about any criminality can be trusted.

Comey admitted Hillary lied and lied and lied again about her circumstances. She withheld evidence, deleted evidence, and destroyed evidence. And they did nothing. He would not recommend prosecuting her because they wouldn't be able to get a conviction. She was just 'extremely careless' but there was no 'criminal intent.' But Trump is declared guilty with no evidence at all.

The double standard is appalling and scary.

And I believe the FBI does care. I believe Joe Biden, Merrick Garland and Christopher Wrap intend to accuse Trump of something regardless of how much they have to make up to do it.
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One more time, after Hillary's testimony to Congress re her e-mails, Trey Gowdy questioned FBI Director Comey was about that testimony. And he is dead right re the double standard re how a prominent Democrat is treated versus a hated Republican is glaring.
Comey's statement about exactly how many of Hillary's emails were classified....

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent."

More here:

At the link, Comey goes on to say that the emails which were deleted were not deleted with intent to deceive, which supports the premise of this thread.
Comey's statement about exactly how many of Hillary's emails were classified....

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent."

More here:

At the link, Comey goes on to say that the emails which were deleted were not deleted with intent to deceive, which supports the premise of this thread.
Not intended to deceive? So if you don't intend to break the law, it's okay?
Why don't they apply that standard to Donald J. Trump?
The FBI was at Mar-a-lago in June and given full access to the records. They were told to take whatever they wanted and if they thought of anything else it would be provided immediately.
Did they have a warrant in June?
Were they given full access, or were they LIED to.
The FBI went in and asked, team trump LIED and withheld some documents.
Obviously. That's why they went back with a WARRANT, so they could look where they were not given access to in June.

You got it NOW?
Clearly? Were you there? Did you see it?
Where you there? You say team trump give the FBI full access to anywhere?
No, you weren't there either.
For damn sure had the FBI wanted any of the documents in June they could have asked for them.
They asked if that was it. They were told yes.
An Obvious LIE.
So they went back with a warrant.

Geeeez, keep up.
Did they have a warrant in June?
Were they given full access, or were they LIED to.
The FBI went in and asked, team trump LIED and withheld some documents.
Obviously. That's why they went back with a WARRANT, so they could look where they were not given access to in June.

You got it NOW?

Where you there? You say team trump give the FBI full access to anywhere?
No, you weren't there either.

They asked if that was it. They were told yes.
An Obvious LIE.
So they went back with a warrant.

Geeeez, keep up.

I don't know if they had a warrant. I do know multiple people who were there have said they were not resisted in any way. The encounter was entirely friendly and cordial. The FBI agents were given permission to look through anything they wanted and take anything they needed. If later they thought of something else they needed it would be provided. They looked through the stuff in the storage room and suggested an extra lock be put on it just in case something else was needed and that was done.

NOTHING they asked for was not provided at that time. They asked for NOTHING else or had any other communication with the Trump organization between that June meeting and the raid. No subpoenas were submitted. No written requests.

On the face of it, no reasonable person could conclude that the raid was not malicious and politically motivated.
He also offered them ANY other documents they wanted at that time. They declined.
You spelled DENIED incorrectly.
Team trump LIED, and they declined them access to those additional boxes.
It took an informant to tell the FBI where to look for the boxes they were denied (LIED about) in June
And said ANYTHING else they wanted just ask and it would be provided immediately.
team trump LIED, there were additional documents.
In June, they didn't have a warrant, they went in nicely and ASKED nicely.
The FBI was LIED to.
The asked if there were ANY other boxes, team trump LIED.
The FBI just couldn't go look for them.
And team trump denied that there was additional boxes.
I don't know if they had a warrant. I do know multiple people who were there have said they were not resisted in any way. The encounter was entirely friendly and cordial. The FBI agents were given permission to look through anything they wanted and take anything they needed. If later they thought of something else they needed it would be provided. They looked through the stuff in the storage room and suggested an extra lock be put on it just in case something else was needed and that was done.
If they had a warrant, it would have been ALL over the same RW news outlets.
The FBI went in nicely, and were lied to.
Thus denied access to those additional boxes that were there in JUNE.
You think those 20+ boxes got there later (probably planted)
NOTHING they asked for was not provided at that time.
How about the additional 20+ boxes they got through the warrant.
You know, the boxes that the FBI was LIED to about.

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