Eventually, There Will Be Dictatorship

Because the rising generations are stupid as shit. VIDEO: Students despise Obama policies...when credited to Trump
Plenty of this shit all over the political spectrum and yeah, it's a bad sign.

This is what happens when shallow, binary, partisan thought infects an entire society.

And those on both ends who have been pushing that kind of thought are DIRECTLY to blame.

The only ones pushing that kind of thought are leftist teachers, administrators, and professors.
Right wing talk radio has been pushing this for decades.
/---- You've listened to right wing radio for years and learned nothing of value. Sad.
Because the rising generations are stupid as shit. VIDEO: Students despise Obama policies...when credited to Trump
Plenty of this shit all over the political spectrum and yeah, it's a bad sign.

This is what happens when shallow, binary, partisan thought infects an entire society.

And those on both ends who have been pushing that kind of thought are DIRECTLY to blame.

The only ones pushing that kind of thought are leftist teachers, administrators, and professors.
Right wing talk radio has been pushing this for decades.
/---- You've listened to right wing radio for years and learned nothing of value. Sad.
What should I have "learned"?
Because the rising generations are stupid as shit.

VIDEO: Students despise Obama policies...when credited to Trump

1) Somebody else started this thread.
2) The questions and editing were deceptive, rendering them meaningless.
3) That said, you have a good point.

Half the Democrats voted for a Communist. The Republicans voted for a Nazi. while in the end, the sensible mainstream politician got the most votes, she still lost because of an arcane system imposed by slave rapists 200 years ago.

Americans as a whole have given up on politics and democracy, because it's hard work. They would rather go with easy solutions.
cellblock writes, Your lame attempt at deflection is rated FAIL.
And the reply is
View attachment 123852
/---- DemocRATS need to come to terms and embrace their racist past.
...author Ben Kinchlow has revealed that the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party and was not only infamous for lynching blacks through the early part of the 20th century, but for lynching Republicans.

And filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza has affirmed all major civil rights legislation through the mid-1960s was passed with Republican votes and Democrat opposition.

And commentator William Federer has exposed a long list of shockers, including that Southern Democrats attempted to keep former slaves from voting. He writes that on Jan. 8, 1867, Republicans granted voting rights to former slaves in the District of Columbia by overriding President Andrew Johnson’s veto. On July 19, 1867, Republicans passed more legislation protecting voting rights of all freed slaves after overriding again President Andrew Johnson’s veto. On March 30, 1868, Republicans began impeachment proceedings of President Andrew Johns

Read more at Exposed! Dems’ shameful history of institutional racism
dem slave trade.jpeg
cellblock mumbles "all major civil rights legislation that the mid-1960s was passed with Republican votes and Democrat opposition"

(1) when in fact the southern GOP had greater opposition to civil rights in the sixties than the southern Democrats.

(2) the GOP presidential candidate in 1964 opposed and voted against civil rights legislation,

(3) the Democratic presidential candidate who won that year had signed the CRA that year and would sign the Voting Act the following year.
The majority of the yes vote for CR and VR acts were by (choose one)

1. Democrats


2. Republicans
According to the Trumptards, Obama was a dictator for all those executive orders,

but now that Trump is issuing a flood of executive orders...

...suddenly, not so dictatorial. In fact, his flood of EO's are being cheered as one of his awesome 100 days accomplishments!!!

Is that what the OP is talking about?
The point is this: when it is your dictator, all is good.

When it is their dictator, all is bad.

Increasing authoritarian governance is our future. Period.
Rome prospered under a dictatorship for over four hundred years.

/---- Rome prospered in part because of slavery and imperialism. Much like today's DemocRATS
Yup, those crucifixtions and slave quarries. Oh, wait, that's happening under the GOP.
/---- Democrats were the slave owners and Republicans freed them. Democrats replaced Crucifixion with lynching. Ask Mommy to buy you a history book for your birthday.

Are you saying Robert E. Lee, STILL the number one hero of the conservative South,

was a LIBERAL?

Now that is Goddam funny.
Keep in mind, the Trumptards believe that it was dictatorial of the Democrats to pass the ACA. To PASS it, via the legislative process, according to the Constitution.

Rammed down their throats as they can't stop saying.

I guess we'll have to wait and see if they take the same view if the GOP and Trump do the same with their repeal/replace 'promise'.
Rome prospered under a dictatorship for over four hundred years.

/---- Rome prospered in part because of slavery and imperialism. Much like today's DemocRATS
Yup, those crucifixtions and slave quarries. Oh, wait, that's happening under the GOP.
/---- Democrats were the slave owners and Republicans freed them. Democrats replaced Crucifixion with lynching. Ask Mommy to buy you a history book for your birthday.
So you are talking about conservatives. We are talking about categories not titles.

I swear we go through this once a month with this canard with these people. It's their political menstruation I guess.
The majority of the yes vote for CR and VR acts were by (choose one)

1. Democrats


2. Republicans

The Democrats realized following the CRA1964 that they needed to steal the civil rights movement away from the Republicans by offering bread and circuses. What a fine job they've done. The black community is more enslaved than ever.

Jake, I'm still waiting for that list of racist Dixiecrat congresspeople who are claimed by the Democrats to have deserted the Party over civil rights and become Republicans, ironically the Party that actually got the CRA passed. Reference Everett Dirkson's actions on the matter.

Only one I could find was Strom Thurmond, and that was for political purposes.
cellblock mumbles "all major civil rights legislation that the mid-1960s was passed with Republican votes and Democrat opposition"

(1) when in fact the southern GOP had greater opposition to civil rights in the sixties than the southern Democrats.

(2) the GOP presidential candidate in 1964 opposed and voted against civil rights legislation,

(3) the Democratic presidential candidate who won that year had signed the CRA that year and would sign the Voting Act the following year.

/---- Dems led by Al Gore Sr. filibustered the CRA and VRA. The GOP got them passed.
According to the Trumptards, Obama was a dictator for all those executive orders,

but now that Trump is issuing a flood of executive orders...

...suddenly, not so dictatorial. In fact, his flood of EO's are being cheered as one of his awesome 100 days accomplishments!!!

Is that what the OP is talking about?

He's undoing the previous attempted dictatorship.

All things are not relative.
Your list has been given you, so you don't get "just once more." Ever.

The voting records in the southern states from 1968 on show the southern strategy of Nixon worked.

Thank you for admitting that the Dems passed the CR and VR acts, with GOP help, even though %wise the GOP were more against it the South than the Dems.

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