Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim

NARA would not have moved them to Chicago except via Obama's orders. And NARA and the media loyal to Democrats would not be emphasizing how 'different' the circumstances were in that case if it wasn't trying to make what Trump did look suspicious, illegal, onerous.

The point is that yes, Trump did have some documents--presumably unclassified documents--that the National Archives wanted and those were promptly returned to NARA once requested. NARA had to know he had them or they wouldn't have known what to ask him for. He wasn't being sneaky or devious.

Trump wasn’t handing them over. He had tons of opportunities to do so. He wasn’t complying.
Yeah we established Paul Manafort was campaign manager for Trump.

We established YOU claimed TRUMP, not his campaign manager, colluded with the Russians.

We established that YOU posted a link about Manafort, NOT TRUMP.

We established Manafort is not Trump.

We established YOU LIED.

So go fuck YOURSELF, liar.

Speaking of campaign managers....how about Hillary's testifying under oath that Hillary initiated the fake Russian Collusion failed coup attempt by green-lighting Sussmann to go to the FBI with her fake scandal bullshit?!

That was pretty awesome, right, snowflake?!

:p bwuhahahaha
Campaign managers work on behalf of the candidate. PERIOD.

But what about Hillary! :auiqs.jpg:
That’s rich..since your talking points are word for word what every lefty as been spewing on this board and on lefty cable news program.

Find me a lefty that said they a dozen or two times if the FBI did this for nothing but generic classified documents I would join the rightys as they marched on the White House with torches and pitchforks.

I will be happy to wait while you look
NARA had to know he had them or they wouldn't have known what to ask him for. He wasn't being sneaky or devious.
He wasn't being sneaky or devious.
Then why didn't he return them in June?
Of course trump knew and he had no idea how well they track this missing information, and when team trump LIED and said they returned all documents, NARA knew otherwise. team trump was too stupid to know that they would find out.

They asked nice twice, then when he still wouldn't return them, they went in and got them. GEEZ, this is not that difficult.
If you could prove she intentionally deleted government records, you might have a point.

They FBI tried but failed to find evidence of that.

Does not matter, she should be in jail. If I had done what she did while a Marine in charge of classified materials I would still be in jail.
Actually, she deleted her personal emails after her staff pulled out all government email to give to the National Archives. According to government rules, she was suppose to remove her personal emails from the govt emails she had to turn over. Her lawyer squished those accusations of illegally deleting them, right quick, with showing them the National Archives directions on what has to be turned over and what should not.

Her server was subpoenaed in August by the FBI, months after the deletion of the private emails by her computer maintenance company that she used.
That's her story but since the emails were deleted we'll never know, will we? And yet she was very upset with Trump supposedly asking the Russians to find the very deleted emails that would have proven her innocence.
Can we stop pretending....this wasn't about any violations of any laws......this was the democrat party using their stasi to pretend there is a reason to indict Trump.....to smear him before he has a chance to run in 2024, along with scaring his supporters, and intimidating squish republicans like Romney, Murkowski and collins....and giving cover to quisling republicans like cheney and kinzinger, and other of their ilk since both of them are going to be gone soon...

This isn't a real investigation, this is nothing more than the democrat party ramping up their police state...

So please....stop pretending ....
Trump wasn’t handing them over. He had tons of opportunities to do so. He wasn’t complying.
He handed over every single document he was asked for and offered to send anything else they asked for. That was confirmed when the FBI showed up at Mar-a-lago in June. As much as you people hate Trump, there is no crime here other than that committed by the FBI.
I'm sorry, but you do not know that at all.

Like I said, the POTUS can tell people without security clearances classified information at will. He can whisper into Macron's ear,
"you know Frenchy, next week we are going to take out Al-Kahrani."
of he can announce at a press conference, that the US probably won't take action of Putin only sticks to a "minor incursion" in Ukraine, or he can let slip that US troops in Poland will be heading to Ukraine soon.

If you can't provide a statute or a procedure that the president must follow for declassification, I won't believe it's true.

Technically, perhaps. But what he claims is way way too dangerous and a gift to our foreign adversaries, and when that happens, he no longer is fulfilling his allegiance and duty to the united states.

He also lost his security clearance when he left office.

And also, he can't claim retroactively that he declassified all the presidential records he illegally took with him.

So if Biden did, everything Trump did, or Obama did everything that Trump did, would you be screaming treason? Would you even question the move from a democratic president?

Would you be calling it a raid, or a legal search and seizure?

You're sane, good conversation and debate, but your compadres have spouted so much shit on this, they've lost their cotton picking minds!!! Imo
He handed over every single document he was asked for and offered to send anything else they asked for. That was confirmed when the FBI showed up at Mar-a-lago in June. As much as you people hate Trump, there is no crime here other than that committed by the FBI.
They asked for every document marked classified.

That clearly didn’t happen.
He handed over every single document he was asked for and offered to send anything else they asked for. That was confirmed when the FBI showed up at Mar-a-lago in June. As much as you people hate Trump, there is no crime here other than that committed by the FBI.
That is simply not true.
He DID NOT turn over everything asked for in June.
He just lied and said that he did.
He kept back the things he thought would be most valuable to his pimp (Vladimir).
And that LIE is what generated this raid and the soon to be filed charges and (ultimately) arrest.
He wasn't being sneaky or devious.
Then why didn't he return them in June?
Of course trump knew and he had no idea how well they track this missing information, and when team trump LIED and said they returned all documents, NARA knew otherwise. team trump was too stupid to know that they would find out.

They asked nice twice, then when he still wouldn't return them, they went in and got them. GEEZ, this is not that difficult.
The FBI was at Mar-a-lago in June and given full access to the records. They were told to take whatever they wanted and if they thought of anything else it would be provided immediately.

Nothing adds up. The FBI could have seized everything in June. They didn't. The FBI could have gone after sensitive 'top secret' nuclear documents two weeks earlier when they got the warrant. They didn't.
The FBI could have allowed Trump's lawyer and/or staff to witness their search. They didn't.

After the FBI illegally falsified FISA warrants and destroyed the lives of several innocent people purely to take down Trump with what even WAPO, NY Times and WSJ admits was a 'witch hunt' unsupported by any valid information, and after the leftwing media made hay with that witch hunt for years, you think the DOJ/FBI would never operate out of political motives and malicious intent now?

That takes ignoring a lot of facts and having a lot of ill advised faith.
Campaign managers work on behalf of the candidate. PERIOD.

Thank you again for that TDS-suffering, Trump obsessed, triggered, highly emotional opinion.

The fact remains YOU said Trump colluded with the Russians and had nothing but a link about Manafort,nothing to support your LIE about Trump.

You lied - get over it, move on.
They asked for every document marked classified.

That clearly didn’t happen.
Clearly? Were you there? Did you see it? Are you trusting a government that has lied and lied and lied again, especially about Trump, to tell the truth here? Maybe they are. Maybe they aren't.

For damn sure had the FBI wanted any of the documents in June they could have asked for them. And it would have been willingly handed to them or they could have picked them up themselves as they had full access to that storage room. If they had asked for anything later it would have been turned over. Nothing they asked for was denied them.

You clearly can't know or say what was clearly marked on anything.
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