Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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"Children's lives were saved by God's act of ending two lives"

If there is anybody here who had any doubt about Sherri's disgusting Ideology, this should put your doubt to rest

You're a filthy animal Sherri.

Please, Toasty! Even filthy animals have feelings: you shouldn't insult 'em by comparing them to the sherrithing. :eek:
What are you babbling about?

Nothing about coming to make Israel whole again.

Jesus was not a Nationalist.

Matthew 24

30*“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth[c]*will mourn*when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven,*with power and great glory.[d]*31*And he will send his angels*with a loud trumpet call,*and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Matthew 24 - The Destruction of the Temple and Signs - Bible Gateway

try again and this time find something pertinent to the real end times
Funny part about Jihad Sherri's posts is the parts she avoids copying and pasting, totally destroy her claims. All you have to do is click on the link and read the rest of the verse.
Remember how you quoted Joel, and forgot that the ending of it says Jesus the Messiah will re appear in ZION, and gather the children of Israel together? Ooooops! Ha ha ha ha.
But Jesus lived in a land known as Palestine since the time of Herodotus, exactly the same way I have lived in a land known as North America my entire life.

And Jesus living in Palestine explains all these maps in Christian Bibles and Commentaries, maps of Palestine. Maps for the almost 2000 years of Christianity obviously have no maps of Israel, as Israel only became a nation in 1948.

So, The Interpreters Bible 12 volume Commentary Set has a map of "Palestine in New Testament Times " in front of the back cover of every volume. Copyright Pierce & Smith 1952

The Gospel of John begins with another map of Palestine, Roman provinces of Judea and Samaria and Galilee all labelled. Jesus parents lived in Galilee, in Nazareth, making Jesus a Nazarene.

Perfectly true statement.

The same way I am a North American living in North America.

There was Palestine back then, moron. And the bible made no indication of there being one either.

And here in earth, when people are asked where they are from, they don't say "North America", idiot.
Hello again dipstick. Herodotus was referring to PHILISTIA not "Palestine", which was a coastal region along the Mediterranean.

PHILISTIA was conquered and its people the PHILISTINES are extinct. And there is reference of it the Bible, for example David defeated Goliath, who was a Philistine. The PHILISTINES were at war with Jesus' people and nation.

Jesus lived in the Kingdom of Judea, which was an inland, NOT COASTAL nation. And we've already established there is NO MENTION OF PALESTINE in the Bible. But plenty of references to Israel, Zion, and Judea.

Sorry but you're shit outta luck on this one. Jihad Sherri.
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"Copy/Paste Sherri" is really chugging out the posts today.

Somewhere, Mohammed(PB&J) is smiling down upon him. :thup:
She's chugging out crap, because she has nothing else to do. All her claims have come crashing down in this thread.

Sherri ---> :9: <---- us :lmao:
John 8:22 *(1611 King James Bible)

Viewing the 1611 King James Version. Click to switch to standard King James Version of*John 8:22

Then said the Iewes, Will hee kill himselfe? because he saith, Whither I goe, ye cannot come.

- 1611 King James Bible

JOHN 8:22 (1611 KING JAMES BIBLE) Then said the Iewes, Will hee kill himselfe? because he saith, Whither...

In English Bibles, the word Jew did not appear in the texts until the 1800s.

Look at the 1610 version of The King James Bible

But but but Sherri keeps telling us that the word "Jew" does not exist in the bible?

Can you jihadi assholes get your BULLSHIT straight?
Ha ha ha. Then why did your fellow IslamoNazi Jos the Chos post a verse about Jews, and why did you THANK HIM for it?

You are a very bad liar. A few more visits with your Hamas handlers and you'll become an expert.

AD we all know that the Bible was written in "King James English" not Hebrew or Aramaic, right? Jesus was walking around Judeah speaking ENGLISH with a British accent. "Hallaw, how a ya" ha ha ha ha.
Yes!!! Jesus is a jew as were the writers of the new testiment. And jesus returns to earth and rules from jerusalem.
Palestinians: 1519


APPLAUDING seeing God take out two baby killers is not worshipping Satan.

I do not support Zionist baby killing.

So, where is your condemnation for Israels killings of 1519 children in Palestine?

Look how quick Sherri changed the subject !! How pathetic !!

I never said I supported intentional killing of civilians.

But YOU, thanked Jesus for the death of two IAF pilots who were on a practice flight. Think about that for moment.

It;s obvious that you worship Satan. You know what they say about Satan worshipers, they are people who you least expect them to be. People like you, who pretend to be good Christian women , but you are not fooling anyone


How many innocent children have the Palestinians mass murdered around the world since 1948. I can give you a figure of 50,000 men, women and children mown down behind prison gates as a starter. This many more that Israel has managed in 65 years of wart
Palestinian animals massacred at least 110,000 Lebanese Christians in Lebanon.

I wonder why Jihad Sherri the good "Christian" never mentions that.
I would not exist but for my Native American ancestors, the ancestor I trace by family line to is a Cherokee female who lived in North America in the 1800s.

I never lived as an illegal settler on lands of others and, as stated, I have an ancestor I can trace my family line through who was a Native American.

Perfectly true statement.

The same way I am a North American living in North America.

I would not exist but for my Native American ancestors, the ancestor I trace by family line to is a Cherokee female who lived in North America in the 1800s.

Wrong you are a land stealing European migrant living in North America
Sure sure. And I'm Santa Claus.
Perfectly true statement.

The same way I am a North American living in North America.

I'll never forget Sherri;s comment about Jesus a while back:

"Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine"


I guarantee you no one else at your church agrees with you. Maybe a few feeble minded people that you brainwashed.

Palestinians only started to exist in the 1960';s, you satanic Shill.

LOL I can't stop laughing :lmao:
Yes!!!! Jesus is jewish as were all the writters of the new testiment!!! Jesus will very soon return to earth and rule from jerusalem!!! Ptl.
Romans 11:26 And so ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED as it is written, the deliverer will come from ZION! In order for Israel to be saved, Israel must exist (which Satanic Sherri denies) and someone who comes from ZION is a ZIONIST. Just ask the Apostle Paul.

I am not the best expert at all religions, but Zion (an archaic word for God's holy mountain or Holy City in Jewish tradition) does not equal Zionism, don't forget even most Jews in Israel don't practice Judaism as the Children of Israel did

Zionism is a political ideology, not a religious one
Hah? Another Muslim expert on Zion and Judaism. Notice how Salam eating a Kir's (Kir = dick in Farsi <LOL>) "Islamic" view points coincide with Jihad Sherri's.

Salam eating a Kir, tell us what it says in the first pages of your Koran about Moses leading the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL into the "Allah's promised land" where they are to dwell forever.

And tell us how come this mythical "Falastine" is never mentioned in the Koran, if it's so "important" in Islam.

And did Sherri tell you that you will be going to Hell if you don't believe in Jesus? Or do you want to tell Sherri what happens when Jesus returns, he will break all the crosses and announce being a Muslim, and do pilgrimage to Mecca. And of course, the whole thing about Jesus' crucifixion was a Hoax according to Islam. It was actually JUDAS who got crucified and the evil JOOOOS made it look like it was Jesus.

In the meantime, eat some more KIR. Ha ha ha.
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I agree, they are comparing apples and oranges.

Zionism was a Political Ideology of the 1800s.

Zion meant something entirely different.

And Jewish beliefs and religious practice then and now are not the same.

Romans 11:26 And so ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED as it is written, the deliverer will come from ZION! In order for Israel to be saved, Israel must exist (which Satanic Sherri denies) and someone who comes from ZION is a ZIONIST. Just ask the Apostle Paul.

I am not the best expert at all religions, but Zion (an archaic word for God's holy mountain or Holy City in Jewish tradition) does not equal Zionism, don't forget even most Jews in Israel don't practice Judaism as the Children of Israel did
Well of course Jihad Sherri immediately agrees with Muslim Salam eating a Kir.

What a coincidence! OMG!
John 8:22 *(1611 King James Bible)

Viewing the 1611 King James Version. Click to switch to standard King James Version of*John 8:22

Then said the Iewes, Will hee kill himselfe? because he saith, Whither I goe, ye cannot come.

- 1611 King James Bible

JOHN 8:22 (1611 KING JAMES BIBLE) Then said the Iewes, Will hee kill himselfe? because he saith, Whither...

In English Bibles, the word Jew did not appear in the texts until the 1800s.

Look at the 1610 version of The King James Bible

But but but Sherri keeps telling us that the word "Jew" does not exist in the bible?

Can you jihadi assholes get your BULLSHIT straight?
Ha ha ha. Then why did your fellow IslamoNazi Jos the Chos post a verse about Jews, and why did you THANK HIM for it?

You are a very bad liar. A few more visits with your Hamas handlers and you'll become an expert.

AD we all know that the Bible was written in "King James English" not Hebrew or Aramaic, right? Jesus was walking around Judeah speaking ENGLISH with a British accent. "Hallaw, how a ya" ha ha ha ha.

Wonder if Sherri can explain why Pilate had a sign posted on the cross that said "Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews" John 19:19. Doesn't Satanic Sherri say the word Jew is not in the Bible? We should start counting the number of lies she gets caught in.
You're a filthy liar Sherri !

You started a thread about two Israeli pilots who were killed in an accidental helicopter crash.

You thanked JESUS for their death. So shut up and stop lying, Muslim Shill !

They were not killed by another person whose killing acts I supported.

(Lying filth from sherrishitflinger removed here)

Children's lives were saved by God's act of ending two lives.

Excuses, excuses! You cheered a forest fire as 'GOD's Judgment' - which was quite ironic since many of the fatalities of that disaster were Palestinians (no, not because the Israelis refused to send fire-trucks!).

And that, BTW, was a classic example of 'taking the LORD's name in vain'.....
Excuses are like Jihad Sherri's mouth. Everybody's got one down there.
John 8:22 *(1611 King James Bible)

Viewing the 1611 King James Version. Click to switch to standard King James Version of*John 8:22

Then said the Iewes, Will hee kill himselfe? because he saith, Whither I goe, ye cannot come.

- 1611 King James Bible

JOHN 8:22 (1611 KING JAMES BIBLE) Then said the Iewes, Will hee kill himselfe? because he saith, Whither...

In English Bibles, the word Jew did not appear in the texts until the 1800s.

Look at the 1610 version of The King James Bible
Ha ha ha. Then why did your fellow IslamoNazi Jos the Chos post a verse about Jews, and why did you THANK HIM for it?

You are a very bad liar. A few more visits with your Hamas handlers and you'll become an expert.

AD we all know that the Bible was written in "King James English" not Hebrew or Aramaic, right? Jesus was walking around Judeah speaking ENGLISH with a British accent. "Hallaw, how a ya" ha ha ha ha.

Wonder if Sherri can explain why Pilate had a sign posted on the cross that said "Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews" John 19:19. Doesn't Satanic Sherri say the word Jew is not in the Bible? We should start counting the number of lies she gets caught in.
She claims there is no mention of Jews, then she THANKS Jos for posting something negative about Jews in the Bible. Fucking hilarious. Good part is..Jihad Sherri doesn't even realize what a fool she's making herself look like, and how everybody is laughing at her crazy ass.
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