Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

The mother of all coverups

Four decades later, the Warren Report is widely regarded as a whitewash, with polls consistently showing that a majority of Americans reject the official version of Kennedy’s death. (The Assassination Archives and Research Center will hold a conference to discuss the latest scholarship on the crime in Dallas and the Warren investigation from Sept. 17-19 in Washington. Information is available on its Web site.

But there is one sanctuary where the Warren Report is still stubbornly upheld and where its manifold critics can expect their own rough treatment: in the towers of the media elite. Fresh from assaulting Oliver Stone, not only for his film but for his very character (a media shark attack in which, I must confess, I too once engaged), the national press rushed to embrace Gerald Posner’s bold 1993 defense of the Warren Report, “Case Closed,” making it a bestseller. (“The most convincing explanation of the assassination,” historian Robert Dallek called it in the Boston Globe.) And the 40th anniversary of JFK’s murder last November sparked a new fusillade of anti-conspiracy sound and fury, with ABC’s Peter Jennings making yet another network news attempt to silence the report’s critics. Most of the press lords and pundits in the 1960s who allowed themselves to be convinced that the Warren Report was the correct version of what happened in Dallas — whether because they genuinely believed it or because they thought it was for the good of the country — are now dead or retired. But after buying the official version for so long, it seems the elite media institutions have too much invested in the Warren Report to change their minds now, even if they’re under new editorial leadership.

One of the great ironies of history is that while the media elite was busily trying to shore up public confidence in the Warren Report, the political elites were privately confiding among themselves that the report was a travesty, a fairy tale for mass consumption. Presidents, White House aides, intelligence officials, senators, congressmen, even foreign leaders — they all muttered darkly among themselves that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy, a plot that a number of them suspected had roots in the U.S. government itself. (In truth, some high media dignitaries have also quietly shared their doubts about the official version. In 1993, CBS anchorman Dan Rather, who did much along with his network to enforce the party line on Dallas, confessed to Robert Tannenbaum, the former deputy chief counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, “We really blew it on the Kennedy assassination.”)

Thanks to tapes of White House conversations that have been released to the public in recent years, we now know that the man who appointed the Warren Commission — President Lyndon Johnson — did not believe its conclusions. On Sept. 18, 1964, the last day the panel met, commission member Sen. Richard Russell phoned Johnson, his old political protégé, to tell him he did not believe the single-bullet theory, the key to the commission’s finding that Oswald acted alone. “I don’t either,” Johnson told him.

Johnson’s theories about what really happened in Dallas shifted over the years. Soon after the assassination, Johnson was led to believe by the CIA that Kennedy might have been the victim of a Soviet conspiracy. Later his suspicions focused on Castro; during his long-running feud with Robert Kennedy, LBJ leaked a story to Washington columnist Drew Pearson suggesting the Kennedy brothers themselves were responsible for JFK’s death by triggering a violent reaction from the Cuban leader with their “goddamned Murder Inc.” plots to kill him.

In 1967, according to a report in the Washington Post, Johnson’s suspicious gaze came to rest on the CIA. The newspaper quoted White House aide Marvin Watson as saying that Johnson was “now convinced” Kennedy was the victim of a plot and “that the CIA had something to do with this plot.” Max Holland, who has just published a study of LBJ’s views on Dallas, “The Kennedy Assassination Tapes,” intriguingly concludes that Johnson remained haunted by the murder throughout his tenure in the White House. “It is virtually an article of faith among historians that the war in Vietnam was the overwhelming reason the president left office in 1969, a worn, bitter, and disillusioned man,” writes Holland. “Yet the assassination-related tapes paint a more nuanced portrait, one in which Johnson’s view of the assassination weighed as heavily on him as did the war.”
Now Salon opinion pieces are being injected really rich.

Any way, here is the HSCA take on the autopsy photos and X-rays that confirm a shot from the rear. Remember the HSCA determined a conspiracy, on false information, so they were not shy about calling out the evidence. Everything else is just what people think they remember of what they saw for moments in a very agitated state. People always scream about using science to determine stuff instead of opinion, such in the global warming debate. But in this case the science of the autopsy is thrown out.

here is the HSCA evaluation of the x-ray evidence that clears up the many various "opinions" of where the head was damaged. It also evaluates if the x-rays were faked.

HSCA Report on photos and x-ray

(162) As mentioned, the committee did, however, subject the
autopsy photographs and X-rays to scientific analysis. These
examinations by the committee's consultants established the
inaccuracy of the Parkland observations.
The experts concluded
that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were authentic and
unaltered, confirming the observations of the autopsy personnel
and providing additional support for the conclusions of the
medical consultants.

(610) To summarize, the skull and torso radiographs taken at
autopsy match the available ante mortem films of the President in
such a wealth of intricate morphological detail that there can be no
reasonable doubt that they are in fact X-rays of John F. Kennedy, and
no other person.
Last edited:
Could he actually see the back of JFK's head? No, he says he couldn't.

ROBERT McCLELLAND, MD In testimony at Parkland taken before Arlan
Specter on 3-21-64, McClelland described the head wound as, "...I
could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right
posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had
been shattered...so that the parietal bone was protruded up through
the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior
half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its
lateral half, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such
a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself
and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue,
posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been
blasted out...." (WC--V6:33) Later he said, "...unfortunately the loss
of blood and the loss of cerebral and cerebellar tissues were so great
that the efforts (to save Kennedy's life) were of no avail."
(Emphasis added throughout) (WC--V6:34) McClelland made clear that he
thought the rear wound in the skull was an exit wound (WC-V6:35,37).
McClelland ascribed the cause of death to, "...massive head injuries
with loss of large amounts of cerebral and cerebellar tissues and
massive blood loss." (WC--V6:34)

McClelland's unwillingness to change his recollection has recently
attracted detractors in the aftermath of Charles Crenshaw's book,
"Conspiracy of Silence". McClelland told Posner, "I saw a piece of
cerebellum fall out on the stretcher." (Posner, G. "CC.", p. 311,
paper). To dismiss McClelland, Posner quotes Malcolm Perry, "I am
astonished that Bob (McClelland) would say that....It shows such poor
judgment, and usually he has such good judgment." (Posner G. "Case
Closed". p. 311, paper.) Perry's own inconsistent and unreliable
memory lessens the merit of his opinions of others, as we will see.

<Quote off>---------------------------------------------

It's interesting that Aguliar used McClelland as a "back of the head
witness in spite of the fact that McClelland *explicitly* said he
could not see the back of the head!

From McClelland's Warren Commission testimony.

<Quote on>-----------------------------------------------

Dr. MCCLELLAND. As I took the position at the head of the table that I
have already described, to help out with the tracheotomy, I was in
such a position that I could very closely examine the head wound, and
I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been
extremely blasted. It had been shattered, apparently, by the force of
the shot so that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp
and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as
well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral
haft, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way
that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see
that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior
cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted
out. There was a large amount of bleeding which was occurring mainly
from the large venous channels in the skull which had been blasted

[Then later]

Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe anything in the nature of a wound on
his body other than that which you have already described for me?
Mr. SPECTER. In what position was President Kennedy maintained
from the time you saw him until the pronouncement of death ?
Dr. McCLELLAND. On his back on the cart.
Mr. SPECTER. On his what?
Dr. McCLELLAND. On his back on the stretcher.
Mr. SPECTER. Was he on the stretcher at all times?
Mr. SPECTER. In the trauma room No. 1 you described, is there any
table onto which he could be placed from the stretcher?
Dr. McCLELLAND. No; generally we do not move patients from the
stretcher until they are ready to go into the operating room and then
they are moved onto the operating table.
Mr. SPECTER. Well, in fact, was he left on the stretcher all
during the course of these procedures until he was pronounced dead?
Dr. McCLELLAND. That's right.
Mr. SPECTER. Then, at any time was he positioned in a way where
you could have seen the back of his body?
Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe any gunshot wound on his back?

[Then later]

Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe the condition of the back of the
President's head ?
Dr. McCLELLAND. Well, partially; not, of course, as I say, we did

not lift his head up since it was so greatly damaged. We attempted to
avoid moving him any more than it was absolutely necessary, but I
could see, of course, all the extent of the wound.
Mr. SPECTER. You saw a large opening which you have already
Dr. McCLELLAND. I saw the large opening which I have described.

<Quote off>----------------------------------------------------

So McClelland saw "all the extent of the wound" from his place at the
head of the table, looking down into the skull, while Kennedy's head
was flat against the pad on the gurney.

People often cite as evidence that McClelland was a "back of the head"
witness a drawing that appeared in Josiah Thompson's book "Six Seconds
in Dallas," that shows the back of the head (mostly occipital bone)
blown out.

But Thompson has made it clear, in a variety of contexts, that the
drawing was neither drawn by McClelland, nor approved by the doctor.

Rather, it was done by a medical illustrator based on McClelland's
*verbal* description.

Interestingly, the drawing showed *no* damage to the top of
the head. This should be an embarrassment to people like Aguilar, who
believe there most certainly *was* damage to the top of the head.

But McClelland has not been consistent in his drawings. In THE MEN
WHO KILLED KENNEDY he drew the head wound as a deep furrow from the
back of Kennedy's head to the front, on the right hand side.

In fact, McClelland has hardly been the model of consistency that
Aguilar claims.

In 1988, under the auspices of NOVA, he and three other doctors from
Parkland went to the National Archives to look at the original autopsy
photos and x-rays. Check out this URL:

Parkland Doctors Confront Autopsy Materials

Then there is the following account of his 1992 testimony, as posted
here by Joe Durnavich:

>Tracy Riddle posted the following a while back, taken from a conference
>hosted by Livingstone. McCelland's statement that he stood above the
>wound looking down into it doesn't reconcile with his claim of seeing the
>wound in back of the head. Given McCelland's statement below, how could
>he see into a wound in back of the head such that he could see a large
>cavity that extended "down into the head" with one third of the brain
>blasted out?

>--- Begin Quote -----------

>Dallas Medical Conference: Researcher H.E. Livingstone gathered together
>in the Grand Ballroom of the Stouffer Hotel in Dallas - for the first
>time - several members of the Parkland and Bethesda teams for a
>discussion, 4/6/1991. It was filmed for a future documentary. Those who
>attended included: James Jenkins, Phillip Williams, Floyd Riebe, Paul
>O'Connor, Aubrey Rike, Robert McClelland, and Audrey Bell.


>McClelland made it clear that about one third of the brain had been
>blasted out. "That there was not only a horrible gaping wound but that
>it was a cavity that extended down into the head. And as I stood there
>holding the retractor, I was looking down into it all the time. I was no
>more than eighteen inches away from the wound all the time, standing
>just above it, which was ten to fifteen minutes at least...And during
>that time I had a strong impression that a portion of what appeared to
>be the cerebellum fell backward through the wound onto the scalp and
>hair that was hanging back from the head...The way the wound was
>described by Mr. Jenkins squares very well with what I saw. I think that
>the reason my wound [in his drawing made years before] seems lower was
>because" of the hair hanging down over part of it. "I could not tell
>what percentage of the scalp was missing or still present over the
>wound. At the National Archives [for Nova] it was my assumption - and it
>was just an assumption - that there was enough of the flap left to pull
>up over the back portion of the wound and to hide the back portion and
>the front portion of the wound, not because it was covering the front
>portion of the wound, but simply from the camera angle it didn't permit
>that portion of the wound to be seen." The witnesses remembered a
>"graying" area on the right side of the skull above the ear.

So it seems he is backing away from the original drawing, and
reasonably so.

Then there is the fact that, speaking before a Rotary Club in 2013, he
said "He was in terrible shape; the right side of his brain had
been blown out." Not back. Side.


In sum, McClelland has been about as inconsistent as other doctors
that Aguilar believes are now lying about what they saw. Does that
make him a liar? No, just a normal witness.

Which is why witness testimony is not a reliable means of resolving
medical issues like this

Testimony found here: Testimony Of Dr. Robert Nelson Mcclelland

Now if you do need more, and you apparently do, here is the HSCA evalutation of the x-ray evidence that clears up the many various "opinions" of where the head was damaged. It also evaluates if the xrays were faked.


(610) To summarize, the skull and torso radiographs taken at
autopsy match the available ante mortem films of the President in
such a wealth of intricate morphological detail that there can be no
reasonable doubt that they are in fact X-rays of John F. Kennedy, and
no other person.

The back of the head was blown off, as frame 313 clearly shows. The eyewitnesses are not alone. They are corroborated by the autopsy report, at least one autopsy photo and frame 313.


Now Salon opinion pieces are being injected really rich.

Any way, here is the HSCA take on the autopsy photos and X-rays that confirm a shot from the rear. Remember the HSCA determined a conspiracy, on false information, so they were not shy about calling out the evidence. Everything else is just what people think they remember of what they saw for moments in a very agitated state. People always scream about using science to determine stuff instead of opinion, such in the global warming debate. But in this case the science of the autopsy is thrown out.

here is the HSCA evaluation of the x-ray evidence that clears up the many various "opinions" of where the head was damaged. It also evaluates if the x-rays were faked.

HSCA Report on photos and x-ray

(162) As mentioned, the committee did, however, subject the
autopsy photographs and X-rays to scientific analysis. These
examinations by the committee's consultants established the
inaccuracy of the Parkland observations.
The experts concluded
that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were authentic
unaltered, confirming the observations of the autopsy personnel
and providing additional support for the conclusions of the
medical consultants.

The x-rays are fake unless his face was removed. Was jfk's face blown off? Doesn't look like it to me or anyone else. His right rear skull is completely removed in this autopsy photo.

The hole was an exit wound and you are debunked.

The autopsy report proves a shot from the front as does all the other evidence.

His head was lifted up to demonstrate the gaping rear exit wound caused by Greer's close range shot. The doctors destroy your denial.:eusa_hand: They couldn't see much until someone picked up his head.:badgrin:

12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]: V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---" he had a large head wound-that was the first thing I noticed." Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate on any details.;

b) other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,
69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) "High Treason", pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 ("The Boston Globe",6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---"The copy of the autopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it was not accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a "definite conflict" and "that's not the way I remember it."**; "Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side the whole back-side was gone..it was a big gaping wound."; **"The tape and summary of Dulaney is in the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwYj9gQoaug&feature=fvw]Now Go Get Your Shine Box - YouTube[/ame]
love the good fellas parody!
The back of the head was blown off, as frame 313 clearly shows.

None of your crap-oid frames or gifs ever "clearly show" anything. It's one of your trademarks. The doe snot you post is always as blurry as your grip on reality.
Ok let's explain it better. First of all everyone who testified to the fact states that the president was never turned over.

The hole was an exit wound and you are debunked.

The autopsy report proves a shot from the front as does all the other evidence.

His head was lifted up to demonstrate the gaping rear exit wound caused by Greer's close range shot. The doctors destroy your denial.:eusa_hand: They couldn't see much until someone picked up his head.:badgrin:

12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]: V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---" he had a large head wound-that was the first thing I noticed." Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate on any details.;

b) other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,
69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) "High Treason", pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 ("The Boston Globe",6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---"The copy of the autopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it was not accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a "definite conflict" and "that's not the way I remember it."**; "Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side the whole back-side was gone..it was a big gaping wound."; **"The tape and summary of Dulaney is in the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";

the paid trolls are getting desperate that all this truth is getting out you just posted with their latest trolling posts.

as always,they could care less what the dallas doctors saw or what witnesses saw or how the warren commission committed treason altering witness testimonys.:cuckoo:

now matter how often they get debunked,they keep coming back for their ass beatings they deny they get,nobody would keep coming back for ass beatings like they get here everyday for free,paid shills do though.
Last edited:
It shows a wound with nothing clear.

One of many facts, you cannot explain the blood splatter shown clearly in Zapruder and x-rays YOU won't provide? His face was clear, as according to the autopsy report/photos, and eyewitnesses.

Jfk's face was clear in reality. But, the x-rays and front of frame 313 and 327 show it removed. This cannot be reconciled without copping to film and x-ray alteration.




the paid trolls here cant get around facts that exit wounds are much bigger than entrance wounds and JFKS face SHOULD be completely gone and not intact like it is.they are clearly clueless im how firearms work.:D

looks very much intact for a back of head that was blown away...

It can't be intact because the autopsy report had the occipital region as part of the exit wound. Your autopsy photo was faked.:cuckoo:

Missile Wounds

1. There is a large irregular defect of the scalp and skull on the right
involving chiefly the parietal bone but extending somewhat into the
temporal and occipital regions. In this region there is an actual
absence of scalp and bone
producing a defect which measures
approximately 13 cm. in greatest diameter.

matter of fact even the lamestream media came out and actually admitted that Ford moved the wounds up to match Humes drawing,they of course will say the media never said that.:cuckoo: that was fords reward for his coverup, potus,and arlen spector future senator.
Now Salon opinion pieces are being injected really rich.

Any way, here is the HSCA take on the autopsy photos and X-rays that confirm a shot from the rear. Remember the HSCA determined a conspiracy, on false information, so they were not shy about calling out the evidence. Everything else is just what people think they remember of what they saw for moments in a very agitated state. People always scream about using science to determine stuff instead of opinion, such in the global warming debate. But in this case the science of the autopsy is thrown out.

here is the HSCA evaluation of the x-ray evidence that clears up the many various "opinions" of where the head was damaged. It also evaluates if the x-rays were faked.

HSCA Report on photos and x-ray

(162) As mentioned, the committee did, however, subject the
autopsy photographs and X-rays to scientific analysis. These
examinations by the committee's consultants established the
inaccuracy of the Parkland observations.
The experts concluded
that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were authentic and
unaltered, confirming the observations of the autopsy personnel
and providing additional support for the conclusions of the
medical consultants.

(610) To summarize, the skull and torso radiographs taken at
autopsy match the available ante mortem films of the President in
such a wealth of intricate morphological detail that there can be no
reasonable doubt that they are in fact X-rays of John F. Kennedy, and
no other person.

Questioning David Talbot, the founder of Salon is 'rich' especially someone who takes John Adams as a reasonable person.

The Warren Commission was not and investigation, it was a purely political parade for J Edgar Hoover's story for public consumption. It was strictly for show, and to keep Congress off the trail. If Congress had run full blown investigations into the assassination, government would have ground to a halt. None of the Great Society would have gotten off the ground and what the FBI and the CIA knew about Mexico City would have blown the lid off any sole assassin theory. The Warren Commission depended solely on the FBI and Hoover for evidence. Hoover and LBJ already decided that the American people and the world MUST be convinced that Oswald was the lone assassin and there were no killers still at large. If you spend some time listening to LBJ and Hoover phone conversations and reading Hoover's memos the verdict was CLEAR. LBJ knew about the Mexico City incident where Oswald and a person impersonating Oswald visited the Russian Embassy a month before the assassination and tried to contact a Russian assassin. Johnson had to convince the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to serve on the panel. LBJ had Earl Warren in tears when he painted a picture of a nuclear holocaust if any of the Mexico City details became public.

Have you ever thought about the FACT that there was ZERO chance the US government would present any other story than Oswald was the lone assassin, he was deceased and there were no murderers still at large?

J. Edgar Hoover memorandum to Lyndon B. Johnson seven days after Kennedy had been assassinated
Now Salon opinion pieces are being injected really rich.

Any way, here is the HSCA take on the autopsy photos and X-rays that confirm a shot from the rear. Remember the HSCA determined a conspiracy, on false information, so they were not shy about calling out the evidence. Everything else is just what people think they remember of what they saw for moments in a very agitated state. People always scream about using science to determine stuff instead of opinion, such in the global warming debate. But in this case the science of the autopsy is thrown out.

here is the HSCA evaluation of the x-ray evidence that clears up the many various "opinions" of where the head was damaged. It also evaluates if the x-rays were faked.

HSCA Report on photos and x-ray

(162) As mentioned, the committee did, however, subject the
autopsy photographs and X-rays to scientific analysis. These
examinations by the committee's consultants established the
inaccuracy of the Parkland observations.
The experts concluded
that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were authentic and
unaltered, confirming the observations of the autopsy personnel
and providing additional support for the conclusions of the
medical consultants.

(610) To summarize, the skull and torso radiographs taken at
autopsy match the available ante mortem films of the President in
such a wealth of intricate morphological detail that there can be no
reasonable doubt that they are in fact X-rays of John F. Kennedy, and
no other person.

Questioning David Talbot, the founder of Salon is 'rich' especially someone who takes John Adams as a reasonable person.

The Warren Commission was not and investigation, it was a purely political parade for J Edgar Hoover's story for public consumption. It was strictly for show, and to keep Congress off the trail. If Congress had run full blown investigations into the assassination, government would have ground to a halt. None of the Great Society would have gotten off the ground and what the FBI and the CIA knew about Mexico City would have blown the lid off any sole assassin theory. The Warren Commission depended solely on the FBI and Hoover for evidence. Hoover and LBJ already decided that the American people and the world MUST be convinced that Oswald was the lone assassin and there were no killers still at large. If you spend some time listening to LBJ and Hoover phone conversations and reading Hoover's memos the verdict was CLEAR. LBJ knew about the Mexico City incident where Oswald and a person impersonating Oswald visited the Russian Embassy a month before the assassination and tried to contact a Russian assassin. Johnson had to convince the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to serve on the panel. LBJ had Earl Warren in tears when he painted a picture of a nuclear holocaust if any of the Mexico City details became public.

Have you ever thought about the FACT that there was ZERO chance the US government would present any other story than Oswald was the lone assassin, he was deceased and there were no murderers still at large?

J. Edgar Hoover memorandum to Lyndon B. Johnson seven days after Kennedy had been assassinated

I don't usually quote McAdams even though I do use stuff from his site because it is easy to find the information.

I did question the government's "story." And yes I doubted it but since then the evidence is overwhelming that the conclusion that Oswald alone fired the shots. I provided links to three separate investigations that claimed all the shots came from the rear. The HSCA came to the conclusion of conspiracy based solely on Dictaphone evidence that since has been shown faulty.

So yes, blogs and those making money from JFK keep the rumor mill going but in the end the Warren Commission was largely correct.
It shows a wound with nothing clear.

One of many facts, you cannot explain the blood splatter shown clearly in Zapruder and x-rays YOU won't provide? His face was clear, as according to the autopsy report/photos, and eyewitnesses.

Jfk's face was clear in reality. But, the x-rays and front of frame 313 and 327 show it removed. This cannot be reconciled without copping to film and x-ray alteration.




the paid trolls here cant get around facts that exit wounds are much bigger than entrance wounds and JFKS face SHOULD be completely gone and not intact like it is.they are clearly clueless im how firearms work.:D

Look at your supplied pictures, which way does the blood splatter travel? When you can change the law of physics then you can lecture people on ignoring the evidence.
Here is a nice picture of the limo, where is the dog? Oh right he is ducking out of the way he was warned as was LBJ.


Also look at how far away the driver is from JFK. He would have to shoot through or right past Connelly yet Connelly never said a word about a shot whizzing by his head?
Last edited:
You are ignoring the eyewitnesses and the back of the head gaped open in frame 313. No exit wound existed on jfk's face.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22Uvv3dWJk]Hillbilly Bread Commercial (1978) - YouTube[/ame]

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
Here is a nice picture of the limo, where is the dog? Oh right he is ducking out of the way he was warned as was LBJ.


Also look at how far away the driver is from JFK. He would have to shoot through or right past Connelly yet Connelly never said a word about a shot whizzing by his head?

Yes, he did say he saw the fatal shot. Yes, he knew Greer shot jfk and took it to his grave.

Who else could Connally have seen shoot jfk besides the driver? He was looking at Greer when the shot was fired.

Connally said he saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself but his reaction when looking at Greer proves he slipped up. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized Greer shot JFK. The Governor, logically starting turning toward the driver because he was braking before he shot the President.

Obviously, at least the major wound that I took in the shoulder through the chest couldn't have been anything but the second shot. Obviously, it couldn't have been the third, because when the third shot was fired I was in a reclining position, and heard it, saw it and the effects of it, rather--I didn't see it, I saw the effects of it--so it obviously could not have been the third, and couldn't have been the first, in my judgment.


So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

GREER FIRED RIGHT OVER CONNALLY'S HEAD and when he realized Greer fired it, he hit the floor, terrified. WATCH THE GOVERNOR.
One of many facts, you cannot explain the blood splatter shown clearly in Zapruder and xrays YOU won't provide? His face was clear, as according to the autopsy report/photos, and eyewitnesses.

Jfk's face was clear in reality. But, the x-rays and front of frame 313 and 327 show it removed. This cannot be reconciled without copping to film and x-ray alteration.




the paid trolls here cant get around facts that exit wounds are much bigger than entrance wounds and JFKS face SHOULD be completely gone and not intact like it is.they are clearly clueless im how firearms work.:D

Look at your supplied pictures, which way does the blood splatter travel? When you can change the law of physics then you can lecture people on ignoring the evidence.

You are ignoring the eyewitnesses and the back of the head gaped open in frame 313. No exit wound existed on jfk's face.
Dr. Marion Thomas Jenkins

His actual testimony, sworn: Testimony Of Dr. Marion Thomas Jenkins

Ok let's explain it better. First of all everyone who testified to the fact states that the president was never turned over.

The hole was an exit wound and you are debunked.

The autopsy report proves a shot from the front as does all the other evidence.

His head was lifted up to demonstrate the gaping rear exit wound caused by Greer's close range shot. The doctors destroy your denial.:eusa_hand: They couldn't see much until someone picked up his head.:badgrin:

12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]: V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---" he had a large head wound-that was the first thing I noticed." Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate on any details.

b) other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,
69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) "High Treason", pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 ("The Boston Globe",6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---"The copy of the autopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it was not accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a "definite conflict" and "that's not the way I remember it."**; "Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side the whole back-side was gone..it was a big gaping wound."; **"The tape and summary of Dulaney is in the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";
You are ignoring the eyewitnesses and the back of the head gaped open in frame 313. No exit wound existed on jfk's face.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iws6EBfMPA8]The Beverly Hillbillies The Clampetts Get Culture - Season 2 Episode: 049 - YouTube[/ame]

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
Ok let's explain it better. First of all everyone who testified to the fact states that the president was never turned over.

The hole was an exit wound and you are debunked.

The autopsy report proves a shot from the front as does all the other evidence.

His head was lifted up to demonstrate the gaping rear exit wound caused by Greer's close range shot. The doctors destroy your denial.:eusa_hand: They couldn't see much until someone picked up his head.:badgrin:

12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]: V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---" he had a large head wound-that was the first thing I noticed." Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate on any details.

b) other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,
69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) "High Treason", pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 ("The Boston Globe",6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---"The copy of the autopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it was not accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a "definite conflict" and "that's not the way I remember it."**; "Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side the whole back-side was gone..it was a big gaping wound."; **"The tape and summary of Dulaney is in the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I1Hbq8VdjQ]Beverly Hillbillies Commercial For Winston Cigarettes - Funny - YouTube[/ame]

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
The hole was an exit wound and you are debunked.

The autopsy report proves a shot from the front as does all the other evidence.

His head was lifted up to demonstrate the gaping rear exit wound caused by Greer's close range shot. The doctors destroy your denial.:eusa_hand: They couldn't see much until someone picked up his head.:badgrin:

12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]: V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---" he had a large head wound-that was the first thing I noticed." Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate on any details.

b) other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,
69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) "High Treason", pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 ("The Boston Globe",6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---"The copy of the autopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it was not accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a "definite conflict" and "that's not the way I remember it."**; "Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side the whole back-side was gone..it was a big gaping wound."; **"The tape and summary of Dulaney is in the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I1Hbq8VdjQ]Beverly Hillbillies Commercial For Winston Cigarettes - Funny - YouTube[/ame]

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.

The hole was an exit wound and you are debunked.

The autopsy report proves a shot from the front as does all the other evidence.

His head was lifted up to demonstrate the gaping rear exit wound caused by Greer's close range shot. The doctors destroy your denial.:eusa_hand: They couldn't see much until someone picked up his head.:badgrin:

12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]: V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---" he had a large head wound-that was the first thing I noticed." Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate on any details.

b) other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,
69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) "High Treason", pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 ("The Boston Globe",6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---"The copy of the autopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it was not accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a "definite conflict" and "that's not the way I remember it."**; "Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side the whole back-side was gone..it was a big gaping wound."; **"The tape and summary of Dulaney is in the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";

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