Ever notice how many (not all) leftists claim to oppose nationalism but then...

There very well could have been but Gaza and The West Bank were generously given to The "Palestinians" BY ISRAEL AFTER Egypt washed its hands of Gaza and Jordan dumped the West Bank and East Jerusalem(even as Jordan didn't want them back).

But you know that so you're just a pissant antiSemetic anti-US arsehole!!

Now I wonder; which of the Democrats here support Biden in his view that Israel is justified in wiping out Hamas??

Which Democrats here are Hamas supporters?

Read Moishe Dayan. The Israelis always wanted more land and water. Damn the Arab majority.
Israel should have stuck with the land they were given.
You mean after they were attacked by their NEIGHBOURS!!!?

lol; daft old Surads. After Israel defeated them they TRIED TO HAND IT BACK but both Egypt and Jordan refused. Not that I fucking blame them!! Now tell me what Jordan did to the PLO??


(btw: on other issues you're quite right; just not this one imo. Note you are in the badlands; we tend to be fucking disgusting down here).
Read Moishe Dayan. The Israelis always wanted more land and water. Damn the Arab majority.
I've read a lot of Moishe's writings; never did he say anything about taking anything illegitimately!! But you know that; stop being silly!!

Israel should have stuck with the land they were given.

Waging never-ending war has consequences when you lose. Next you're going to cry that Denmark should return land to Germany.
You mean after they were attacked by their NEIGHBOURS!!!?

lol; daft old Surads. After Israel defeated them they TRIED TO HAND IT BACK but both Egypt and Jordan refused. Not that I fucking blame them!! Now tell me what Jordan did to the PLO??


(btw: on other issues you're quite right; just not this one imo. Note you are in the badlands; we tend to be fucking disgusting down here).
Refugee populations are always a problem. That's why Israel continues to destroy homes and families.
Hitler and Mussolini were nationalists. ZIONISM is just Jewish nationalism. ..having no regard for the indigenous majority.
Waging never-ending war has consequences when you lose. Next you're going to cry that Denmark should return land to Germany.

There was no Germany until recent history.

January 18, 1871
The German Empire was founded on January 18, 1871, in the aftermath of three successful wars by the North German state of Prussia.
Encyclopedia Britannica › place
Germany - Unification, Imperialism, WWI | Britannica
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I've read a lot of Moishe's writings; never did he say anything about taking anything illegitimately!! But you know that; stop being silly!!

Dayan talked about their greed and constantly provoking their neighbors with armed incursions.
Leftists are such Hamas Useful Idiots that they legitimise rape and murder!! Shows that they are as we have known since the Old Soviet Days; Leftists are barbarians!!

Free Free Palestine.....FROM HAMAS!!!!

Rabid nationalism always produces more nationalism. See zionism in Palestine.
There was no Germany until recent history.

January 18, 1871
The German Empire was founded on January 18, 1871, in the aftermath of three successful wars by the North German state of Prussia.
Encyclopedia Britannica › place
Germany - Unification, Imperialism, WWI | Britannica

I was referring to when German lands were seded to its neighbors by the allies after the second world war.
Do tell me; what is "nationalistic" about being an Iranian useful idiot proxy??

You really are an ignorant they/them!!

Oh, that's an easy one.

I am sick and fucking tired of seeing THIS be a regular thing because the Zionists and Oil companies send young men off to die for things that aren't in America's interest.


If Iran pushes Israel off the map, it's really not our problem.
We didn't let Saddam Hussein keep Kuwait either.
You're missing the point. Your problem is that your love, loyalty, and devotion are to Hamas and the PA no matter the facts.
...vigorously support the "cleansing" of "Palestine"?

"From the river to the sea Palestine will be free".
YOu would find that most liberals have no idea of nationalism , at least not historically, what it was to the Founders

What it is and what it isn't.

IT IS a shared "civil religion' so that people of any history or nationality can agree on morality and human rights
IT IS the marriage of the natural theology of the West with the best form of government man has yet discovered
IT IS the shining beacon for the world, not to be imposeed but to be imitated as its shows it success.

IT IS NOT a form of Nazi exaltation of state over citizen
IT IS NOT a utilitarian attempt to smother whatever stands in the way of the 'maximum progress"
IT IS NOT the plaything of experts, the meritocracy, or in any sense the 'elite'
Read Moishe Dayan. The Israelis always wanted more land and water. Damn the Arab majority.
Yes. And provoked and provoked until they got a reaction then used that as an excuse to steal more land. Though I'm not sure what use they had for fig leaves for their thefts, really.
You're missing the point. Your problem is that your love, loyalty, and devotion are to Hamas and the PA no matter the facts.

You're a liar and a fool. No one has expressed support for Hamas.. including me. Hamas was created by Israel. Now they are dealing with the blowback.
...vigorously support the "cleansing" of "Palestine"?

"From the river to the sea Palestine will be free".


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