Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

You, in my opinion, only think you know because that is what you want to believe you have too much time invested in trying to prove your case I doubt seriously you are able to walk back from what you have posted.

Here, try this one, an eye witness to the shooting with photos. His testimony is more believable then a person who says she saw an imaginary dog.


Mr. BELIN. Would you describe just exactly what you saw when you saw him this last time?
Mr. BRENNAN. Well, as it appeared to me he was standing up and resting against the left window sill, with gun shouldered to his right shoulder, holding the gun with his left hand and taking positive aim and fired his last shot. As I calculate a couple of seconds. He drew the gun back from the window as though he was drawing it back to his side and maybe paused for another second as though to assure hisself that he hit his mark, and then he disappeared.
And, at the same moment, I was diving off of that firewall and to the right for bullet protection of this stone wall that is a little higher on the Houston side.
Mr. BELIN. Well, let me ask you. What kind of a gun did you see in that window?
Mr. BRENNAN. I am not an expert on guns. It was, as I could observe, some type of a high-powered rifle.
Mr. BELIN. Could you tell whether or not it had any kind of a scope on it?
Mr. BRENNAN. I did not observe a scope.
Mr. BELIN. Could you tell whether or not it had one? Do you know whether it did or not, or could you observe that it definitely did or definitely did not, or don't you know?

You have already been forced to walk back from what you posted.

Freewill Post 534 said:
First shot hit Kennedy in the back and lodges there later to become the "pristine" bullet.

Second shot misses Kennedy and hits Connelly with the bullet fragmentizing..

The third hit Kennedy in the head.

Either way three shot, three from the same person three from Oswald.

While I am good with the single bullet theory it could have gone down in the way I describe and that still does not point to conspiracy.

You better be more than good with the single bullet theory. You are locked into it now, because one of your three shots totally missed the limousine, hit a curb and injured a bystander.

So we are back to square one...

a) You can start by explaining how Oswald was able to fire off the last 2 shots almost simultaneously using a poorly operating bolt action rifle?

b) Then explain how John Connolly could have possibly had a 'delayed reaction' to the grievous wounds that ripped through his chest. To his dying day Connolly vehemently said he was not hit by the first bullet.

Governor Connally told the Warren Commission, "I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."(1) He elaborated to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) "...so I was in the process of, at least I was turning to look over my left shoulder into the back seat to see if I could see him. I never looked, I never made the full turn. About the time I turned back where I was facing more or less straight ahead, the way the car was moving, I was hit. I was knocked over, just doubled over by the force of the bullet. It went in my back and came out my chest about 2 inches below and to the left of my right nipple. The force of the bullet drove my body over almost double and when I looked, immediately I could see I was just drenched with blood. (2)

(1) Robert J. Groden & Harrison Edward Livingstone, "High Treason" (New York: Berkley Book 1990) p.272-273
(2)The Report of the Select Committee on Asssassinations U.S. House of Representatives; Vol. 1, p.42

c) Explain how the bullet that entered the President's back and created a shallow wound which was probed during the autopsy and the bottom of the wound could be reached with a human finger exited his throat, from a wound described as an entrance wound by Parkland doctors that was 6 inches higher than the back wound?

I did not walk back on anything. What you quote is not in context to the discussion we were having. You wanted a different scenario and that is what I provided. If you read the last sentence I said I have no problem with the single bullet theory. It was actually a mistake on my part in response to your c). What you describe is not what happened the doctor never said the end of the wound was found. The bullet, by every freakin account, went right through the president, never hitting anything particularly hard.

As for Connelly, I can't explain his reaction and neither can you. Explain how he held his hat up to Parkland with a shattered wrist.

Wrong...the bullet did not go through the President.

Paul K. O'Connor

Paul O'Connor was asked to assist Joseph Humes, Thornton Boswell and Pierre Finck in the autopsy of Kennedy.

Paul O'Connor was interviewed by William Matson Law for his book, In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence.

O’Connor: When we started an autopsy, the first thing we always did…was
to weigh and measure the body. We’d check for any scars, contusions, any
abnormalities, and so on. But in this case, we didn’t turn the body over to
look at the back while we were doing that. Finally we turned the body over,
and there was a bullet wound—an entrance wound—in his back, on the right
side of his spinal column. To emphasize where it was in proximity to the rest
of his body: if you bend your neck down and feel back, you feel a lump and
that’s the seventh cervical vertebra. This bullet wound was about 3 inches
down and an inch or two to the right of the seventh cervical vertebra. I
remember there was a big gush of surprise that nobody actually thought
about turning him over right away, you know after we had done our initial
investigation of the president’s body. Dr Humes took his finger and poked it
in the hole---the bullet wound hole, the entrance wound hole---and said it
didn’t go anywhere. There was a very big argument, a lot of consternation,
that he shouldn’t have stuck his finger in the hole.

Law: What difference would it make?

O’Connor: Well, when you take your finger and stick it into a bullet wound,
you avulse the wound.

Law: You think that happened when he stuck his finger in the back?

O’Connor: Yes

Law: It could have create a false track:

O’Connor: Well, not necessarily a false track, as much as a false impression
of the entrance of the missile that went into his back.

Law: Who was arguing?

O’Connor: Dr. Finck strongly objected to Commander Humes doing what he did.
He [Finck] took a sound, which is a probe, a metal malleable, non-rigid probe. We
started out with a rigid probe and found that it only went in so far. I’d say maybe
an inch and a quarter. It didn’t go in any further than that. So we used a malleable
probe and bent it a little bit and found that the bullet entered the body, went
through the intercostals muscles---the muscles between the ribs. The bullet went
in through the muscles, didn’t touch any of the ribs, arched downwards, hit the
back of the pleural cavity and stopped. So we didn’t know the track of the bullet
until we eviscerated the body later. That’s what happened at the time. We traced
the bullet path down and found that it didn’t traverse the body. It did not go in one
side and come out the other side of the body.

Law: You can be reasonably sure of that?

O’Connor: Absolutely

Law: And these doctors knew that?

O’Connor: Absolutely

Law: While it happened?

O’Connor: Absolutely. And another thing we found out while the autopsy was
proceeding, that he was shot from a high building, which meant the bullet had to be
traveling in a downward trajectory and we also realized that this bullet is what we
call in the military a “short shot”. It didn’t have the power to push the projectile clear
through the body. If it had…it would have come out through his heart and through
his sternum.

O’Connor: We were told [in the report of the Warren Commission] that he was
shot in the back and it came out his throat. That didn’t jibe with what we saw, and
when I say we, I’m talking about Dr. Boswell and myself.

. . . . When LAW then showed O’CONNOR the photo of President KENNEDY’s back . . . .

O’Connor: That’s a very accurate portrayal of the entrance wound to his back,
which as you know, is quite a ways down from his neck. At the angle he was
shot…the laws of physics will not let a bullet strike there and go up and go
out his throat…I helped roll him over…one of these arms might have been
mine, because I was at the head of the body and helped roll him over. It
wasn’t rolled over until quite a ways into the autopsy, and that’s when they
discovered the bullet wound.

. . . . O’CONNOR further stated to LAW . . . .

“Now I had this drawing made at the University of Florida showing the back
wound and this is exactly what happened. The bullet struck him in the back,
it passed through the outer layer of muscle and through the inner layer of
muscle between the vertebrae. These are intercostals muscles and they
connect the spinal column together. This bullet came in, arched downward,
and bulged against the pleural cavity, which is the protective cavity around
both lungs. It did not penetrate that lung area. It just bruised it real badly.
I had it highlighted showing there was bruising on the right lung. The back
of the right lung was bruised, but wasn’t torn. It was bruised badly enough
to hemorrhage in the tissues, but not enough to tear the lung or the cavity.”

"and we also realized that this bullet is what we
call in the military a “short shot” I believe that this shot was being aimed at the back of the presidents head but because it lacked the power to penetrate as Paul O'Conner states it feel short hitting him in the upper back.
The explosion of blood is an EXIT wound NOT an entrance wound


I don't know what happened that day.......we never will. Go take a 30-06 to a rifle range and shoot a big old pumpkin at 100 yards. Little hole in front.......HUGE ASS HOLE IN REAR!!!
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Paul O'Connor

Watch him during mock trial.

Now, you didn't quote his no brain statements for obvious reasons, he is full of s... Three doctors signed off on they removed the brain. Now your, and his come back, will be that the military told him not to say anything yet he talked of 1 1/2 hours to the HSCA and didn't mention the missing brain. What about all the other doctors who spoke out and didn't get killed? What's up with that?

Any way, he is the only one who said that the president arrived in a body bag.

There was a huge wound in the back (occipital) portion of the head.

Remember now, just a day or two ago we were talking about Kennedy's stolen brain which apparently was removed to be stolen. Also the HSCA verified through EXPERTS not technicians, that the x-rays of Kennedy's brain were in fact his.

I don't know why people say what they say. He apparently believes what he says but certainly any reasonable person would have to conclude he is wrong.
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It couldn't be the grassy knoll because the bullet only involved the right front impact, and right rear exit. Slow motion confirmed that three years ago. The grassy knoll shot only could've entered the right temporal region. The bullet entered over the right eye, which excludes the grassy snow job. Of course this analysis conforms to the right rear exit.


Sigh, the photos you supply do not support that theory.

Tech puts JFK conspiracy theories to rest - Technology & science - Science - DiscoveryNews.com | NBC News

"We might never know if Oswald pulled the trigger, but when you look at the wind pattern, the spread of the debris, the angles and distances involved, it's consistent with a shot from the sixth floor depository," said Martin.

This kind of computer analysis has only been available for about five years, says Martin. He expects criminologists will continue to make use of 3-D crime scene simulations to help reconstruct events and gather evidence a 2-D picture alone can't reveal.

"I think this is the wave of the future," said Martin. "If we had this technology back in the '60s, I think it would have put a lot of the conspiracy theories to rest."

But you claimed the shot came from the grassy knoll. That's a shot to the right temple. Are you on drugs?:cuckoo:

If you are "quoting" me, I don't believe I ever made that claim. I have supported the single bullet theory since I found out that the trajectory does in fact line up. Only those who wish never to have to change what they perceive cling to the bullets coming from any where other then the SBD.

One thing never argued, is where Connelly was hit. Say the SBT isn't correct, how does Connelly get hit where he was hit without going through the President? Doesn't seem possible.
The explosion of blood is an EXIT wound NOT an entrance wound


I don't know what happened that day.......we never will. Go take a 30-06 to a rifle range and shoot a big old pumpkin at 100 yards. Little hole in front.......HUGE ASS HOLE IN REAR!!!

That's exactly what REALLY happened. The driver's bullet hit jfk in the right forehead over the right eye. The rear exit is seen perfectly in the infamous headshot frame, 313. The autopsy photo matches 313 to a T. The scalp was lifted up and the right occipital region was blown off, along with a smaller portion of the parietal bone.




FRAME 337 SHOWING REAR GAPE AND JACKIE'S SHOCK. Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit

The explosion of blood is an EXIT wound NOT an entrance wound


I don't know what happened that day.......we never will. Go take a 30-06 to a rifle range and shoot a big old pumpkin at 100 yards. Little hole in front.......HUGE ASS HOLE IN REAR!!!

That's exactly what REALLY happened. The driver's bullet hit jfk in the right forehead over the right eye. The rear exit is seen perfectly in the infamous headshot frame, 313. The autopsy photo matches 313 to a T. The scalp was lifted up and the right occipital region was blown off, along with a smaller portion of the parietal bone.


And then Kenendy got up, liquified the driver and wiped out everyone in Dealey Plaza.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLS7omjBKdc&feature=related]Rambo 4 Benny Hill - YouTube[/ame]

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
Paul O'Connor

Watch him during mock trial.

What Happened to Kennedy's Brain - YouTube

Now, you didn't quote his no brain statements for obvious reasons, he is full of s... Three doctors signed off on they removed the brain. Now your, and his come back, will be that the military told him not to say anything yet he talked of 1 1/2 hours to the HSCA and didn't mention the missing brain. What about all the other doctors who spoke out and didn't get killed? What's up with that?

Any way, he is the only one who said that the president arrived in a body bag.

There was a huge wound in the back (occipital) portion of the head.

Remember now, just a day or two ago we were talking about Kennedy's stolen brain which apparently was removed to be stolen. Also the HSCA verified through EXPERTS not technicians, that the x-rays of Kennedy's brain were in fact his.

I don't know why people say what they say. He apparently believes what he says but certainly any reasonable person would have to conclude he is wrong.

I never discussed the President's brain. You are confused.

I would tend to believe a technician over a doctor in this case. The autopsy room was loaded with military brass ordering the doctors around. Don't do this, don't do that, stop that procedure etc. Any doctor who was involved in this case feared for their professional lives. The Dallas doctors were threatened that their medical careers would be ruined if they misspoke.

MYTH: There is no doubt about the non-fatal bullet's path from the back wound to the throat wound. The bullet's path is documented in the autopsy report:

The other missile entered the right superior posterior thorax above the scapula and traversed the soft tissues of the supra-scapular and the supra-clavicular portions of the base of the right side of the neck. This missile produced contusions of the right apical parietal pleura and of the apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung. The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck. (JFK autopsy report, p. 6, in Warren Commission Report, p. 543)

FACT: Dr. Michael Kurtz has said the following about the autopsy report's description of a bullet path from the back wound to the throat wound:

The bullet wound was not dissected, even though dissection is the only certain means of tracking a bullet's path through the body. At the trial of Clay Shaw in 1969, one of the autopsy pathologists, Dr. Pierre Finck, admitted that the autopsy team was ordered by a general or admiral not to dissect the back wound. Since no dissection took place, it is obvious that no bullet track was ever revealed at the autopsy.

Even though the wound was not dissected, the body was opened up during the autopsy. The autopsy pathologists noticed bruising of the strap muscles on the right side of the neck and also on the very top of the right lung. This led to the unproven assumption that the bruising was caused by the bullet as it passed from the back through the upper thoracic cavity and exited out of the throat. . . .

Furthermore, the air in the tissues, the bruising, the laceration are no more indicative of a bullet's going from back to front than they are of a bullet's going from front to back. The fact that the hole in the front of the throat was only half as large as the hole in the back suggested either that they were both entrance wound or that the hole in the throat was the wound of entrance and that in the back was the exit wound. (Kurtz, Crime of the Century, Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1982, pp. 73-74)

The fact that the autopsy doctors did not observe a bullet path from the back wound to the throat wound is evident in their descriptions of the back and throat wounds. They said the back wound was "presumably" a wound of entrance, and the throat wound "presumably" a wound of exit. If they had seen a track from the back wound to the throat wound, they wouldn't have had to "presume" anything. Even lone-gunman theorist Dr. John Lattimer admitted there is only "circumstantial" evidence of a bullet track between the back wound and the throat wound. The back wound was not dissected, and only dissection of the wound through the body would have provided us with conclusive proof of the missile's path.

We know from released documents relating to the autopsy that on the night of the autopsy the pathologists were absolutely positive the back wound did NOT have an exit point. We also know they probed the wound repeatedly, that they removed the chest organs and probed the wound again and still saw no exit point, and that one of the medical technicians at the autopsy, James Jenkins, could see the end of the surgical probe pushing against the lining of the chest cavity. Jenkins observed there was "no entry" into the chest cavity:

I remember looking inside the chest cavity and I could see the probe . . . through the pleura [the lining of the chest cavity]. . . . You could actually see where it [the probe] was making an indentation . . . where it was pushing the skin up. . . . There was no entry into the chest cavity. . . . No way that could have exited in the front because it was then low in the chest cavity. (In Anthony Summers, Not in Your Lifetime, New York: Marlowe and Company, 1998, p. 34)

Several doctors have noted there is no way a bullet could have gone from the back wound to the throat wound without smashing directly through the seventh cervical transverse process of the spine or without causing considerable lung damage (see, for example, Dr. David Mantik, "The JFK Assassination: Cause for Doubt," in James Fetzer, editor, Assassination Science, Chicago: Catfeet Press, 1998, pp. 102-103). Such damage is not mentioned in the autopsy report and is not seen on the autopsy x-rays.
Fact vs. Myth
OK, who is responsible? The CIA? Really? Why set up such a smuck like Oswald? How did they know how many shots were fired and that they would not find the real bullet in the car, so why plant another and take a chance of having too many bullets? Oh right everyone was in on it except JFK.

Ballistics have proven beyond a reasonable doubt the shots came from behind and above when rationally viewed. All of the investigations have come to that conclusion out of the fog of the INTERNET and book selling fog.

Maybe there is something to Oswald being set up TO DO IT by someone. But it is certain beyond doubt that the driver didn't do it, a person shooting from a manhole didn't do it, and the agent in the car behind didn't accidentally shoot the President.

So if we agree that it was Oswald at least because of his actions after the shooting. Then we can move on to discussing his reasons and if he were set up. Unfortunately I don't think that the Mexico stuff will be too productive because again the fog of the internet.

So, if someone was trying to implicate the Russians then for what purpose? To distract attention from themselves or were they taking a chance at starting WW3? Who would do such a thing? I seriously doubt the mob would have the knowledge. I doubt that the Cubans would try and implicate one of their only friends. Anti-Cuban groups would seemingly have a hard time doing this, too intricate. So that leaves the CIA who did this but wasn't good enough to cover their trail. They are the bastards that came up with this intricate plan involving many people yet they were not smart enough to cover all the evidence. Evidence they did try and hide yet it is the evidence that would expose the Russians and that is what they were trying to do in the first place? The CIA would risk nuclear destruction for what reason?

Here appears to be a good place to start: 2003 Release: Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City ("Lopez Report")

I don't know who did it. All I know is Oswald, or someone on the 6th floor of the TSBD did not do all the shooting with a bolt action rifle. Connolly was hit by a different shot. The President's back wound was shallow, at a steep angle that never penetrated the pleural cavity and those facts alone eliminate the single bullet theory. The fatal head shot came from the area of the grassy knoll.

Dr Crenshaw Describes JFK Entrance Wounds and SS Intimidation (2 min 57 sec.)


It couldn't be the grassy knoll because the bullet only involved the right front impact, and right rear exit. Slow motion confirmed that three years ago. The grassy knoll shot only could've entered the right temporal region. The bullet entered over the right eye, which excludes the grassy snow job. Of course this analysis conforms to the right rear exit.

and as you have said before,his head would have gone sideways instead of back and to the left.
the paid trolls here cant get around facts that exit wounds are much bigger than entrance wounds and JFKS face SHOULD be completely gone and not intact like it is.they are clearly clueless im how firearms work.:D

Look at your supplied pictures, which way does the blood splatter travel? When you can change the law of physics then you can lecture people on ignoring the evidence.

You are ignoring the eyewitnesses and the back of the head gaped open in frame 313. No exit wound existed on jfk's face.

as usual,he proves he knows nothing at all about the laws of physics as well as ignoring what the dallas doctors said.:D
Ok let's explain it better. First of all everyone who testified to the fact states that the president was never turned over.

The hole was an exit wound and you are debunked.

The autopsy report proves a shot from the front as does all the other evidence.

His head was lifted up to demonstrate the gaping rear exit wound caused by Greer's close range shot. The doctors destroy your denial.:eusa_hand: They couldn't see much until someone picked up his head.:badgrin:

12) Dr. Richard Brooks Dulany, Resident Surgeon [Dulaney]: V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)
a) 6 H 114 /testimony (3/25/64)---" he had a large head wound-that was the first thing I noticed." Arlen Specter did not have him elaborate on any details.

b) other WC references: WR 56, 529; 3 H 358, 384; 6 H 2, 11, 46, 52-53,
69, 73-74; 17 H 14; 21 H 241;c) "High Treason", pages 43, 46, 460,and 489 ("The Boston Globe",6/21/81 [see also "Killing Kennedy", page 303])---"The copy of the autopsy photo was shown to him by the Globe and he stated that it was not accurate. When shown the official picture, he said that there was a "definite conflict" and "that's not the way I remember it."**; "Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side the whole back-side was gone..it was a big gaping wound."; **"The tape and summary of Dulaney is in the JFK Library, and I have since talked with him, verifying this.";
man they sure enjoy their ass beatings they get here everyday ,well they are will paid so they dont mind getting embarrased here everyday.:D
The explosion of blood is an EXIT wound NOT an entrance wound


I don't know what happened that day.......we never will. Go take a 30-06 to a rifle range and shoot a big old pumpkin at 100 yards. Little hole in front.......HUGE ASS HOLE IN REAR!!!

actually we know beyond a doubt that it was the CIA that did it.we have E Howard Hunt confessing his role in the assassination as well as two CIA agents coming forward saying they did it when the invesigation was winding down,a lead the HSCA investigation did not pursure since it pointed towards government involvement and their NEW patsy was the mob since the lies of the warren commission were out now.a fact these aagent trolls keep denying the title of this thread.:cuckoo:
But nothing will ever be done about it though till the americna people get off their asses and fight to take their country back from the elites which they appear to much of a bunch of chickenshits to do.im ready to go,but i cant do it on my own.

One thing never argued, is where Connelly was hit. Say the SBT isn't correct, how does Connelly get hit where he was hit without going through the President? Doesn't seem possible.

kennedy slumped over at some point.

That is it, really? He slumped over at some point? Really? As with all the other 9/11 BS when stuck just make stuff up. You have the Zapurder film and plenty of pictures, show us when Kennedy slumped enough and when the bullet was fired.
Every committee that did a study on the shooting all claim three shots from the rear, all of them. The HSCA tried their hardest to prove conspiracy and even claimed there to be a conspiracy. But that was based on faulty information given to them which in their desire to prove conspiracy they accepted without test. Then it was proved to be BS and we were back to 3 bullets from the rear.

The blood splatter analysis should prove beyond doubt that the kill shot was from the rear. All the rest is BS.
The explosion of blood is an EXIT wound NOT an entrance wound


I don't know what happened that day.......we never will. Go take a 30-06 to a rifle range and shoot a big old pumpkin at 100 yards. Little hole in front.......HUGE ASS HOLE IN REAR!!!

That's exactly what REALLY happened. The driver's bullet hit jfk in the right forehead over the right eye. The rear exit is seen perfectly in the infamous headshot frame, 313. The autopsy photo matches 313 to a T. The scalp was lifted up and the right occipital region was blown off, along with a smaller portion of the parietal bone.




FRAME 337 SHOWING REAR GAPE AND JACKIE'S SHOCK. Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit


Sorry, you can't use the autopsy photos, the 9/11nutbag side has claimed them a forgery.

One thing never argued, is where Connelly was hit. Say the SBT isn't correct, how does Connelly get hit where he was hit without going through the President? Doesn't seem possible.
kennedy slumped over at some point.
That is it, really? He slumped over at some point? Really? As with all the other 9/11 BS when stuck just make stuff up. You have the Zapurder film and plenty of pictures, show us when Kennedy slumped enough and when the bullet was fired.

it seems to me it shows a little rightward slump even right after the throat shot. It wouldnt take much (if you believe the trajectory of the SBT) for a 6th floor shot to miss the prez and hit Conolley, of course shots from other perches would have different trajectories.

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