Even prominent skeptics now agree, the Earth is COOLING (naturally)

I am confused. Would someone please un-confuse me?

Just follow the link to the article on Forbes. There is not a single scientist in the world that can dispute the Earth is actually cooling despite the false claims otherwise.
Thanks. But I have a feeling that someone else is about to un-un-confuse me.

I recently read an article where a major oil company decided not to drill in the arctic zone because the ice has thickended too much.

"The ice this year is the thickest seen in the last decade..."

RIGZONE - Shell Alters Alaska Drilling Plans
Seriously, where is your data set? As no real data set supports your idea of a cooling earth at this moment.
When looking for evidence of global warming, there are many different indicators that we should look for. Whilst it's natural to start with air temperatures, a more thorough examination should be as inclusive as possible; snow cover, ice melt, air temperatures over land and sea, even the sea temperatures themselves. A 2010 study included 10 key indicators, and as shown below, every one of them is moving in the direction expected of a warming globe.


Global cooling - Is global warming still happening?
Seriously, where is your data set? As no real data set supports your idea of a cooling earth at this moment.

Well it's not my "data sets" but the scientists who track this stuff can show you that the Earth is now cooler than it was in 2000. It's just a fact.
It seems that roughly the same number of qualified and noted scientists are postulating contrary opinions.

I kinda like this passage from "Dune":

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

I'm tired of being filled with fear. It all seems to have shown up about four years ago.

Cast off your garments of fear, replace them with love
Most of all play with the game of the age
Highest of places remain all as one with you
Giving us light and the freedom of the day

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzwVNxVxe24]Madrigal by Yes - YouTube[/ame]

It's hard to take an article from ThinkProgress seriously considering they are an ultra radical left-wing site with a serious communist agenda. You notice the article I posted was from Forbes and not a right-wing site like Alex Jones?

What about the other two links I posted above? Plus, the Think Progress link is FULL of live supporting source links. You Think Progress and Media Matters haters really need to examine your motives - since both provide proof for their articles.
The FACT is, the earth is COOLING. That is a 100% fact and it is part of the natural cycle. The earth goes through various heating and cooling phases that have nothing to do with pollution - and it is currently cooling and is on pace to do so for the next 10 years.

Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling - Forbes

Well, the farmers in the midwest are waiting for that ice age, because their crops are dying due to lack of rain and heat.
The FACT is, the earth is COOLING. That is a 100% fact and it is part of the natural cycle. The earth goes through various heating and cooling phases that have nothing to do with pollution - and it is currently cooling and is on pace to do so for the next 10 years.

Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling - Forbes

Well, the farmers in the midwest are waiting for that ice age, because their crops are dying due to lack of rain and heat.

Its been 104º PLUS the past three days. I know wheather changes, esp missouri. But its not changing :( Is realllllllly hot and has been that way SINCE WINTER
the ''skeptics'' are right wing think tanks paid for by the oil and gas and coal industry
the ''skeptics'' are right wing think tanks paid for by the oil and gas and coal industry

Except that the when the temperature of the Earth is cooler now than it was in 2000, it's impossible to declare that it's not cooling.

The sad part is, the left has been caught in two seperate instances now - "Climategate 1 and 2" lying in e-mails. They are being paid by Al Gore and his cronies who are making hundreds of billions (and projected to be trillion in the very near future) dooping you global warming conspiracists through fear.

In fact, Al Gore even admitted lying in his film "An Inconvenient Truth"
The FACT is, the earth is COOLING. That is a 100% fact and it is part of the natural cycle. The earth goes through various heating and cooling phases that have nothing to do with pollution - and it is currently cooling and is on pace to do so for the next 10 years.

Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling - Forbes

Well, the farmers in the midwest are waiting for that ice age, because their crops are dying due to lack of rain and heat.

Oh yeah, and we've never seen droughts in the 1700's and 1800's, before the industrial revolution, right?

Furthermore, we just came off of a winter two years ago with record snow falls. Kind of funny how we could have so much snow while the left is screaming about heat and drought...
Its been 104º PLUS the past three days. I know wheather changes, esp missouri. But its not changing :( Is realllllllly hot and has been that way SINCE WINTER

We are also been having a real hot summer in Baltimore, which has led to power failures, and it appears that hot weather is a factor in the massive power failures that recently occurred in India.

" The power deficit in India was worsened by a weak monsoon that lowered hydroelectric generation and kept temperatures higher, further increasing electricity usage as people seek to cool off. "
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The FACT is, the earth is COOLING. That is a 100% fact and it is part of the natural cycle. The earth goes through various heating and cooling phases that have nothing to do with pollution - and it is currently cooling and is on pace to do so for the next 10 years.

Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling - Forbes

Ahh yes, a blog by a conservative blogger who got his "evidence" from a conference of the Heartland Institute.

About | Heartland Institute

Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems.

Publications | Heartland Institute

The Heartland Institute is a prolific publisher of books, booklets, policy studies, policy briefs, and “tip sheets” on the key issues facing America. We also publish Research & Commentary collections that collect the best available information on hot public policy issues and send them to elected officials, often within a day or two of a request. Search for these research materials at PolicyBot, Heartland's massive database of nearly 20,000 documents.

So, the Forbes blogger in question went to a conference of "The Heartland Institute", which, by their own description, on their own webpage, is an organization devoted to spreading propaganda to promote a "Free Market" agenda, and then wrote a blog about all the "Science" he encountered there.

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