Ever Consider A Run For Office?

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Once upon a time, I considered running for elected office. After retiring from the Navy in 2001, I'd considered running for Mayor of the town I was living in at the time. I've always been an Independent, but party affiliation was not a factor for this particular office. It was always "Bob Jones for Mayor" as opposed to "Bob Jones (R) for Mayor."

I actually had no problem with the Mayor we had, I just thought I could also do the job and, maybe, do it a bit better. I certainly wasn't going to be doing it for the money, though. The Mayor for the town was considered a part-time job. If I recall, annual salary was somewhere around $22,000 a year.

I had a good relationship with the Mayor, as I admired his actions during and after the 2003 fires in southern California. I was a regular a city commission meetings, and I like to think there was a definite level of mutual respect.

Until I started looking into running. The guy turned into one of the nastiest little fucks I'd ever encountered. I started receiving harassing mails (snail mail), crank phone calls asking probing questions about my past and the like. Because of the relationship he and I had had, I never once would've thought it was him. Then at one city commission meeting, he didn't come up to me and say hello, and he always did that; every single time we saw each other. It was weird, and I put two and two together and concluded that it was him.

I was married at the time ad my wife and I discussed me running for office and, while it wouldn't have been an enormous strain, we decided against it. It had nothing to do with the phone calls and letters and everything to do with the fact that, at the end of the day, there just wasn't a lot to be said for being the mayor of Jerkwater, California.

The next time I saw the mayor, I said "So, I guess you heard I thought of taking your job. Well, no worries, I'm not running."

He gave me some bullshit line like "Oh, gee, sorry to hear that", but, when the phone stopped ringing in the middle of the night and pages-long manifestos about me stopped showing up in my mailbox, I knew it was him. I remember being mildly shocked that tactics such as that would be used on suck a low-scale level of office. After all, it's not like I was running for Mayor of New York.

So, ever think of running?
Once upon a time, I considered running for elected office. After retiring from the Navy in 2001, I'd considered running for Mayor of the town I was living in at the time. I've always been an Independent, but party affiliation was not a factor for this particular office. It was always "Bob Jones for Mayor" as opposed to "Bob Jones (R) for Mayor."

I actually had no problem with the Mayor we had, I just thought I could also do the job and, maybe, do it a bit better. I certainly wasn't going to be doing it for the money, though. The Mayor for the town was considered a part-time job. If I recall, annual salary was somewhere around $22,000 a year.

I had a good relationship with the Mayor, as I admired his actions during and after the 2003 fires in southern California. I was a regular a city commission meetings, and I like to think there was a definite level of mutual respect.

Until I started looking into running. The guy turned into one of the nastiest little fucks I'd ever encountered. I started receiving harassing mails (snail mail), crank phone calls asking probing questions about my past and the like. Because of the relationship he and I had had, I never once would've thought it was him. Then at one city commission meeting, he didn't come up to me and say hello, and he always did that; every single time we saw each other. It was weird, and I put two and two together and concluded that it was him.

I was married at the time ad my wife and I discussed me running for office and, while it wouldn't have been an enormous strain, we decided against it. It had nothing to do with the phone calls and letters and everything to do with the fact that, at the end of the day, there just wasn't a lot to be said for being the mayor of Jerkwater, California.

The next time I saw the mayor, I said "So, I guess you heard I thought of taking your job. Well, no worries, I'm not running."

He gave me some bullshit line like "Oh, gee, sorry to hear that", but, when the phone stopped ringing in the middle of the night and pages-long manifestos about me stopped showing up in my mailbox, I knew it was him. I remember being mildly shocked that tactics such as that would be used on suck a low-scale level of office. After all, it's not like I was running for Mayor of New York.

So, ever think of running?

Yes. I have. I've just retired from the Army, for good this time (maybe), after serving since 1991 in the regular army, the reserves and the guard. We, my wife and I, flirted with the idea of a run for the Senate but ultimately dismissed the notion largely because she doesn't want the lives of her parents put under the microscope and hassled by the media. Her mother is an immigrant from South America whose family was persecuted by the Guyanese government in the late 70's. And . . . end of the day, I don't want to put her or my family through that kind of scrutiny either, even though I've got the backing of some interesting people, including a former Senator who has been a family friend since I was a child.

Beyond all of that, I have lost all faith in the legislative branch and our governmental machinery as a whole. Considering the unchecked ability of rioter-terrorist mobs to rip through the streets on a nightly basis and of our governors, mayors and county commissioners to prop themselves up as teapot dictators during COVID, I just don't see the point of becoming a part of a system that's FUBAR beyond measure and wholly corrupt. I wish there were Jimmy Stewarts left in the world who could go up to the Hill, take a stand, and make a real difference but sadly, that caliber of men are extinct or nearly so.
You need to start at the School Board level and identify yourself as one who opposes the "1619 Project" and other BS from the left-wing agenda.

Once upon a time, I considered running for elected office. After retiring from the Navy in 2001, I'd considered running for Mayor of the town I was living in at the time. I've always been an Independent, but party affiliation was not a factor for this particular office. It was always "Bob Jones for Mayor" as opposed to "Bob Jones (R) for Mayor."

I actually had no problem with the Mayor we had, I just thought I could also do the job and, maybe, do it a bit better. I certainly wasn't going to be doing it for the money, though. The Mayor for the town was considered a part-time job. If I recall, annual salary was somewhere around $22,000 a year.

I had a good relationship with the Mayor, as I admired his actions during and after the 2003 fires in southern California. I was a regular a city commission meetings, and I like to think there was a definite level of mutual respect.

Until I started looking into running. The guy turned into one of the nastiest little fucks I'd ever encountered. I started receiving harassing mails (snail mail), crank phone calls asking probing questions about my past and the like. Because of the relationship he and I had had, I never once would've thought it was him. Then at one city commission meeting, he didn't come up to me and say hello, and he always did that; every single time we saw each other. It was weird, and I put two and two together and concluded that it was him.

I was married at the time ad my wife and I discussed me running for office and, while it wouldn't have been an enormous strain, we decided against it. It had nothing to do with the phone calls and letters and everything to do with the fact that, at the end of the day, there just wasn't a lot to be said for being the mayor of Jerkwater, California.

The next time I saw the mayor, I said "So, I guess you heard I thought of taking your job. Well, no worries, I'm not running."

He gave me some bullshit line like "Oh, gee, sorry to hear that", but, when the phone stopped ringing in the middle of the night and pages-long manifestos about me stopped showing up in my mailbox, I knew it was him. I remember being mildly shocked that tactics such as that would be used on suck a low-scale level of office. After all, it's not like I was running for Mayor of New York.

So, ever think of running?

I entered a special election for an open schoolboard seat and finished second. I was/am registered as an independent. Since I was obviously a fiscal conservative, the Republicans liked me and said I was a strong candidate. They were impressed I finished second as an independent and asked me to run as a Republican in the next election. They said I'll never win as an independent.

I declined not because I changed my mind about being on the school board, but because I didn't want to run as a Republican. I did believe them though I wouldn't win as an independent and didn't run again
Yes I have... Ran as a libertarian... It was fun... Came in a solid third out of a 3 man race... $75.00 fee to run... A new shirt and 500 business cards... Life is good...
It has been said that it takes a special breed to run for political office.

Human beings are really mean.

They will try their best to destroy their opponents.

Regardless of what thinks of President Trump, he deserves credit for being one tough b*st*rd.

His enemies have thrown everything at him, but he has stayed in there and fought back.

Sure, he is going to lose. Too many people have an totally unjustified "guilt" about a certain matter.

As Sir Winston Churchill supposedly said, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."
Yeah, I thought about it. I could get a lot of mileage out of being a veteran, alone. Plus, I'm good looking and just sexy as fvck, lol.

But they would climb up my ass and all my people's, and some of my people are flat out criminals. Practicing felons, making a living.
None of us need that kind of bullshit in our lives, and for them, it could impact their incomes and their freedom.
Once upon a time, I considered running for elected office. After retiring from the Navy in 2001, I'd considered running for Mayor of the town I was living in at the time. I've always been an Independent, but party affiliation was not a factor for this particular office. It was always "Bob Jones for Mayor" as opposed to "Bob Jones (R) for Mayor."

I actually had no problem with the Mayor we had, I just thought I could also do the job and, maybe, do it a bit better. I certainly wasn't going to be doing it for the money, though. The Mayor for the town was considered a part-time job. If I recall, annual salary was somewhere around $22,000 a year.

I had a good relationship with the Mayor, as I admired his actions during and after the 2003 fires in southern California. I was a regular a city commission meetings, and I like to think there was a definite level of mutual respect.

Until I started looking into running. The guy turned into one of the nastiest little fucks I'd ever encountered. I started receiving harassing mails (snail mail), crank phone calls asking probing questions about my past and the like. Because of the relationship he and I had had, I never once would've thought it was him. Then at one city commission meeting, he didn't come up to me and say hello, and he always did that; every single time we saw each other. It was weird, and I put two and two together and concluded that it was him.

I was married at the time ad my wife and I discussed me running for office and, while it wouldn't have been an enormous strain, we decided against it. It had nothing to do with the phone calls and letters and everything to do with the fact that, at the end of the day, there just wasn't a lot to be said for being the mayor of Jerkwater, California.

The next time I saw the mayor, I said "So, I guess you heard I thought of taking your job. Well, no worries, I'm not running."

He gave me some bullshit line like "Oh, gee, sorry to hear that", but, when the phone stopped ringing in the middle of the night and pages-long manifestos about me stopped showing up in my mailbox, I knew it was him. I remember being mildly shocked that tactics such as that would be used on suck a low-scale level of office. After all, it's not like I was running for Mayor of New York.

So, ever think of running?
I saw what happened in my community when someone wanted to run for some Library position...a real vicious shitshow.
Anyone who has a drop of respect for and professional politician is an ignoramus.
Yeah, I thought about it. I could get a lot of mileage out of being a veteran, alone. Plus, I'm good looking and just sexy as fvck, lol.

But they would climb up my ass and all my people's, and some of my people are flat out criminals. Practicing felons, making a living.
None of us need that kind of bullshit in our lives, and for them, it could impact their incomes and their freedom.
How does one practice felony?
Yeah, I thought about it. I could get a lot of mileage out of being a veteran, alone. Plus, I'm good looking and just sexy as fvck, lol.

But they would climb up my ass and all my people's, and some of my people are flat out criminals. Practicing felons, making a living.
None of us need that kind of bullshit in our lives, and for them, it could impact their incomes and their freedom.
How does one practice felony?
Alternative economies, goods and services, etc.
Yeah, I thought about it. I could get a lot of mileage out of being a veteran, alone. Plus, I'm good looking and just sexy as fvck, lol.

But they would climb up my ass and all my people's, and some of my people are flat out criminals. Practicing felons, making a living.
None of us need that kind of bullshit in our lives, and for them, it could impact their incomes and their freedom.
How does one practice felony?
The government hates competition, so small crews should stay under the radar and avoid coming to the attention of the largest criminal organization around.
Once upon a time, I considered running for elected office. After retiring from the Navy in 2001, I'd considered running for Mayor of the town I was living in at the time. I've always been an Independent, but party affiliation was not a factor for this particular office. It was always "Bob Jones for Mayor" as opposed to "Bob Jones (R) for Mayor."

I actually had no problem with the Mayor we had, I just thought I could also do the job and, maybe, do it a bit better. I certainly wasn't going to be doing it for the money, though. The Mayor for the town was considered a part-time job. If I recall, annual salary was somewhere around $22,000 a year.

I had a good relationship with the Mayor, as I admired his actions during and after the 2003 fires in southern California. I was a regular a city commission meetings, and I like to think there was a definite level of mutual respect.

Until I started looking into running. The guy turned into one of the nastiest little fucks I'd ever encountered. I started receiving harassing mails (snail mail), crank phone calls asking probing questions about my past and the like. Because of the relationship he and I had had, I never once would've thought it was him. Then at one city commission meeting, he didn't come up to me and say hello, and he always did that; every single time we saw each other. It was weird, and I put two and two together and concluded that it was him.

I was married at the time ad my wife and I discussed me running for office and, while it wouldn't have been an enormous strain, we decided against it. It had nothing to do with the phone calls and letters and everything to do with the fact that, at the end of the day, there just wasn't a lot to be said for being the mayor of Jerkwater, California.

The next time I saw the mayor, I said "So, I guess you heard I thought of taking your job. Well, no worries, I'm not running."

He gave me some bullshit line like "Oh, gee, sorry to hear that", but, when the phone stopped ringing in the middle of the night and pages-long manifestos about me stopped showing up in my mailbox, I knew it was him. I remember being mildly shocked that tactics such as that would be used on suck a low-scale level of office. After all, it's not like I was running for Mayor of New York.

So, ever think of running?

I ran for President on U4Prez.com

Great idea for a website but it is gone now.

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