Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

Nothing exited jfk's forehead. That's a fact that you continually ignore. Frame 313 depicts that fiction which you keep pointing to as evidence of an exit wound. NO EXIT WOUND EXISTED ON GREER'S FACE, PERIOD. The back of his head is completely open and you see it obviously, but must lie about it and point to something that did not exist. The fatal shot involved the right front and right rear, an entry and exit.

Even after having it pointed out twice, Dumbo here screws it up again. :rofl:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

Even after having it pointed out fifty times, Dumbo here screws it up again. You still have no exit wound on jfk's face you piece of shit.:badgrin:

Re-read what you posted, deleted, and re-posted 3 times, Chumlee.

You keep naming the wrong person. :rofl:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II
Nothing exited jfk's forehead. That's a fact that you continually ignore. Frame 313 depicts that fiction which you keep pointing to as evidence of an exit wound. NO EXIT WOUND EXISTED ON GREER'S FACE, PERIOD. The back of his head is completely open and you see it obviously, but must lie about it and point to something that did not exist. The fatal shot involved the right front and right rear, an entry and exit.

Keep screwing that up, Dumbo!! :thup:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

It exited the right rear, ya little bitch.:eusa_whistle:

Nothing exited jfk's forehead. That's a fact that you continually ignore. Frame 313 depicts that fiction which you keep pointing to as evidence of an exit wound. NO EXIT WOUND EXISTED ON GREER'S FACE, PERIOD. The back of his head is completely open and you see it obviously, but must lie about it and point to something that did not exist. The fatal shot involved the right front and right rear, an entry and exit.


That's the fifth time you named the wrong person.


Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II
Even after having it pointed out fifty times, Dumbo here screws it up again. You still have no exit wound on jfk's face you piece of shit.:badgrin:

Re-read what you posted, deleted, and re-posted 3 times, Chumlee.

You keep naming the wrong person. :rofl:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

Where was the exit? It's your case. Bring it.

It certainly wasn't in GREER'S head, Dumbo. :rofl:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II
Nothing exited jfk's forehead. That's a fact that you continually ignore. Frame 313 depicts that fiction which you keep pointing to as evidence of an exit wound. NO EXIT WOUND EXISTED ON GREER'S FACE, PERIOD. The back of his head is completely open and you see it obviously, but must lie about it and point to something that did not exist. The fatal shot involved the right front and right rear, an entry and exit.


Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

Was Dr. Grossman wrong when he stated the hole was on the back, you idiot?:cuckoo:


Where did Grossman say the exit wound was in GREER'S head???

Be specific.


Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II
Here is a link to autopsy pictures don't open if you have any problem looking at such things they are very graphic as they have to be. Tell me where is the wound on the left side of his head.

John F Kennedy Autopsy Photos

Nothing exited jfk's forehead. That's a fact that you continually ignore. Frame 313 depicts that fiction which you keep pointing to as evidence of an exit wound. NO EXIT WOUND EXISTED ON GREER'S FACE, PERIOD. The back of his head is completely open and you see it obviously, but must lie about it and point to something that did not exist. The fatal shot involved the right front and right rear, an entry and exit.

Keep screwing that up, Dumbo!! :thup:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

You are such a defeated pussy, that you have to modify my posts, you little bitch.:D
Nothing exited jfk's forehead. That's a fact that you continually ignore. Frame 313 depicts that fiction which you keep pointing to as evidence of an exit wound. NO EXIT WOUND EXISTED ON GREER'S FACE, PERIOD. The back of his head is completely open and you see it obviously, but must lie about it and point to something that did not exist. The fatal shot involved the right front and right rear, an entry and exit.

Keep screwing that up, Dumbo!! :thup:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II

You are such a defeated pussy, that you have to modify my posts, you little bitch.:D

Show me where I modified your quote, Chumlee.

Here is a link to autopsy pictures don't open if you have any problem looking at such things they are very graphic as they have to be. Tell me where is the wound on the left side of his head.

John F Kennedy Autopsy Photos

Nothing exited jfk's forehead. That's a fact that you continually ignore. Frame 313 depicts that fiction which you keep pointing to as evidence of an exit wound. NO EXIT WOUND EXISTED ON GREER'S FACE, PERIOD. The back of his head is completely open and you see it obviously, but must lie about it and point to something that did not exist. The fatal shot involved the right front and right rear, an entry and exit.

I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II
You are evading reality. No front head wound existed officially or really. The rear exit has a line drawn from top to bottom with the gaping hole between those points. That hole was witnessed by over forty people, and documented in the autopsy report. You can't really ignore the rear exit wound because that's exactly where your fake entrance has to be.:lol:

12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]: V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---" he had a large head wound-that was the first thing I noticed." Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate on any details.;

b) other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,
69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) "High Treason", pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 ("The Boston Globe",6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---"The copy of the autopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it was not accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a "definite conflict" and "that's not the way I remember it."**; "Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side the whole back-side was gone..it was a big gaping wound."; **"The tape and summary of Dulaney is in the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";

The back of his head opens up when the red mist appears in the front.


Somebody lifted up his head and showed him the back of jfk's head. IT WAS GONE. That's not even debatable.:eusa_whistle:

thats the norm for these agent trolls,evade reality.ignore what the dallas doctors said,ignore what witnesses saw,ignore the laws of physics every junior high school kid learns at that age,ignore what the best photography experts around the world say,what THEY say,ignore the witnesses who said their testimonys were altered by the warren commission-"a crime they should have all gone to jail for" but i guess all those witnesses were all just lying according to these trolls,:cuckoo: ignore all of them,only listen to that the idot box in the living room and what the newspapers tell you is the logic of all these agent trolls.

the newest paid troll to penetrate this site has exposed what lying troll he is,ignoing my videos of wecht tearing to pieces the magic bullet theoy using the NET:cuckoo: as his sourse instead of hearing it from the horses mouth.:D:lol::lol:

freewill troll is a fucking hypocrite paid troll.He posts videos expecting us to watch it and yet he NEVER watches videos of mine NEVER talking about them since they expose his lies since he knows that to be true.fucking hypocrite.:cuckoo:

I can understand why you think people are paid to post here, I really have no explanation as to why I would bother, I just wish I were paid.

Did I ignore your videos, no I did not. I posted about two of them giving you time lines of the lies from Wecht. That isn't ignoring so you are not telling the truth even about the simple things. Did I ignore what you posted about the witness Hill? No I did not. You or your crony posted BS about what she said, I provided you, not my opinion, but her sworn testimony and you claim I didn't, again your credibility is in question, well no it isn't. She stated there was a dog in the car. She stated she THOUGHT they were shooting back, THOUGHT. She also swore she didn't know where the shots were coming from. THAT is YOUR witness who thinks they would be shooting back and didn't know where they were firing from. Ridicules.

How can I respond to the vidoes and pictures you provide? I don't see what you claim to be in those videos. So what if Greer hit the breaks? So what? What would you have done in that situation? I am not sure he did hit the breaks the video isn't that great.

What you propose is a conspiracy that is just too big. Too many would have to be in on the conspiracy. EVERYONE in the world other then JFK.

You ignored Grossman's testimony which places the exit wound on the rear, which is consistent with the autopsy report, over forty witnesses and frame 313. It is you who must ignore facts and change the subject. Was the entrance wound below the big exit hole in the OCCIPITAL/PARIETAL REGION?:lol::cuckoo:

11) Dr. Robert G. Grossman, Resident Neurosurgeon:
a) "High Treason", pages 30, 36, 51, 53, 459 ("The Boston Globe", June
21, 1981-notes placed in JFK Library [see also "Killing Kennedy", pp.
303-304, "Between The Signal and the Noise" by Roger Bruce Feinman
(1993) and Groden's "TKOAP", p. 181])---saw two separate head wounds: a
large defect in the parietal area above the right ear
, as well as "a
large [albeit smaller than the first wound described], separate wound,
located squarely in the occiput."; " described a large hole squarely in
the occiput,
far too large for a bullet entry wound "; Grossman
: "It was
clear to me that the right parietal bone had been lifted up by a bullet
which had exited
."; noticed the skin flap near the right temple; Dr.
Clark picked up the back of the head to demonstrate the wound
b) 6 H 81 (Salyer)---confirms Grossman's presence in Trauma Room One;

V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
proof that we have lying agent trolls that have penetrated this site.they keep denying the FACTS that the HSCA investigation in the 70's concluded that the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and he was behind the grassy knoll.I have not only posted this link hundreds of times of the book of robert blakey the lead investigater in the HSCA investigation where he writes in his book that there was a second gunman and says in the book the committe concluded there was a second rilfeman behind the picket fence.


Individuals are walking the streets of American today who should be and eventually may be indicted for the unrequited murder of President John F. Kennedy. The President was not the victim of a lone nut gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, alone, but of an organized crime conspiracy. This is the sensational

NOW here is this as well.this from one of the lawyers that was on the HSCA investigation posted this on Jean Hills rememberence page at JFK Lancer.

As a former staff attorney that served on the 1978 House Select Committee on Assassinations, I am quite familiar with Jean Hill and her eye witness account about the gun fire she recognized emanating from the grassy knoll. Of the many witnesses in Dealy Plaza that afternoon of Friday, 22 Novemer 1963, Jean's account of the assassination is not only credible, it is significant. Jean will be sorely missed. We can only hope that the Justice Department will pick up the torch where the HSCA left it. Jean would, I believe, want it that way.
VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON USA - Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 12:25:30 (CDT)

OF course the lying trolls freewill,rat in the ass,liar abilty,and dawgshit will all get worried all this truth is being told and come on here and deny all this and say it wasnt in the report.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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thats the norm for these agent trolls,evade reality.ignore what the dallas doctors said,ignore what witnesses saw,ignore the laws of physics every junior high school kid learns at that age,ignore what the best photography experts around the world say,what THEY say,ignore the witnesses who said their testimonys were altered by the warren commission-"a crime they should have all gone to jail for" but i guess all those witnesses were all just lying according to these trolls,:cuckoo: ignore all of them,only listen to that the idot box in the living room and what the newspapers tell you is the logic of all these agent trolls.

the newest paid troll to penetrate this site has exposed what lying troll he is,ignoing my videos of wecht tearing to pieces the magic bullet theoy using the NET:cuckoo: as his sourse instead of hearing it from the horses mouth.:D:lol::lol:

freewill troll is a fucking hypocrite paid troll.He posts videos expecting us to watch it and yet he NEVER watches videos of mine NEVER talking about them since they expose his lies since he knows that to be true.fucking hypocrite.:cuckoo:

I can understand why you think people are paid to post here, I really have no explanation as to why I would bother, I just wish I were paid.

Did I ignore your videos, no I did not. I posted about two of them giving you time lines of the lies from Wecht. That isn't ignoring so you are not telling the truth even about the simple things. Did I ignore what you posted about the witness Hill? No I did not. You or your crony posted BS about what she said, I provided you, not my opinion, but her sworn testimony and you claim I didn't, again your credibility is in question, well no it isn't. She stated there was a dog in the car. She stated she THOUGHT they were shooting back, THOUGHT. She also swore she didn't know where the shots were coming from. THAT is YOUR witness who thinks they would be shooting back and didn't know where they were firing from. Ridicules.

How can I respond to the vidoes and pictures you provide? I don't see what you claim to be in those videos. So what if Greer hit the breaks? So what? What would you have done in that situation? I am not sure he did hit the breaks the video isn't that great.

What you propose is a conspiracy that is just too big. Too many would have to be in on the conspiracy. EVERYONE in the world other then JFK.

You ignored Grossman's testimony which places the exit wound on the rear, which is consistent with the autopsy report, over forty witnesses and frame 313. It is you who must ignore facts and change the subject. Was the entrance wound below the big exit hole in the OCCIPITAL/PARIETAL REGION?:lol::cuckoo:

11) Dr. Robert G. Grossman, Resident Neurosurgeon:
a) "High Treason", pages 30, 36, 51, 53, 459 ("The Boston Globe", June
21, 1981-notes placed in JFK Library [see also "Killing Kennedy", pp.
303-304, "Between The Signal and the Noise" by Roger Bruce Feinman
(1993) and Groden's "TKOAP", p. 181])---saw two separate head wounds: a
large defect in the parietal area above the right ear
, as well as "a
large [albeit smaller than the first wound described], separate wound,
located squarely in the occiput."; " described a large hole squarely in
the occiput,
far too large for a bullet entry wound "; Grossman
: "It was
clear to me that the right parietal bone had been lifted up by a bullet
which had exited
."; noticed the skin flap near the right temple; Dr.
Clark picked up the back of the head to demonstrate the wound
b) 6 H 81 (Salyer)---confirms Grossman's presence in Trauma Room One;

V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)

that cause these agent trolls only see what they WANT to see.:cuckoo:
I can understand why you think people are paid to post here, I really have no explanation as to why I would bother, I just wish I were paid.

Did I ignore your videos, no I did not. I posted about two of them giving you time lines of the lies from Wecht. That isn't ignoring so you are not telling the truth even about the simple things. Did I ignore what you posted about the witness Hill? No I did not. You or your crony posted BS about what she said, I provided you, not my opinion, but her sworn testimony and you claim I didn't, again your credibility is in question, well no it isn't. She stated there was a dog in the car. She stated she THOUGHT they were shooting back, THOUGHT. She also swore she didn't know where the shots were coming from. THAT is YOUR witness who thinks they would be shooting back and didn't know where they were firing from. Ridicules.

How can I respond to the vidoes and pictures you provide? I don't see what you claim to be in those videos. So what if Greer hit the breaks? So what? What would you have done in that situation? I am not sure he did hit the breaks the video isn't that great.

What you propose is a conspiracy that is just too big. Too many would have to be in on the conspiracy. EVERYONE in the world other then JFK.

You ignored Grossman's testimony which places the exit wound on the rear, which is consistent with the autopsy report, over forty witnesses and frame 313. It is you who must ignore facts and change the subject. Was the entrance wound below the big exit hole in the OCCIPITAL/PARIETAL REGION?:lol::cuckoo:

11) Dr. Robert G. Grossman, Resident Neurosurgeon:
a) "High Treason", pages 30, 36, 51, 53, 459 ("The Boston Globe", June
21, 1981-notes placed in JFK Library [see also "Killing Kennedy", pp.
303-304, "Between The Signal and the Noise" by Roger Bruce Feinman
(1993) and Groden's "TKOAP", p. 181])---saw two separate head wounds: a
large defect in the parietal area above the right ear
, as well as "a
large [albeit smaller than the first wound described], separate wound,
located squarely in the occiput."; " described a large hole squarely in
the occiput,
far too large for a bullet entry wound "; Grossman
: "It was
clear to me that the right parietal bone had been lifted up by a bullet
which had exited
."; noticed the skin flap near the right temple; Dr.
Clark picked up the back of the head to demonstrate the wound
b) 6 H 81 (Salyer)---confirms Grossman's presence in Trauma Room One;

V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)

that cause these agent trolls only see what they WANT to see.:cuckoo:

But the exit wound is and was on the rear, as according to the autopsy report itself. I have a pic from the movie which copies the wound as written by Humes.
When it comes right down to it tho, Even if The bullet came from the back, it does not disprove a conspiracy, It does not prove Oswald did the shooting, or that he acted alone.
You ignored Grossman's testimony which places the exit wound on the rear, which is consistent with the autopsy report, over forty witnesses and frame 313. It is you who must ignore facts and change the subject. Was the entrance wound below the big exit hole in the OCCIPITAL/PARIETAL REGION?:lol::cuckoo:

11) Dr. Robert G. Grossman, Resident Neurosurgeon:
a) "High Treason", pages 30, 36, 51, 53, 459 ("The Boston Globe", June
21, 1981-notes placed in JFK Library [see also "Killing Kennedy", pp.
303-304, "Between The Signal and the Noise" by Roger Bruce Feinman
(1993) and Groden's "TKOAP", p. 181])---saw two separate head wounds: a
large defect in the parietal area above the right ear
, as well as "a
large [albeit smaller than the first wound described], separate wound,
located squarely in the occiput."; " described a large hole squarely in
the occiput,
far too large for a bullet entry wound "; Grossman
: "It was
clear to me that the right parietal bone had been lifted up by a bullet
which had exited
."; noticed the skin flap near the right temple; Dr.
Clark picked up the back of the head to demonstrate the wound
b) 6 H 81 (Salyer)---confirms Grossman's presence in Trauma Room One;

V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)

that cause these agent trolls only see what they WANT to see.:cuckoo:

But the exit wound is and was on the rear, as according to the autopsy report itself. I have a pic from the movie which copies the wound as written by Humes.

Like i have said so many times,these agents could care less about what all the dallas doctors said they saw and what they determinedor witnesses saw or photographic evidence of multiple bullets all over the place that could have come from the school book depository or what the HSCA investigation said.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

none of that is credible to them,only what the warren commission,our textbooks in school say and the lamestream media report.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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You have been given the testimony of the autopsy doctors.

You have been shown that even Wecht admits that the shots came from the rear.

Your pictures show the blood splatter coming from a shot from the rear. It is so evident I have to believe you are just being contrary. With that said I am thinking we are done here because you just won't be honest.

You have been shown the testimony of many doctors who viewed the exit wound. The bullet entered the front and exited the right rear.

V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)

JFK Lancer

The damage to the cerebellum confirms the exit wound was low at the lowest point, but definitely extended to the Parietal bone, and likely to the Temporal region. That is consistent with the autopsy report.

1) Dr. William Kemp Clark, Chief Neurosurgeon:
WR 516-518/ 17 H 1-3 / CE 392 [undated summary; see also 21 H 150-152
:Clark's 11/23/63 report to Admiral Burkley with the verbatim summary .
In addition, see "Assassination Science", pp. 416-418: this is an FBI
report dated 11/25/63 which includes the verbatim summary to Burkley
from 11/23/63]---"..in the occipital region of the skull "; "There was a
large wound in the right occipitoparietal region "; "Both cerebral and
cerebellar tissue were extruding from the wound

2) Dr. Malcolm Oliver "Mac" Perry, Attending Surgeon:
a) WR 521-522/ 17 H 6-7/ CE392: report written 11/22/63---"A large wound
of the right posterior cranium ";
b) Parkland press conference, 11/22/63 [see "Assassination Science", pp.
419-427; silent film clip used in "Reasonable Doubt" (1988), "20/20"
(4/92), etc.]---"There was an entrance wound in the neck It appeared to
be coming at him The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front
of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don't know. It
could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the
head." (apparently, based off this conference, the Associated Press
dispatch on 11/22/63 stated that Dr. Perry "said the entrance wound was
in the front of the head
," while all the AP wires for this day stated
that JFK had a large hole in the "back" of his head.);

3) Dr. Robert Nelson McClelland, Attending Surgeon:
a) WR 526-527 / 17 H 11-12 / CE 392: report written 11/22/63---" a
massive gunshot wound of the head with a fragment wound of the
trachea The cause of death was due to massive head and brain injury from
a gunshot wound of the left temple.";
b) "St. Louis Post-Dispatch", 12/1/63---"This [the neck wound] did
appear to be an entrance wound."
c)e) 6 H 33-34, 35, 37 / testimony---" I could very closely examine the
head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull
had been extremely blasted probably a third or so
, at least, of the
brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar
tissue had been blasted out
"; " there was definitely a piece of
cerebellum that extruded from the wound "; " the loss of cerebral and
cerebellar tissues were so great massive head injuries with loss of
large amounts of cerebral and cerebellar tissues "; "The initial
impression that we had was that perhaps the wound in the neck, the
anterior part of the neck, was an entrance wound and that it had perhaps
taken a trajectory off the anterior vertebral body and again into the
skull itself, exiting out the back, to produce the massive injury in the

4) Dr. Marion Thomas "Pepper" Jenkins, Chief Anesthesiologist [deceased
WR 529-530 / 17 H 14-15 / CE 392: report addressed to Administrator
C.J. Price dated 11/22/63 (the verbatim, retyped report, this time
addressed to Dean A.J. Gill, can be found at 20 H 252-253)---" a great
laceration on the right side of the head (temporal and occipital),
causing a great defect in the skull plate so that there was herniation
and laceration of great areas of the brain, even to the extent that the
cerebellum had portruded from the wound
."[see also p. 35 of Jesse
Curry's 1969 book entitled "JFK Assassination File"];

5) Dr. Charles James "Jim" Carrico, Resident Surgeon:
a) WR 519-520 / 17 H 4-5 / CE 392: handwritten report dated
11/22/63---"[the skull] wound had avulsed the calvarium and shredded
brain tissue present with profuse oozing attempts to control slow oozing
from cerebral and cerebellar tissue via packs instituted
."; "small
penetrating wound of ent. neck";

6) Dr. Ronald Coy Jones, Chief Resident Surgeon:
a) 20 H 333: handwritten report dated 11/23/63---" severe skull and
brain injury was noted as well as a small hole in anterior midline of
neck thought to be a bullet entrance wound air was bubbling through the
neck wound.";
b)a) 6 H 53-54, 56 / testimony (3/24/64)---" he had a large wound in the
right posterior side of the head There was large defect in the back side
of the head
as the President lay on the cart with what appeared to be
some brain hanging out of this wound with multiple pieces of skull noted
with the brain "; "what appeared to be an exit wound in the posterior
portion of the skull
the only speculation that I could have as far as to
how this could occur with a single wound would be that it would enter
the anterior neck and possibly strike a vertebral body and then change
its course and exit in the region of the posterior portion of the
head."; "The hole [in the throat] was very small and relatively clean
cut, as you would see in a bullet that is entering rather than exiting
from a patient.";

7) Dr. Gene Coleman Akin, Resident Anesthesiologist [a.k.a. Solomon Ben
6 H 65 and 67 / testimony---"The back of the right occipitalparietal
portion of his head was shattered
, with brain substance extruding."; "I
assume the right occiptalparietal region was the exit,
so to speak, that
he had probably been hit on the other side of the head, or at least
tangentially in the back of the head "; "this [the neck wound] must have
been an entrance wound ";

8) Dr. Paul Conrad Peters, Urologist:
6 H 70-71 / testimony---"It was pointed out that an examination of the
brain had been done we saw the wound of entry in the throat and noted
the large occipital wound ";" I noticed that there was a large defect in
the occiput It seemed to me that in the right occipitalparietal area
that there was a large defect

9) Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, Resident Surgeon:
a) "Conspiracy of Silence" (1992), p. 86 (and throughout [inc. photos of
himself])---"I walked to the President's head to get a closer look. His
entire right cerebral hemisphere appeared to be gone. It looked like a
crater---an empty cavity From the damage I saw, there was no doubt in my
mind that the bullet had entered his head through the front
, and as it
surgically passed through his cranium, the missile obliterated part of
the temporal and all the parietal and occipital lobes before it
lacerated the cerebellum
."; [p. 79] "I also identified a small opening
about the diameter of a pencil at the midline of his throat to be an
entry bullet hole. There was no doubt in my mind about that wound.";
b) "High Treason 2", pp. 110-115 and 549 (interviews of 7/12/80 [90?]
and 9/21/91)---" it was in the parietal-occipital area"; thinks the
body was tampered with at Bethesda
c) WC references to his presence on 11/22/63: 6 H 40 (Baxter), 6 H 31-32
(McClelland), 6 H 80-81 (Salyer), 6 H 141 (Henchcliffe), 6 H 60
(Curtis)+15 H 761: index;
d) Completely overlooked WC reference to his presence on 11/24/63: 21 H
265(report by Parkland Administrator Charles Price)---"Dr. Charles
Crenshaw was in the corridor and said they had been alerted. He said,
'You're not going to put him [Oswald] in the same room the President was
in, are you?' told him I surely was glad he had thought of it and by
all means, not to.";

Your faked video shows blood splatter coming from the front where no exit wound existed. It is so evident that you are just being contrary. With that said I am thinking we are done here because you just won't be honest.:cuckoo:

as always,freewill gets his ass handed to him on a platter from you.
Watching the mental pygmies, 9/11 Rimjob and IQBelow.7Forever, engaging in their endless looping of oft refuted conspiracy bullshit is like watching the two most tragic mentally retarded athletes in the Special Olympics attempting to play chess.

Actually, it's more like watching Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles playing Pin The Tail On The Donkey.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II
It's worse, ray and Stevie can smell bullshit from a mile away, one of the advantages of being blind..

looks very much intact for a back of head that was blown away...
OK, did the limo stop? First of all I am told the film was faked so how can anyone say what is right? Second the action on film can be sped up by removing parts of the film but it can't be slowed. That said here is a youtube video of that day. It is clear, you watch, for yourself if the limo stops:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aBqRB-DsFQ&feature=youtu.be]Zapruder HD Stable Pan - YouTube[/ame]
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Here is another supposedly undamaged video. Note, how far away the driver is from Kennedy and note that the Connelys are inbetween.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq1PbgeBoQ4]The Undamaged Zapruder Film - YouTube[/ame]

So this should put to rest the BS of the limo stopping.
You have been given the testimony of the autopsy doctors.

9) Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, Resident Surgeon:
a) "Conspiracy of Silence" (1992), p. 86 (and throughout [inc. photos of
himself])---"I walked to the President's head to get a closer look. His
entire right cerebral hemisphere appeared to be gone. It looked like a
crater---an empty cavity From the damage I saw, there was no doubt in my
mind that the bullet had entered his head through the front
, and as it
surgically passed through his cranium, the missile obliterated part of
the temporal and all the parietal and occipital lobes before it
lacerated the cerebellum
."; [p. 79] "I also identified a small opening
about the diameter of a pencil at the midline of his throat to be an
entry bullet hole. There was no doubt in my mind about that wound.";
b) "High Treason 2", pp. 110-115 and 549 (interviews of 7/12/80 [90?]
and 9/21/91)---" it was in the parietal-occipital area"; thinks the
body was tampered with at Bethesda
c) WC references to his presence on 11/22/63: 6 H 40 (Baxter), 6 H 31-32
(McClelland), 6 H 80-81 (Salyer), 6 H 141 (Henchcliffe), 6 H 60
(Curtis)+15 H 761: index;
d) Completely overlooked WC reference to his presence on 11/24/63: 21 H
265(report by Parkland Administrator Charles Price)---"Dr. Charles
Crenshaw was in the corridor and said they had been alerted. He said,
'You're not going to put him [Oswald] in the same room the President was
in, are you?' told him I surely was glad he had thought of it and by
all means, not to.";

Your faked video shows blood splatter coming from the front where no exit wound existed. It is so evident that you are just being contrary. With that said I am thinking we are done here because you just won't be honest.:cuckoo:

as always,freewill gets his ass handed to him on a platter from you.

Let us start with the easy one, number 9 Crenshaw. Here is an article from the NYTs that pretty much exposes Crenshaw, or the story that surrounds him, to being not very credible:

THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; 28 Years After Dallas, A Doctor Tells His Story Amid Troubling Doubts- Page 2 - New York Times

Ass meet 7
Number 8, here is his testimony and where you can read the entire testimony:

Dr. PETERS - Well, I just hadn't gotten out of the door when the priest first came in and Dr. Jenkins asked everyone to leave except those people I have just named.
Mr. SPECTER - Why did he exclude those from the group which were to leave?
Dr. PETERS - Well, I think they were nurses, and several other people he thought just best not remain and I'm sure that there was no intention to personally exclude anyone behind his request. He just sort of looked around and saw who appeared to be there and asked the others to leave.
Mr. SPECTER - What did you observe as to the nature of the President's wound?
Dr. PETERS - Well, as I mentioned, the neck wound had already been interfered with by the tracheotomy at the time I got there, but I noticed the head wound, and as I remember--I noticed that there was a large defect in the occiput.
Mr. SPECTER - What did you notice in the occiput?
Dr. PETERS - It seemed to me that in the right occipitalparietal area that there was a large defect. There appeared to be bone loss and brain loss in the area.
Mr. SPECTER - Did you notice any holes below the occiput, say, in this area below here?
Dr. PETERS - No, I did not and at the time and the moments immediately following the injury, we speculated as to whether he had been shot once or twice because we saw the wound of entry in the throat and noted the large occipital wound, and it is a known fact that high velocity missiles often have a small wound of entrance and a large wound of exit, and I'm just giving you my honest impressions at the time.


Do you notice how many of the conspiracy theory BS he debunks? Note also that a high powered rifle does not always produce a huge exit wound. It only does something like that when it hits something hard with no backing. Much like JFKs head wound looked.

Note also that his impressions are what he gives.

Ass meet 7.
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