Even the BBC Admits the Models Are BS & Deaths From Lockdown Will Soon Outpace CV19


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
The same people who say that two million are going to die, no now it's 100,000, wait now it's 70,000...

The same people who told us masks were useless, and also it was critical to save masks for medical personnel because they save lives, and also now that masks are critical for everyone and now mandated by law...

The same people who say we have to lock down just until we "flatten the curve" and then, when the curve has been flattened, announce we must stay in lock down until we have a vaccine... are accusing other people of not being clear and offering "mixed messages."

And now we hear that China is hacking our vaccine researchers....trying to steal our hard work....again....still.....
And now we hear that China is hacking our vaccine researchers....trying to steal our hard work....again....still.....

What makes me suspicious is WHY? I'm having trouble picturing us finding a vaccine and then keeping it all to ourselves and refusing to provide it to other countries to save lives. I guess it could just be that they don't want to have to pay for it, but my suspicions say they want to come out with it first and then use it as a stranglehold against other countries.
And now we hear that China is hacking our vaccine researchers....trying to steal our hard work....again....still.....

What makes me suspicious is WHY? I'm having trouble picturing us finding a vaccine and then keeping it all to ourselves and refusing to provide it to other countries to save lives. I guess it could just be that they don't want to have to pay for it, but my suspicions say they want to come out with it first and then use it as a stranglehold against other countries.
The company that creates a vaccine will be rich beyond their dreams...and China would love to blackmail the world with a vaccine....China is in trouble they need a good hold card....
Those M-Fers never miss a trick. Any and every way they can take advantage of us or the world, they do it.
And now we hear that China is hacking our vaccine researchers....trying to steal our hard work....again....still.....

What makes me suspicious is WHY? I'm having trouble picturing us finding a vaccine and then keeping it all to ourselves and refusing to provide it to other countries to save lives. I guess it could just be that they don't want to have to pay for it, but my suspicions say they want to come out with it first and then use it as a stranglehold against other countries.
The company that creates a vaccine will be rich beyond their dreams...and China would love to blackmail the world with a vaccine....China is in trouble they need a good hold card....

So you're saying that my suspicions are basically on-target: they want the economic bludgeon.
The same people who say that two million are going to die, no now it's 100,000, wait now it's 70,000...

The same people who told us masks were useless, and also it was critical to save masks for medical personnel because they save lives, and also now that masks are critical for everyone and now mandated by law...

The same people who say we have to lock down just until we "flatten the curve" and then, when the curve has been flattened, announce we must stay in lock down until we have a vaccine... are accusing other people of not being clear and offering "mixed messages."

This people just want to kill entirely humanity ( except of course some 'choose' ones, NWO & Co ), this people do not care for 'collateral' damages.
The goal of it is an annihilation of mankind due to climate protection by the manipulated 'vaccine' which kills your immune system and makes you weak against the next manmade virus.

Below is THE PROBLEM for this people


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