Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim

How do you know that? Were you there? Did you see them? Neither did President Trump's lawyer or any of his staff because they weren't allowed to be on the premises during the search. Could any reasonable people believe the FBI who has consistently let Democrat wrong doers off without consequence or a minor slap on the wrist and who we now know falsified FISA warrants, ruined innocent lives, and lied to the world in an effort to take down Trump would not be lying about what they found at Mar-a-lago? If it was on the up and up they would have shown the markings to people present and the media. The way they did it would not lead any reasonable person to believe they are trustworthy or honest about it now.
Why don't you look at Trumps close circuit tv, for Monday...if he'd only let us....then maybe we could see how they handled themselves.

His lawyers were present, which is not necessary for a search. They were not allowed to get in the way and go room to room, but no one is, usually. And that matters not, since we know Trump had his close circuit Tv running in each room....

I think your immediate assumption that this was nefarious is a dive off the deep end, with no water in the pool!!!

Why did Trump take all of those documents with him? What did he need this top secret, and TS SCIF documents for....or the governments presidential records? What was his reasoning? when not president anymore? Why would he even think for a nanosecond, this was ok???
Thank you for that still desperate, highly emotionally partisan bullshit, but I believe I will stick to what FBI Director Comey declared publicly, which is that Hillary committed crimes, to include Espionage.

BTW, I like how you totally skipped how the contents of her server were downloaded onto Huma's laptop and how Hillary violated numerous laws by illegalky destroying classified govt phones, servers, and systems with hammers.

Comey said no such thing, Pinocchio!
The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that Jay Bratt, the Justice Department’s counterintelligence chief, made a written request June 8 — five days after the initial meeting — for a stronger lock on the basement door, signing his note: “Thank you.” A source told the paper that a new lock was put in place the next day.

At some point in the following days, according to the outlet, investigators received a tip that there may be additional classified documents at the resort.

And yet they were there and had complete access to all of the material.....and did nothing.....

You anti-Trump, anti-American assholes will willingly goose step to whatever the democrats do....

Is that the same tipster that gave them the Steele Dossier?
Remember the crimes committed by Crooked Hillary?

Her chances of getting convicted were slim to none because she was the Democrat Party's Presidential Nominee and the The Worthless Negro's Administration was in power. No way were they going to send that bitch to jail no matter what she did.
Why were Hillary and the left so upset that Trump supposedly asked Russia for help in finding the deleted emails if there was nothing to be found with them anyway?
Because it’s a crime to hack people’s email account.

Trump was requesting Russia commit a crime for him.
Remember the crimes committed by Crooked Hillary?

Her chances of getting convicted were slim to none because she was the Democrat Party's Presidential Nominee and the The Worthless Negro's Administration was in power. No way were they going to send that bitch to jail no matter what she did.
Whataboutism for the worthless fucking redneck bigot named Flash.
Because it’s a crime to hack people’s email account.

Trump was requesting Russia commit a crime for him.
Trump never actually requested Russia do anything of the sort. All he said was that if Hillary's emails were out there maybe Russia could find them. That's not quite the same as if he requested Russia to hack the email account. The emails had already been deleted so hacking her account wouldn't do any good. If Russia could hack the account and find the emails then Hillary or the FBI could have done the very same thing if the information was retrievable, unless of course Hillary & Co were lying and the information actually was retrievable and they were trying to hide it.
Trump never actually requested Russia do anything of the sort. All he said was that if Hillary's emails were out there maybe Russia could find them. That's not quite the same as if he requested Russia to hack the email account. The emails had already been deleted so hacking her account wouldn't do any good. If Russia could hack the account and find the emails then Hillary or the FBI could have done the very same thing if the information was retrievable, unless of course Hillary & Co were lying and the information actually was retrievable and they were trying to hide it.
This gymnastics routine gets a 7.5 out of 10. Good artistic effort but lacking in technical skill.
Comey said no such thing, Pinocchio!
Actually he did. We had this conversation numerous times since then, each time you saying the exact same thing despite my posting the link the 1st several times showing where he did.

From 1 of many sources:

Comey testified Hillary had classified info and that classified info had both been sent and received:

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."

Comey stated that some of the documents were marked as being classified - 'C', Confidential but said he was not sure Hillary was 'sophisticated' (SMART) enough to know what the markings meant:

"The FBI director said he was unsure whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was "sophisticated" enough to know that the marking meant "confidential."

Comey testified that Hillary LIED when she claimed to have used only 1 classified device:

"Responding to a rapid-fire series of questions, Comey testified that several Clinton statements on her email server use -- including her use of just one device to email -- were untrue."

And this is only part of what tge former criminal FBI Director said about Hillary and her actions...

investigators received a tip
Oh, they "received a tip"?
From who? An "anonymous source"?
What a fucking pantload.
The useful idiots on the left must really love the taste of nothingburger.
Actually he did. We had this conversation numerous times since then, each time you saying the exact same thing despite my posting the link the 1st several times showing where he did.

From 1 of many sources:

Comey testified Hillary had classified info and that classified info had both been sent and received:

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."

Comey stated that some of the documents were marked as being classified - 'C', Confidential but said he was not sure Hillary was 'sophisticated' (SMART) enough to know what the markings meant:

"The FBI director said he was unsure whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was "sophisticated" enough to know that the marking meant "confidential."

Comey testified that Hillary LIED when she claimed to have used only 1 classified device:

"Responding to a rapid-fire series of questions, Comey testified that several Clinton statements on her email server use -- including her use of just one device to email -- were untrue."

And this is only part of what tge former criminal FBI Director said about Hillary and her actions...

But that is all old news.
The CURRENT story is that 45 stole classified info for his pimp, Vladimir Putin, and then obstructed justice by lying to the FBI about returning it.
Not looking good!
But a bunch of "norms" were broken with Trump.
Soon to be the first ex-POTUS accused, tried, and convicted of espionage!
Unlike you, I read the statutes.

Rather than just say that I am incorrect, how about explaining why. Some of the statutes are much longer than what I posted, so perhaps I missed some important clauses.

Technically, the former president is now a private citizen. Technically, legally, the possession of classified documents outside a secure area is a felony - Trump actually signed the law that made it so.

Pragmatically, politically, prosecuting a former president is really, really complicated, particularly when that president is weeks away from announcing a re-election campaign and has a war chest that is much bigger than those of any of his would-be rivals.

There's the letter of the law and there's the de facto law. And the de facto law makes it very hard to prosecute a former president - not impossible but very hard.

I suspect DOJ just wanted the damn documents. If they really wanted to prosecute Trump they wouldn't have accepted his lawyer's signature for the recovery of the documents in June; they would have made Trump sign them himself. The fact they didn't make him sign off is pretty telling. DOJ is trying like hell not to prosecute him, or at minimum, they want to save their ammo in case he's done something so bad they have no choice but to.
Hillary herself destroyed Comey's defense of Clinton - his saying she was too stupid to understand the handling of classified info to know she was breaking the law:

'On one occasion, Clinton’s aides were having difficulty sending her talking points over the secure fax line. Clinton gave the following instructions in an email that was subsequently released to the public: “If they can’t [get the fax to work], turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

Hillary Clinton ordered her aides to strip the classification markings off of classified documents and to send the classified Information as if it were UNcllassified if they could not send it via classified fax.

This proves she damn-well knew about classified markings and intentionally ordered her aides to break the law.

Oh, they "received a tip"?
From who? An "anonymous source"?
What a fucking pantload.
The useful idiots on the left must really love the taste of nothingburger.

If the tip was bullshit then how did they walk out with 11 sets of documents?
Hillary herself destroyed Comey's defense of Clinton - his saying she was too stupid to understand the handling of classified info to know she was breaking the law:

'On one occasion, Clinton’s aides were having difficulty sending her talking points over the secure fax line. Clinton gave the following instructions in an email that was subsequently released to the public: “If they can’t [get the fax to work], turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

Hillary Clinton ordered her aides to strip the classification markings off of classified documents and to send the classified Information as if it were UNcllassified if they could not send it via classified fax.

This proves she damn-well knew about classified markings and intentionally ordered her aides to break the law.

But Hillary is not the story right now.
Trump is.
But that is all old news.
The CURRENT story is that 45 stole classified info for his pimp, Vladimir Putin, and then obstructed justice by lying to the FBI about returning it.
Not looking good!
But a bunch of "norms" were broken with Trump.
Soon to be the first ex-POTUS accused, tried, and convicted of espionage!
No, it is still relevant news snowflakes want to avoid talking about because it is an actual case of proven espionage, according to FBI Director Comey.

And seeing how the agents involved in the Trump raid are under investigation by Durham for their abuse of power while participating in Hillary & Obama's failed coup attempt, this latest 'we got him this time' set up will fail like all of those attempted by the proven criminal / treasonous FBI in the past.

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