Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

He fired the one shot with BOTH his hands on the wheel of the car using a passenger's hair as his secret weapon.

And President Kennedy was not hit in the right side of his forehead. He was hit in the back of the head. So, Greer musta used those super special boomerang bullets.

You idiot.

I still wonder how the driver could hit the right side of JFK's head when he was sitting on Kennedy's left side??

He fired over his right shoulder.:eusa_whistle:

Even if the driver were part of a conspiracy to commit the most public assassination of modern times, it would be remarkably ridiculous to "plan" it by putting yourself IN the front seat of an open limo (no roof) in FULL view of Lord knows how many eye witnesses AND the Secret Service to fire a head shot from the driver's seat.

Then, to commit the murder, he'd have to drive the car by visibly turning around AFTER the other conspirator(s) had commenced firing and point his apparently invisible gun at the victim by using his LEFT hand to do the shooting and contorting himself to fire OVER his own shoulder.

If none of that even begins to make any sense, you have successfully identified yet another massive set of gaping holes in the "logic" of utter retards like IQBelow.7Forever.


"Yes. Yes. I'll involve myself in a super secret conspiracy by committing murder in full view of the public in a manner that requires me to contort myself to even get a shot off while simultaneously driving a car without looking at the road."
His left hand is supposed to be coming off the wheel at frame 304, you beyond stupid mental midget. You don't know what you're talking about.:eusa_clap:
[ame=http://youtu.be/19rTsYSLIxY]The Driver's Gun In The Faked Zapruder Film Frame 304 JFK Assassination - YouTube[/ame]

You can't see the gun during the shooting sequence. All that stuff was FAKED to replace Greer's real arm movement with the gun. Frame 319 is the gun that appears out of no place, a third of a second after the shot.

Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit

Greer passed the gun in Zapruder before the shot and it's seen after the shot in frame 319. The passenger, Roy Kellerman reaches way to his left and retreives the gun after jfk is assassinated. He apparently braced his left arm on the seat and grabbed the gun with his right hand. The arrows indicate his head and upper right arm. The only time in recorded history where a hair reflection fell off a head is in Zapruder frame 318.

You can see his head go right down to the driver's side floor. Note the white seen in frame 320, confirming that it was not an artifact or shadow, but something very real that could not be removed, apparently.






dont forget to explain to doggy bag that the alleged silver glow they like to CLAIM is Kellermans head,is STILL there when Kellerman ducks down to reciever the gun from Greer he slid to him.:D:D one of their enormous fuckups because the silver glare should NOT still be there and should have disapeared if it was the glare of kellermans head.:D
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The right rear is missing. Everyone I've shown that pic admits that right off the bat.:eusa_whistle: That's the point, you dim witted donkey. There are irrevocable inconsistencies in the official myth that were always palpable. The area over the right eye was the point of entry and the right rear was the exit.

dawgshit can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is that the shot came from the back since as he well knows,kennedys entire face should be missing if it came from the back.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo: not intact like it is.:D
His left hand is supposed to be coming off the wheel at frame 304, you beyond stupid mental midget. You don't know what you're talking about.:eusa_clap:

You can lie all you wish. But you can't alter the photographic proof, you dishonest, deluded, deranged and utterly pathetic twat.

Both hands ON the wheel. It isn't even open to question or doubt. You ARE dishonest and a blind stupid troll motherfucker, too.


Dude I hate to break your heart but this isnt your thread its MY thread.:D But I do share your sentiments about agent troll Liar ability,he needs to get out of my thread and stop spinning his lies that oswald was the lone assassin. what a fucking hypocrite he is.HE is the one that can lie all he wishes but HE cant get around FACTS of what all the dallas doctors said and what witnesses saw and the photographic evidence that there were multiple shooters that day:D HE such a fucking hypocrite troll because HE is the dishonest ,blind stupid troll ignoring all those facts and refusing to watch my videos that prove it.:D

him,rat in the ass,dawgshit and freewill should do humaity a favor and put a gun to their heads.
the plot thins....


It's like the rancid movie, "JFK." It started off laughably and ended up even worse.

The plot sickens.

This just in:

President Kennedy was murdered by a lone assassin.

You have no proof Oswald fired any shots, let alone the fatal one. Show us your fantasy evidence. The exit wound was on the right rear, as recorded by the autopsy report itself.:eusa_boohoo:

thats why he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D his lone assassin that murdered JFK that he keeps referring to,was Bill Greer.:D

dawgshit ignores FACTS that while desperately trying to berate the movie JFK,he fails miserably like the sad child he is refuing to acknowledge FACTS that while the jury did not see any evidence that clay shaw was involved in the JFK murder,they WERE convinced by the zapruder film that there was a conspiracy and ignores that former CIA deputy director Richard Helms admittted in 1977 in the HSCA investigation,Shaw did indeed work for the CIA .:cuckoo::D:D

miserable fail as always from dawgshit.
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I agree, I think the movement of his head suggests it wasn't from behind, so I do think JFK was a conspiracy, but 9/11.......that's getting kooky.
I agree, I think the movement of his head suggests it wasn't from behind, so I do think JFK was a conspiracy, but 9/11.......that's getting kooky.

whats kooky is to ignore the facts that two of the main doctors in dallas who had time to look at the head wound,determined that the head shot was caused from a HANDGUN fired from CLOSE RANGE in the car.thats just asinine to ignore what two of the main dallas doctors said that examined him.:D:D

btw,you do know that the establishment is worried all this truth is being told so they send out paid shills dawgshit,freewill,rat in the ass and liar ability in desperate hopes to try and derail this thread dont you?
It was written about 40 years ago. Murder from Within, Lyndon Johnson's Plot Against President Kennedy

Amazon.com: murder from within: Books

Murder from Within Foreword by Tyler Newcomb

“That which is most simple and obvious is the hardest to fathom” E.A.

How It All Began

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was early summer in 1966 and I was
sitting at the breakfast table with my father, Fred T. Newcomb while he was
reading a front page article in the L.A. Times written by Robert J. Donovan.
It was a review of a new book written by Edward J. Epstein entitled Inquest.
Suddenly, Dad got up and started pacing the kitchen floor. “My God,
someone else may have shot Kennedy” were his words. That was how it all

For the next 8 years nearly all of his spare time and money was devoted to
the subject. With the partnership of Perry Adams it eventually culminated in
the writing of Murder From Within in 1974

Dad and Perry wrote Murder From Within after years of hard work and
thousands of dollars in personal expense. I witnessed this first hand while I
was in college at ASU in Tempe AZ and helped out when I could (for
example buying them the Warren Commissions 26 Volumes and Exhibits
for their use and study and venturing to the National Archives in
Washington DC for documents and to Bill Greer's home in nearby Maryland
(the driver of the Limo that day) to try to interview him in 1973
. During this time Dad and his two associates Gil Toff and Roy Dennis telephonically interviewed nearly 50 witnesses comprising 30 hours of tape. Many of these interviews became the basis for the book. One cannot listen to some of the Dallas Police officers interviewed (who smelled “gunpowder right there in the street” and heard shots “right next to me”) and not come away convinced there really was gunfire from within the motorcade. One cannot listen to 2 police officers stationed at Parkland Hospital who were standing next to the Limo and who each saw a bullet hole in the windshield and not become convinced of evidence tampering by the Secret Service.

When the book was just about completed they printed up @ 100 copies at a personal cost of far more than $1000 (in the 1970's an enormous expense for their modest incomes and lifestyles). Not For Sale was explicitly stamped at the beginning. All copies were mailed to prominent Senators, Congressmen, FBI Agents and other law enforcement personnel for the express purpose of seriously reopening the case. Perhaps the 1976 House Select Committee on Assassinations came to be in some small measure from someone there reading Murder From Within? He and Perry were asked to testify.

I often wondered about that and also wondered what motivated my Dad to
do what he did by not trying to market and sell this incredible story. It didn't
make sense to me at the time. I am more pragmatic than my father.
Eventually I realized Dad was not motivated by greed. He was an Idealist on
a mission. After all is said and done (what with all the critics of the critics
complaining about the "money making motivation" for their books) that is to
be admired.

During this time I was in a traveling Rock Show Band The Gringos and
nearly every town we played in I would do a JFK Assassination slide show
and film and audio tape show. A primitive Powerpoint presentation so to
speak in 32 different States at all the Night Clubs we played
. I would guess
hundreds of people over the years saw this or heard about this "theory" and
believe it. Nearly Every time I ask them to take their eyes off Kennedy and
watch the Driver while projecting the Zapruder Film (we had a bootleg copy
from Jim Garrison 7 years before Geraldo showed it on TV) a gasp and
groan comes out "Oh My God...he did it"
. The "optical illusion" on the film
of the Driver turning, aiming, firing and turning back to drive at the moment
Kennedy's head explodes is mind shattering. What are the odds such a thing
could actually happen at that exact instant on the most important amateur
film ever made? The "gun" however upon close frame inspection appears to
be part of Roy Kellerman's hair. But is it? (Fig. Forward -1)

No one can prove it either way because the film was in possession of the
Secret Service and if Dad’s theory is correct they were busy altering the film
itself creating a new original obliterating their complicity in the killing.
For the better part of forty years all of us have been scouring the landscape
for a gunman other than Oswald. We've looked in trees and bushes the sewer
system the Dal-Tex building the overpass everywhere except the most
obvious place, the car itself, which conveniently and by design became both
a portable crime scene and the "get away" car.

All along it was right there in front of us. Our eyes can't believe it. "That's
preposterous" is the first reaction. But it's really the only theory that answers
the oft asked question why did Jackie frantically try to get out of the car?
Was she going for help or trying to retrieve a part of Kennedy's skull? No.
The first law in times of danger is self-preservation. As Lenny Bruce so
inelegantly put it..."She was hauling ass to save ass".

Over the years the 100 + copies of the book became an underground cult
and "must have" in the JFK Assassination Research and Collector
community. Copies of it were cheaply Xeroxed in Canada and illegally sold
from there for $30
. These copies made the rounds between researchers and collectors alike.

For years and years I have been asked by scores of people if they could
purchase a copy of the manuscript Murder From Within. I've always politely
declined and told them I only have my one personal signed copy # 95 but
that perhaps someday it will be released and published. That someday has
finally arrived. It is the fondest wish of myself, my sister Valerie and Bonnie
Adams (Perry's widow) to have it legally and professionally printed and
published while Dad is still alive (although ailing). What did Dad say when
we told him about this from his convalescent bed? He smiled and said
simply "get 'er dun".

If you are reading this for first time and all you know about it is "the Driver
did it" theory be prepared to find a lot more to it than just that. Read this
knowing it was written years and years before anyone else had pointed a
finger at the Secret Service and Lyndon Johnson
. This theory out of all of
them is the only one that can truly hold together as far as answering the 3
major questions: Why did it happen (motive), Who was responsible and
most important How was it covered up and a scapegoat framed.

Who could have done such a thing and gotten away with The Crime of the
Century? The "simplest explanation is the best" or "Occam's Razor" which is
an old Lawyers Maxim and certainly applies in this case
. Only a small,
brutal and fiendishly clever group led by the only person driven to benefit
from the murder directly could have accomplished such a dastardly deed
. All of this is certainly not without precedence in history. Going all the way back to Caesar and several Roman emperors (who were done in by their inner circle and by their own praetorian guards) and on up to Napoleon (arsenic poisoning?) Huey Long, Benigno Aquino (army airport security), Anwar Sadat and recently Indhira Ghandi.

Once the power of the Presidency was obtained Lyndon Johnson could and
did control the flow and manipulation of the evidence and also had the
umbrella of cover that if it were exposed it could quite literally collapse the
entire US Government
. If exposed as an illegitimate President guilty of a
murder conspiracy the country very well could have descended into a new
civil war. Most people who "knew" kept quiet knowing full well that this is
truly "national security" and must never be exposed lest the entire country fall into complete uncontrollable civil unrest. Did Jackie tell Bobby what she thought? That the car stopped during the shooting? That there was a large exit wound in the back of his head and an ear shattering sound in her left ear combined with awful smell of gunpowder? Did they decide to go along with the official story and wait until 1968 to win back the Presidency and expose it then? We all know what happened to Bobby, don't we?

those paid trolls here wont talk about this post or take a look at it,so I hope YOU will.
=9/11 inside job;8731876]
Still, after all these years they are waiting for volunteers.

Try to distance yourself for just a moment and objectively look at the Zapuder film. At the moment of impact which way is the blood splatter? It is obvious back to front. There is no way, in my opinion, that a shot from the front could produce that effect. As for how his head moves, I think it is perfectly consistent with a shot from the rear. Little hole in, big hole out momentum pushes his head back or just nerve reaction to the shot. But there is really no way of knowing just from the mov[QUOTEement of the head. That is what Stone did he fed you a lie based on what everyone believes is logical and it isn't. I once shot a deer with a shot gun. Which is .50 caliber at approximately 50 feet. Shot pretty much through the heart and or lungs. One would think that getting hit with a 50 cal large slug would knock down the victim. But it doesn't. The deer kinda jumped up a little walked about 20 feet and was dead, hardly any blood.

Here is testimony about the head shot:

What follows are those portions of the medical reports which deal with this question.

1. Dr. Fred Hodges, Professor of Radiology (Neuroradiology), The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine: "7) The motion of the President's head as shown in the Zapruder film does not indicate the direction of the shot in my opinion, but the visible blow-out of tissue and bony fragments in frame 313 and subsequent frames do conclusively indicate the bullet came from behind. The head motion subsequently is interpreted as due to involuntary muscle extension and not due to the direction of the injury."

2. Alfred G. Oliver, DVM, Chief, Biophysics Division, Edgewood Arsenal: "7. The movement of the President's body would bear no relationship to the direction of the shot. As for the motion of the President's head, I would have to see precise measurements taken from the motion picture film, to make a final judgment here."

3. Robert R. McMeekin, MD, forensic pathologist, Chief, Division of Aerospace Pathology, AFIP: "7. The motion of the President's head is inconsistent with the shot striking him from any direction other than the rear."

4. Werner U. Spitz, M.D., forensic pathologist, Chief Medical Examiner, Wayne County, Michigan: "7. It is impossible to conclude from the motion of the President's head and body following the head shot, from which direction the shots came. There is no doubt that as soon as the President was struck in the head, death occurred. The President's body was thus limp, devoid of control and stability normally exerted by the cerebral centers. Nothing would keep the body up at this stage and a forward drop is likely to occur. The subsequent backward movement of the President's head can be explained by sudden decerebration. This position is well known as "decerebrate posture" and is characterized by opisthotonos, a tetanic spasm -- or seizure-like condition."

5. Richard Lindenberg, M.D., Director of Neuropathology and Legal Medicine, State of Maryland: "Immediately after the shot through the head the President took rather abruptly an almost erect position before slumping over to the left. This straightening is to be considered a sudden opisthotonic reflex movement due to decerebration."

Here is an article on Wecht's claim of two shooters. Remember he also states there is no evidence of a shot from the front or side.

Did the Rockefeller Commission Misrepresent the JFK Assassination Views of Cyril Wecht?

the newest disinformation agent troll fails miserably in his lies as always.he blatantly ignores the FACTS that all the dallas doctors said the head wound to back of the head was an EXIT wound as well as ignoring witnesses saw a gunman with a rfile behind the picket fence-a diversion to get everyones attention away from greer, as well as refusing to look at these two videos that prove there were multiple shooters as well as ignoring the laws of physics .pathetic.:D

posting a video that doesnt even address ANY of the facts in these two videos that prove there were multiple shooters.comedy gold.:D this troll expects people to watch HIS video but he wont look at the videos that OTHERS like myself post,what a fucking hypocrite.:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j35UxRKDW-s]The Day The Dream Died JFK Conspiracy Documentary - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGBsDoaWO8o]Roger D Craig John F Kennedy 2 Men In Dallas. 1 of 5 - YouTube[/ame]

this paid troll freewill is a complete idiot in the fact he lied saying Cyril wecht who is the worlds best autopsy expert and has done over a thousand autopsys,lying about him saying he doesnt say the shot came from the front.he uses an INTERNET link to post his lies.

I am showing proof right here that this freewill is a fucking lying paid troll in the fact you get to hear it from wechts OWN MOUTH ,that the warren commisions expalnation is is b.s.

this guy is so muich a troll cause any serious researcher KNOWS wecht has said HUNDERDS of times over the years it was a shot from the FRONT.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXxZjoXf6eU]Warren Commission's Own Tests Prove CE 399 Didn't Hit Any Bone - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jluwvjm-COQ]Dr. Cyril Wecht at Waynesburg University part 2 - John F. Kennedy Assassination - YouTube[/ame]

agents rat in the ass,liar abilty,dawgshit and freewills handlers are obviously worried all this truth is being posted in the fact they have sent them here to post outright blantant lies like the latest and pathetic one of freewill trolls saying wecht endorces the warren commission as I just proved is complete bullshit as seen in the last two videos i posted.

freewill has been exposed for the lying fucking pathetic agent troll he is just like dawgshit,liar ability and rat in the ass.

which is no surprise since he has proven he is a fucking hypocrite posting videos expecting people to watch his yet the troll wont watch videos "I" post never talking about the facts in them.

Hey seven,you proved what a lying troll dawgshit is,but you did not comment on this post here of mine.dont you love it how freewill exposed how he is the newest lying disinformation agent troll saying that Cyril wecht who has done over 10,000 autopsys in his career as a pathologist,he lies here in this post saying wecht has never said the shot came from the front?:D as I showed in the video,and as any serious researcher knows,wecht has said for DECADES way back since 1967,that the shot came from the FRONT.

these lying agent trolls are getting desperate arent they?:D:D
=9/11 inside job;8731876]
Still, after all these years they are waiting for volunteers.

Try to distance yourself for just a moment and objectively look at the Zapuder film. At the moment of impact which way is the blood splatter? It is obvious back to front. There is no way, in my opinion, that a shot from the front could produce that effect. As for how his head moves, I think it is perfectly consistent with a shot from the rear. Little hole in, big hole out momentum pushes his head back or just nerve reaction to the shot. But there is really no way of knowing just from the mov[QUOTEement of the head. That is what Stone did he fed you a lie based on what everyone believes is logical and it isn't. I once shot a deer with a shot gun. Which is .50 caliber at approximately 50 feet. Shot pretty much through the heart and or lungs. One would think that getting hit with a 50 cal large slug would knock down the victim. But it doesn't. The deer kinda jumped up a little walked about 20 feet and was dead, hardly any blood.

Here is testimony about the head shot:

What follows are those portions of the medical reports which deal with this question.

1. Dr. Fred Hodges, Professor of Radiology (Neuroradiology), The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine: "7) The motion of the President's head as shown in the Zapruder film does not indicate the direction of the shot in my opinion, but the visible blow-out of tissue and bony fragments in frame 313 and subsequent frames do conclusively indicate the bullet came from behind. The head motion subsequently is interpreted as due to involuntary muscle extension and not due to the direction of the injury."

2. Alfred G. Oliver, DVM, Chief, Biophysics Division, Edgewood Arsenal: "7. The movement of the President's body would bear no relationship to the direction of the shot. As for the motion of the President's head, I would have to see precise measurements taken from the motion picture film, to make a final judgment here."

3. Robert R. McMeekin, MD, forensic pathologist, Chief, Division of Aerospace Pathology, AFIP: "7. The motion of the President's head is inconsistent with the shot striking him from any direction other than the rear."

4. Werner U. Spitz, M.D., forensic pathologist, Chief Medical Examiner, Wayne County, Michigan: "7. It is impossible to conclude from the motion of the President's head and body following the head shot, from which direction the shots came. There is no doubt that as soon as the President was struck in the head, death occurred. The President's body was thus limp, devoid of control and stability normally exerted by the cerebral centers. Nothing would keep the body up at this stage and a forward drop is likely to occur. The subsequent backward movement of the President's head can be explained by sudden decerebration. This position is well known as "decerebrate posture" and is characterized by opisthotonos, a tetanic spasm -- or seizure-like condition."

5. Richard Lindenberg, M.D., Director of Neuropathology and Legal Medicine, State of Maryland: "Immediately after the shot through the head the President took rather abruptly an almost erect position before slumping over to the left. This straightening is to be considered a sudden opisthotonic reflex movement due to decerebration."

Here is an article on Wecht's claim of two shooters. Remember he also states there is no evidence of a shot from the front or side.

Did the Rockefeller Commission Misrepresent the JFK Assassination Views of Cyril Wecht?

the newest disinformation agent troll fails miserably in his lies as always.he blatantly ignores the FACTS that all the dallas doctors said the head wound to back of the head was an EXIT wound as well as ignoring witnesses saw a gunman with a rfile behind the picket fence-a diversion to get everyones attention away from greer, as well as refusing to look at these two videos that prove there were multiple shooters as well as ignoring the laws of physics .pathetic.:D

posting a video that doesnt even address ANY of the facts in these two videos that prove there were multiple shooters.comedy gold.:D this troll expects people to watch HIS video but he wont look at the videos that OTHERS like myself post,what a fucking hypocrite.:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j35UxRKDW-s]The Day The Dream Died JFK Conspiracy Documentary - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGBsDoaWO8o]Roger D Craig John F Kennedy 2 Men In Dallas. 1 of 5 - YouTube[/ame]

this paid troll freewill is a complete idiot in the fact he lied saying Cyril wecht who is the worlds best autopsy expert and has done over a thousand autopsys,lying about him saying he doesnt say the shot came from the front.he uses an INTERNET link to post his lies.

I am showing proof right here that this freewill is a fucking lying paid troll in the fact you get to hear it from wechts OWN MOUTH ,that the warren commisions expalnation is is b.s.

this guy is so muich a troll cause any serious researcher KNOWS wecht has said HUNDERDS of times over the years it was a shot from the FRONT.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXxZjoXf6eU]Warren Commission's Own Tests Prove CE 399 Didn't Hit Any Bone - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jluwvjm-COQ]Dr. Cyril Wecht at Waynesburg University part 2 - John F. Kennedy Assassination - YouTube[/ame]

agents rat in the ass,liar abilty,dawgshit and freewills handlers are obviously worried all this truth is being posted in the fact they have sent them here to post outright blantant lies like the latest and pathetic one of freewill trolls saying wecht endorces the warren commission as I just proved is complete bullshit as seen in the last two videos i posted.

freewill has been exposed for the lying fucking pathetic agent troll he is just like dawgshit,liar ability and rat in the ass.

which is no surprise since he has proven he is a fucking hypocrite posting videos expecting people to watch his yet the troll wont watch videos "I" post never talking about the facts in them.

Hey seven,you proved what a lying troll dawgshit is,but you did not comment on this post here of mine.dont you love it how freewill exposed how he is the newest lying disinformation agent troll saying that Cyril wecht who has done over 10,000 autopsys in his career as a pathologist,he lies here in this post saying wecht has never said the shot came from the front?:D as I showed in the video,and as any serious researcher knows,wecht has said for DECADES way back since 1967,that the shot came from the FRONT.

these lying agent trolls are getting desperate arent they?:D:D

I think a lot of these guys have said different things over the years. That would be the norm.

I still wonder how the driver could hit the right side of JFK's head when he was sitting on Kennedy's left side??

He fired over his right shoulder.:eusa_whistle:
the video does not show that did he stop time to make the shot?

Before killer Bill Greer shot jfk, he braked the limo to an almost complete stop. Notice the motorcycles and follow-up car suddenly stop.


1) Houston Chronicle Reporter Bo Byers (rode in White House Press Bus)---twice stated that the Presidential Limousine "almost came to a stop, a dead stop"; in fact, he has had nightmares about this. [C-SPAN, 11/20/93, "Journalists Remember The Kennedy Assassination"; see also the 1/94 "Fourth Decade": article by Sheldon Inkol];

2) ABC Reporter Bob Clark (rode in the National Press Pool Car)---Reported on the air that the limousine stopped on Elm Street during the shooting [WFAA/ ABC, 11/22/63];

3) UPI White House Reporter Merriman Smith (rode in the same car as Clark, above)---"The President's car, possibly as much as 150 or 200 yards ahead, seemed to falter briefly" [UPI story, 11/23/63, as reported in "Four Days", UPI, p. 32];

4) DPD motorcycle officer James W. Courson (one of two mid-motorcade motorcycles)--"The limousine came to a stop and Mrs. Kennedy was on the back. I noticed that as I came around the corner at Elm. Then the Secret Service agent [Clint Hill] helped push her back into the car, and the motorcade took off at a high rate of speed." ["No More Silence" by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 129];

5) DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Joe Dale (one of two rear mid-motorcade motorcycles)---"After the shots were fired, the whole motorcade came to a stop. I stood and looked through the plaza, noticed there was commotion, and saw people running around his [JFK's] car. It started to move, then it slowed again; that's when I saw Mrs. Kennedy coming back on the trunk and another guy [Clint Hill] pushing her back into the car." ["No More Silence" by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 134];

6) Clemon Earl Johnson---"You could see it [the limo] speed up and then stop, then speed up, and you could see it stop while they [sic; Clint Hill] threw Mrs. Kennedy back up in the car. Then they just left out of there like a bat of the eye and were just gone." ["No More Silence" by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 80];

10) DPD Earle Brown---" The first I noticed the [JFK's] car was when it stopped..after it made the turn and when the shots were fired, it stopped." [6 H 233];

Greer pressed on the brakes in the Muchmore film. The brake light illuminates. 59 EYEWITNESSES ARE CONFIRMED BY 2 VIDEOS showing Greer brake during his second turn to shoot the already wounded President.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrX8lsb2WTk]The Muchmore film suggests frames were removed from the Zapruder film - YouTube[/ame]

It took almost 47 years to prove Greer was jfk's real assassin. We now know the only one important thing Greer kept secret.

V. Palamara: Notes on Bill Greer

Greer retired in July 1966 after having undergone a stomach operation and Jackie Kennedy sent him a letter thanking him for being with the President until the end.
He said he "saw blood on Connally's shirt" and looked back only "one time", in direct contrast to the Zapruder film. He went on to say that he "didn't really see the President at all".
Said the Zapruder film "was proven legitimate".
Claimed to have not seen anyone on the triple overpass.
Regarding the assassination itself, Greer claimed that "we never stopped...there was no reason to stop...no need to stop." In regard to the direction of the shots, he said that "everyone was hit from the rear...my back was covered with it [debris from head shot]." When told that Connally has always insisted that he was hit with a different bullet than had hit JFK, Greer said "I feel that way, too. They [the Warren Commission] had lawyers working on it...these lawyers had already made up their mind". Greer also believed that the back wound [which he referred to as being in the "back of the shoulder"] did not go through and that that was also the first thought of the autopsy doctors in attendance.
Greer claimed he was "in the OPERATING ROOM at Parkland" [emphasis added] and stated that JFK's clothing "were in my custody from Parkland to Washington."
Greer denied that there was a hole in the limousine's windshield. He said there was only a "star"; a spidering crack.
Greer did not know why the photographers were out of their usual position in front of and close to JFK's limousine that fateful day in Dallas, but did not seem to regard this as suspicious.
Regarding agent Roy Kellerman, Greer said twice that he was "a very fine gentleman." Regarding President Kennedy, Greer said "He and I were pretty close friends. He treated me just wonderful."
Regarding William Manchester and his book "Death of a President", Greer said harshly "He's garbage...didn't like it at all", further commenting on Manchester's criticism concerning his age and reflexes behind the wheel [Greer thought that his experience was an advantage, coming from "years of experience" , and certainly not a disadvantage]. He went on to say that he thought that Jim Bishop's book ("The Day Kennedy Was Shot") was the best book of all regarding the events of November 22, 1963. (However, keep in mind that his comments were made in 1970)
Greer said, somewhat cryptically, "there's alot of things I know that no one else knows." (!)

Finally, Greer said that the Warren Commission closed up shop too soon and that "there might have been a conspiracy in another part of the country." [!!!]
I agree, I think the movement of his head suggests it wasn't from behind, so I do think JFK was a conspiracy, but 9/11.......that's getting kooky.

If you ever have shot anything you would not think that his movement proves anything. You are talking about what you see in movies. A person shot does not recoil away from the shooting as I have witnessed killing game. Birds do not fly through the air in recoil they drop straight down. Deer don't go flying through the air they just drop down, usually. What you need to look at is the blood splatter as it exits JFKs head. It is going front to back not back to front. There is no way a front shot produces that. Also if the driver shot Kennedy would not the entrance wound be on the left side of Kennedy's head?
I can get paid to post the truth??? Where in the hell do I sign up?????

Any way, addressing the "lie" that I posted about wecht, I was mistaken he DID actually deny a bullet from the front, oh wait that is what I said.

Dr. Wecht testified that the available evidence all points to the President being struck only by two bullets coming from his rear, and that no support can be found for theories which postulate gunmen to the front or right front of the Presidential car.

In a 1974 article written by Dr. Wecht and an associate, an article which was made an exhibit in his testimony, Dr. Wecht stated that “if any other bullet struck the President’s head, whether before, after, or simultaneously with the known shot, there is no evidence for it in the available autopsy materials.” He testified that on the autopsy photographs of the back of the President’s head, there was something above the hair line which he could not identify at all, and he thought it was possible that this was an exit wound. He stated that the other autopsy photographs and the autopsy x-rays provided no support to that possibility, but he thought it was possible that the physicians who performed the autopsy could had have missed finding such a wound.

Dr. Wecht said that there was some question about the backward and leftward movement of the President’s head and upper body after Frame 313, but he also said that a neuromuscular reaction could occur within about one-tenth of a second (Report of the U.S. President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States. 1975. pg 263-4).

and: transcript of his testimony before the Commission (Archives Document Record #180-10107-10237 Agency File #002422).

Mr. Olsen: Now, I’m going to ask you whether you have an opinion, based upon a reasonable medical certainty, as to whether any shots were fired at the President from the front or right front that struck him.

Dr. Wecht: No. With reasonable medical certainty, I could not say that a shot had been fired from the front (79).

. . .

Mr. Olsen: Based upon the same background of your training and experience, and the examination involved, and the materials, do you have an opinion as to whether the shot striking the President from the right front or front can be excluded, to a reasonable medical certainty?

Dr. Wecht: With reasonable medical certainty, based upon evidence that has been made available, I would say that it can be excluded, but not beyond a reasonable doubt (80).

Did the Rockefeller Commission Misrepresent the JFK Assassination Views of Cyril Wecht?
Watching the mental pygmies, 9/11 Rimjob and IQBelow.7Forever, engaging in their endless looping of oft refuted conspiracy bullshit is like watching the two most tragic mentally retarded athletes in the Special Olympics attempting to play chess.

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