Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim

Fake news! You got fooled again with flailing What about ism!

Obama's presidential records are being stored by the National Archives....

Yeah….. the papers on the Super Bowl team party…. The real things are where he wants them, and they aren’t in the National Archives
I understand your point; it's a good one. I agree with you that it is a political smear, but it would seem that it should backfire without a conviction.

So in effect, my premise that the charges are unlikely to stick actually further backs up your point that this is nothing but the continuation of the unjust political persecution of Biden's main opponent.
Yep. You look at it your own way. The way it really is is always just out of reach
But not to the OP, do the guy that responded 40 post later.

bripat9643 made a good point that the documents were not classified.

FBI clearly thinks they were.

Thus, my thread, "even if they were."

Clearly, presidents have the authority to declassify information. The question arises, do they have to follow an established procedure to do so? Personally, I don't think so, and they can declassify in an instant, by simple edict.

For example, I think a president could choose to reveal previously-classified information at a news conference without seeking any kind of prior approval.

Likewise, Trump could declare all boxes taken to Mar-A-Lago as declassified.

But I am not certain about that, just guessing. I have not researched the topic.

2aguy also had a good critique of my premise - that it's not about getting a conviction anyway. It's not about politics; it is about a political smear job conducted under the guise of justice but is really about the election.
Biden and Garland are the ones who got their dicks caught in the door.
Not yet but that could be. Bur you need to understand that it's going to take highly escalated violence to deter the FBI.
A firefight with the FBI?

I'm all for entertaining all the possibilities!
I'm far enough away to be part of the audience.
Trump has been a Russian asset, if not agent, since at least the turn of the century.
Don't overspin it, there's enough shit about to hit the fan without that.

I see definite signs of the FBI/CIA having carefully laying the groundwork before springing the trap!

If this fails there is only one other solution to the Trump problem.
Good Glad these guys ^^^^ are Morons.
Read the link.

I don't think anybody, even Trump, suggested Obama took the documents illegally. All that was said is he took 30 million pages of documents to Chicago. There was NO REASON for the National Archives to truck them there, if they in fact did that, other than via his orders.

As for the handling of them, NARA, a government bureaucracy suggesting essentially all employees who donate have and do donate mostly to Democrats and the leftwing media spin on this, it just doesn't ring true on the face of it.

If you can use People Magazine as your 'credible authority' on this, I think Gateway Pundit should also be considered:
Yep. You look at it your own way. The way it really is is always just out of reach
Why resort to a personal attack? If you have a point to make and can back it up with a coherent argument, please make it. Otherwise, please go away. I don't participate in insult battles but will happily listen to opposing points of view made by people with adult intellects.
Why resort to a personal attack? If you have a point to make and can back it up with a coherent argument, please make it. Otherwise, please go away. I don't participate in insult battles but will happily listen to opposing points of view made by people with adult intellects.
It wasn't meant as an insult to you. Relax. The statement applies to both parties.
Both the judge and the DOJ are corrupt, so that means nothing. You morons behave as if we have some kind of respectable government with ethics.

whats the evidence of their corruption?
The magistrate judge is in a completely different organization than the DOJ. And the magistrate judge is at the Florida state level. Which would mean both the state and the fed is corrupt, which is total bullshit.
Here's just one of the numerous lies your story tells:

"To obtain a warrant to search for and retrieve Trump's White House records from Mar-a-Lago, the FBI needed approval from a "neutral and detached" federal judge. To get the judge's signature, investigators had to demonstrate probable cause by showing there was reasonable information to support the possibility that evidence of illegality will be found during the search."

The judge is hardly "neutral." He's an Obama crony who has donated thousands of dollars to Obama. HE also previously recused himself from a Trump case because he said he couldn't be objective about it.
His wife is a judge for the state of Florida and was appointed by R Governor, Rick Scott.....
Let's see if I get this right:
1 - There were no classified documents.
2 - And if there were any, the FBI planted them.
3 - But Trump declassified them, even though there weren't any.
4 - Regardless, the non-existent, declassified documents, planted by the FBI, were all returned earlier.
Did I forget something?
I don't think anybody, even Trump, suggested Obama took the documents illegally. All that was said is he took 30 million pages of documents to Chicago. There was NO REASON for the National Archives to truck them there, if they in fact did that, other than via his orders.

As for the handling of them, NARA, a government bureaucracy suggesting essentially all employees who donate have and do donate mostly to Democrats and the leftwing media spin on this, it just doesn't ring true on the face of it.

If you can use People Magazine as your 'credible authority' on this, I think Gateway Pundit should also be considered:
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Obama administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency confirmed on Friday. Millions of unclassified documents were transferred after Obama left office to a NARA facility in Chicago, but neither Obama’s personal foundation nor the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers.

The TGP goes on to say this.......
The AP misstated President Trump’s claim. The President didn’t say that Obama “took” documents, he shared Obama “kept” documents and many of them were classified.

They also didn’t address whether the documents Obama kept pertained to nuclear. It again appears that the corrupt Obama gang and the left-leaning media are projecting onto President Trump some corrupt action by Democrat politicians in DC.

So it's about a few words. "Took" versus "kept"

Bottom line,
Obama didn't move anything to Chicago, NARA did. And Maintains them.
Team trump moved document to a bedroom/basement.
Yeah….. the papers on the Super Bowl team party…. The real things are where he wants them, and they aren’t in the National Archives
You love being played a fool by your Trumper media, it seems..... Just keep on doing what you so blissfully do, revel in......ignorance!

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