Ever notice how the leftists always play word games?

But the simple fact that the climate is warming and is being effected by CO2 levels and mans activity is settled
No it isn't...that is not true...in fact there are a growing number of scientist that are backing away from Carbon as the culprit...they are looking at ozone depletion again....
Are you saying ozone depletion is causing the earth to warm more rapidly?
I'm saying there is growing speculation of warming in certain locations due to ozone thinning....that could possibly be changing certain weather patterns...
Can you provide some details about this? It was my understanding that the ozone traps heat in keeping the earths surface warm.

But the simple fact that the climate is warming and is being effected by CO2 levels and mans activity is settled
No it isn't...that is not true...in fact there are a growing number of scientist that are backing away from Carbon as the culprit...they are looking at ozone depletion again....
Are you saying ozone depletion is causing the earth to warm more rapidly?
I'm saying there is growing speculation of warming in certain locations due to ozone thinning....that could possibly be changing certain weather patterns...
Can you provide some details about this? It was my understanding that the ozone traps heat in keeping the earths surface warm.

I appreciate the link however I can’t take it seriously after seeing this inaccuracy... look at the snippet below from the report your link references. The professor said that from 2002 - 2013 (the year the article was written) we have seen the earth cooling and this trend was projected to continue for 50-70 years. Well look up this stats? That is just not true

"Most conventional theories expect that global temperatures will continue to increase as CO2 levels continue to rise, as they have done since 1850. What's striking is that since 2002, global temperatures have actually declined - matching a decline in CFCs in the atmosphere," Professor Lu said. "My calculations of CFC greenhouse effect show that there was global warming by about 0.6 °C from 1950 to 2002, but the earth has actually cooled since 2002. The cooling trend is set to continue for the next 50-70 years as the amount of CFCs in the atmosphere continues to decline."

Check the stats :

Did global warming stop in 1998? | NOAA Climate.gov
No it isn't...that is not true...in fact there are a growing number of scientist that are backing away from Carbon as the culprit...they are looking at ozone depletion again....
Are you saying ozone depletion is causing the earth to warm more rapidly?
I'm saying there is growing speculation of warming in certain locations due to ozone thinning....that could possibly be changing certain weather patterns...
Can you provide some details about this? It was my understanding that the ozone traps heat in keeping the earths surface warm.

I appreciate the link however I can’t take it seriously after seeing this inaccuracy... look at the snippet below from the report your link references. The professor said that from 2002 - 2013 (the year the article was written) we have seen the earth cooling and this trend was projected to continue for 50-70 years. Well look up this stats? That is just not true

"Most conventional theories expect that global temperatures will continue to increase as CO2 levels continue to rise, as they have done since 1850. What's striking is that since 2002, global temperatures have actually declined - matching a decline in CFCs in the atmosphere," Professor Lu said. "My calculations of CFC greenhouse effect show that there was global warming by about 0.6 °C from 1950 to 2002, but the earth has actually cooled since 2002. The cooling trend is set to continue for the next 50-70 years as the amount of CFCs in the atmosphere continues to decline."

Check the stats :

Did global warming stop in 1998? | NOAA Climate.gov
You do know what a theory is, right? Back in the early 1900's the theory was dinosaurs were slow and cold blooded, how long did that "theory" last? I get so tired of government shills that will say what ever it takes just so they can get their dollars. When I worked at DynCorp for the FDA, one of the doctors had said, "money talks, and as long as you find what you are being paid to find, the money keeps coming in". NOAA, is as corrupt as any other government agency.. DRAIN THE FUCKING SWAMP...
Are you saying ozone depletion is causing the earth to warm more rapidly?
I'm saying there is growing speculation of warming in certain locations due to ozone thinning....that could possibly be changing certain weather patterns...
Can you provide some details about this? It was my understanding that the ozone traps heat in keeping the earths surface warm.

I appreciate the link however I can’t take it seriously after seeing this inaccuracy... look at the snippet below from the report your link references. The professor said that from 2002 - 2013 (the year the article was written) we have seen the earth cooling and this trend was projected to continue for 50-70 years. Well look up this stats? That is just not true

"Most conventional theories expect that global temperatures will continue to increase as CO2 levels continue to rise, as they have done since 1850. What's striking is that since 2002, global temperatures have actually declined - matching a decline in CFCs in the atmosphere," Professor Lu said. "My calculations of CFC greenhouse effect show that there was global warming by about 0.6 °C from 1950 to 2002, but the earth has actually cooled since 2002. The cooling trend is set to continue for the next 50-70 years as the amount of CFCs in the atmosphere continues to decline."

Check the stats :

Did global warming stop in 1998? | NOAA Climate.gov
You do know what a theory is, right? Back in the early 1900's the theory was dinosaurs were slow and cold blooded, how long did that "theory" last? I get so tired of government shills that will say what ever it takes just so they can get their dollars. When I worked at DynCorp for the FDA, one of the doctors had said, "money talks, and as long as you find what you are being paid to find, the money keeps coming in". NOAA, is as corrupt as any other government agency.. DRAIN THE FUCKING SWAMP...
Yes I know what a theory is. People once thought the earth was flat as well, and now we know otherwise. Theories are often proven or disproven by science. True there are many theories still out there regarding climate change. But every year more of those theories are proven by science.

A buddy of mine who is ex military worked as a climate scientist for many years. It was his specialty. years ago he had to step away because he had a brain tumor so he is no longer employed by the government. He’s not a big political player and doesn’t have an agenda either way. I’ve had many conversations with him regarding the subject, without getting into the weeds he has told me that the science has proven that man’s activity has had an effect on climate through CO2 levels as a major factor. I hear people like you go off on these rants denying everything thinking that it’s all because of this power-play to gain control and have government takeover. But what if thats not the case? what if we really are having an effect on the environment and what if we are causing damage that is going to affect the lives of our children and grandchildren? Don’t you think that is worth a rational debate? Further exploration? And not just a petty partisan dismissal?
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".

I would argue that they're "very good" at it anymore, to be honest. They USED to be very good at it, until Political Correctness made them the laughing stock of the 21st Century. Now most everyone I know can see right through their propensity to simply re-name everything to suit their agenda. I'm not just talking about politico-heads like us either, but your average man on the street.

"Climate change" is a buzz word for Lefties but here, on the ground, it's sheer mockery when we get another ten inches of "climate change" on the ground into March....and April....

There are tons more examples of this.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".

Cough, cough Postmodernism. Read all about postmodernism, the Hegelian Dialectic and Deconstructionism. Eye openers! The hardest core leftists know their ideology is suicidal and makes no sense. Thus, they will ask the same question again and again in an effort to confound or exasperate their opposition in most debates. They will also seek shared guilt in ethical/moral topics such as relentlessly pointing out imperfections in both Christianity and the average Christian, in an effort to make the Christian feel shared shame, and in this way knock them off their faith. Once you understand these tactics (and there are hundreds of them) you will be better equipped to defeat the radical leftist in any debate. However, most of them will never concede, choosing instead to redefine reality rather than admit you have won any argument. You should also read and understand the No True Scotsman fallacy.

And of course Leftists have chosen the most stupid of all fallacies and invariably strut around when they proclaim it just like puffed up roosters....with rooster brains. As soon as you say, "Christians don't....." they squawk "NO TRUE SCOTSMAN" like they've solved the world's problems.

I put this to them every time: It is fallacious to say "no true Scotsman would eat honey with his biscuits" or some such.

It is NOT fallacious to say "No true Scotsman would be born in Argentina to Argentinian parents, whose parents were ALSO Argentinians, and whose ancestors had, in fact, lived in Argentina for generations."

And then they stumble around for awhile and mutter. That's what we're dealing with here.
Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Very true. And very eloquently stated.

Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.
Who is Luntz? Is that the focus group guy I see on Fox News sometimes?

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Pro-life is self explanatory, it is support of life.
Pro-choice by itself is a meaningless term.

I have no problem calling myself anti-abortion. Why can't "pro-choice" people call themselves "pro-abortion"?

Its not blood spurting limb severing horrific abortion no its "pro choice". Oh my that sound so much less murderous, I'm sure they won't burn in hell now. /sarcasm

I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way.
Are you aware that one volcanic eruption puts as much carbon into the atmosphere as 5 years of total global human activity?
Solar activity has a far greater effect on temperature cycles than any miniscule amount of CO2 man produces.
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Pro-life is self explanatory, it is support of life.
Pro-choice by itself is a meaningless term.

I have no problem calling myself anti-abortion. Why can't "pro-choice" people call themselves "pro-abortion"?
But 'pro-life' types don't mind killing animals now do they. Can you define what it means to be human and not animal?

Why can't "pro-life" people call themselves "anti-choice"?
Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Very true. And very eloquently stated.

Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.
Who is Luntz? Is that the focus group guy I see on Fox News sometimes?

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Pro-life is self explanatory, it is support of life.
Pro-choice by itself is a meaningless term.

I have no problem calling myself anti-abortion. Why can't "pro-choice" people call themselves "pro-abortion"?

Its not blood spurting limb severing horrific abortion no its "pro choice". Oh my that sound so much less murderous, I'm sure they won't burn in hell now. /sarcasm

I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way.
Are you aware that one volcanic eruption puts as much carbon into the atmosphere as 5 years of total global human activity?
Solar activity has a far greater effect on temperature cycles than any miniscule amount of CO2 man produces.
I have a buddy who used to work as a climate scientist, it was his job to study this stuff and he says otherwise. Mans activity is having a direct relation to the warming our our climate. The effects of mans activity isn’t simply releasing Carbon, that is one element but there are other pollutants and effects.

I don’t know where you get your data from but this source said that man emits 60x more CO2 than volcanoes per year.

Which emits more carbon dioxide: volcanoes or human activities? | NOAA Climate.gov
Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Very true. And very eloquently stated.

Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.
Who is Luntz? Is that the focus group guy I see on Fox News sometimes?

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Pro-life is self explanatory, it is support of life.
Pro-choice by itself is a meaningless term.

I have no problem calling myself anti-abortion. Why can't "pro-choice" people call themselves "pro-abortion"?

Its not blood spurting limb severing horrific abortion no its "pro choice". Oh my that sound so much less murderous, I'm sure they won't burn in hell now. /sarcasm

I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way.
Are you aware that one volcanic eruption puts as much carbon into the atmosphere as 5 years of total global human activity?
Solar activity has a far greater effect on temperature cycles than any miniscule amount of CO2 man produces.
If you want to be honest with language then why would you use “pro-abortion” as a term? That in itself is not honest. Abortion is a hard and life changing decision for those who go through it. It isn’t something people want to happen. Prevention is a goal of the pro-choice crew as well, but they feel that they choice to do so should be the womans decision as it is her body that is being affected.
Democrats have been using the term "humanitarian" a lot lately. Turns out their not talking about actual Americans when they use that term.
Democrats have been using the term "humanitarian" a lot lately. Turns out their not talking about actual Americans when they use that term.
Since when does humanitarian only apply to Americans? Or were you being sarcastic?
Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Very true. And very eloquently stated.

Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.
Who is Luntz? Is that the focus group guy I see on Fox News sometimes?

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Pro-life is self explanatory, it is support of life.
Pro-choice by itself is a meaningless term.

I have no problem calling myself anti-abortion. Why can't "pro-choice" people call themselves "pro-abortion"?

Its not blood spurting limb severing horrific abortion no its "pro choice". Oh my that sound so much less murderous, I'm sure they won't burn in hell now. /sarcasm

I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way.
Are you aware that one volcanic eruption puts as much carbon into the atmosphere as 5 years of total global human activity?
Solar activity has a far greater effect on temperature cycles than any miniscule amount of CO2 man produces.
If you want to be honest with language then why would you use “pro-abortion” as a term? That in itself is not honest. Abortion is a hard and life changing decision for those who go through it. It isn’t something people want to happen. Prevention is a goal of the pro-choice crew as well, but they feel that they choice to do so should be the womans decision as it is her body that is being affected.

Please, Dem's advocate for abortions its one of their favorite division topics. If its such a difficult decision why have there been over 50 million abortions?
Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Very true. And very eloquently stated.

Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.
Who is Luntz? Is that the focus group guy I see on Fox News sometimes?

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Pro-life is self explanatory, it is support of life.
Pro-choice by itself is a meaningless term.

I have no problem calling myself anti-abortion. Why can't "pro-choice" people call themselves "pro-abortion"?

Its not blood spurting limb severing horrific abortion no its "pro choice". Oh my that sound so much less murderous, I'm sure they won't burn in hell now. /sarcasm

I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way.
Are you aware that one volcanic eruption puts as much carbon into the atmosphere as 5 years of total global human activity?
Solar activity has a far greater effect on temperature cycles than any miniscule amount of CO2 man produces.
If you want to be honest with language then why would you use “pro-abortion” as a term? That in itself is not honest. Abortion is a hard and life changing decision for those who go through it. It isn’t something people want to happen. Prevention is a goal of the pro-choice crew as well, but they feel that they choice to do so should be the womans decision as it is her body that is being affected.

Please, Dem's advocate for abortions its one of their favorite division topics. If its such a difficult decision why have there been over 50 million abortions?
Because people like to have sex and many do so with people they don’t want to have children with and before they are ready to raise children. This isn’t rocket science.
Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Very true. And very eloquently stated.

Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.
Who is Luntz? Is that the focus group guy I see on Fox News sometimes?

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Pro-life is self explanatory, it is support of life.
Pro-choice by itself is a meaningless term.

I have no problem calling myself anti-abortion. Why can't "pro-choice" people call themselves "pro-abortion"?

Its not blood spurting limb severing horrific abortion no its "pro choice". Oh my that sound so much less murderous, I'm sure they won't burn in hell now. /sarcasm

I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way.
Are you aware that one volcanic eruption puts as much carbon into the atmosphere as 5 years of total global human activity?
Solar activity has a far greater effect on temperature cycles than any miniscule amount of CO2 man produces.
If you want to be honest with language then why would you use “pro-abortion” as a term? That in itself is not honest. Abortion is a hard and life changing decision for those who go through it. It isn’t something people want to happen. Prevention is a goal of the pro-choice crew as well, but they feel that they choice to do so should be the womans decision as it is her body that is being affected.

Please, Dem's advocate for abortions its one of their favorite division topics. If its such a difficult decision why have there been over 50 million abortions?
Because people like to have sex and many do so with people they don’t want to have children with and before they are ready to raise children. This isn’t rocket science.

So much for your post above then about how emotionally difficult and traumatizing it is for women to choose to have an abortion. Instead of using contraceptives they just abort their babies, something Democrats have painted as no big deal like brushing your teeth.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".
I hate to say this, but you are now "enemy number 1" with all the libtards on this board.

What?! I go away for a few days, and someone usurps my crown?! What the hell?
Trump, as usual, is totally correct. This sort of Orwellian perversion of language which Fake News outlets like CNN and MSNBC use on a daily basis really is the enemy of the people. It makes the people believe propaganda & lies, and then they vote based on those lies.

I will always call out the liars in this forum who engage in this debasement of language, and I will start linking back to this OP as a reminder.

Author: Me
Very true. And very eloquently stated.

Luntz is not a conservative. He is whatever suits his purpose at the time. He makes his living saying what people want to hear and it changes with each group he talks to.
Who is Luntz? Is that the focus group guy I see on Fox News sometimes?

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
Conservatives are pretty good at it too. My favorite is 'pro-life'. What exactly does that mean? All plants and animals are 'life', do they expect us to stop killing and eating. What they really mean is 'human life' but that gets into the muddy waters of defining what it means to be human so it is safer to leave that qualifier out.
Pro-life is self explanatory, it is support of life.
Pro-choice by itself is a meaningless term.

I have no problem calling myself anti-abortion. Why can't "pro-choice" people call themselves "pro-abortion"?

Its not blood spurting limb severing horrific abortion no its "pro choice". Oh my that sound so much less murderous, I'm sure they won't burn in hell now. /sarcasm

I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way.
Are you aware that one volcanic eruption puts as much carbon into the atmosphere as 5 years of total global human activity?
Solar activity has a far greater effect on temperature cycles than any miniscule amount of CO2 man produces.
If you want to be honest with language then why would you use “pro-abortion” as a term? That in itself is not honest. Abortion is a hard and life changing decision for those who go through it. It isn’t something people want to happen. Prevention is a goal of the pro-choice crew as well, but they feel that they choice to do so should be the womans decision as it is her body that is being affected.

Please, Dem's advocate for abortions its one of their favorite division topics. If its such a difficult decision why have there been over 50 million abortions?
Because people like to have sex and many do so with people they don’t want to have children with and before they are ready to raise children. This isn’t rocket science.

So much for your post above then about how emotionally difficult and traumatizing it is for women to choose to have an abortion. Instead of using contraceptives they just abort their babies, something Democrats have painted as no big deal like brushing your teeth.
Nothing in my two statements contradict each other
Since when does humanitarian only apply to Americans?
Maybe you'll be a patriot someday.

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