Ever notice how the leftists always play word games?

I’m a low tax small government guy so I’m not jumping on board with taxing CO2 as the solution. I do know that in the current state of our environment the CO2 levels are effecting the rate of increase of our temperature and that is having an effect on whether conditions. I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way. Taxing to restrict CO2 isn’t a great idea so we should be discussing what will actually make a difference.

Less asphalt....it radiates heat. Gives us the illusion of global warming.
But that also means less people.
Less people = less asphalt.
See...., wasn't that simple?
(Solar panels also radiate heat...kill tons of birds.)
Are you making that up or basing it off any kind of scientific analysis?

Have you ever changed a tire in 105 degree temps? I have.
It's near 150 degrees at ground level on asphalt.
I don't need no fuckin' pinhead scientist telling me that Co2 is causing it.
Have you seen the proposals for white asphalt?
New Light Roads Covering Los Angeles - The Truth About “White” Streets - GuardTop

Get this stuff applied, pronto!
Especially here in Vegas.

(I had cooldeck paint applied on a pooldeck in my old house, and it worked in Vegas summer temps. I could walk on it barefoot on 100+ days.)
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".
Well Global Warming is still an appropriate term except that every time there is a blizzard or snowstorm the deniers think that proves it’s a hoax when in fact the warming of our environment is a catalyst to extreme whether conditions both hot and cold... the low IQ deniers don’t seem to get that so the term Climate Change is now used.

I don’t see the issue with the term healthcare... healthcare is the ultimate goal and there are several ways to get there. Insurance is the current system for payment and avenues for care but that can always change, for example single payer bypasses private insurance.

A more appropriate word play example would be calling illegal aliens, Immigrants. I’m fine with undocumented immigrants however our laws use the term illegal aliens so that wording should be changed if it is found to be offensive, i’d support that. But in these debates we here the left calling the undocumented simply as “immigrants” and conflating the two groups is not accurate or honest debate.

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
warming of our environment is a catalyst to extreme whether conditions both hot and cold..
When the glaciers were coming down from the north back 11,000 years ago, was that an extreme weather condition(not whether condition)? When the planet started warming up and the Mammoths and saber tooth tigers started going extinct, was that an extreme weather condition(not whether condition)? So how much difference between those 2 events are even close to what the change in temperature is nowadays? You science deniers(like men with boobs are women) just cant come to grips that your liberal elites want to steal your money by taxing your CO2 usage, while they get very rich, and you get very poor. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

I’m a low tax small government guy so I’m not jumping on board with taxing CO2 as the solution. I do know that in the current state of our environment the CO2 levels are effecting the rate of increase of our temperature and that is having an effect on whether conditions. I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way. Taxing to restrict CO2 isn’t a great idea so we should be discussing what will actually make a difference.
We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not.
So you are saying that the science is settled?
Some of my favorite* Democrat word games right now:

"Immigrants" when talking about illegal aliens, trying to imply/state that Republicans are racist and are attacking ALL immigrants. Nah bish were talking about illegal aliens. Legal Immigrants are fine and welcome.

"Women's Reproductive Health" Oh wow why would republicans want to stop women from being able to reproduce and be healthy.... Oh they mean Abortion.

"Voter Suppression" when trying to enforce Voter ID Laws - coming to you from the same states that both refuse a commission on voting integrity and do not requite a state ID to vote.

"You're racist" when rightly attacking someones extreme, stupid position or character - who happens to be not white - and used as a shield against criticism.

*By favorite I mean infuriating.
This is old hat for liberals. In the old days you could say coloreds, aarabs, heebs, and faggots. Now the liberals insist we be politically correct.
That's very niggardly of them, isn't it?
Well Global Warming is still an appropriate term except that every time there is a blizzard or snowstorm the deniers think that proves it’s a hoax when in fact the warming of our environment is a catalyst to extreme whether conditions both hot and cold... the low IQ deniers don’t seem to get that so the term Climate Change is now used.

I don’t see the issue with the term healthcare... healthcare is the ultimate goal and there are several ways to get there. Insurance is the current system for payment and avenues for care but that can always change, for example single payer bypasses private insurance.

A more appropriate word play example would be calling illegal aliens, Immigrants. I’m fine with undocumented immigrants however our laws use the term illegal aliens so that wording should be changed if it is found to be offensive, i’d support that. But in these debates we here the left calling the undocumented simply as “immigrants” and conflating the two groups is not accurate or honest debate.

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
warming of our environment is a catalyst to extreme whether conditions both hot and cold..
When the glaciers were coming down from the north back 11,000 years ago, was that an extreme weather condition(not whether condition)? When the planet started warming up and the Mammoths and saber tooth tigers started going extinct, was that an extreme weather condition(not whether condition)? So how much difference between those 2 events are even close to what the change in temperature is nowadays? You science deniers(like men with boobs are women) just cant come to grips that your liberal elites want to steal your money by taxing your CO2 usage, while they get very rich, and you get very poor. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

I’m a low tax small government guy so I’m not jumping on board with taxing CO2 as the solution. I do know that in the current state of our environment the CO2 levels are effecting the rate of increase of our temperature and that is having an effect on whether conditions. I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way. Taxing to restrict CO2 isn’t a great idea so we should be discussing what will actually make a difference.

Less asphalt....it radiates heat. Gives us the illusion of global warming.
But that also means less people.
Less people = less asphalt.
See...., wasn't that simple?
(Solar panels also radiate heat...kill tons of birds.)
Are you making that up or basing it off any kind of scientific analysis?

Have you ever changed a tire in 105 degree temps? I have.
It's near 150 degrees at ground level on asphalt.
I don't need no fuckin' pinhead scientist telling me that Co2 is causing it.
Today in Floor E Da, it was a scalding 73 degrees, raining and muggy. Now this time last year it was around 95 degrees. If the CO2 keeps adding up, and the world is warming year after year, why isnt my temperature down here over 95 degrees? Yeah, it is weather, only when you fuckers say it is, but when it gets hotter then it is global warming....errr…. I mean climate change....You just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Its going to be cold for the rest of your life.....
Getting a straight up answer from a leftist is more or less impossible. Always word games and bullshit.

So yes, of course, how could anyone not?
Some of my favorite* Democrat word games right now:

"Immigrants" when talking about illegal aliens, trying to imply/state that Republicans are racist and are attacking ALL immigrants. Nah bish were talking about illegal aliens. Legal Immigrants are fine and welcome.

"Women's Reproductive Health" Oh wow why would republicans want to stop women from being able to reproduce and be healthy.... Oh they mean Abortion.

"Voter Suppression" when trying to enforce Voter ID Laws - coming to you from the same states that both refuse a commission on voting integrity and do not requite a state ID to vote.

"You're racist" when rightly attacking someones extreme, stupid position or character - who happens to be not white - and used as a shield against criticism.

*By favorite I mean infuriating.
How about "gay", it used to be a happy time, like the gay 90's, but was usurped by the queers because we know they sure as hell arent happy, just miserable frustrated people who cant get the opposite sex to go with them. I call them losers.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".
Well Global Warming is still an appropriate term except that every time there is a blizzard or snowstorm the deniers think that proves it’s a hoax when in fact the warming of our environment is a catalyst to extreme whether conditions both hot and cold... the low IQ deniers don’t seem to get that so the term Climate Change is now used.

I don’t see the issue with the term healthcare... healthcare is the ultimate goal and there are several ways to get there. Insurance is the current system for payment and avenues for care but that can always change, for example single payer bypasses private insurance.

A more appropriate word play example would be calling illegal aliens, Immigrants. I’m fine with undocumented immigrants however our laws use the term illegal aliens so that wording should be changed if it is found to be offensive, i’d support that. But in these debates we here the left calling the undocumented simply as “immigrants” and conflating the two groups is not accurate or honest debate.

It’s also done by both sides with the abortion issue... pro-choice and pro-life plus all the other terms surrounding the two that distract from the core issue.
warming of our environment is a catalyst to extreme whether conditions both hot and cold..
When the glaciers were coming down from the north back 11,000 years ago, was that an extreme weather condition(not whether condition)? When the planet started warming up and the Mammoths and saber tooth tigers started going extinct, was that an extreme weather condition(not whether condition)? So how much difference between those 2 events are even close to what the change in temperature is nowadays? You science deniers(like men with boobs are women) just cant come to grips that your liberal elites want to steal your money by taxing your CO2 usage, while they get very rich, and you get very poor. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

I’m a low tax small government guy so I’m not jumping on board with taxing CO2 as the solution. I do know that in the current state of our environment the CO2 levels are effecting the rate of increase of our temperature and that is having an effect on whether conditions. I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way. Taxing to restrict CO2 isn’t a great idea so we should be discussing what will actually make a difference.
We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not.
So you are saying that the science is settled?
Not all of it... no way. But the simple fact that the climate is warming and is being effected by CO2 levels and mans activity is settled. Measuring exactly how much it’s effects it, predicting climate events and projecting timelines are all unsettled.
When the glaciers were coming down from the north back 11,000 years ago, was that an extreme weather condition(not whether condition)? When the planet started warming up and the Mammoths and saber tooth tigers started going extinct, was that an extreme weather condition(not whether condition)? So how much difference between those 2 events are even close to what the change in temperature is nowadays? You science deniers(like men with boobs are women) just cant come to grips that your liberal elites want to steal your money by taxing your CO2 usage, while they get very rich, and you get very poor. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

I’m a low tax small government guy so I’m not jumping on board with taxing CO2 as the solution. I do know that in the current state of our environment the CO2 levels are effecting the rate of increase of our temperature and that is having an effect on whether conditions. I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way. Taxing to restrict CO2 isn’t a great idea so we should be discussing what will actually make a difference.

Less asphalt....it radiates heat. Gives us the illusion of global warming.
But that also means less people.
Less people = less asphalt.
See...., wasn't that simple?
(Solar panels also radiate heat...kill tons of birds.)
Are you making that up or basing it off any kind of scientific analysis?

Have you ever changed a tire in 105 degree temps? I have.
It's near 150 degrees at ground level on asphalt.
I don't need no fuckin' pinhead scientist telling me that Co2 is causing it.
Today in Floor E Da, it was a scalding 73 degrees, raining and muggy. Now this time last year it was around 95 degrees. If the CO2 keeps adding up, and the world is warming year after year, why isnt my temperature down here over 95 degrees? Yeah, it is weather, only when you fuckers say it is, but when it gets hotter then it is global warming....errr…. I mean climate change....You just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Its going to be cold for the rest of your life.....
See it’s these ignorant arguments which is why the term Global warming is no long used. I already explained why... do you really believe you are making a strong point by comparing a cold day this year to a warmer day last year? Really?!
Leftest word games are it easy to do when nearly a entire media press and entertainment industry are backing their lies up on a daily bases....Hollywood makes movies to back up the nutty stuff dems say and believe....I think the people have finally seen this and that is why Trump won....
But the simple fact that the climate is warming and is being effected by CO2 levels and mans activity is settled
No it isn't...that is not true...in fact there are a growing number of scientist that are backing away from Carbon as the culprit...they are looking at ozone depletion again....
But the simple fact that the climate is warming and is being effected by CO2 levels and mans activity is settled
No it isn't...that is not true...in fact there are a growing number of scientist that are backing away from Carbon as the culprit...they are looking at ozone depletion again....
Are you saying ozone depletion is causing the earth to warm more rapidly?
But the simple fact that the climate is warming and is being effected by CO2 levels and mans activity is settled
No it isn't...that is not true...in fact there are a growing number of scientist that are backing away from Carbon as the culprit...they are looking at ozone depletion again....
Are you saying ozone depletion is causing the earth to warm more rapidly?
I'm saying there is growing speculation of warming in certain locations due to ozone thinning....that could possibly be changing certain weather patterns...
I’m a low tax small government guy so I’m not jumping on board with taxing CO2 as the solution. I do know that in the current state of our environment the CO2 levels are effecting the rate of increase of our temperature and that is having an effect on whether conditions. I also know that mans activity effects the CO2 levels. We are fools to keep debating whether that is true or not. It’s is true and it should be discussed in a productive way. Taxing to restrict CO2 isn’t a great idea so we should be discussing what will actually make a difference.

Less asphalt....it radiates heat. Gives us the illusion of global warming.
But that also means less people.
Less people = less asphalt.
See...., wasn't that simple?
(Solar panels also radiate heat...kill tons of birds.)
Are you making that up or basing it off any kind of scientific analysis?

Have you ever changed a tire in 105 degree temps? I have.
It's near 150 degrees at ground level on asphalt.
I don't need no fuckin' pinhead scientist telling me that Co2 is causing it.
Today in Floor E Da, it was a scalding 73 degrees, raining and muggy. Now this time last year it was around 95 degrees. If the CO2 keeps adding up, and the world is warming year after year, why isnt my temperature down here over 95 degrees? Yeah, it is weather, only when you fuckers say it is, but when it gets hotter then it is global warming....errr…. I mean climate change....You just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Its going to be cold for the rest of your life.....
See it’s these ignorant arguments which is why the term Global warming is no long used. I already explained why... do you really believe you are making a strong point by comparing a cold day this year to a warmer day last year? Really?!
Hey word gamer!
Word games......

Saying that Mexico would pay for the wall when he meant that the taxpayers will pay for the wall.
And they are very good at it too.

For example, you almost never hear "global warming" anymore. Now it's "climate change". This allows them to blame it for every weather event. Hurricanes? Climate change. Blizzards? Climate change. The truth is climate is constantly changing, has been doing so for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with man.

Another good example is "healthcare". The leftists will tell you that everybody is entitled to "healthcare". I don't see bodies piling up in the streets, so everybody must be getting healthcare. "Health insurance" is an entirely different matter. We should not have to pay for everyone to have health insurance, just like we don't pay for other people to have life insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. But the leftists have very cleverly made the term "healthcare" interchangeable with "health insurance".

I was just reading a story out of Pennsylvania
a college changed the definition of rape RIGHT in the middle of a hearing

called the man john doe and the woman jane ROE
go figure
She Verbally Consented To Sex But The School Determined He Committed Sexual Assault Because He ‘Cajoled’ Her With Flattery
Word games......

Saying that Mexico would pay for the wall when he meant that the taxpayers will pay for the wall.

Trump will find a way to make Mexico to pay for the wall. Some suggestions have included import taxes on Corona and other Mexican beers. I personally favor a tax on tacos and burritos.
Word games......

Saying that Mexico would pay for the wall when he meant that the taxpayers will pay for the wall.

Trump will find a way to make Mexico to pay for the wall. Some suggestions have included import taxes on Corona and other Mexican beers. I personally favor a tax on tacos and burritos.

Being that very little will get built, that might cover it.
Saying that Mexico would pay for the wall when he meant that the taxpayers will pay for the wall.

We just spent 4.6 BILLION on 'aid' for illegal aliens at the border, and thats just a drop in the bucket.
But the simple fact that the climate is warming and is being effected by CO2 levels and mans activity is settled
No it isn't...that is not true...in fact there are a growing number of scientist that are backing away from Carbon as the culprit...they are looking at ozone depletion again....
Are you saying ozone depletion is causing the earth to warm more rapidly?
I'm saying there is growing speculation of warming in certain locations due to ozone thinning....that could possibly be changing certain weather patterns...
Can you provide more details about this? It was my understanding the the Ozone absorbs UV radiation from the sun and also traps in heat thus warming the earths surface. So how would ozone depletion result in warming?

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