Even New York Times admits affirmative action is a huge FAILURE


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Of course they won't admit AA is racist and immoral and evil but they do admit it hasn't helped blacks and hispanics get into elite colleges.

Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago

aug 24 2017 Even after decades of affirmative action, black and Hispanic students are more underrepresented at the nation’s top colleges and universities than they were 35 years ago, according to a New York Times analysis.

The share of black freshmen at elite schools is virtually unchanged since 1980. Black students are just 6 percent of freshmen but 15 percent of college-age Americans, as the chart below shows

More Hispanics are attending elite schools, but the increase has not kept up with the huge growth of young Hispanics in the United States, so the gap between students and the college-age population has widened.

The Times analysis includes 100 schools ranging from public flagship universities to the Ivy League. For both blacks and Hispanics, the trend extends back to at least 1980, the earliest year that fall enrollment data was available from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Blacks and Hispanics have gained ground at less selective colleges and universities but not at the highly selective institutions, said Terry Hartle, a senior vice president at the American Council on Education, which represents more than 1,700 colleges and universities.
Why can't we just admit that negros and hispos don't have the brains.?? There is no GIANT CONSPIRACY to keep our colleges white. After all, asians have no trouble getting into harvard.
Why can't we just admit that negros and hispos don't have the brains.?? There is no GIANT CONSPIRACY to keep our colleges white. After all, asians have no trouble getting into harvard.
Who would want to go to Yale?
Why can't we just admit that negros and hispos don't have the brains.?? There is no GIANT CONSPIRACY to keep our colleges white. After all, asians have no trouble getting into harvard.

Asians have no trouble getting into Harvard...but those numbers do not carry over to getting promoted into executive and CEO positions

Seems they need some affirmative action to get promoted
Asians have no trouble getting into Harvard...but those numbers do not carry over to getting promoted into executive and CEO positions
Seems they need some affirmative action to get promoted

OMFG!!!!! So now every time a group is having a hard time getting hired, we need affirmative action??? Ok then, let's do that with whites and the NBA.

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