Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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What I keep reading are Zionists lying and trying to distort words of others.

Jesus said not one word about the secular nation Israel.

Since He never says a word about the secular nation of Israel, He cannot change what He has never said.

You read what Jesus says in John 3:16 of Salvation being conferred on those who believe in Jesus and you read what the Apostle Paul writes in subsequent books, of the Spiritual Israel constituting Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus and you see consistency between what each are saying.

The readers will notice that the imp of Satan known as Satanic Sherri says there is no secular state of Israel and now is just "Spiritual Israel". God is not the author of confusion. He would not expect us to figure this out on our own. Notice that Satanic Sherri thinks she is clever by adding or taking away words from scripture to meet what she wants to believe. I am challenging Satanic Sherri to provide just one scripture that says Israel has changed from a physical state to a spiritual state. We are not interested in what she believes it says. We want chapter and verse where it actually says that Israel is now a spiritual state.
What I keep reading are Zionists lying and trying to distort words of others.

Jesus said not one word about the secular nation Israel.

Since He never says a word about the secular nation of Israel, He cannot change what He has never said.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FopyRHHlt3M]Laugh harder - YouTube[/ame]
What I keep reading are Zionists lying and trying to distort words of others.

Jesus said not one word about the secular nation Israel.

Since He never says a word about the secular nation of Israel, He cannot change what He has never said.

You read what Jesus says in John 3:16 of Salvation being conferred on those who believe in Jesus and you read what the Apostle Paul writes in subsequent books, of the Spiritual Israel constituting Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus and you see consistency between what each are saying.

The readers will notice that the imp of Satan known as Satanic Sherri says there is no secular state of Israel and now is just "Spiritual Israel". God is not the author of confusion. He would not expect us to figure this out on our own. Notice that Satanic Sherri thinks she is clever by adding or taking away words from scripture to meet what she wants to believe. I am challenging Satanic Sherri to provide just one scripture that says Israel has changed from a physical state to a spiritual state. We are not interested in what she believes it says. We want chapter and verse where it actually says that Israel is now a spiritual state.

No one is distorting words but YOU! Stop deflecting and give chapter and verse where physical Israel was changed to spiritual Israel.
Where does Jesus speak about the present day secular nation of Israel?

He never speaks about it and His words prove what I say is true, His words in The Gospels.

The readers can see that you are dodging and deflecting. Jesus is not the only one speaking in the bible. You have made a claim. All we're asking is that you give chapter and verse to back it up.
What I keep reading are Zionists lying and trying to distort words of others.

Jesus said not one word about the secular nation Israel.

Since He never says a word about the secular nation of Israel, He cannot change what He has never said.

You read what Jesus says in John 3:16 of Salvation being conferred on those who believe in Jesus and you read what the Apostle Paul writes in subsequent books, of the Spiritual Israel constituting Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus and you see consistency between what each are saying.

The readers will notice that the imp of Satan known as Satanic Sherri says there is no secular state of Israel and now is just "Spiritual Israel". God is not the author of confusion. He would not expect us to figure this out on our own. Notice that Satanic Sherri thinks she is clever by adding or taking away words from scripture to meet what she wants to believe. I am challenging Satanic Sherri to provide just one scripture that says Israel has changed from a physical state to a spiritual state. We are not interested in what she believes it says. We want chapter and verse where it actually says that Israel is now a spiritual state.

Jesus never said a word about Palestine.

So what's your point ?
HUH??? When did Jesus lie??? Show us that verse.

What I keep reading are Zionists lying and trying to distort words of others.

Jesus said not one word about the secular nation Israel.

Since He never says a word about the secular nation of Israel, He cannot change what He has never said.

You read what Jesus says in John 3:16 of Salvation being conferred on those who believe in Jesus and you read what the Apostle Paul writes in subsequent books, of the Spiritual Israel constituting Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus and you see consistency between what each are saying.

The readers will notice that the imp of Satan known as Satanic Sherri says there is no secular state of Israel and now is just "Spiritual Israel". God is not the author of confusion. He would not expect us to figure this out on our own. Notice that Satanic Sherri thinks she is clever by adding or taking away words from scripture to meet what she wants to believe. I am challenging Satanic Sherri to provide just one scripture that says Israel has changed from a physical state to a spiritual state. We are not interested in what she believes it says. We want chapter and verse where it actually says that Israel is now a spiritual state.
I stated Jesus says not one single word about today's secular nation Israel.

I gave you a link to The Gospels that prove what I said is true.

Where does Jesus speak about the present day secular nation of Israel?

He never speaks about it and His words prove what I say is true, His words in The Gospels.

The readers can see that you are dodging and deflecting. Jesus is not the only one speaking in the bible. You have made a claim. All we're asking is that you give chapter and verse to back it up.
Learn to read, I am responding to a false claim here made by a Zionist poster.

What I keep reading are
Zionists lying and trying to distort words of others.

Jesus said not one word about the secular nation Israel.

Since He never says a word about the secular nation of Israel, He cannot change what He has never said.

The readers will notice that the imp of Satan known as Satanic Sherri says there is no secular state of Israel and now is just "Spiritual Israel". God is not the author of confusion. He would not expect us to figure this out on our own. Notice that Satanic Sherri thinks she is clever by adding or taking away words from scripture to meet what she wants to believe. I am challenging Satanic Sherri to provide just one scripture that says Israel has changed from a physical state to a spiritual state. We are not interested in what she believes it says. We want chapter and verse where it actually says that Israel is now a spiritual state.

Jesus never said a word about Palestine.

So what's your point ?
Learn to read. I did not say Jesus lied, He never said one single word about today's secular nation Israel. And He does have the ability to proclaim the future. John 13 illustrates this as does Matthew 24.

HUH??? When did Jesus lie??? Show us that verse.

What I keep reading are Zionists lying and trying to distort words of others.

Jesus said not one word about the secular nation Israel.

Since He never says a word about the secular nation of Israel, He cannot change what He has never said.

The readers will notice that the imp of Satan known as Satanic Sherri says there is no secular state of Israel and now is just "Spiritual Israel". God is not the author of confusion. He would not expect us to figure this out on our own. Notice that Satanic Sherri thinks she is clever by adding or taking away words from scripture to meet what she wants to believe. I am challenging Satanic Sherri to provide just one scripture that says Israel has changed from a physical state to a spiritual state. We are not interested in what she believes it says. We want chapter and verse where it actually says that Israel is now a spiritual state.
YOU made a claim I am asking you to back up.

Where does Jesus speak about the present day secular nation of Israel?

He never speaks about it and His words prove what I say is true, His words in The Gospels.

The readers can see that you are dodging and deflecting. Jesus is not the only one speaking in the bible. You have made a claim. All we're asking is that you give chapter and verse to back it up.
Get serious. You said Zionists lie. So when did Jesus lie?

Learn to read. I did not say Jesus lied, He never said one single word about today's secular nation Israel. And He does have the ability to proclaim the future. John 13 illustrates this as does Matthew 24.

HUH??? When did Jesus lie??? Show us that verse.

What I keep reading are Zionists lying and trying to distort words of others.

Jesus said not one word about the secular nation Israel.

Since He never says a word about the secular nation of Israel, He cannot change what He has never said.
Jesus' Sermon on the mount:

17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Yet you said Jesus said "out with the old in with the new". That means not only did you lie about Jesus, but according him, you're going straight to hell.

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I stated Jesus says not one single word about today's secular nation Israel.

I gave you a link to The Gospels that prove what I said is true.

Where does Jesus speak about the present day secular nation of Israel?

He never speaks about it and His words prove what I say is true, His words in The Gospels.

The readers can see that you are dodging and deflecting. Jesus is not the only one speaking in the bible. You have made a claim. All we're asking is that you give chapter and verse to back it up.

The readers can see that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made a claim and was asked to give chapter and verse in the bible to back it up. She has been unable to provide it. We don't want a link to irrelevant bullshit. We want the actual chapter and verse where the bible says Israel is now a spiritual state. Put up or :anj_stfu:
She is so funny. Where would we go for fun & laughs if she ever leaves us?

I stated Jesus says not one single word about today's secular nation Israel.

I gave you a link to The Gospels that prove what I said is true.

The readers can see that you are dodging and deflecting. Jesus is not the only one speaking in the bible. You have made a claim. All we're asking is that you give chapter and verse to back it up.

The readers can see that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made a claim and was asked to give chapter and verse in the bible to back it up. She has been unable to provide it. We don't want a link to irrelevant bullshit. We want the actual chapter and verse where the bible says Israel is now a spiritual state. Put up or :anj_stfu:
Jesus' Sermon on the mount:

17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Yet you said Jesus said "out with the old in with the new". That means not only did you lie about Jesus, but according him, you're going straight to hell.

Joel is considered a prophet in the New Testament and here he prophecies about Jesus' second coming.

Joel 3:

17 “So you shall know that I am the Lord your God,
Dwelling in Zion My holy mountain.
Then Jerusalem shall be holy,
And no aliens shall ever pass through her again.”

20 But Judah shall abide forever,
And Jerusalem from generation to generation.
21 For I will acquit them of the guilt of bloodshed, whom I had not acquitted;
For the Lord dwells in Zion.”

It is more than clear that the New Testament is claiming Jesus to be the ZIONIST Messiah of the Old Testament who comes back in Zion. It is also clear that Zion is a location and not a spiritual place.

These verses have been posted before many times, yet you keep dodging around them or blabbering your own nonsense. Again, if you really are a Christian, these verses are all in the NEW TESTAMENT ( take your pick which translation), because you deny and go against them, you are going to Hell.
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Learn to read, I am responding to a false claim here made by a Zionist poster...
Not to worry... people respond to false claims by Muslim fifth-columnists (like you) all the time...
Get serious. You said Zionists lie. So when did Jesus lie?

Learn to read. I did not say Jesus lied, He never said one single word about today's secular nation Israel. And He does have the ability to proclaim the future. John 13 illustrates this as does Matthew 24.

HUH??? When did Jesus lie??? Show us that verse.

Sherri gets increasingly desperate-----kinda like the latter rantings of her
hero ADOLF ABU ALI------- "jesus never mentioned....." Jesus never
mentioned lots of thing from Lollipops to THE BEATLES. He certainly never
mentioned SHERRI. Jesus refers to "THE PROPHETS and their words---
which INVARIABLY include the INEVITABLE ingathering of jews ---to ZION.
Try reading the book, sherri. You missed the MAJOR THEME. The writers
of the New Testament go to GREAT PAINS ----to present Jesus as conforming
to the person whose identity is described poetically in the various prophesies----
----*descendant of King David, *born in Bethlehem even *entry into
Jerusalem on a white donkey-------the person who HERALDS the "days
after..." -------the establishment of the TEMPLE ORDER ----which had been
disrupted by conquest -----and all kinds of foreign stuff.

sheeesh sherri-----are you trying to PROVE that you are stupid?
Speaking of Mathew. Here's what a Jesus said about Jew haters like yourself:

Mathew 25:40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

Jesus' brethren are the Jews.

Jihad Sherri is Hell bound.
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Speaking of Mathew. Here's what a Jesus said about Jew haters like yourself:

40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

Jesus' brethren: the Jews.

Jihad Sherri is Hell bound.

There's already a room down there with her, I mean Its name on it.
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