Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

This thread has been hijacked by the retards AGAIN.

Hey 7, go somewhere to see a clear version of the Zapruder film. You have been basing your idiotic claim on poor quality You tube garbage. The driver did not shoot the President.

You are the worst kind of troll in the jfk case. You pretend that the coverup is something besides the real truth. At least the WC idiots stick to official stupidity.:cuckoo:
Last edited:
This thread has been hijacked by the retards AGAIN.

Hey 7, go somewhere to see a clear version of the Zapruder film. You have been basing your idiotic claim on poor quality You tube garbage. The driver did not shoot the President.

You are the worst kind of troll in the jfk case. You pretend that the coverup is something besides the real truth. At least the WC idiots stick to official stupidity.:cuckoo:

Get a real life you obsessive troll. You don't post something once, or even twice. You post it HUNDREDS of times. It is a sickness. Get help.
This thread has been hijacked by the retards AGAIN.

Hey 7, go somewhere to see a clear version of the Zapruder film. You have been basing your idiotic claim on poor quality You tube garbage. The driver did not shoot the President.

You are the worst kind of troll in the jfk case. You pretend that the coverup is something besides the real truth. At least the WC idiots stick to official stupidity.:cuckoo:

Get a real life you obsessive troll. You don't post something once, or even twice. You post it HUNDREDS of times. It is a sickness. Get help.

Your sickness is believing something that you know is false. The grassy knoll shot was debunked over 20 years ago, you pathetic loser.:cuckoo:
This thread has been hijacked by the retards AGAIN.

Hey 7, go somewhere to see a clear version of the Zapruder film. You have been basing your idiotic claim on poor quality You tube garbage. The driver did not shoot the President.

You are the worst kind of troll in the jfk case. You pretend that the coverup is something besides the real truth. At least the WC idiots stick to official stupidity.:cuckoo:

Get a real life you obsessive troll. You don't post something once, or even twice. You post it HUNDREDS of times. It is a sickness. Get help.

Why wouldn't I post it hundreds of times, when it's being denied and ignored, and never challenged, you silly putz?:badgrin:
It's not about attention. It's about the truth, nothing else. The videos are yours and they support Greer's shot.:D

If the videos are mine, why did you admit to over-compressing them with a VCR and analog TV?

Have you dropped so far down the rabbit hole that you don't remember what you admitted to??

Can you show a person shot from the rear whose slammed backward besides jfk? Get to work you mental midget.:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzyw7AcHbuY]JFK's Head Movement - YouTube[/ame]
This thread has been hijacked by the retards AGAIN.

Hey 7, go somewhere to see a clear version of the Zapruder film. You have been basing your idiotic claim on poor quality You tube garbage. The driver did not shoot the President.

You are the worst kind of troll in the jfk case. You pretend that the coverup is something besides the real truth. At least the WC idiots stick to official stupidity.:cuckoo:

Get a real life you obsessive troll. You don't post something once, or even twice. You post it HUNDREDS of times. It is a sickness. Get help.

You lack the intelligence to deal with a case this simple. Ironic, isn't it? You go back and worth with other trolls pretending to do something. You are putting on a show of disagreement about things which are all false. That defines conscious insanity.:cuckoo:
If the videos are mine, why did you admit to over-compressing them with a VCR and analog TV?

Have you dropped so far down the rabbit hole that you don't remember what you admitted to??

Can you show a person shot from the rear whose slammed backward besides jfk? Get to work you mental midget.:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzyw7AcHbuY]JFK's Head Movement - YouTube[/ame]

You must show a real person or model with a spinal column. You just failed by believing two retards.:eek:
This thread has been hijacked by the retards AGAIN.

Hey 7, go somewhere to see a clear version of the Zapruder film. You have been basing your idiotic claim on poor quality You tube garbage. The driver did not shoot the President.

You are a "liar" because you exposed your belief in a debunked grassy knoll shot. That's the only thing which stands in the way of the truth about Greer. Your arrogance and silly theories are laughable.

As I stated before, I showed the same footage that has been used by hundreds of others but my work nailed it in regards to making sense of the front to back shot and destroying the complete bullshit that is the grassy snow job. You only say it is blurry or unclear because you can't deal with the evidence against jfk's real assassin. The only thing imaginary is the faux authority you losers peddle in your deluded minds. You have no authority or evidence of anything except debunked government theories born out of altered films.

You are certainly entitled to believe what you want, but your "behaviors" in trying to succeed in truth suppression are no different than any other person whose seen the truth and denied it. You are denying reality and will never challenge or even acknowledge the overwhelming evidence against Greer.

You gave a debunked conspiracy theory promoted by Hollywood. Hollywood promoted an obvious red herring to divert attention away from Greer and to provide an alternative to the abusurd conclusions of the WC. You know what happened and that Greer was always the assassin or you certainly do now. There are tens of thousands who know Greer shot Kennedy because of my work and that'll continue in the coming years. As long as there are people out there like you who continue to support bullshit like the grassy knoll and debunked nonsense, disinformation will reach people but it doesn't matter as long as the real truth is out there.

You are completely irrelevant in the modern day of Kennedy research...sorry.:eusa_whistle:
This thread has been hijacked by the retards AGAIN.

Hey 7, go somewhere to see a clear version of the Zapruder film. You have been basing your idiotic claim on poor quality You tube garbage. The driver did not shoot the President.

Get out of my thread and stay out, you proven liar.:badgrin: Harrison Livingstone DEBUNKED THIS BULLDUNG 22 YEARS AGO. Take your fake garbage elsewhere. GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE.:whip:

The JFK 100

The fifth shot
("Back and to the left")

Oliver Stone uses the backwards motion of the President's head in the Zapruder film (beginning in frame 314) to argue for an assassin on the grassy knoll. As discussed in the previous section, this argument ignores the forward motion of the head that occurs between frames 312 and 313.
But putting aside the initial forward motion, is the backwards motion in the Zapruder film evidence of a shot from the knoll?

The trajectory from the knoll

"Back and to the left, back and to the left," intones New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) in JFK.

But look more closely. The President was not thrust "back and to the left"; JFK states it more accurately a few seconds earlier: "This is the key shot. Watch it again. The President going back to his left."(1)

Back to his left. This is what the Zapruder film shows (see below).

A comparison of Z frames 315-318

Does this make a difference? It does. Had the President been thrust to the left, that is, the left side of the limousine, directly into his wife, Jacqueline, this would not be inconsistent with the trajectory of a shot from the grassy knoll.

But that's not what happened. JFK lurched forcefully to his left, almost directly backwards in his seat.

In 1992, author Harrison E. Livingstone became the first conspiracy-oriented author to debunk the myth of the grassy knoll gunman. Livingstone writes:

If [the President] had been hit from the Grassy Knoll or stockade fence, it would have taken off the left side of his head and thrown him violently sideways, and not backward as in the film. The left side of his head was not damaged at all.(2)


Author and JFK consultant Gus Russo concurs. He stood behind the camera as Oliver Stone filmed the motorcade scene, and has this to say:

Standing behind the picket fence, it is . . . apparent that if the shot were from the front, then it couldn't have originated behind the fence: the fence is at a 90 degree angle to Kennedy's head -- tilted 34 degrees left of center when hit -- at the time the President was struck. A virtual broadside hit. Such a shot would not have forced JFK's head forward or backward, but side to side, with the bullet exiting near Kennedy's left ear, hitting Jackie. Of course, none of this happened.(3)


Note also that in the frames of the Zapruder film following the head shot, the wound is towards the front right of the President's head, not in the back, as Oliver Stone claims elsewhere in JFK.
Compare the following images, depicting the approximate trajectory(4) a bullet would take in order to hypothetically cause the rearward movement of the President, and the approximate trajectory a bullet would take from where Oliver Stone places a gunman on the grassy knoll.

Harrison Livingstone is not the only conspiracy theorist to acknowledge the disconnect between grassy knoll gunman theories and the "back and to the left" motion apparent in the Zapruder film.

Sherry Gutierrez is the former head of the Forensic Investigative Unit for St. Charles Parish of the Louisiana Sheriff's Department. She is a member of the Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction and "has testified as an expert in crime scene reconstruction and bloodstain pattern analysis in over 30 judicial districts in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida." She believes that a shot struck the President from the front, but acknowledges that the President's wounds rule out the possibility that a shot could have come from his right side.


Gutierrez observes, "Since the grassy knoll is not positioned within the possible locations of the shooter for the headshot, the fatal headshot could not have originated from behind the picket fence."(5)

The fifth shot ("Back and to the left") (Page 2): Oliver Stone's JFK: The JFK 100: JFK assassination investigation: Jim Garrison New Orleans investigation of the John F. Kennedy assassination

1K POSTS:eusa_hand:
It's not about attention. It's about the truth, nothing else. The videos are yours and they support Greer's shot.:D

If the videos are mine, why did you admit to over-compressing them with a VCR and analog TV?

Have you dropped so far down the rabbit hole that you don't remember what you admitted to??

Can you show a person shot from the rear whose slammed backward besides jfk? Get to work you mental midget.:cuckoo:

The shot pushed his head forward.
It doesn't matter what you believe or want to be true, only that you cannot challenge the visual facts that prove Greer was the real assassin. This board or any other never challenged the evidence even remotely. The truth is stapled all over google and nothing can change that.:eusa_whistle:

This board, and all the others you post on (even the ones that had the sense to ban your idiocy) laugh at your feeble attempts to peddle your "theory".

Nothing will ever change that.

This board, and all the others I posted it on (even the ones that banned the truth) know Greer was the shooter after seeing the videos. You're an easy mock.:eusa_whistle:

Nothing will ever change that.

7forever...it took you mere minutes to prove my point. You can't even reply to my post ONCE, you have replied to it 3 times, and another post more than once.

You have some sort of obsessive disorder.

PLEASE go start your own thread about this topic and stop blowing up this one.
Can you show a person shot from the rear whose slammed backward besides jfk? Get to work you mental midget.:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzyw7AcHbuY]JFK's Head Movement - YouTube[/ame]

You must show a real person or model with a spinal column. You just failed by believing two retards.:eek:

Still, after all these years they are waiting for volunteers.

Try to distance yourself for just a moment and objectively look at the Zapuder film. At the moment of impact which way is the blood splatter? It is obvious back to front. There is no way, in my opinion, that a shot from the front could produce that effect. As for how his head moves, I think it is perfectly consistent with a shot from the rear. Little hole in, big hole out momentum pushes his head back or just nerve reaction to the shot. But there is really no way of knowing just from the movement of the head. That is what Stone did he fed you a lie based on what everyone believes is logical and it isn't. I once shot a deer with a shot gun. Which is .50 caliber at approximately 50 feet. Shot pretty much through the heart and or lungs. One would think that getting hit with a 50 cal large slug would knock down the victim. But it doesn't. The deer kinda jumped up a little walked about 20 feet and was dead, hardly any blood.

Here is testimony about the head shot:

What follows are those portions of the medical reports which deal with this question.

1. Dr. Fred Hodges, Professor of Radiology (Neuroradiology), The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine: "7) The motion of the President's head as shown in the Zapruder film does not indicate the direction of the shot in my opinion, but the visible blow-out of tissue and bony fragments in frame 313 and subsequent frames do conclusively indicate the bullet came from behind. The head motion subsequently is interpreted as due to involuntary muscle extension and not due to the direction of the injury."

2. Alfred G. Oliver, DVM, Chief, Biophysics Division, Edgewood Arsenal: "7. The movement of the President's body would bear no relationship to the direction of the shot. As for the motion of the President's head, I would have to see precise measurements taken from the motion picture film, to make a final judgment here."

3. Robert R. McMeekin, MD, forensic pathologist, Chief, Division of Aerospace Pathology, AFIP: "7. The motion of the President's head is inconsistent with the shot striking him from any direction other than the rear."

4. Werner U. Spitz, M.D., forensic pathologist, Chief Medical Examiner, Wayne County, Michigan: "7. It is impossible to conclude from the motion of the President's head and body following the head shot, from which direction the shots came. There is no doubt that as soon as the President was struck in the head, death occurred. The President's body was thus limp, devoid of control and stability normally exerted by the cerebral centers. Nothing would keep the body up at this stage and a forward drop is likely to occur. The subsequent backward movement of the President's head can be explained by sudden decerebration. This position is well known as "decerebrate posture" and is characterized by opisthotonos, a tetanic spasm -- or seizure-like condition."

5. Richard Lindenberg, M.D., Director of Neuropathology and Legal Medicine, State of Maryland: "Immediately after the shot through the head the President took rather abruptly an almost erect position before slumping over to the left. This straightening is to be considered a sudden opisthotonic reflex movement due to decerebration."

Here is an article on Wecht's claim of two shooters. Remember he also states there is no evidence of a shot from the front or side.

Did the Rockefeller Commission Misrepresent the JFK Assassination Views of Cyril Wecht?
If the videos are mine, why did you admit to over-compressing them with a VCR and analog TV?

Have you dropped so far down the rabbit hole that you don't remember what you admitted to??

Can you show a person shot from the rear whose slammed backward besides jfk? Get to work you mental midget.:cuckoo:

The shot pushed his head forward.

Go ahead post it then. It was slammed backward violently because the shot originated from the driver's seat. It's called, at close range.

You must show a real person or model with a spinal column. You just failed by believing two retards.:eek:

Still, after all these years they are waiting for volunteers.

Try to distance yourself for just a moment and objectively look at the Zapuder film. At the moment of impact which way is the blood splatter? It is obvious back to front. There is no way, in my opinion, that a shot from the front could produce that effect. As for how his head moves, I think it is perfectly consistent with a shot from the rear. Little hole in, big hole out momentum pushes his head back or just nerve reaction to the shot. But there is really no way of knowing just from the movement of the head. That is what Stone did he fed you a lie based on what everyone believes is logical and it isn't. I once shot a deer with a shot gun. Which is .50 caliber at approximately 50 feet. Shot pretty much through the heart and or lungs. One would think that getting hit with a 50 cal large slug would knock down the victim. But it doesn't. The deer kinda jumped up a little walked about 20 feet and was dead, hardly any blood.

Here is testimony about the head shot:

What follows are those portions of the medical reports which deal with this question.

1. Dr. Fred Hodges, Professor of Radiology (Neuroradiology), The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine: "7) The motion of the President's head as shown in the Zapruder film does not indicate the direction of the shot in my opinion, but the visible blow-out of tissue and bony fragments in frame 313 and subsequent frames do conclusively indicate the bullet came from behind. The head motion subsequently is interpreted as due to involuntary muscle extension and not due to the direction of the injury."

2. Alfred G. Oliver, DVM, Chief, Biophysics Division, Edgewood Arsenal: "7. The movement of the President's body would bear no relationship to the direction of the shot. As for the motion of the President's head, I would have to see precise measurements taken from the motion picture film, to make a final judgment here."

3. Robert R. McMeekin, MD, forensic pathologist, Chief, Division of Aerospace Pathology, AFIP: "7. The motion of the President's head is inconsistent with the shot striking him from any direction other than the rear."

4. Werner U. Spitz, M.D., forensic pathologist, Chief Medical Examiner, Wayne County, Michigan: "7. It is impossible to conclude from the motion of the President's head and body following the head shot, from which direction the shots came. There is no doubt that as soon as the President was struck in the head, death occurred. The President's body was thus limp, devoid of control and stability normally exerted by the cerebral centers. Nothing would keep the body up at this stage and a forward drop is likely to occur. The subsequent backward movement of the President's head can be explained by sudden decerebration. This position is well known as "decerebrate posture" and is characterized by opisthotonos, a tetanic spasm -- or seizure-like condition."

5. Richard Lindenberg, M.D., Director of Neuropathology and Legal Medicine, State of Maryland: "Immediately after the shot through the head the President took rather abruptly an almost erect position before slumping over to the left. This straightening is to be considered a sudden opisthotonic reflex movement due to decerebration."

Here is an article on Wecht's claim of two shooters. Remember he also states there is no evidence of a shot from the front or side.

Did the Rockefeller Commission Misrepresent the JFK Assassination Views of Cyril Wecht?

Nothing came out the right front according to the autopsy report. No frontal bone was missing. Your post ignores that fact.
7forever...it took you mere minutes to prove my point. You can't even reply to my post ONCE, you have replied to it 3 times, and another post more than once.

You have some sort of obsessive disorder.

PLEASE go start your own thread about this topic and stop blowing up this one.

It took an honest researcher, 22 years ago to debunk your fake shot. The driver's shot hit jfk over the right eye.
7forever...it took you mere minutes to prove my point. You can't even reply to my post ONCE, you have replied to it 3 times, and another post more than once.

You have some sort of obsessive disorder.

PLEASE go start your own thread about this topic and stop blowing up this one.

It took an honest researcher, 22 years ago to debunk your fake shot. The driver's shot hit jfk over the right eye.

That sounds pretty serious. We better form Voltron.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZZv5Z2Iz_s]Form Voltron - YouTube[/ame]

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