Ever notice how the leftists always play word games?

Diver Diva

Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2019
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".
Did you know "climate change" was actually popularized by conservative Frank Luntz because he thought it sounded less severe than global warming?
How the fuck is "healthcare" a word game?

"It's not a rock. It's a stony ball. Enough of the word games. Jesus!"
OP is racist.*

*Above is the example of the only word game being played by the left right now. Pin the term on the opponent.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".

Cough, cough Postmodernism. Read all about postmodernism, the Hegelian Dialectic and Deconstructionism. Eye openers! The hardest core leftists know their ideology is suicidal and makes no sense. Thus, they will ask the same question again and again in an effort to confound or exasperate their opposition in most debates. They will also seek shared guilt in ethical/moral topics such as relentlessly pointing out imperfections in both Christianity and the average Christian, in an effort to make the Christian feel shared shame, and in this way knock them off their faith. Once you understand these tactics (and there are hundreds of them) you will be better equipped to defeat the radical leftist in any debate. However, most of them will never concede, choosing instead to redefine reality rather than admit you have won any argument. You should also read and understand the No True Scotsman fallacy.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".
I hate to say this, but you are now "enemy number 1" with all the libtards on this board.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".

Remember my thread:
The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language
The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language

QUOTE: "Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Recently I was called a homophobe. I responded with this: "Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc. I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. "

A phobia is a mental condition. As I said, Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and of course the opposite too, to make the truth sound like a lie.

In this case, the normal person, me has the mental problem - the "phobia" - and the person with the mental disorder, the homosexual, is the normal person. (NOTE: Do not derail this thread onto the topic of homosexuality. The topic is "The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language.")

Other examples of this perversion of language? Calling things racist that are not racist. Other sorts of phobias, like Islamophobia. Generally describing things in a manner that are absolutely false, such as the famous Democrat line, "Tax Cuts for the Rich", used to describe tax cuts for businesses as incentives for growth.
Of course, there is this perversion, the phrase "Undocumented Immigrants", used to describe Illegal Aliens. "Alien" is a legal term to describe a non-citizen. But by calling Illegal Aliens "Immigrants", the Left lumps them in with legal immigrants for the purpose of saying the Republicans are anti-Immigrant. That, of course, is a lie. Remember: Orwell's essay focuses on political language which is "designed to make lies sound truthful", and make the truth sound like a lie. In this case, the lie is that Illegal Aliens are the same as Legal Immigrants, and the lie is also that Republicans are anti-Immigrant.


Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Did you know "climate change" was actually popularized by conservative Frank Luntz because he thought it sounded less severe than global warming?
Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.
Did you know "climate change" was actually popularized by conservative Frank Luntz because he thought it sounded less severe than global warming?
Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.

Luntz is a Putz, a little tub of jelly.
Frank Putz
This is old hat for liberals. In the old days you could say coloreds, aarabs, heebs, and faggots. Now the liberals insist we be politically correct.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".
Well Global Warming is still an appropriate term except that every time there is a blizzard or snowstorm the deniers think that proves it’s a hoax when in fact the warming of our environment is a catalyst to extreme whether conditions both hot and cold... the low IQ deniers don’t seem to get that so the term Climate Change is now used.

I don’t see the issue with the term healthcare... healthcare is the ultimate goal and there are several ways to get there. Insurance is the current system for payment and avenues for care but that can always change, for example single payer bypasses private insurance.

A more appropriate word play example would be calling illegal aliens, Immigrants. I’m fine with undocumented immigrants however our laws use the term illegal aliens so that wording should be changed if it is found to be offensive, i’d support that. But in these debates we here the left calling the undocumented simply as “immigrants” and conflating the two groups is not accurate or honest debate.

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Actually the changed the term because of brain dead people like you that would step outside in Dec and say "see, it is cold out, there cannot be global warming"
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Actually the changed the term because of brain dead people like you that would step outside in Dec and say "see, it is cold out, there cannot be global warming"
Just like the several warming is real because it's hot in summer threads running right now?
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Actually the changed the term because of brain dead people like you that would step outside in Dec and say "see, it is cold out, there cannot be global warming"

It kept snowing on the global warming summit meetings, hence climate change.
Ask a global warmer if they want to discuss all the dire predictions they made 15 years ago that never came true..their face will turn red and they squeal like a stuck pig.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Its not blood spurting limb severing horrific abortion no its "pro choice". Oh my that sound so much less murderous, I'm sure they won't burn in hell now. /sarcasm

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