Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim

Of course not, your talking points emails would never tell you that and you that and we all know that is the only place you get any information.
That’s rich..since your talking points are word for word what every lefty as been spewing on this board and on lefty cable news program.
Trumps campaign manager shared information with Putin's intelligence operative so that the Russian troll farms could target specific social media, and specific states.

That's collusion. Maybe you don't know what collusion means?

YOU said TRUMP colluded and posted a link about Manafort.

Funny thing about Manafort - he was partners with Hillary's campaign manager back in the day when Podesta & his brother Fat Tony worked for tbe Russians, when Fat Tony worked for them without being registered as a foreign agent.

As we now know the Trump coup clan went back decades to find a crime to pin on Manafort...but they completely gave a pass to Hillary's campaign manager, Manafort's partner Podesta, who had committed the same crime...

....but I digress. You LIED by saying Trump colluded with the Russians when you had nothing on Trump and instead referenced Manafort instead.

Again,I love it when you self-identify as a TDS-suffering liar.
Yes, but like I said, I have not researched it yet.

Here is what NPR said back in 2017....

WITTES: Well, so the president controls classified information. The - almost the definition of classified information is material the president wants to protect. So if the president wants to disclose it, he gets to disclose it. And disclosures that would be a very serious crime if anyone else did them are almost certainly not if the president does them. So, you know, if the question is, is there a criminal problem here, the answer is almost certainly not.

So you mentioned that a president has to follow a certain procedure to declassify information. Please share a link to that procedure.


Care4all , and here is what Politiifact said back in 2017 on the subject of declassification by presidents...


The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren’t necessarily binding on the president. The president is not "obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed," Aftergood said. "And he can change those."

Indeed, the controlling executive order has been rewritten by multiple presidents. The current version of the order was issued by President Barack Obama in 2009.

This is all consistent with my historical understanding.

So yes, presidents can wave a magic wand, so to speak.


PS: For the record, I don't take Politifact as the ultimate source of facts, and they are Left-leaning, IMO.
Yes, but like I said, I have not researched it yet.

Here is what NPR said back in 2017....

WITTES: Well, so the president controls classified information. The - almost the definition of classified information is material the president wants to protect. So if the president wants to disclose it, he gets to disclose it. And disclosures that would be a very serious crime if anyone else did them are almost certainly not if the president does them. So, you know, if the question is, is there a criminal problem here, the answer is almost certainly not.

So you mentioned that a president has to follow a certain procedure to declassify information. Please share a link to that procedure.


Well, what I do know is that every single president, in our history, has followed a procedure for declassification of classified documents.....and part of those protocols, is the agency that classified it, is notified of the pending declassification and asked if there are any national security risks by the declassification, before the president makes his final decision. And if the president chose to declassify these TOP SECRET documents, it is done in writing and each top secret document would be declassified with a stamp, listing the person who declassified and the date of declassification.

Doing what trump claims he did with his magical wand would be a dereliction of duty and could cause death and harm to our undercover agents, and grounds for impeachment for not taking care of the country, and people within, imo.
That’s simply not true. You need to check the dates of the court order and when Clinton told them to delete the emails.
What was in those emails she deleted, classified US government business? She purposely deleted them, which rises to the same level of crime you now accuse Trump of. She claimed that they were personal in nature and not government classified business but then attacked Trump for supposedly reaching out to Russia to find those emails. Why was Hillary so upset? If Russia hand found the emails they would have proven that none of them were classified government business, wouldn't they? Or would they? Wouldn't she have been relieved if Russia had found the emails?
What was in those emails she deleted, classified US government business? She purposely deleted them, which rises to the same level of crime you now accuse Trump of. She claimed that they were personal in nature and not government classified business but then attacked Trump for supposedly reaching out to Russia to find those emails. Why was Hillary so upset? If Russia hand found the emails they would have proven that none of them were classified government business, wouldn't they?
If you could prove she intentionally deleted government records, you might have a point.

They FBI tried but failed to find evidence of that.

Go fuck yourself, loser. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah we established Paul Manafort was campaign manager for Trump.

We established YOU claimed TRUMP, not his campaign manager, colluded with the Russians.

We established that YOU posted a link about Manafort, NOT TRUMP.

We established Manafort is not Trump.

We established YOU LIED.

So go fuck YOURSELF, liar.

Speaking of campaign managers....how about Hillary's testifying under oath that Hillary initiated the fake Russian Collusion failed coup attempt by green-lighting Sussmann to go to the FBI with her fake scandal bullshit?!

That was pretty awesome, right, snowflake?!

:p bwuhahahaha
What was in those emails she deleted, classified US government business? She purposely deleted them, which rises to the same level of crime you now accuse Trump of. She claimed that they were personal in nature and not government classified business but then attacked Trump for supposedly reaching out to Russia to find those emails. If Russia had been unable to find them why was Hillary so upset? They would have proven that none of them were classified government business.
Actually, she deleted her personal emails after her staff pulled out all government email to give to the National Archives. According to government rules, she was suppose to remove her personal emails from the govt emails she had to turn over. Her lawyer squished those accusations of illegally deleting them, right quick, with showing them the National Archives directions on what has to be turned over and what should not.

Her server was subpoenaed in August by the FBI, months after the deletion of the private emails by her computer maintenance company that she used.
Well, what I do know is that every single president, in our history, has followed a procedure for declassification of classified documents.....

I'm sorry, but you do not know that at all.

Like I said, the POTUS can tell people without security clearances classified information at will. He can whisper into Macron's ear,
"you know Frenchy, next week we are going to take out Al-Kahrani."
of he can announce at a press conference, that the US probably won't take action of Putin only sticks to a "minor incursion" in Ukraine, or he can let slip that US troops in Poland will be heading to Ukraine soon.

If you can't provide a statute or a procedure that the president must follow for declassification, I won't believe it's true.

Actually, she deleted her personal emails after her staff pulled out all government email to give to the National Archives. According to government rules, she was suppose to remove her personal emails from the govt emails she had to turn over. Her lawyer squished those accusations of illegally deleting them, right quick, with showing them the National Archives directions on what has to be turned over and what should not.

Her server was subpoenaed in August by the FBI, months after the deletion of the private emails by her computer maintenance company that she used.
Hillary had TS/SCI info.

The contents of her server were illegally downloaded onto Huma Abedin's laptop, the one she shared with her pedophile sexting husband.

Hillary destroyed classified systems with HAMMERS, violating US law / rules / regs regarding the handling and destruction of classified..

FBI Director Comey publicly declared to the world that Hillary broke laws, to Include the very definition of espionage...but of course excused her actions by saying she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

Enough excuse-making, lying, and covering up for this criminal c@nt who later initiated the failed Russian Collusion coup attempt - ACCORDING TO HER OWN CAMPAIGN MANAGER UNDER OATH.
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Trumps campaign manager shared information with Putin's intelligence operative so that the Russian troll farms could target specific social media, and specific states.

That's collusion. Maybe you don't know what collusion means?
Nice fantasy. Too bad for you that whole story is garbage and people laugh at goofs like you who think Facebook memes caused people to change their votes.
Since President Trump having ordered the declassification of the documents is on official record and a sitting President is a declassifying Agent, meaning no law was broken because the documents Trump had at his home had been declassified, I would guess there is 0% chance of Trump being charged / convicted of a crime.

Furthermore, since the statute Trump is accused of violating has only been used 7 times in 50 years, and never against a President, I would say there is 0% of Trump being charged / convicted.

Also, since actual classified information was found in Obama' possession and he was never charged, I would say there is 0% chance of Trump being charged.

Also, since Hillary had TS/SCI info in her possession, destroyed classified systems illegally with hammers, and - as Comey publicly stated - committed espionage yet was spared from conviction, there should be 0% chance Trump is charged.

We are, however, talking about the FBI & Democrats who participated in a failed coup attempt, violated the Patriot Act / Constitution / Law, illegally spied on Americans / the President & his team, defrauded the FISA Court, attempted 2 failed coup Impeachment attempts based on no crime / evidence / witnesses & who treasonously manufactured fake evisence in an attempt to overthrow the govt by illegally removing the President....
You are spreading FAKE NEWS dude!
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Obama administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency confirmed on Friday. Millions of unclassified documents were transferred after Obama left office to a NARA facility in Chicago, but neither Obama’s personal foundation nor the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers.

The TGP goes on to say this.......
The AP misstated President Trump’s claim. The President didn’t say that Obama “took” documents, he shared Obama “kept” documents and many of them were classified.

They also didn’t address whether the documents Obama kept pertained to nuclear. It again appears that the corrupt Obama gang and the left-leaning media are projecting onto President Trump some corrupt action by Democrat politicians in DC.

So it's about a few words. "Took" versus "kept"

Bottom line,
Obama didn't move anything to Chicago, NARA did. And Maintains them.
Team trump moved document to a bedroom/basement.
NARA would not have moved them to Chicago except via Obama's orders. And NARA and the media loyal to Democrats would not be emphasizing how 'different' the circumstances were in that case if it wasn't trying to make what Trump did look suspicious, illegal, onerous.

The point is that yes, Trump did have some documents--presumably unclassified documents--that the National Archives wanted and those were promptly returned to NARA once requested. NARA had to know he had them or they wouldn't have known what to ask him for. He wasn't being sneaky or devious.


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