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Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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We did not kill all the Native Americans in America and we did not kill all the Blacks in America and in South Africa they did not kill all the blacks and in Palestine they shall not kill all the Arabs.

HISTORY always repeats itself.

all true----there are always survivors-----despite their BEST efforts-----your kith and kin did
not kill ALL the jews either-----The most comprehensive and SUCCESSFUL genocide
took place in Saudi arabia-----where all zoroastrians, jews and christians were wiped out
by isa-respecters within a very short time. ------about 100 years Other very successful genocides-------for example of that of zoroastrians in Iran by isa-respecters----was
----ALMOST ---but not quite UTTERLY COMPLETE over hundreds of years Functionally,
however the genocide of zoroastrians was-----virtually complete

Afghanistan is another example of virtually complete genocides of -----buddhists,
hindus, zoroastrians and jews. In fact Indonesia also wiped out almost all of its
jews------there are something like two dozen left. KENYA is not likely to have
a hindu population in the near future

of massive genocides-----I believe that the most successful and complete----
was the massive genocide of zoroastrians in Iran.

Populations are biological systems. It is almost always a mistake to try to
PREDICT what will happen. AIDS was first described in 1981----by 1988
the prediction was that by the year 2000------most of the population of
New York City would be wiped out by that disease. One hundred years ago---
BAGHDAD ----was virtually a JEWISH CITY and centuries ago so was ALEXANDRIA.

I am not sure what happened to ST PETERSBURG------somehow it used to be
very important to Russians and-----all the UPPER CRUST knew how to speak French.

The mayans -----in their tens of millions -----kinda disappeared
Zionism is a creation of the 1800s, straight from Satan.
I do see the difference between God and Satan.
Jesus WAS a Zionist.
He wanted Jewish Independence from Rome.
He was ONLY viewed as "the messiah" ("King of the Jews") BECAUSE he was viewed as the leader of such a movement.

There were two tracks for the Messiah. First there was a Jewish messiah who was to be an anointed warrior king like David who would vanquish them and drive out the Romans.

But then another Messiah concept began to emerge.. that of the suffering servant.

Are you talking about Moshe again?
Except for David, no one took more guff then Moshe.
No wonder why all true practising Christians are Zionists & friends & supporters of Israel.

Jesus was a Zionist
Jesus was not an asshole!​

Jesus was A zionist Rabbi.

Abraham was the first Zionist.

Straight from Genesis, Bible lesson for 1st graders- "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee." (Genesis 12:1)

Abraham took the role of leading and following God into Israel, delivereing the Israelities who will later will come to be the first Zionists.

Zion= Jerusalem.


Actually God was the first Zionist because He told Abraham to physically scope out the land his descendants would inherit for all eternity.
I have never heard of Amira Hass. I am not a leftist either. I have been conservative all my life.
That does Not mean you aren't like/"ala" her.
But if you lived in the area as you claim and make reference to even more esoteric/historical quotes, it shows an astonishing Lack of knowledge of the conflict.

shaarona said:
I am not even anti-Israel.. I just think they have effed it up beyond reason for the past 60 years... and now all hope for a 2 state solutions is lost. They have to forcibly remove the rest of the Palestinians or kill them.
Your Take on 'history' says differently.
"Land grab" is Not true.

Israel didn't even know what to do with the '67 won territories.
What it Did do was Offer to RETURN them in exchange for mere recognition.
Arabs refused ("Three Nos" Khartoum, August 1967). Google it.
Only thus "occupation".


Yes.. it was a landgrab.. Read Moshe Dayan and Sharrett.

Israel didn't require "recognition" to make peace with Jordan or Egypt. No one in the modern age colonizes occupied territory.

In early 2002 the Israelis turned down the Saudi Peace initiative that guaranteed recognition, their security, trade and diplomatic relations.. 22 Arab states signed on with Syria being the last to sign.
You merely repeating a claim, doesn't make it true. Understand how debate works?

And I have read Everything. I've been researching and posting on this topic since Y2k.
I suggest you read my posts here and elsewhere using Google (abu afak, or mbig).
I can and have cited chapter and verse on EVERY issue in re the conflict and it's history.
I suggest starting with These two on this board:

Get back to me kid!

The Saudi Peace initiative was an Arab view of peace and too late in history to happen.
It was the Same intransigent position/non-starter that failed in the Camp David Peace talk a few years earlier.
As a matter of fact, the Palestinians were willing to make more concessions years before.. and even that failed.
So it was retrograde as far as compromise.
Israel, at That/this point in history is Not going back to the EXACT 1967 borders. That is also the Hamas position.
What will most likely happen is a Land swap for the near-in settlements so that Palestine ends up with the same/near-same Amount of land as they had in 1967.
Golan will not be returned to Syria; it's tactically too important to let the Syrians have it back. They may be al-Qaeda by next year anyway.

So I am of course familiar with Clowns like YOU who try the old uncontexted Zionist-selecta-quote method instead of real history.
It/you are Comically amateur.
You're not [even] familiar with, Nor did you answer on, the 'Three Nos, Khartoum', of course. That alone DID refute your "land grab' claim.
Didn't know who Amira Hass was either.
You just have a general impression, while I debate/have debated experts in this field.
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Read Moshe Dayan and Sharrett.
I am not a Holocaust denier.
Egypt had troops in Sinai not on the Israeli border.
The 1967 war was a landgrab.
I was living in the ME at the time.. and I listened to the run up for years on the BBC, the VOA and radio Cairo.
Sometimes you just have to face the truth.
The Israelis had been going into Lebanon for years with dump trucks and armed soldiers to steal topsoil.. Lots of small massacres of Lebanese farmers.
Yes but you are an anti-Israel Leftist who seems to have an aversion for Facts/Links.
I remember posters of similar handle and sick political stance at DP and IF.
Amira Hass reincarnate.

I am not and never have been a Holocaust denier.. so take notice of the accusation and its context... and who made it.

I remember the refugee camps in Beirut in 1952.

A people escaped the progroms of Europe and the horrible abuses of Hitler and his Nuremburg Laws.. and sought sanctuary in Palestine.. and look how they behaved.

How did they behave? I saw pictures of arab rafugee camps in the nazi literature
that littered the nazi town in to which my family moved when I was a child. They looked
HORRIFIC and were captioned "THE JEWS DID THIS TO US" -----barbed wire
enclosures with tattered looking people standing around. I was horrified I was also
naive I showed the pictures to my mom who looked at them and said "that's gaza---
not israel----Gaza is in Egypt" yes-----arab muslims shoved their own bretheren into
filthy miserable concentration camps-----and even killed lots of them-----their medical
care was NON EXISTENT In the early 50s jews who had escaped the filth of
MECCAISM also lived in refugee camps-------but they were in israel----. I know lots
of people who survived the "MAABARA' s of Israel----- WHY DID YOUR DISGUSTING KITH AND KIN do that to them? you should apologize
No wonder why all true practising Christians are Zionists & friends & supporters of Israel.

Jesus was a Zionist
Of course Jesus was a Zionist! He was a Jew who loved his holy land of Israel as any other Jew did at the time. There was no Palestine at his time, nor were there "Arabs" in Israel.

Of course according to Muslims, Jesus was a Muslim, hundreds of years before the global catastrophe of Islam came to be. Go figure.
No wonder why all true practising Christians are Zionists & friends & supporters of Israel.

Jesus was a Zionist

The author of that website is poorly educated.. Did you read any of his other articles. He claims that Israel fought a billion Arabs in the 6 Day War.

Further, he has a very loose grip on scripture.
No, but Israel did defeat 6 Arab nations who were armed to the hilt by the soviets.

One thing the Arabs didn't have is BRAINS and BALLS. (And they still don't) Which is why they were humiliated by tiny Israel many times.

But they do know how to talk tough and bluff like angry donkeys though. In 1967, While Arab soldiers were kissing Israeli soldiers' boots in the desert begging for mercy, their leaders went on national TV and radio, and declared "victory over the Jews."

Donkeys. Ha ha ha.

Read Moshe Dayan and Sharrett.
I am not a Holocaust denier.
Egypt had troops in Sinai not on the Israeli border.
The 1967 war was a landgrab.
I was living in the ME at the time.. and I listened to the run up for years on the BBC, the VOA and radio Cairo.
Sometimes you just have to face the truth.
The Israelis had been going into Lebanon for years with dump trucks and armed soldiers to steal topsoil.. Lots of small massacres of Lebanese farmers.
Yes but you are an anti-Israel Leftist who seems to have an aversion for Facts/Links.
I remember posters of similar handle and sick political stance at DP and IF.
Amira Hass reincarnate.

I am not and never have been a Holocaust denier.. so take notice of the accusation and its context... and who made it.

I remember the refugee camps in Beirut in 1952.

A people escaped the progroms of Europe and the horrible abuses of Hitler and his Nuremburg Laws.. and sought sanctuary in Palestine.. and look how they behaved.
They behaved like a people going back to live in the land their ancestors did. And over there they found a bunch of Arab invaders and squatters behaving like Nazis, who weren't happy that even 1% of the land in the Middle East would be anything but Islamic shitholes.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Since there was no such thing as Zionism when Jesus lived as a man on Palestine, obviously Jesus was not a. ZIONIST.

And how pathetic the Jesus haters show themselves to be, next thing I expect is Jesus being called a Nazi.

Hate certainly does horrible things to human beings.

Of course there was Zionism. Abraham was the first Zionist.

Jesus was a Zionist as well.

Hating Zionism is hating Jesus.

Are you a Jesus hater, Sherri?

Hmmmmmm, and I always thought Abraham was a pimp who sold his wife/sister, Sarah, to the Pharoah to save his sorry hide.

Loving Abraham is loving a cowardly, incestuous pimpmasters.

Are you a lover of cowardly, incestuous pimps, Lipush?

There, how does it feel?

This is about the stupidest thread I have seen in awhile. I don't even see how it got past the second post without being shuttled off to the badlands.

What next? Jesus was a "terrorist" for attacking those sandcrabexcederin peeps or whatever they were who were makin' book in some OTB temple.
Zionism existed since antiquity beginning with Genesis.. The modern Zionist movement began in the 2Oth century. Abraham, Moses & even Jesus were Zionists.

No wonder why all true practising Christians are Zionists & friends & supporters of Israel.

Jesus was a Zionist
Of course Jesus was a Zionist! He was a Jew who loved his holy land of Israel as any other Jew did at the time. There was no Palestine at his time, nor were there "Arabs" in Israel.

Of course according to Muslims, Jesus was a Muslim, hundreds of years before the global catastrophe of Islam came to be. Go figure.
It is possible to justify a belief that Jesus was not a zionist. Muslims do it




I heard it in a mosque-----from the mouth of a visiting GENIUS IMAM ----on a good
Friday-----about 45 years ago -----in a mosque which was situated in Manhatten
New York-----only a few miles from the site where the world trade center would later
be built Since good friday is a school holiday in New York----lots of muslim children--
--little boys---- sat and listened to the filth as if it were being issued from heaven

I considered the kids victims of child abuse and had to take deep breaths to avoid
vomiting on the carpet
Zionism existed since antiquity beginning with Genesis.. The modern Zionist movement began in the 2Oth century. Abraham, Moses & even Jesus were Zionists.

No wonder why all true practising Christians are Zionists & friends & supporters of Israel.

Jesus was a Zionist
Of course Jesus was a Zionist! He was a Jew who loved his holy land of Israel as any other Jew did at the time. There was no Palestine at his time, nor were there "Arabs" in Israel.

Of course according to Muslims, Jesus was a Muslim, hundreds of years before the global catastrophe of Islam came to be. Go figure.

I know, in the beginning there was darkness and void, and out of that darkness there was Zionism.

Zionism existed since antiquity beginning with Genesis.. The modern Zionist movement began in the 2Oth century. Abraham, Moses & even Jesus were Zionists.

Of course Jesus was a Zionist! He was a Jew who loved his holy land of Israel as any other Jew did at the time. There was no Palestine at his time, nor were there "Arabs" in Israel.

Of course according to Muslims, Jesus was a Muslim, hundreds of years before the global catastrophe of Islam came to be. Go figure.

I know, in the beginning there was darkness and void, and out of that darkness there was Zionism.


very good sherri-----in fact you are right----Out of the darkness G-d created
LIGHT AND ZIONISM The creation story is fascinating. Its major theme is
entire book of Genesis. Man is the only aspect of the creation that was granted
FREE WILL a very important concept -----It explains both good and evil and
the utter filth which is you. Of the ancient writings-----the hebrew scriptures
MOST ASSERTIVELY expressed a belief in MAN'S FREE WILL The greek
scriptural writings assert a belief in FATE and control on the affairs of man by a
bunch of not so pleasant "gods" (like your dog isa) Hindu writings get into
lots of "FATE" too. and islamic theology places all of human events as the will of
a really nasty "god" and is a lot more FATALISTIC than even hinduism

An interesting point-----even the "angels" do not have as much freewill or
choice as does MAN. Without a concept of FREE WILL----one does not have
any explanation for evil such as is you-----unless one theorizes a really nasty "god"

An answer to the dilemma exists in the belief by some jerks of a "god of evil"
that lots of jerks call the "DEVIL" a kind of "god of hell" A belief in this
"god" is more like DUALISM than monotheism Satan in jewish theology is not
a "god". In fact it is more a concept than a being and ----has no actual
free will.
According to the Zorastrians whose land in Persia those she supports stole, Sherri is a dregvant. Not so bad compared to what Christians call her.

Zionism existed since antiquity beginning with Genesis.. The modern Zionist movement began in the 2Oth century. Abraham, Moses & even Jesus were Zionists.

I know, in the beginning there was darkness and void, and out of that darkness there was Zionism.


very good sherri-----in fact you are right----Out of the darkness G-d created
LIGHT AND ZIONISM The creation story is fascinating. Its major theme is
entire book of Genesis. Man is the only aspect of the creation that was granted
FREE WILL a very important concept -----It explains both good and evil and
the utter filth which is you. Of the ancient writings-----the hebrew scriptures
MOST ASSERTIVELY expressed a belief in MAN'S FREE WILL The greek
scriptural writings assert a belief in FATE and control on the affairs of man by a
bunch of not so pleasant "gods" (like your dog isa) Hindu writings get into
lots of "FATE" too. and islamic theology places all of human events as the will of
a really nasty "god" and is a lot more FATALISTIC than even hinduism

An interesting point-----even the "angels" do not have as much freewill or
choice as does MAN. Without a concept of FREE WILL----one does not have
any explanation for evil such as is you-----unless one theorizes a really nasty "god"

An answer to the dilemma exists in the belief by some jerks of a "god of evil"
that lots of jerks call the "DEVIL" a kind of "god of hell" A belief in this
"god" is more like DUALISM than monotheism Satan in jewish theology is not
a "god". In fact it is more a concept than a being and ----has no actual
free will.
No out of darkness came an illiterate Saudi terrorist prophet and his followers the modern day Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.
According to the Zorastrians whose land in Persia those she supports stole, Sherri is a dregvant. Not so bad compared to what Christians call her.

I know, in the beginning there was darkness and void, and out of that darkness there was Zionism.


very good sherri-----in fact you are right----Out of the darkness G-d created
LIGHT AND ZIONISM The creation story is fascinating. Its major theme is
entire book of Genesis. Man is the only aspect of the creation that was granted
FREE WILL a very important concept -----It explains both good and evil and
the utter filth which is you. Of the ancient writings-----the hebrew scriptures
MOST ASSERTIVELY expressed a belief in MAN'S FREE WILL The greek
scriptural writings assert a belief in FATE and control on the affairs of man by a
bunch of not so pleasant "gods" (like your dog isa) Hindu writings get into
lots of "FATE" too. and islamic theology places all of human events as the will of
a really nasty "god" and is a lot more FATALISTIC than even hinduism

An interesting point-----even the "angels" do not have as much freewill or
choice as does MAN. Without a concept of FREE WILL----one does not have
any explanation for evil such as is you-----unless one theorizes a really nasty "god"

An answer to the dilemma exists in the belief by some jerks of a "god of evil"
that lots of jerks call the "DEVIL" a kind of "god of hell" A belief in this
"god" is more like DUALISM than monotheism Satan in jewish theology is not
a "god". In fact it is more a concept than a being and ----has no actual
free will.

Your ignorance of Iranian history is certainly on display.

Zoroastrianism is a religion, not a people of Iran.

Persian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historically, Persian civilization created three major religions:*Zoroastrianism,*Manichaeism, which heavily influenced*Saint Augustine*before he turned to*Christianity, and the*Bahá'í Faith.

A.fourth religion that arose from ancient Iran is*Mazdakism, which has been dubbed the first communistic ideology.

Both Mazdakism and Manichaeism were sub-branches of Zoroastrianism that is said to be the first*monotheistic*religion.
According to the Zorastrians whose land in Persia those she supports stole, Sherri is a dregvant. Not so bad compared to what Christians call her.

very good sherri-----in fact you are right----Out of the darkness G-d created
LIGHT AND ZIONISM The creation story is fascinating. Its major theme is
entire book of Genesis. Man is the only aspect of the creation that was granted
FREE WILL a very important concept -----It explains both good and evil and
the utter filth which is you. Of the ancient writings-----the hebrew scriptures
MOST ASSERTIVELY expressed a belief in MAN'S FREE WILL The greek
scriptural writings assert a belief in FATE and control on the affairs of man by a
bunch of not so pleasant "gods" (like your dog isa) Hindu writings get into
lots of "FATE" too. and islamic theology places all of human events as the will of
a really nasty "god" and is a lot more FATALISTIC than even hinduism

An interesting point-----even the "angels" do not have as much freewill or
choice as does MAN. Without a concept of FREE WILL----one does not have
any explanation for evil such as is you-----unless one theorizes a really nasty "god"

An answer to the dilemma exists in the belief by some jerks of a "god of evil"
that lots of jerks call the "DEVIL" a kind of "god of hell" A belief in this
"god" is more like DUALISM than monotheism Satan in jewish theology is not
a "god". In fact it is more a concept than a being and ----has no actual
free will.

Your ignorance of Iranian history is certainly on display.

Zoroastrianism is a religion, not a people of Iran.

Persian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historically, Persian civilization created three major religions:*Zoroastrianism,*Manichaeism, which heavily influenced*Saint Augustine*before he turned to*Christianity, and the*Bahá'í Faith.

A.fourth religion that arose from ancient Iran is*Mazdakism, which has been dubbed the first communistic ideology.

Both Mazdakism and Manichaeism were sub-branches of Zoroastrianism that is said to be the first*monotheistic*religion.
How ignorant can this fool get? She's even associated with Iranian Islamists and doesn't know the basic stuff about Iran.


Zoroastrianism became the official religion of the Persian Empire, but it virtually disappeared in Persia after the Muslim invasion of 637 AD.

Zoroastrianism /ˌzɒroʊˈæstriənɪzəm/, also called Zarathustraism, Mazdaism and Magianism, is an ancient Iranian religion and a religious philosophy. It was once the state religion of the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sasanian empires. Estimates of the current number of Zoroastrians worldwide vary between 145,000 and 2.6 million.
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Central Asia

Main article: Zoroastrians in Iran

Communities exist in Tehran, as well as in Yazd, Kerman and Kermanshah, where many still speak an Iranian language distinct from the usual Persian. They call their language Dari (not to be confused with the Dari of Afghanistan). Their language is also called Gabri or Bahdinan (also the name of a modern Kurdish dialect), literally "of the Good Religion". Sometimes their language is named for the cities in which it is spoken, such as Yazdi or Kermani. Iranian Zoroastrians were historically called Gabrs, originally without a pejorative connotation but in the present-day derogatorily applied to all non-Muslims.

There is some interest among Iranians, as well as people in various Central Asian countries such as Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, in their ancient Zoroastrian heritage; some people in these countries take notice of their Zoroastrian past.[who?] At the request of the government of Tajikistan, UNESCO declared 2003 a year to celebrate the "3000th anniversary of Zoroastrian culture", with special events throughout the world.

According to the Zorastrians whose land in Persia those she supports stole, Sherri is a dregvant. Not so bad compared to what Christians call her.

Your ignorance of Iranian history is certainly on display.

Zoroastrianism is a religion, not a people of Iran.

Persian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historically, Persian civilization created three major religions:*Zoroastrianism,*Manichaeism, which heavily influenced*Saint Augustine*before he turned to*Christianity, and the*Bahá'í Faith.

A.fourth religion that arose from ancient Iran is*Mazdakism, which has been dubbed the first communistic ideology.

Both Mazdakism and Manichaeism were sub-branches of Zoroastrianism that is said to be the first*monotheistic*religion.
How ignorant can this fool get? She's even associated with Iranian Islamists and doesn't know the basic stuff about Iran.

Zoroastrianism became the official religion of the Persian Empire, but it virtually disappeared in Persia after the Muslim invasion of 637 AD.

Zoroastrianism /ˌzɒroʊˈæstriənɪzəm/, also called Zarathustraism, Mazdaism and Magianism, is an ancient Iranian religion and a religious philosophy. It was once the state religion of the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sasanian empires. Estimates of the current number of Zoroastrians worldwide vary between 145,000 and 2.6 million.

sheeeesh she even decided that christianity is an "ANCIENT PERSIAN RELIGION"

for insight into her filth-------find some zoroastrians-----they do exist-----in fact---lots
in Israel where they found refuge from sherri's filth. ----and now for a minor factoid from
rosie-------zoroastrians and jews DID have some disputes of dogma----but unlike the FILTH--
they did not murder each other over it
Your ignorance of Iranian history is certainly on display.

Zoroastrianism is a religion, not a people of Iran.

Persian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historically, Persian civilization created three major religions:*Zoroastrianism,*Manichaeism, which heavily influenced*Saint Augustine*before he turned to*Christianity, and the*Bahá'í Faith.

A.fourth religion that arose from ancient Iran is*Mazdakism, which has been dubbed the first communistic ideology.

Both Mazdakism and Manichaeism were sub-branches of Zoroastrianism that is said to be the first*monotheistic*religion.
How ignorant can this fool get? She's even associated with Iranian Islamists and doesn't know the basic stuff about Iran.

Zoroastrianism became the official religion of the Persian Empire, but it virtually disappeared in Persia after the Muslim invasion of 637 AD.

Zoroastrianism /ˌzɒroʊˈæstriənɪzəm/, also called Zarathustraism, Mazdaism and Magianism, is an ancient Iranian religion and a religious philosophy. It was once the state religion of the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sasanian empires. Estimates of the current number of Zoroastrians worldwide vary between 145,000 and 2.6 million.

sheeeesh she even decided that christianity is an "ANCIENT PERSIAN RELIGION"

for insight into her filth-------find some zoroastrians-----they do exist-----in fact---lots
in Israel where they found refuge from sherri's filth. ----and now for a minor factoid from
rosie-------zoroastrians and jews DID have some disputes of dogma----but unlike the FILTH--
they did not murder each other over it
Zoroastrianism is the ancient, pre-Islamic religion of Persia (modern Iran). It survives there in isolated areas but more prosperously in India, where the descendants of Zoroastrian Persian immigrants are known as Parsis, or Parsees. In India the religion is called Parsiism.
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