Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim

If the tip was bullshit then how did they walk out with 11 sets of documents?
The bullshit is the "anonymous tip" they always use as an excuse to go full gestapo.
Who supplied the "tip"? How did they know what was in the boxes?
You fools always miss the weak link.
Think better.
Thank you again for that TDS-suffering, Trump obsessed, triggered, highly emotional opinion.

The fact remains YOU said Trump colluded with the Russians and had nothing but a link about Manafort,nothing to support your LIE about Trump.

You lied - get over it, move on.
So when you say that Trump killed General Soleimani that's a total lie, right?

When you say that Trump got a vaccine in record time, you're lying through your teeth, correct?

When you say that Trump is responsible for the biggest tax cut in history, that's just bullshit, right?
His wife is a judge for the state of Florida and was appointed by R Governor, Rick Scott.....
That doesn't mean she is a conservative or even a Republican. Reading about her history indicates to me that she's a left-winger.
You love being played a fool by your Trumper media, it seems..... Just keep on doing what you so blissfully do, revel in......ignorance!
The fools voted for Biden believing he was going to cancel their student loans.
So when you say that Trump killed General Soleimani that's a total lie, right?

WTF? When did you decide to change the thread topic of discussion and accuse me of saying something I didn't say?

I wasn't talking about Soleimani. Did you abandon the subject we were discussing for one about Soleimani and vaccines because you were tired of losing / making shit up?

Stay focused, l snowflake - the thread topic is classified info / Trump.
WTF? When did you decide to change the thread topic of discussion and accuse me of saying something I didn't say?

I wasn't talking about Soleimani. Did you abandon the subject we were discussing for one about Soleimani and vaccines because you were tired of losing / making shit up?

Stay focused, l snowflake - the thread topic is classified info / Trump.
The Trump Campaign colluded with the Russian FSB (formerly KGB) in the 2016 election, accepting the help of a foreign adversary in order to defeat his opponent.

Is that somehow more palatable? Trump is responsible for everything that happens in HIS campaign.

Don't ever say that Trump killed General Soleimani, or gave us a tax cut, or fast-tracked the vaccine, loser.

I win again. Your butthurt is enraging you. :auiqs.jpg:
The Trump Campaign colluded with the Russian FSB (formerly KGB) in the 2016 election, accepting the help of a foreign adversary in order to defeat his opponent.

Is that somehow more palatable? Trump is responsible for everything that happens in HIS campaign.

Don't ever say that Trump killed General Soleimani, or gave us a tax cut, or fast-tracked the vaccine, loser.
Speaking of losers...

Trump Collusion has been debunked.

Hillary colluded with Russians to get bs she could use to initiate her and Obama's failed coup attempt.

Your continued attempt to claim the debunked collusion narrative is true only makes you look mentally ill,obsessed, unable to accept reality and move on.

Get professional help ... seriously.
The bullshit is the "anonymous tip" they always use as an excuse to go full gestapo.
Who supplied the "tip"? How did they know what was in the boxes?
You fools always miss the weak link.
Think better.

Classified information is illegal to possess, even for former presidents. That's a crime.

So let's get this straight: you're saying that people shouldn't report crimes or tips anonymously, and that if they do, they're somehow worse than the people committing crimes. We should just stop tip lines. No more anonymous tips for child abductions, child abuse, murder, rape. None of that. That's 'snitchin'.

The Republicans are now the Crime Party.
But.....chances of Trump winning the 2024 Election are huge!:banana::banana::banana:

that's what counts!:biggrin:

Even If Classified Documents Were Recovered In Trump Raid, It Looks Like Chances Of Conviction Are Quite Slim​

Classified information is illegal to possess, even for former presidents. That's a crime.

Again, good thing Trump is in record as having ordered the information declassified while he was still President.

It makes this whole criminal 'we got him THIS time' - like all the previous times - a complete FAIL.
Oh, they "received a tip"?
From who? An "anonymous source"?
What a fucking pantload.
The useful idiots on the left must really love the taste of nothingburger.
And Holy Moley, they found more Classified Documents Stolen by trump, that they hid in the January Search.

Go Figure.

Do you ever tire of defending a Life Long Con Man named trump?
Did they have a warrant in June?
Were they given full access, or were they LIED to.
The FBI went in and asked, team trump LIED and withheld some documents.
Obviously. That's why they went back with a WARRANT, so they could look where they were not given access to in June.

You got it NOW?

Where you there? You say team trump give the FBI full access to anywhere?
No, you weren't there either.

They asked if that was it. They were told yes.
An Obvious LIE.
So they went back with a warrant.

Geeeez, keep up.
They didn't seek a warrant until two weeks before the raid. The warrant was granted and they waited two weeks until the vote was coming up on the mega spending bill to execute it? This because it was a matter of critical national security????????

I suppose there are some who hate Trump so much and are so desperate to believe he is guilty of something awful who believe all that is feasible. I don't think anybody else does.
In the warrant (LINK), the laws allegedly broken are included....

"All physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or
other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793, 2071 , or 1519

Here are links to the three statutes...

I am not a lawyer, but my read is that it will difficult to prove violation of these statutes, even if classified material was actually seized, for the reasoning I include below (my opinions, not cut and pasted or researched anywhere).

You Biden supporters and/or Trump haters can let me know why I am wrong. :)

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information​

Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation...

This statute requires that the person not only be in possession of the material, but that they person believes the material is to be used for injury to the US. No one, even Trump haters with a brain, would think that Trump was going to use the material to cause damage to the United States. What was Trump planning to do, sell nuclear secrets to Kim Jong Un in exchange for billions of dollars? Release the rcords to the NYT to damage the reputation of the US? Doesn't seem credible.

18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally​

Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so

This statute requires willful intent. So if Team Trump did not know there was classified material in the boxes, it would appear to be a successful defense against any relevant charge. Also, if there was no concealment or attempt to destroy, and Team Trump had told the FBI to come and get the material anytime it wanted to, like Trump has posted on Truth Social, then there would be no violation...
View attachment 681946

18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy​

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter

This statute also requires intent. It's relevance is probably that it has been reported that Trump's lawyer signed a statement saying there was no classified material at Mar-A-Lago in June....

If that signed statement was believed to be true at the time, there is no violation of this statute.

If Donald Trump is indicted for sealed boxes of documents HE HIMSELF DECLASSIFIED, then Hillary Clinton should get life in prison without parole. Her unprotected private server got some of our agents in Russia outed and killed.
Most of you are too stupid to properly evaluate information, and by your own admission only consume information from sources that already agree with your biases.
You are neither perceptive nor intelligent enough to make that determination, moron.
And Holy Moley, they found more Classified Documents Stolen by trump, that they hid in the January Search.
Go Figure.
Do you ever tire of defending a Life Long Con Man named trump?
Nothingburger for you, too, Pinko.

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