Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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"...And you obviously are not very bright..."
Jesus H Tap Dancing Christ... look who's talking!

She's not stupid, she's just possessed by a retarded ghost. Ha ha ha.
Aha! So the Zionist land of Zion mentioned in the OT was founded in the 1800's. Very cleaver those Zionists.

Islam was not a religion, you know that.

But Jews left the land or converted to Christianity or Islam later, over the next 1800 years after Christ.

And then Zionism is founded in the 1800s and Jews from Europe immigrate to Palestine and try to push out the then indigenous people in Palestine who are not Jewish.

Very interesting. So what was the Percentage of Muslim Palestinians in the land at the time of Jesus? Or are they just a bunch of land theives?

Your logic fails, too.

Before Zionist colonists came to Palestine, Jewish Palestinians made up under 10% of the indigenous population of Palestine.
Aha! So the Zionist land of Zion mentioned in the OT was founded in the 1800's. Very cleaver those Zionists.

Islam was not a religion, you know that.

But Jews left the land or converted to Christianity or Islam later, over the next 1800 years after Christ.

And then Zionism is founded in the 1800s and Jews from Europe immigrate to Palestine and try to push out the then indigenous people in Palestine who are not Jewish.

Very interesting. So what was the Percentage of Muslim Palestinians in the land at the time of Jesus? Or are they just a bunch of land theives?
The Truth is Jesus never says He is a Zionist.

The word Zionist appears nowhere in The Bible even.

The OP was based on an article in a website of a man who has a landscaping business who has no educational expertise in religious theology.

The readers will note that Satanic Sherri is still dodging and deflecting. She made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. She has been kindly asked to provide chapter and verse in the bible to back up that claim. She has failed to do so. Also notice that no one claimed Jesus said he was a Zionist. But we have given scripture after scripture proving he is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest Satanic Sherri is.

Jesus never stated "I am male" either - or "I am not a woman". So if anyone were to claim that Jesus was actually female, there are no quotes from Jesus to the contrary.....

The 'default' position for Jews since the Exodus has been 'Zionist'. In all ages and places since, normative and mainstream Judaism of every cultural type and denomination has been 'Zionist'.

The 'Neturei Karta' splinter cult (a few thousand) are actually a European import from the 18th C: they presume to re-define all of Judaism to their own specific perspective. Maimonides or any other sage would not countenance that. They're about as 'Jewish' as 'Christian Identity' is 'Christian'.

zion appears 168 times
He was not a Pharisee.

Five verses where Jesus tells us He is the Son of God.

You can click the link and read 5 more verses that speak the same Truth.

YOUR Issue is this, are you going to keep denying Jesus is who He says He is or are you going to believe Jesus about who He says He is?

Luke 1:35 —*And the angel answered and said to her, “The*Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.

John 20:31 —*but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.

Matthew 26:63 —*But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest answered and said to Him, “I put You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God!”

Luke 22:70-71 —*Then they all said, “Are You then the Son of God?” So He said to them, “You*rightly*say that I am.” And they said, “What further testimony do we need? For we have heard it ourselves from His own mouth.”

Matthew 14:33 —*Then those who were in the boat came and worshiped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.”

Bible Verses About: Son of God ? Jesus

Does this negate the fact that he was a Pharisee Jew and a Rabbi

What was he then, bearing in mind that Christiantity did not exist until 200 years after his death.
Read your bible and see that he was a Pharisee Jewish rabbi who preached the return of Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple. He was born a Pharisee Jew and he died a Pharisee Jew
I do not.

I have mostly set forth in posts Bible verses where Jesus proclaims who He is to show He never calls Himself a Zionist and to point out He spent a lot of time trying to explain who He was to us all.

He never calls Himself a Zionist because He was not and is not a Zionist.

Then why do you cherry pick the verses that support your POV, and ignore the rest. Every Christian knows that the Bible has to be taken in full, and not on a verse by verse option. If I did post the full contextual chapter it would destroy your argument and reduce you to a LYING PIECE OF SHIT ISLAMIST

You need to learn to use your computer, you can read the entire Chapter by clicking the link, the meaning does not change, I keep telling you this when you keep denying Jesus words and trying to blame me for your continuing sinning against God.

Well sharia he would have a hell of a job to do that as the word does not exist in Aramaic. But it does not mean that he did not speak about what we today call Zionism. He preaches constantly about the return of the Jews to Israel and the re building of the Temple. Those are the words of a zionist
Jesus is the Truth and the life and the way, the Son of God sent to save mankind, for those who believe in Him. I believe in Him and who Jesus says He is.

You add to who Jesus is at your own peril; I accept Him for who He says He is and I dont add my iwn desiers for Him and attribute them to Him.

Jesus came to save the world, not to establish an earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.

And you still cannot produce a single verse where Jesus says He is a Zionist or where Jesus says a single word about the secular nation of Israel.

Quit deflecting and dodging Satanic Sherri. We are still waiting for the chapter and verse where Israel is only a spiritual state. You made the claim. Now back it up or forever be known as a liar and heretic.

And you cant find one were he says he isn't, or that he wasn't a Pharisee or a Jew. But you have had plenty were Jesus preaches Zionist belief and thinking

And actually, that is not true, there are four references to Palestine in The Old Testament, previously discussed in thread.

I am not returning to that topic for a third time because for the purposes of the discussion right here, it is irrelevant.

The Truth is Jesus never says He is a Zionist.

The word Zionist appears nowhere in The Bible even.

The OP was based on an article in a website of a man who has a landscaping business who has no educational expertise in religious theology.

The world 'Palestine' is never mentioned in the Bible as well.

Chalk up yet ANOTHER hypocritical fail for Sherri

From an actual bible or was it from your fantasy world of Jew hatred and Racism.
Your logic fails, too.

Before Zionist colonists came to Palestine, Jewish Palestinians made up under 10% of the indigenous population of Palestine.

Actuallu I love it when she claims Jesus was a Palestinian. And remember you heard it first from the "Christian" Sherri thus proving that the Jews were the indigenous Palestinians whose land was stolen by the Muslim Palestinians squatters of today.

The world 'Palestine' is never mentioned in the Bible as well.

Chalk up yet ANOTHER hypocritical fail for Sherri

Would that be like the 10% of Europeans that took control of the Americas. Making you a land thief on your criteria
Islam was not a religion, you know that.

But Jews left the land or converted to Christianity or Islam later, over the next 1800 years after Christ.

And then Zionism is founded in the 1800s and Jews from Europe immigrate to Palestine and try to push out the then indigenous people in Palestine who are not Jewish.

Very interesting. So what was the Percentage of Muslim Palestinians in the land at the time of Jesus? Or are they just a bunch of land theives?

Your logic fails, too.

Before Zionist colonists came to Palestine, Jewish Palestinians made up under 10% of the indigenous population of Palestine.

You forget that the 10% of Jews living in the area owned outright most of the land
The point is you change your story as often as you change your underwear, which is every time your fantasies are shown to be false. Jesus was a Pharisee Jewish Rabbi who claimed he was the son of God, He preached that Israel would be reborn and the Jews would once again live there.
The Christians of the early era manipulated the words of Jesus to suit their POV and were very anti semitic, even going so far as to claim that it was the Jews that crucified Jesus and so the Jews should all die. You still think like these early Christians because that is what you were taught in your Christian church. It has only been in recent years that the leaders of most Christian sects have denounced the "Jews killed Jesus" libels. You believe that Jesus was some fair haired Aryan god of the Germanic tribes when in fact he was a dark haired dark skinned Jewish religious teacher who believed in the Tanaka and its teachings. It is believed that the crucifixion was arranged to coincide with the Sabbath so that he was cut down after 3 days still alive ( custom in those days was to crucify until the Sabbath and then cut them down as no Jew would work on the Sabbath). He was healed and later went to a Jewish militant stronghold were he became one of the "freedom fighters" and died of old age surrounded by his family.

The problem with BAC's is they refuse to see the reality even when the evidence destroys their arguments, most modern intelligent Christians now believe the reality and just follow the rote. This is why Christian churches are dwindling.

What is your point?

Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.

He has the gift of prophecy and speaks of the future and He says nothing about returning as an earthly king.

In his life, He never even encouraged the Jews to violently overthrow the Roman Occupation.

When Peter cut off the ear of Roman soldiers arresting Jesus, he admonished him.

We see in Matthew 23 Jesus telling Jews the Temple will be destroyed because they did not believe in Him.

Why, when Jews were punished and expelled from Jerusalem for disbelief in Jesus would Jesus now reward them for their continuing disbelief in Him? That does not even make sense

But a deeper problem is that Jesus came to reconcile all mankind to God, those who believe in Him, Jews and Gentiles. And God's plan is not to establish an earthly kingdom, but a heavenly kingdom for those who believe in Jesus.

Jesus tore the Wall down dividing Jews from Gentile, the state of Israel has reerected it, we see The Wall dividing Jews from Gentile in the OPT today.

I would be fearing God's coming wrath on the nation of Israel, if I were an Israeli. Continuing disbelief after 2000 years shall have consequences.

You keep on showing your ignorance.

The book of Joel is in The Old Testament.
Fucking idiot! Take your pick moron, Joel is in every single version of the New Testament. Oh sorry, "the Old Testament of the New Testament." Ha ha ha. Wow.

Joel 3:17 KJV - So shall ye know that I am the LORD - Bible Gateway

Joel 3:17
King James Version (KJV)
17 So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.

Joel 3:17
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
17 Then you will know that I am the Lord your God,
Dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain.
So Jerusalem will be holy,
And strangers will pass through it no more.

At this point it should be obvious the cornered Jihadi rat Sherriis just looking for a way out. It already knows the truth!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus tells us who He is over and over and over.

You simply keep on rejecting His words.

May God have mercy on your soul for rejecting the words of Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Jesus is the Truth and the life and the way, the Son of God sent to save mankind, for those who believe in Him. I believe in Him and who Jesus says He is.

You add to who Jesus is at your own peril; I accept Him for who He says He is and I dont add my iwn desiers for Him and attribute them to Him.

Jesus came to save the world, not to establish an earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.

And you still cannot produce a single verse where Jesus says He is a Zionist or where Jesus says a single word about the secular nation of Israel.

Quit deflecting and dodging Satanic Sherri. We are still waiting for the chapter and verse where Israel is only a spiritual state. You made the claim. Now back it up or forever be known as a liar and heretic.

And you cant find one were he says he isn't, or that he wasn't a Pharisee or a Jew. But you have had plenty were Jesus preaches Zionist belief and thinking

Jesus was in fact the Son of God, you obviously keep rejecting this over and over and over and over.

What I know is He has victory over you.

I know the beginning of the story in Genesis and the end of the story in Revelation.

So many words He spoke to you in The Gospels which are as true today as they were then.

And in this thread, Satan, I have recited Jesus words to you where He clearly says who He is over and over and over and over and you keep rejecting Him.

May you reap exactly what you have sown, Satan. In Jesus precious name I lift up this Prayer on this Sunday morning. Amen

The point is you change your story as often as you change your underwear, which is every time your fantasies are shown to be false. Jesus was a Pharisee Jewish Rabbi who claimed he was the son of God, He preached that Israel would be reborn and the Jews would once again live there.
The Christians of the early era manipulated the words of Jesus to suit their POV and were very anti semitic, even going so far as to claim that it was the Jews that crucified Jesus and so the Jews should all die. You still think like these early Christians because that is what you were taught in your Christian church. It has only been in recent years that the leaders of most Christian sects have denounced the "Jews killed Jesus" libels. You believe that Jesus was some fair haired Aryan god of the Germanic tribes when in fact he was a dark haired dark skinned Jewish religious teacher who believed in the Tanaka and its teachings. It is believed that the crucifixion was arranged to coincide with the Sabbath so that he was cut down after 3 days still alive ( custom in those days was to crucify until the Sabbath and then cut them down as no Jew would work on the Sabbath). He was healed and later went to a Jewish militant stronghold were he became one of the "freedom fighters" and died of old age surrounded by his family.

The problem with BAC's is they refuse to see the reality even when the evidence destroys their arguments, most modern intelligent Christians now believe the reality and just follow the rote. This is why Christian churches are dwindling.

What is your point?

Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.

He has the gift of prophecy and speaks of the future and He says nothing about returning as an earthly king.

In his life, He never even encouraged the Jews to violently overthrow the Roman Occupation.

When Peter cut off the ear of Roman soldiers arresting Jesus, he admonished him.

We see in Matthew 23 Jesus telling Jews the Temple will be destroyed because they did not believe in Him.

Why, when Jews were punished and expelled from Jerusalem for disbelief in Jesus would Jesus now reward them for their continuing disbelief in Him? That does not even make sense

But a deeper problem is that Jesus came to reconcile all mankind to God, those who believe in Him, Jews and Gentiles. And God's plan is not to establish an earthly kingdom, but a heavenly kingdom for those who believe in Jesus.

Jesus tore the Wall down dividing Jews from Gentile, the state of Israel has reerected it, we see The Wall dividing Jews from Gentile in the OPT today.

I would be fearing God's coming wrath on the nation of Israel, if I were an Israeli. Continuing disbelief after 2000 years shall have consequences.

Fucking idiot! Take your pick moron, Joel is in every single version of the New Testament. Oh sorry, "the Old Testament of the New Testament." Ha ha ha. Wow.

Joel 3:17 KJV - So shall ye know that I am the LORD - Bible Gateway

Joel 3:17
King James Version (KJV)
17 So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.

Joel 3:17
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
17 Then you will know that I am the Lord your God,
Dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain.
So Jerusalem will be holy,
And strangers will pass through it no more.

At this point it should be obvious the cornered Jihadi rat Sherriis just looking for a way out. It already knows the truth!
The King James Bible , has Satan heard of that?


And actually, that is not true, there are four references to Palestine in The Old Testament, previously discussed in thread.

I am not returning to that topic for a third time because for the purposes of the discussion right here, it is irrelevant.

The world 'Palestine' is never mentioned in the Bible as well.

Chalk up yet ANOTHER hypocritical fail for Sherri

From an actual bible or was it from your fantasy world of Jew hatred and Racism.

Stop your lies.

AS late as 1947, Jews owned no more than 6 percent of the land in Palestine.

That means 93% was not owned by Jews.

In 1947, Jews made up only one third of the populstion.

When Zionists began to immigrate the Jews numbered under 10 percent and the land ownership was less than 6 percent.

Islam was not a religion, you know that.

But Jews left the land or converted to Christianity or Islam later, over the next 1800 years after Christ.

And then Zionism is founded in the 1800s and Jews from Europe immigrate to Palestine and try to push out the then indigenous people in Palestine who are not Jewish.

Very interesting. So what was the Percentage of Muslim Palestinians in the land at the time of Jesus? Or are they just a bunch of land theives?

You forget that the 10% of Jews living in the area owned outright most of the land
The UN Charter makes Colonialism today unlawful.

It did not exist when America was settled.

Your logic fails, too.

Before Zionist colonists came to Palestine, Jewish Palestinians made up under 10% of the indigenous population of Palestine.

Actuallu I love it when she claims Jesus was a Palestinian. And remember you heard it first from the "Christian" Sherri thus proving that the Jews were the indigenous Palestinians whose land was stolen by the Muslim Palestinians squatters of today.

Would that be like the 10% of Europeans that took control of the Americas. Making you a land thief on your criteria
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