Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.
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I am waiting for you to show me where Jesus, who has the gift of prophecy, speaks about the modern day nation of Israel.

My argument is that He does not, I cannot produce a thing that does not exist.

Jesus is the Son of God and He came to save mankind from sin, as He says in John 3:16.

Jesus is not and never was a Zionist and He did not come to establish a nation in Israel.

And you state Jesus says He is a Zionist. Where is that? You have not provided a Bible verse to support that claim either.

The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.
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The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.

Jesus never stated "I am male" either - or "I am not a woman". So if anyone were to claim that Jesus was actually female, there are no quotes from Jesus to the contrary.....

The 'default' position for Jews since the Exodus has been 'Zionist'. In all ages and places since, normative and mainstream Judaism of every cultural type and denomination has been 'Zionist'.

The 'Neturei Karta' splinter cult (a few thousand) are actually a European import from the 18th C: they presume to re-define all of Judaism to their own specific perspective. Maimonides or any other sage would not countenance that. They're about as 'Jewish' as 'Christian Identity' is 'Christian'.
The Truth is Jesus never says He is a Zionist.

The word Zionist appears nowhere in The Bible even.

The OP was based on an article in a website of a man who has a landscaping business who has no educational expertise in religious theology.

The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.

Jesus never stated "I am male" either - or "I am not a woman". So if anyone were to claim that Jesus was actually female, there are no quotes from Jesus to the contrary.....

The 'default' position for Jews since the Exodus has been 'Zionist'. In all ages and places since, normative and mainstream Judaism of every cultural type and denomination has been 'Zionist'.

The 'Neturei Karta' splinter cult (a few thousand) are actually a European import from the 18th C: they presume to re-define all of Judaism to their own specific perspective. Maimonides or any other sage would not countenance that. They're about as 'Jewish' as 'Christian Identity' is 'Christian'.
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I am waiting for you to show me where Jesus, who has the gift of prophecy, speaks about the modern day nation of Israel.

My argument is that He does not, I cannot produce a thing that does not exist.

Jesus is the Son of God and He came to save mankind from sin, as He says in John 3:16.

Jesus is not and never was a Zionist and He did not come to establish a nation in Israel.

And you state Jesus says He is a Zionist. Where is that? You have not provided a Bible verse to support that claim either.

The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.

If Jesus did NOT come to establish a nation in the land of Israel - then he cannot be the Mosciach ben Dovid.

It's fine if you Christians want to regard him as my 'MbD': I don't hold that against you : )) Just remember that - as the NT says - if we Jews are 'blind', it's because YHVH wanted it that way. So if you curse and revile us for that, Who are you really attacking with such intemperate foolish and worthless invective? Not us: ))
Jesus is the fulfillment of all OT Prophesies .

I addressed this in a prior post and set forth OT promises and where they were fulfilled.

If you continue in your disbelief of Jesus, then you will simply reap the consequences of your choices.

I am waiting for you to show me where Jesus, who has the gift of prophecy, speaks about the modern day nation of Israel.

My argument is that He does not, I cannot produce a thing that does not exist.

Jesus is the Son of God and He came to save mankind from sin, as He says in John 3:16.

Jesus is not and never was a Zionist and He did not come to establish a nation in Israel.

And you state Jesus says He is a Zionist. Where is that? You have not provided a Bible verse to support that claim either.

The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.

If Jesus did NOT come to establish a nation in the land of Israel - then he cannot be the Mosciach ben Dovid.

It's fine if you Christians want to regard him as my 'MbD': I don't hold that against you : )) Just remember that - as the NT says - if we Jews are 'blind', it's because YHVH wanted it that way. So if you curse and revile us for that, Who are you really attacking with such intemperate foolish and worthless invective? Not us: ))
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The word 'monotheist' doesn't appear in the Bible either. It's not the freakin' LABEL: it's the IDEA which the label represents. Of course, as you have zero educational expertise in linguistics, it's natural that you'd make such mistakes......

The Truth is Jesus never says He is a Zionist.

The word Zionist appears nowhere in The Bible even.

The OP was based on an article in a website of a man who has a landscaping business who has no educational expertise in religious theology.

The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.

Jesus never stated "I am male" either - or "I am not a woman". So if anyone were to claim that Jesus was actually female, there are no quotes from Jesus to the contrary.....

The 'default' position for Jews since the Exodus has been 'Zionist'. In all ages and places since, normative and mainstream Judaism of every cultural type and denomination has been 'Zionist'.

The 'Neturei Karta' splinter cult (a few thousand) are actually a European import from the 18th C: they presume to re-define all of Judaism to their own specific perspective. Maimonides or any other sage would not countenance that. They're about as 'Jewish' as 'Christian Identity' is 'Christian'.
Where does Jesus say He is a Zionist?

Still no response.

The readers will notice that Satanic Sherri dodges and deflects continually. No one has made the claim that Jesus said he was a Zionist. YOU however, made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. You have been asked to provide scripture to prove it and you have not. The readers can see your claims to be a Christian are a lie. Christians do not lie and celebrate at the death of other.
Whoop-tee-doo. Have your fun now, gloating over your assumption that everyone who doesn't believe as you do is damned to Hell. 'Everyone' there is going to include Muslims, non-religious Muslims, non-religious Muslims born in Iran......

So - how do you think Mel Gibson feels when he contemplates the fact that his wife will be spending eternity in Hell? Do you suppose there's a support group somewhere that he could go to?

Jesus is the fulfillment of all OT Prophesies .

I addressed this in a prior post and set forth OT promises and where they were fulfilled.

If you continue in your disbelief of Jesus, then you will simply reap the consequences of your choices.

I am waiting for you to show me where Jesus, who has the gift of prophecy, speaks about the modern day nation of Israel.

My argument is that He does not, I cannot produce a thing that does not exist.

Jesus is the Son of God and He came to save mankind from sin, as He says in John 3:16.

Jesus is not and never was a Zionist and He did not come to establish a nation in Israel.

And you state Jesus says He is a Zionist. Where is that? You have not provided a Bible verse to support that claim either.

If Jesus did NOT come to establish a nation in the land of Israel - then he cannot be the Mosciach ben Dovid.

It's fine if you Christians want to regard him as my 'MbD': I don't hold that against you : )) Just remember that - as the NT says - if we Jews are 'blind', it's because YHVH wanted it that way. So if you curse and revile us for that, Who are you really attacking with such intemperate foolish and worthless invective? Not us: ))
Jesus is the fulfillment of all OT Prophesies .

I addressed this in a prior post and set forth OT promises and where they were fulfilled.

If you continue in your disbelief of Jesus, then you will simply reap the consequences of your choices.

I am waiting for you to show me where Jesus, who has the gift of prophecy, speaks about the modern day nation of Israel.

My argument is that He does not, I cannot produce a thing that does not exist.

Jesus is the Son of God and He came to save mankind from sin, as He says in John 3:16.

Jesus is not and never was a Zionist and He did not come to establish a nation in Israel.

And you state Jesus says He is a Zionist. Where is that? You have not provided a Bible verse to support that claim either.

If Jesus did NOT come to establish a nation in the land of Israel - then he cannot be the Mosciach ben Dovid.

It's fine if you Christians want to regard him as my 'MbD': I don't hold that against you : )) Just remember that - as the NT says - if we Jews are 'blind', it's because YHVH wanted it that way. So if you curse and revile us for that, Who are you really attacking with such intemperate foolish and worthless invective? Not us: ))
I'll take my chances and if I'm wrong, well, see ya in hell, heathen.
The Old Testament and The New Testament are a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And all points towards God's purposes revealed fully and finally in Jesus Christ. Luke 24:27

God has only ever had one chosen people , all who looked forward to the coming of Jesus, and those who recognized Him when He came .

The promises made to Abraham have been fulfilled in and through the church.

When Jesus died on the cross, He broke down the wall separating Jewish from Gentile believers, making one new humanity and reconciling both to God in Himself. Ephesus 2:15-16

The land in Palestine always belonged to God. His people were only ever strangers and tenants with, at best, temporary residence. Their presence in the land was always conditional, conditioned on faithful obedience. Jesus repudiated the notion of an earthly and nationalistic kingdom. His disciples looked to a better and more secure inheritance. Hebrews 11:16
Quit deflecting and dodging Satanic Sherri. We are still waiting for the chapter and verse where Israel is only a spiritual state. You made the claim. Now back it up or forever be known as a liar and heretic.
The Old Testament and The New Testament are a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And all points towards God's purposes revealed fully and finally in Jesus Christ. Luke 24:27

God has only ever had one chosen people , all who looked forward to the coming of Jesus, and those who recognized Him when He came .

The promises made to Abraham have been fulfilled in and through the church.

When Jesus died on the cross, He broke down the wall separating Jewish from Gentile believers, making one new humanity and reconciling both to God in Himself. Ephesus 2:15-16

The land in Palestine always belonged to God. His people were only ever strangers and tenants with, at best, temporary residence. Their presence in the land was always conditional, conditioned on faithful obedience. Jesus repudiated the notion of an earthly and nationalistic kingdom. His disciples looked to a better and more secure inheritance. Hebrews 11:16
Pure speculation on your part, heathen.
The Truth is Jesus never says He is a Zionist.

The word Zionist appears nowhere in The Bible even.

The OP was based on an article in a website of a man who has a landscaping business who has no educational expertise in religious theology.

The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.

Jesus never stated "I am male" either - or "I am not a woman". So if anyone were to claim that Jesus was actually female, there are no quotes from Jesus to the contrary.....

The 'default' position for Jews since the Exodus has been 'Zionist'. In all ages and places since, normative and mainstream Judaism of every cultural type and denomination has been 'Zionist'.

The 'Neturei Karta' splinter cult (a few thousand) are actually a European import from the 18th C: they presume to re-define all of Judaism to their own specific perspective. Maimonides or any other sage would not countenance that. They're about as 'Jewish' as 'Christian Identity' is 'Christian'.

The world 'Palestine' is never mentioned in the Bible as well.

Chalk up yet ANOTHER hypocritical fail for Sherri
Jesus is the Truth and the life and the way, the Son of God sent to save mankind, for those who believe in Him. I believe in Him and who Jesus says He is.

You add to who Jesus is at your own peril; I accept Him for who He says He is and I dont add my iwn desiers for Him and attribute them to Him.

Jesus came to save the world, not to establish an earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.

And you still cannot produce a single verse where Jesus says He is a Zionist or where Jesus says a single word about the secular nation of Israel.

Quit deflecting and dodging Satanic Sherri. We are still waiting for the chapter and verse where Israel is only a spiritual state. You made the claim. Now back it up or forever be known as a liar and heretic.

And actually, that is not true, there are four references to Palestine in The Old Testament, previously discussed in thread.

I am not returning to that topic for a third time because for the purposes of the discussion right here, it is irrelevant.

The Truth is Jesus never says He is a Zionist.

The word Zionist appears nowhere in The Bible even.

The OP was based on an article in a website of a man who has a landscaping business who has no educational expertise in religious theology.

Jesus never stated "I am male" either - or "I am not a woman". So if anyone were to claim that Jesus was actually female, there are no quotes from Jesus to the contrary.....

The 'default' position for Jews since the Exodus has been 'Zionist'. In all ages and places since, normative and mainstream Judaism of every cultural type and denomination has been 'Zionist'.

The 'Neturei Karta' splinter cult (a few thousand) are actually a European import from the 18th C: they presume to re-define all of Judaism to their own specific perspective. Maimonides or any other sage would not countenance that. They're about as 'Jewish' as 'Christian Identity' is 'Christian'.

The world 'Palestine' is never mentioned in the Bible as well.

Chalk up yet ANOTHER hypocritical fail for Sherri
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The Truth is Jesus never says He is a Zionist.

The word Zionist appears nowhere in The Bible even.

The OP was based on an article in a website of a man who has a landscaping business who has no educational expertise in religious theology.

The world 'Palestine' is never mentioned in the Bible as well.

Chalk up yet ANOTHER hypocritical fail for Sherri

Well you just said the word Zionist is not in the Bible, trying to prove that Jesus was not a Zionist

We say the word Palestine is not mentioned in the Bible, responding to your claims that Jesus lived in Palestine.

Why does everything have to be explained to you twice ?
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